
Author Topic: Pistol Pete's Blog! Going Back to Cali & Warhammer Humor  (Read 88502 times)

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Re: Pistol Pete's Blog- Pegasus Cap'n in the house!
« Reply #50 on: February 21, 2008, 08:17:43 AM »
This is incredible!

Do you know I've used that exact same conversion on the head that you did? The same Chaos Marauder head and the same wings from that dwarf (the one whose head, arms and upper body are one piece right?). The wings on mine are in a slightly different position though.

I've also made an on foot model for him (really necessary with a Peggy rider) and I use that Chaos Marauder head that is helmetless and has this long hair being blown aside by the wind, he's also got the exact same style of beard. At his feet lies his helmet (a hollowed out version of the first one) with broken wings.

No cool Halberd-like weapon for him though, just a lance and a shield. Oh, and my converted Aldred's Casket.
"...granted it isn't as retarded as having a lady popping out of your head holding a cup while humping a boar with a sword through its back, but there can only be one Brettonia."


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Re: Pistol Pete's Blog- Pegasus Cap'n in the house!
« Reply #51 on: February 21, 2008, 11:20:25 AM »
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prince_Vultan says:

Quote from: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prince_Vultan
His Sky City is a marvel of Mongo technology

Are there any other languages besides German in which this sentence is involuntarily funny?  :engel:

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Re: Pistol Pete's Blog- Pegasus Cap'n in the house!
« Reply #52 on: February 21, 2008, 11:41:56 AM »
pistol pete, do you by any chance ever play world of warcraft? please write : >
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Offline Alexander de Wissont

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Re: Pistol Pete's Blog- Pegasus Cap'n in the house!
« Reply #53 on: February 21, 2008, 01:33:52 PM »
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prince_Vultan says:

Quote from: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prince_Vultan
His Sky City is a marvel of Mongo technology

Are there any other languages besides German in which this sentence is involuntarily funny?  :engel:

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Offline Pistol Pete

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Re: Pistol Pete's Blog- Pegasus Cap'n in the house!
« Reply #54 on: February 22, 2008, 01:35:32 AM »
pistol pete, do you by any chance ever play world of warcraft? please write : >

Nope... warhammer has sucked enough of my soul away... I don't have any extra time for MMORPGs.  You may have run into an evil impostor Pistol Pete.    :icon_eek:

Be careful, the impostors cannot be trusted!
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Offline Pistol Pete

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Re: Pistol Pete's Blog- Pegasus Cap'n in the house!
« Reply #55 on: February 22, 2008, 07:13:48 PM »
This is my fully magnetized army box.  This box is a sturdy keepsake box from the arts and crafts store.  It'll get a paintjob at some point but I can live with the flowers and crap for now.

The first level is a sheet of fiberboard with a steel liner glued and riveted to it.  A thin string goes thru the rivet holes to make lifting it out of the box easier.  I have two units of 30 swordsmen, 4 units of 10 flagellants, and 6 huntsmen on the board.  I think there's also another 12 swordsmen loose.  The block units are on steel lined trays which means they can be deployed straight from the box to the table with no fuss or muss.  I keep the standard bearers on the second level because theres more room there, and just put them in when I'm ready to play.  The trays are slightly undersized because they were intended for 6th ed battle bus formations.  I haven't gotten around to making new ones yet.

Level 2 contains a large cookie tin with knights, handgunners, crossbowmen, duellists, and some war machines in it.  Off to the side theres storage for templates, dice, tape measures, spare movement trays and other random stuff.  I'll replace the cookie tin with a proper floor at some point, probably when i need more room for my new troops. 

Desperately seeking Chaos Warrior heads & Skull banner tops from new empire missle troops sprue.  Will trade for bitz, barter, or $$$.  PM or email me to discuss details.

Offline cubantie

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Re: Pistol Pete's Blog- Pegasus Cap'n in the house!
« Reply #56 on: February 22, 2008, 10:18:37 PM »
pistol pete, do you by any chance ever play world of warcraft? please write : >

Nope... warhammer has sucked enough of my soul away... I don't have any extra time for MMORPGs.  You may have run into an evil impostor Pistol Pete.    :icon_eek:

good call.. the game rots anyway.. thanks for the headsup tho

Edit; Also my i compliment your blog. Love the little subtle conversions you done to the soldiers etc, the motars.. i do stuff like that all the time.. cool.-
« Last Edit: February 23, 2008, 02:12:43 AM by cubantie »
The Dane: "Where's Leo?"
Irish Hoodlum: "If I tell ya, how do I know you're not gonna kill me?"
The Dane: "Cuz if ya told me and I killed ya and you were lyin' I wouldn't get to kill ya then!

