
Author Topic: Sigmarite Holy Inquisitiorial Tabernacle - The Legend  (Read 392825 times)

Offline Rufas the Eccentric

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Re: Sigmarite Holy Inquisitiorial Tabernacle
« Reply #25 on: August 06, 2007, 03:43:37 PM »
We dont really need to make money Rufas...

Careful, this is dangerously close to heresy.

of obedience to the Lord Protector (Midaski) and reunification of one's own will
Huh?  Don't you mean renunciation?  Why does an elderly tax collector deserve our obedience?
The very nature of the position he holds makes him highly suspect.  Is everyone, perhaps, intimidated by his threats?
They're hollow, hollow, I tell you.

Lol midaski put it there himself  :-D

Another example of moderator abuse, eh?  Remember, we always have the power to modify our own postings.
Sigmar on a sling, the stuff some people come up with. . . .

Offline Wyzer1

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Re: Sigmarite Holy Inquisitiorial Tabernacle
« Reply #26 on: August 06, 2007, 03:46:48 PM »
Another example of moderator abuse, eh?  Remember, we always have the power to modify our own postings.
sssshhush! They might take that away!  :engel:

Well yes maybe Wyzer is using his power to move his personal campaign.. naughty naughty wyzer... Walter have nothing to do with heretics... Walters are dwarfs remember  :-D
uh, whatever could you mean?!

BTW, its the context...

EDIT: Alright, I downgraded you to under suspician... The inquisition is always watching... (except on weekends and nights when I am AFK)
« Last Edit: August 06, 2007, 03:57:14 PM by Wyzer1 »
Long time Wood Elf and Empire player with newly acquired High Elves

Offline Calvin

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Re: Sigmarite Holy Inquisitiorial Tabernacle
« Reply #27 on: August 06, 2007, 04:08:36 PM »
sssshhush! They might take that away!  :engel:

Quote from: Rufas the Eccentric
Remember this every one, when in trouble just screem, CALVIN!
Quote from: Eight
I'd pay an extra 15 points or so to be able to take the engineer out back and shoot him.

Offline Veldemere

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Re: Sigmarite Holy Inquisitiorial Tabernacle
« Reply #28 on: August 06, 2007, 04:12:59 PM »
Not that I want to risk moderation myself (or indeed any of the nasty technical things Calvin can do to me), but surely in your signature it should be "who killed whom".

Veldemere- official inquisition into the use of the English language!
Veldemere, Elector Count of Solland (Elect)
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Offline Calvin

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Re: Sigmarite Holy Inquisitiorial Tabernacle
« Reply #29 on: August 06, 2007, 06:13:25 PM »
It's a quote, that's the way it was said.

And given your current post number and the fact that you failed to recognize Python, I think that perhaps the witch hunters should take a look your way. :ph34r:
« Last Edit: August 06, 2007, 08:59:41 PM by Calvin »
Quote from: Rufas the Eccentric
Remember this every one, when in trouble just screem, CALVIN!
Quote from: Eight
I'd pay an extra 15 points or so to be able to take the engineer out back and shoot him.

Offline Wyzer1

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Re: Sigmarite Holy Inquisitiorial Tabernacle
« Reply #30 on: August 06, 2007, 06:18:31 PM »
It's a quote, that's the way it was said.

And given your current post number and the fact that you failed to recognize Python, I think that perhaps the which hunters should take a look your way. :ph34r:

 :evil:  DEMON!

How aboot that, he didn't even need to use the Moderator Mace to quelch you...
« Last Edit: August 06, 2007, 06:21:32 PM by Wyzer1 »
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Re: Sigmarite Holy Inquisitiorial Tabernacle
« Reply #31 on: August 06, 2007, 06:54:23 PM »
Rufas, we as witch hunters... templars of sigmar need not to make money, thats what the church of sigmar is for... to have believers pay to see some bones (which we say were some lector's).

Yes Veldemere you better change your post number....quick...by saying in a post that you donate money to rufas...because he is so fond of them...

