Just paint them as skinny little human beings... or pygmies... or... I donno. I think giving them very pale, pink flesh would suit the Morlocks quite nicely. I love the Bret Helmet on them! I wanna convert some now...
I was thinking blue or orange skin, definitely not green though. They're not supposed to be greenskins, but Morlocks. I did consider a human skin tone, but I'm not sure it would work. On the other hand, tentacle pink might be interesting...

The brett helmets are going to be thier "thing"... the peice of kit that ties all the models together. It also changes the look of the night gobbos a bit, and makes them fell more like thier own unit. One thing I try to do is match hats and helmets to tie a unit together visually. You'll see more of this as I get more troops done.
Ha, I have the same shortbread tin, and I use it for the same thing.
You sir, are a gentleman and a scholar... PIOMT

Great converstions. I understand how that can take all your time and (for me) is a lot more fun than painting. I think that's the best part of just keeping all your bitz, pulling it out and then pimping some unrelated model to create an entirely new feel. Did I see the Morlocks as Ratling Snipers? I'm still working out the idea of using RT era orks to do a Blood Axe Imperial Guard...
With doing so many assembly/conversions, I notice you have a bit of a gray horde going on, do you find it hard then to paint when there's so many to do? I didn't notice any banners in those displays, are they already done, I'd love to see how you create those in the style you've already shown.
Converting is my favorite part of the hobby, and Empire is the best army for that purpose. And yes, those Morlocks are supposed to be Ratlings.
As for the grey horde, well my painting skills are a bit naff (as our British friends might say). They're not horrible, but they're not good either. You can actually see one of my painted soldiers near the front of the blog, with the arch lectors outhouse. You'll notice he's a little bland and two dimensional, due to my lack of painting skillz. I don't want to paint my soldiers and do a lousy job (I've seen WAY too many armies ruined by a shitty paintjob, or rampant mold lines), so I'm going to buff up my painting skills until I can paint to a level I'm satisfied with. Only then, will I put paint to troops.
My plan is to get some metal Foundry troops with the "Empire" look. I can paint them up, ans strip them down easily if I'm not happy with them, as they are metal models. Plastic models are impossible to strip completely if they're primed so they're not as good as metals for re-painting again and again. I think the Foundry models were sculpted by the perry twins and they definitely have an empirish look about them, with puffy sleeves, biscuit cuffs, sallets, and slippers. This way, I can get my painting techniques down as best I can before I do the plastics.
I'm actually rather fanatical about the little details, like mold lines, matching anatomy scales, and a nice clean look. In fact, the reason my war machines are not completely glued yet is that I want to paint certain pieces separately and then glue them together afterward, to get the best effect (some things are difficult to paint the way GW sculpts enclosed areas). Shields are also going to go on separately, after painting.
I do have some cool banners, champs, and musicians and will some pix of them up eventually. My handgunner unit is actually pretty much complete so I may post pix of them soon. I've also got some pikemen in the works, but it may be awhile before they get done, as I want to do the command section up real nice.
Interesting conversions man. I like the gnoblar one. He makes me smile. grin
He makes me smile too. I'm thinking about doing an entire unit of empire gnoblars and using them as halflings. Of course if GW would make plastic hlaflings, I wouldn't have to go that route, but we got a robohorse instead.