Offline Pistol Pete

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Re: Pistol Pete's Blog- Now Featuring My Magnetic Army Box
« Reply #57 on: March 09, 2008, 05:18:41 AM »
Okay, this update features some of my greenskin allies.  First off is Angus, the gnoblar.  He's based on the gnoblar with the club (the worst looking gnoblar on the sprue... there was some lazy sculpting done on the gnoblars!).  I hated the club and longed to replace it with something else, and then I happened to think "crossbow".

It took a substantial amount of trimming filing and fitting to make him hold the crossbow correctly, but the end result looks rather nice, I think.  As an imperial mascot, he's got a snappy hat (from the 6th ed soldier box), and I greenstuffed some puffy sleeves and pants.  One leg has a regulation empire biscuit cuff instead of the puffy pants, just to keep with the general landsnecht feel of the army. 

With that hat pulled low over his eyes he's got kind of a thuggish feel, and the pose reminded me quite a bit of the guitarist from AC/DC (reminds of the school uniform, and the bunny hops he does), so he's named Angus as a small tribute.

The next update is some night gobbo's I converted into Ratlings for the 40k army I've got on the back burner.  Yes, I know they're not fantasy, but I though you might enjoy them anyway.  Besides, Imperial Guard is the 40k version of Empire.

I built these guys as a test to see if I could build something that looked better than the current ratling models (HATE them!).  I decided to go with night gobbos since I had a skull pass set.  The project languished until I got started hacking up on kroot rifles and made myself a snazzy little carbine.  I figured they'd be prefect for my ratlings, and that's how it got started. 

I've decided to call them Morlocks, as they quite definitely are not ratlings, and have a much more sinister and nasty vibe.  This suits me just fine as the fat halflings with sniper rifles just rub me the wrong way.  The story is that the Morlocks are a race my IG force bumped into on another mission.  Although primititve, they are natural hunters and excellent shots with their antique slug rifles.  They were hired on as hunters and guides, and have carved out a niche for themselves as the army's scouts.  The upper brass would not be happy to have alien scum working with the guard, but the commander figures what they don't know won't hurt them.  Let's just hope the inquisition doesn't find out!

Desperately seeking Chaos Warrior heads & Skull banner tops from new empire missle troops sprue.  Will trade for bitz, barter, or $$$.  PM or email me to discuss details.

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Re: Pistol Pete's Blog- An Imperial Gnoblar and other Greenskin Allies
« Reply #58 on: March 09, 2008, 05:32:02 AM »
Just paint them as skinny little human beings... or pygmies... or... I donno. I think giving them very pale, pink flesh would suit the Morlocks quite nicely.

I love the Bret Helmet on them! I wanna convert some now...


Offline General Lee Stupid

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Re: Pistol Pete's Blog- An Imperial Gnoblar and other Greenskin Allies
« Reply #59 on: March 09, 2008, 02:19:32 PM »
Ha, I have the same shortbread tin, and I  use it for the same thing.
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Offline Dihenydd

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Re: Pistol Pete's Blog- An Imperial Gnoblar and other Greenskin Allies
« Reply #60 on: March 09, 2008, 02:53:08 PM »
Great converstions.  I understand how that can take all your time and (for me) is a lot more fun than painting.  I think that's the best part of just keeping all your bitz, pulling it out and then pimping some unrelated model to create an entirely new feel.  Did I see the Morlocks as Ratling Snipers?  I'm still working out the idea of using RT era orks to do a Blood Axe Imperial Guard...

With doing so many assembly/conversions, I notice you have a bit of a gray horde going on, do you find it hard then to paint when there's so many to do?  I didn't notice any banners in those displays, are they already done, I'd love to see how you create those in the style you've already shown.
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Re: Pistol Pete's Blog- An Imperial Gnoblar and other Greenskin Allies
« Reply #61 on: March 09, 2008, 03:09:04 PM »
Interesting conversions man. I like the gnoblar one. He makes me smile. :-D
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Offline Pistol Pete

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Re: Pistol Pete's Blog- An Imperial Gnoblar and other Greenskin Allies
« Reply #62 on: March 09, 2008, 07:01:13 PM »
Just paint them as skinny little human beings... or pygmies... or... I donno. I think giving them very pale, pink flesh would suit the Morlocks quite nicely.  I love the Bret Helmet on them! I wanna convert some now...

I was thinking blue or orange skin, definitely not green though.  They're not supposed to be greenskins, but Morlocks.  I did consider a human skin tone, but I'm not sure it would work.  On the other hand, tentacle pink might be interesting...  ::heretic::

The brett helmets are going to be thier "thing"... the peice of kit that ties all the models together.  It also changes the look of the night gobbos a bit, and makes them fell more like thier own unit.  One thing I try to do is match hats and helmets to tie a unit together visually.  You'll see more of this as I get more troops done.