This is quite some group we are getting  :-P
 Wyzer with his personal campaign against waraltar abusers and mispellers and Rufas' greedy campaign for money...
"Me? I'm practically perfect in every way!"- Rufas the eccentric.
Rufas had Two Ton Sally. I have Silicon Sally!
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Offline Wyzer1

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Re: Sigmarite Holy Inquisitiorial Tabernacle
« Reply #32 on: August 06, 2007, 07:16:54 PM »

And now Vlademeres lapse into the realms of chaos has been immortalized forever in photobucket

If only he would have spelt War Altar wrong...
Long time Wood Elf and Empire player with newly acquired High Elves

Offline Rufas the Eccentric

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Re: Sigmarite Holy Inquisitiorial Tabernacle
« Reply #33 on: August 06, 2007, 09:02:03 PM »
Referal to the High Inquisitor.

Herr Rosencrantz, for the possible* crimes of Thredomancy and knowledge of the ways of Chaos.


Very truly yours.

Rufas the Eccentric.

Have a nice day!  :-)

* All suspects are presumed innocent until tortured, tried and burned at the stake.

Sigmar on a sling, the stuff some people come up with. . . .

Offline Wyzer1

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Re: Sigmarite Holy Inquisitiorial Tabernacle
« Reply #34 on: August 06, 2007, 09:13:30 PM »
Rufas, your shaping up nicely  :-) Good to see your subjecting the victims suspects to the court before administering your own judgement

As to the crimes themselves:

Threadomancy: This is not a serious case. A mere 2 months is nothing to get worked up over. This deserves nothing more than a mild sentence at worst. I thereby sentence Rosencrantz to be used as target practice for the Helblaster Volleygun crews. Since you are going to survive this, that brings us to the next crime...

Unnatural Knowledge into the Workings of Chaos: Since you have not had a previous transgression, we are treating you as highly suspect. I suggest a large contribution to the church could save your mortal sole from retaliation retribution suspician from the inquisition

Failing that, do you know how to do taxes? Are you Ulrican? We are in need, for the one we shall refer to as, "Overlord" is demanding us do our taxes, and we cant figure it out
« Last Edit: August 07, 2007, 04:28:43 PM by Wyzer1 »
Long time Wood Elf and Empire player with newly acquired High Elves

Offline McKnight

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Re: Sigmarite Holy Inquisitiorial Tabernacle
« Reply #35 on: August 06, 2007, 09:28:06 PM »
Yes i agree Rufas. Also with wyzer. 2 months is not bad. But thredomancy is a serious crime since it has roots in necromancy. Remeber its not just chaos but also Old night that we hunt.

I agree in the sentence of helblaster target.

knowledge of chaos is bad...baaaad and will result in investigation.

Yes Mr. Overlord would like to have his money...
"Me? I'm practically perfect in every way!"- Rufas the eccentric.
Rufas had Two Ton Sally. I have Silicon Sally!
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Offline Gargoyle

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Re: Sigmarite Holy Inquisitiorial Tabernacle
« Reply #36 on: August 06, 2007, 10:55:49 PM »
Hear a tick.
Only Heretics use Black Powder.

An Armies of Arcana exponent. ;)

Offline Midaski

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Re: Sigmarite Holy Inquisitiorial Tabernacle
« Reply #37 on: August 07, 2007, 10:27:37 AM »
Rufas, we as witch hunters... templars of sigmar need not to make money, thats what the church of sigmar is for... to have believers pay to see some bones (which we say were some lector's).

Yes Veldemere you better change your post number....quick...by saying in a post that you donate money to rufas...because he is so fond of them...

This is quite some group we are getting  :-P
 Wyzer with his personal campaign against waraltar abusers and mispellers and Rufas' greedy campaign for money...

Out of the mouths of babes and sucklings ........................  :engel:

See below ...........
Quote from: Gneisenau
Metal to Finecast - It is mostly a swap of medium. 

You mean they will be using Ouija boards instead of Tarot cards for their business plans from now on?

Offline Captain Tineal

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Re: Sigmarite Holy Inquisitiorial Tabernacle
« Reply #38 on: August 07, 2007, 03:16:38 PM »
Unnatural Knowledge into the Workings of Chaos: Since you have not had a previous transgression, we are treating you as highly suspect. I suggest a large contribution to the church could save your mortal sole from retaliation retribution suspician from the inquisition

He's a witch!!! BURN HIM!!!!
I don't know what a pisolires is but it sounds like a musical instrument you play with urine...

