Rufas, your shaping up nicely

Good to see your subjecting the
victims suspects to the court before administering your own judgement
As to the crimes themselves:
Threadomancy: This is not a serious case. A mere 2 months is nothing to get worked up over. This deserves nothing more than a mild sentence at worst. I thereby sentence Rosencrantz to be used as target practice for the Helblaster Volleygun crews. Since you are going to survive this, that brings us to the next crime...
Unnatural Knowledge into the Workings of Chaos: Since you have not had a previous transgression, we are treating you as highly suspect. I suggest a large contribution to the church could save your mortal sole from
retaliation retribution suspician from the inquisition
Failing that, do you know how to do taxes?
Are you Ulrican? We are in need, for the one we shall refer to as, "Overlord" is demanding us do our taxes, and we cant figure it out