Ha, I have the same shortbread tin, and I  use it for the same thing.

You sir, are a gentleman and a scholar... PIOMT   :::cheers:::

Great converstions.  I understand how that can take all your time and (for me) is a lot more fun than painting.  I think that's the best part of just keeping all your bitz, pulling it out and then pimping some unrelated model to create an entirely new feel.  Did I see the Morlocks as Ratling Snipers?  I'm still working out the idea of using RT era orks to do a Blood Axe Imperial Guard...

With doing so many assembly/conversions, I notice you have a bit of a gray horde going on, do you find it hard then to paint when there's so many to do?  I didn't notice any banners in those displays, are they already done, I'd love to see how you create those in the style you've already shown.

Converting is my favorite part of the hobby, and Empire is the best army for that purpose.  And yes, those Morlocks are supposed to be Ratlings.

As for the grey horde, well my painting skills are a bit naff (as our British friends might say).  They're not horrible, but they're not good either.  You can actually see one of my painted soldiers near the front of the blog, with the arch lectors outhouse.  You'll notice he's a little bland and two dimensional, due to my lack of painting skillz.  I don't want to paint my soldiers and do a lousy job (I've seen WAY too many armies ruined by a shitty paintjob, or rampant mold lines), so I'm going to buff up my painting skills until I can paint to a level I'm satisfied with.  Only then, will I put paint to troops.

My plan is to get some metal Foundry troops with the "Empire" look.  I can paint them up, ans strip them down easily if I'm not happy with them, as they are metal models.  Plastic models are impossible to strip completely if they're primed so they're not as good as metals for re-painting again and again.  I think the Foundry models were sculpted by the perry twins and they definitely have an empirish look about them, with puffy sleeves, biscuit cuffs, sallets, and slippers.  This way, I can get my painting techniques down as best I can before I do the plastics.

I'm actually rather fanatical about the little details, like mold lines, matching anatomy scales, and a nice clean look.  In fact, the reason my war machines are not completely glued yet is that I want to paint certain pieces separately and then glue them together afterward, to get the best effect (some things are difficult to paint the way GW sculpts enclosed areas).  Shields are also going to go on separately, after painting.

I do have some cool banners, champs, and musicians and will some pix of them up eventually.  My handgunner unit is actually pretty much complete so I may post pix of them soon.  I've also got some pikemen in the works, but it may be awhile before they get done, as I want to do the command section up real nice.

Interesting conversions man. I like the gnoblar one. He makes me smile. grin

He makes me smile too.  I'm thinking about doing an entire unit of empire gnoblars and using them as halflings.  Of course if GW would make plastic hlaflings, I wouldn't have to go that route, but we got a robohorse instead.   :eusa_wall:
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Offline cubantie

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Re: Pistol Pete's Blog- An Imperial Gnoblar and other Greenskin Allies
« Reply #63 on: March 09, 2008, 07:09:03 PM »
i love the ratlings, but defenatly add some kid of scope to there guns. Even the little spacemarine thingys you get excess of when you buy them will work.

And it would be a shame to ruin such a nice army with a shutty paint job, so defenatly wait til you think you are up for it : )
The Dane: "Where's Leo?"
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Re: Pistol Pete's Blog- An Imperial Gnoblar and other Greenskin Allies
« Reply #64 on: March 10, 2008, 01:57:23 AM »
Pistol Pete Congratulations on having Greenskin allies you will find them to make excellent detachments since you will have no qualms about using them as meat shields for your imperial troops.

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Re: Pistol Pete's Blog- Bruno Kackehosen: Chicken Knight
« Reply #65 on: April 05, 2008, 03:28:33 AM »
I've posted several times about my cowardly knights, the Fiegritters.  This is thier captain, Bruno Kackehosen, on his trusty steed. 

I wanted a guy who looked rather unenthusiastic about the idea of charging into battle (the giant chicken was just a lucky find... I'd love to do a whole unit on chickens but I don't want them to all look the same, lol).  I tried to find the wimpiest looking face in my bitz box, and I settled on this fellow, from the artillery sprue with the beret (I always though he looked a bit like cousin Balki from perfect strangers). 

Anywho, He could not be allowed to look agressive, and still lead my unit of cowardly knights, but the funny thing is that in the picture, he actually looks rather noble, as though it were a formal portrait or something.  Or maybe that's just me. :closed-eyes:

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Re: Pistol Pete's Blog- Bruno Kackehosen: Chicken Knight
« Reply #66 on: April 05, 2008, 03:32:10 AM »
Pete I think you're onto a winner there! I really like it.

I think you should paint it like a painting. But, rather than framing it with a boring, picture frame... use 4 picture frames to create a box... so a 3D picture frame, for the chicken knight. Get it? (I know, I talk like a FOB sometimes, but hey... my mum says I'm cool).