Offline Rufas the Eccentric

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Re: Sigmarite Holy Inquisitiorial Tabernacle
« Reply #39 on: August 07, 2007, 03:29:49 PM »
As stated elsewhere:
Nice signature, Midaski, but redundant.  It could be either a campaign for money, or simple greed.  I prefer greed.  It's so much more direct.

Everyone is under the mistaken assumption that the only reason I seek out heretics is in a lustful search for money.  I live quite comfortably from my Nordland military payroll and the profits from Madame Rosalita's House of Delights (not to mention the fringe benefits). And I am scrupulous in paying all of the taxes that my incredibly creative tax accountant* says I should pay.

With respect to the operating expenses, The Holy Church of Sigmar covers the fixed capital expenditures, but the operating costs (whips, chains, feathers, poision, iron maidens, replacement ropes for racks, mysterious black cloaks, various weapons, continuing education for our torturers,  not to mention firewood) (do you think it grows on trees?) must be financed by the Inquisition on it's own accord.  I merely seek to put the Inquisition on a sound financial footing.

* AKA The Pink Goblin

« Last Edit: August 07, 2007, 03:31:57 PM by Rufas the Eccentric »
Sigmar on a sling, the stuff some people come up with. . . .

Offline Wyzer1

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Re: Sigmarite Holy Inquisitiorial Tabernacle
« Reply #40 on: August 07, 2007, 05:09:33 PM »
Unnatural Knowledge into the Workings of Chaos: Since you have not had a previous transgression, we are treating you as highly suspect. I suggest a large contribution to the church could save your mortal sole from retaliation retribution suspicion from the inquisition

He's a witch!!! BURN HIM!!!!
Bah... I wouldn't go after someones soul! Thats something only the cruel powers of chaos would do... I attack peoples feet!

While we are at it... Can a male be a witch??
Quote from: Wikipedia
The majority of people identified as practitioners of witchcraft in history were women.[citation needed][dubious – discuss] Likewise, in legends and popular culture the stereotype is female. The term witch is typically feminine: masculine equivalents include wizard, sorcerer, warlock,[1] and magician.
An accusation such as that against a high ranking Imperial Inquisitor had better have a sound backing, lest you find yourself tied to a bed and tickled by no less than 5 dwarf women... (I almost said Rufas's old girlfriends, but though that to be in bad taste  :laugh:)
Long time Wood Elf and Empire player with newly acquired High Elves

Offline Rufas the Eccentric

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Re: Sigmarite Holy Inquisitiorial Tabernacle
« Reply #41 on: August 07, 2007, 05:21:58 PM »
An accusation such as that against a high ranking Imperial Inquisitor had better have a sound backing, lest you find yourself tied to a bed and tickled by no less than 5 dwarf women... (I almost said Rufas's old girlfriends, but though that to be in bad taste  )

Only the "old" (either "chronologically" or as in "former") is incorrect.
Sigmar on a sling, the stuff some people come up with. . . .

Offline Captain Tineal

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Re: Sigmarite Holy Inquisitiorial Tabernacle
« Reply #42 on: August 07, 2007, 05:28:56 PM »
Note that I bolded SOLE, when in fact it should be SOUL.  Hence, you are a witch!  BURN HIM!!!!

*PS the BURN HIM bit was also referencing Monty Python...
I don't know what a pisolires is but it sounds like a musical instrument you play with urine...

Offline Rufas the Eccentric

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Re: Sigmarite Holy Inquisitiorial Tabernacle
« Reply #43 on: August 07, 2007, 05:35:49 PM »
Everything in one way or another references Monty Python
Sigmar on a sling, the stuff some people come up with. . . .

Offline McKnight

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Re: Sigmarite Holy Inquisitiorial Tabernacle
« Reply #44 on: August 07, 2007, 05:42:16 PM »
As stated elsewhere:
Nice signature, Midaski, but redundant.  It could be either a campaign for money, or simple greed.  I prefer greed.  It's so much more direct.