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Re: Pistol Pete's Blog- Bruno Kackehosen: Chicken Knight
« Reply #67 on: April 05, 2008, 02:01:56 PM »
he actually looks rather noble, as though it were a formal portrait or something.
He does  :lol:
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Re: Pistol Pete's Blog- Bruno Kackehosen: Chicken Knight
« Reply #68 on: April 05, 2008, 04:31:09 PM »
Well, I think we have a winner for the knight conversion contest!
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Re: Pistol Pete's Blog- Bruno Kackehosen: Chicken Knight
« Reply #69 on: April 05, 2008, 04:33:31 PM »
How could I have missed this?

There is something in your conversions that makes them look, well, very natural. As if the models were cast like this, and nothing at all has been changed - a perfect conversion in my opinion  :icon_wink:. You have a real talent when it comes to working with plastic I guess.

Once again, congratulations on a brilliant army!

ps. silly outhouse made me chuckle  :icon_razz:.
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Re: Pistol Pete's Blog- Bruno Kackehosen: Chicken Knight
« Reply #70 on: April 05, 2008, 04:45:40 PM »
I for one would not wish to face that chicken in a battle.

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Offline General Lee Stupid

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Re: Pistol Pete's Blog- Bruno Kackehosen: Chicken Knight
« Reply #71 on: April 06, 2008, 04:32:12 PM »
Ha, thats sweet!!
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Offline Pistol Pete

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Re: Pistol Pete's Blog- Bruno Kackehosen: Chicken Knight
« Reply #72 on: April 07, 2008, 07:09:29 PM »
I for one would not wish to face that chicken in a battle.

It is actually kind of scary looking...

he actually looks rather noble, as though it were a formal portrait or something.
He does  cheesy

I think the portrait effect was accentuated by the blankets in the background... they look like hills in a fancy-schmancy painting.

There is something in your conversions that makes them look, well, very natural. As if the models were cast like this, and nothing at all has been changed

Anybody can throw some parts together with a little glue.  And a nice selection of parts can create a good looking kitbash, but to get that natural look requires *a lot* of work.  One of the things I strive for is naturalistic looking models, and getting those parts to look natural requires a lot of cutting and combining of wrists and hands, and changing angles of contact with a file. 

Just a small change of an arm joint can create a vastly diffrent vibe.  If you look at the guy on the chicken, you'll notice his sword arm is very relaxed.  That's because I filed away at his shoulder to open and relax his posture.  The original joint would have looked much more tight an poised, like he was prepared for immediate action.  This relaxed pose suggests that combat is not quite imminent.

The free company, which I havent really posted yet, have all been subtly (or not so subtly) converted to a more natural pose rather than the huggy-bear stance you get with the militia box kit.  The mortar crew are another example of how small tweaks with a file can change the vibe of the models.

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Offline Pistol Pete

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Re: Pistol Pete's Blog- Bruno Kackehosen: Chicken Knight
« Reply #73 on: April 23, 2008, 02:41:14 AM »
Here's some old painted mini's done ages ago when I was in high school.  While they're not particularly great, they're actually not as bad as I had originally thought.  Mostly it's bland faces (the painting guides I had were old, even then... one of them was from about 1979, before any real painters had made serious contributions to the hobby).

These mini's won't be in my army but are just there as a sort of guide to where I'm at (I may need to brush up on my skills a bit, but my knowledge of which colors should go where is much better than it used to be).

Of these two sets of minis, I think the bullyboy with the flail, and the burgomiester with the cane are the best of the lot.  Unfortunately, although they're dressed in germanic clothing, they're too small in comparison to the warhammer troops.
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Re: Pistol Pete's Blog- Bruno Kackehosen: Chicken Knight
« Reply #74 on: April 23, 2008, 02:47:46 AM »
I'm overdue for an update so here's a bunch of new stuff... to start with, here are some work-in-progress pikemen.  I like that these guys all have poofy sleeves, slippers, and big ridiculous hats.  They're empire pikemen through and through!

I know, the pikes need to be longer. I was originally going to glue spearheads onto the end, and then I realized it would be very difficult and/or expensive to get enough of the right ones, so I'm just going to file them to shape and add greenstuff tassles.  You can see a few of the prototype pikes.

These guys will also need a front rank, but I want them to be special, so it may be awhile. 

Just in case you're wondering, they're made from the old 6th edition halberdiers, with some various heads thrown in for good measure.  Everbody's got a hat, so I can make them a contrasting color to tie the unit together.

Desperately seeking Chaos Warrior heads & Skull banner tops from new empire missle troops sprue.  Will trade for bitz, barter, or $$$.  PM or email me to discuss details.