Everyone is under the mistaken assumption that the only reason I seek out heretics is in a lustful search for money.  I live quite comfortably from my Nordland military payroll and the profits from Madame Rosalita's House of Delights (not to mention the fringe benefits). And I am scrupulous in paying all of the taxes that my incredibly creative tax accountant* says I should pay.

With respect to the operating expenses, The Holy Church of Sigmar covers the fixed capital expenditures, but the operating costs (whips, chains, feathers, poision, iron maidens, replacement ropes for racks, mysterious black cloaks, various weapons, continuing education for our torturers,  not to mention firewood) (do you think it grows on trees?) must be financed by the Inquisition on it's own accord.  I merely seek to put the Inquisition on a sound financial footing.

* AKA The Pink Goblin

You forgot our wide brimmed hats! :icon_eek: what are we to do without our cool hats!?

"Me? I'm practically perfect in every way!"- Rufas the eccentric.
Rufas had Two Ton Sally. I have Silicon Sally!
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Offline Wyzer1

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Re: Sigmarite Holy Inquisitiorial Tabernacle
« Reply #45 on: August 07, 2007, 09:18:21 PM »
I just got a red flag thrown: I bolded the important parts  :-o
Hi all, I'm Igelkotten(1) Gunnar real name is David  :closed-eyes: and I'm from Sweden

I'm not new on this site, been around here for about a year now, but never really bothered to make an account, until now. :happy:
I'm 17 year old and been playing Warhammers for about 5 years now. Although I'm not an Empire player(2) (hope you won't put me on the stake) :engel: I have been playing them but needed so many soliders and my economics couldn't handle it, stupid infantry hordes(3)  :-( so now I have decided to move to Dogs of War (infantry horde again)  :eusa_wall:
Other list of armies are Wood Elves, Chaos(4) and Lizardmen

Although it's feels good with large infantry armies panic can be a real pain in the a**, witch(5) I painfully discoverd to day  :biggriin:
1.) Sounds awefully close to a chaos daemons name...
2.) Doesn't play Empire
3.) Calls our army a stupid infantry hoard
4.) Plays chaos
5.) Admits to being a witch

Are we allowed to burn members on their first post?  :|
« Last Edit: August 07, 2007, 09:22:48 PM by Wyzer1 »
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Re: Sigmarite Holy Inquisitiorial Tabernacle
« Reply #46 on: August 07, 2007, 09:27:21 PM »
"Oh now, oh now what shall I do" <runs around in a circle waving hands above his head>

Offline Gneisenau

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Re: Sigmarite Holy Inquisitiorial Tabernacle
« Reply #47 on: August 07, 2007, 09:36:02 PM »
Wyzer, that's not a proper way of running things. Inquisition is all good and well, and burning people too, but you need a trial first.


It might be a faked one, but you need it.
That means: A judge, a prosecutor (who may not be the judge - we are supposed to be civilized!) and a defense attorney.

And I would be doubly carefull to condemn a man who comes from a country that provides us with cheap, self-assembled and mass-produced torture racks in happy blue and yellow.

Offline Ostermarker

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Re: Sigmarite Holy Inquisitiorial Tabernacle
« Reply #48 on: August 07, 2007, 09:59:19 PM »
cheap, self-assembled and mass-produced torture racks

torture? is that before or after they're made?

I doubt we could condemn him for 1.

2. He then goes to contradict
I have been playing them

3. A playful jest surely?

5. A spelling error merely.

4. However, is utterly reprehensible. A confession! :ph34r:

The maximum penalty the law allows is to be burned to death. However, in view of your previous good background. I am disposed to be lenient. I therefore sentence you to be burned alive.
So, Ostmarkers wear purple, but it's manly purple, not like that Bretonnian purple.

Offline Igelkotten Gunnar

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Re: Sigmarite Holy Inquisitiorial Tabernacle
« Reply #49 on: August 07, 2007, 10:18:08 PM »
I will be my own defense attorney.  :engel:

1. Igelkott = hedgehog  :ph34r:
2. But I still have them left  :biggriin:
3. I wrote hordes, so that could be any horde army (Orcs & Goblins)  :engel:
4. ... I rest my case...  :dry:
5. Spelling error  :happy:

My defense good  :closed-eyes: