
Author Topic: Pistol Pete's Blog! Going Back to Cali & Warhammer Humor  (Read 88504 times)

Offline Pistol Pete

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Pistol Pete's Blog! Going Back to Cali & Warhammer Humor
« on: January 22, 2008, 12:27:17 PM »
Hey guys, I've been meaning to post pix of my conversions for quite some time and I finally have the right equipment to do so.  I haven't settled on a province yet... but I'm leaning toward Altdorf or Marienburg, as my troops will be rather flamboyant looking and well equipped.  Also my color choices will go better with one of those two, I think.

Lets get started with some halberdiers I've been working on.

These are made from old unipose spearmen because they're the only models that have the proper pose for halberd combat.  The push-broom stance used by the new models is atrocious.  It might work poorly for spearmen but wouldn't work at all for halberdiers whose weapons are more choppy than thrusty, and are very point-heavy.

The ugly spearmen heads have been chopped off and replaced with sexier ones, and the halberds are made from 7th ed halberd heads drilled out for a plastic rod (1/16).  As long as you are careful when you drill the joint is actually pretty strong, (although you won't want to subject the models to rough handling, they should hold up better than the standard halberd joint).

The guy with the halberd is my version of a heavy armored halberdier.  The brettonian head with helmet and neckgaurd give him a burly appearance, and the dent's and scratches give him a gritty persona that fits my image of the empire's finest.  He'll be getting tassets (leg armor) later to add to the heavy armored look.  A whole unit of these guys would look pretty badass, I think.

The guy with the axe is a "counts-as" halberdier that I put together to test out the concept (I love the poofy hat on that bearded face... gives him character!).  The axe is a free company axe on a plastic rod.  Normally that guy is an artillery crewman with a giant Q-tip (to swab the cannon barrel), but for these pix he's modeling a hefty axe.   
« Last Edit: February 11, 2010, 08:23:33 AM by Pistol Pete »
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Re: Pistol Pete's Blog- Galloper Guns & More
« Reply #1 on: January 22, 2008, 12:32:58 PM »
Okey dokey... now for some galloper guns.

The first pic is my prototype galloper gun.  It's crude but it was primarily built to test out the concept and get the basic proportions right.  Although it lacks anything in the way of fine detail, it has served just fine on the tabletop as is.  I actually have a pair of these that I made, but they were never intended as final product and they will be retired when the new ones are finished.  I'll probably paint em up anyhow, but they may find a home with a buddy of mine who plays DoW.
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Offline Pistol Pete

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Re: Pistol Pete's Blog- Galloper Guns & More
« Reply #2 on: January 22, 2008, 12:37:57 PM »
Now this is the "deluxe" model of the galloper gun, and you can tell a lot of effort went in to making it look spiffy.  I've got the one already built and another with the barrel complete but with the carriage unbuilt.  The finished models will have the smooth chariot wheels instead of the iron-shod artillery wheels they have now.  They'll look little sleeker and sexier then.

You might notice that the tow ring and handles for the carriage came from an empire artillery piece.  It's a hassle to cut the tow ring loose and shape it to fit, but I couldn't finad anything else that looks as good for a tow hitch.  The handles on the other hand are more trouble than they're worth.  They're so delicate that breaking them is very likely.  After i cut these out i decided to just use 40k handholds for the rest of my galloper gun handles.  They look nice and they are readily available 9ask a buddy who plays 40k... he should have lots of extras!).

The front tow rings are extras from the cannon/motar kit and the side escutcheons are 40k medallions.  I'll use slightly different parts for the next one to make each artiller piece unique.

« Last Edit: January 22, 2008, 12:45:32 PM by Pistol Pete »
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Offline Hendrid

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Re: Pistol Pete's Blog- Galloper Guns & More
« Reply #3 on: January 22, 2008, 12:51:17 PM »
Looking good PP!

I've always liked the Bretonnian heads but haven't settled on what to use them for. I've got a bit of inspiration now.

The Galloper Guns are way cool! Looking forward to see the finished article. What kind of look are you going for, for the crew?

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Re: Pistol Pete's Blog- Galloper Guns & More
« Reply #4 on: January 22, 2008, 01:04:01 PM »
Very nice conversions :eusa_clap: but the wheels in galloper guns are too big IMO.
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Re: Pistol Pete's Blog- Galloper Guns & More
« Reply #5 on: January 22, 2008, 01:42:57 PM »
That's great! I'd like to see some more halberdiers!
The guns are very good, how many are you going to make?
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Re: Pistol Pete's Blog- Galloper Guns & More
« Reply #6 on: January 22, 2008, 04:05:42 PM »

Are the guns each scratch built with plastic card & rod? Or are you casting some of it?

Offline thecoldwarrior

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Re: Pistol Pete's Blog- Galloper Guns & More
« Reply #7 on: January 22, 2008, 04:25:31 PM »
It all looks good! I too am still not happy with the new foot soldier models. I may have to forgo my qualms in order to save money in the form of a bat box.

You have a very good start on using styrene! Do you use super glue or solvent? For more detail I suggest you start adding green stuff to your scratch builds. Cant wait to see what else you come up with!

Offline EskimoBob

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Re: Pistol Pete's Blog- Galloper Guns & More
« Reply #8 on: January 22, 2008, 04:34:49 PM »
Very nice conversions :eusa_clap: but the wheels in galloper guns are too big IMO.

I don't really think the wheels are too big at all.  Considering that most cannons are usually moved at a slow pace, they can stand to have smaller wheels.  When you are going to be running at full speed with this attached to a horse or two, you need bigger wheels or they will break more easily. 

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Re: Pistol Pete's Blog- Galloper Guns & More
« Reply #9 on: January 22, 2008, 05:46:12 PM »
Very sharp modelling skills!

Offline Soju

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Re: Pistol Pete's Blog- Galloper Guns & More
« Reply #10 on: January 22, 2008, 06:36:42 PM »
Osome stuff! I'm in the process of scratchbuilding cannons too (for my IG army though). Great inspiration!


Offline orcyboy

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Re: Pistol Pete's Blog- Galloper Guns & More
« Reply #11 on: January 23, 2008, 01:55:08 AM »
Dang dude thats some pretty awesome work.  I'm definitely going to have to make me a galloper gun now.

The axeman is a simple yet incredibly good looking conversion.

Offline Pistol Pete

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Re: Pistol Pete's Blog- Galloper Guns & More
« Reply #12 on: January 23, 2008, 03:52:41 AM »
Are the guns each scratch built with plastic card & rod? Or are you casting some of it?

The guns are plastic card/rod/tubing (the white parts), and the grey parts are from empire kits with a few 40k items thrown in for good measure.  None of it is cast, but that's not a bad idea.

Very nice conversions  but the wheels in galloper guns are too big IMO.

I don't really think the wheels are too big at all.  Considering that most cannons are usually moved at a slow pace, they can stand to have smaller wheels.  When you are going to be running at full speed with this attached to a horse or two, you need bigger wheels or they will break more easily. 

If you'd read the text next to the pix you'd see that I intend to replace the hefty empire artillery wheels with smooth chariot wheels (the sort on Elf Chariots).  These are the sort of wheels on the GW galloper guns and they're much less in-your-face than the iron-shod wheels I have on them now. 

The Artillery wheels from the canon/mortar kit seem intended to keep the guns from moving under recoil.  The galloper guns need smooth wheels to zip around at 16 inches a turn.  I'll have to make a parts order from GW but I've been lazy about it (and broke to boot... I'll have $$$ shortly though so it may get done sooner than later).

It's also worth noting that thse guns are the same size as the GW models.  I actually used an old GW catalogue that had full scale pix of the galloper guns bitz, and I copied them as exactly as I could with plastic card and rod.  So with the new wheels they'll look *very* close to the real deal.  In fact once they're painted most people probably won't even blink when they see them on the table.  Of course, the feather weight is a dead giveaway!

The Galloper Guns are way cool! Looking forward to see the finished article. What kind of look are you going for, for the crew?

Bronzino will be built from the new pistolier models with lots of kitbashed components for a unique feel.  I'm not sure about the crew though.  Although I like the look of the Tilean guys in the original model, I think I'll go for something more Empirish.  It will definately fit in with my army, and the crew will definately have a motif (I'm trying to give every unit it's own distinct visual feel... I just haven't figured it out yet for the galloper gun crews yet).  One more nugget of info you guys will like... the cannonballs for the galloper guns are bird shot from a shotgun shell I cut open.

The one thing I'm not looking forward to is the carriage for the horses.  That's going to be a pain in the ass, and will probably require green stuff, which i'm not great at.  Right now I just use a riderless horse for gameplay.   :icon_redface:

You have a very good start on using styrene! Do you use super glue or solvent?

I use solvent for some areas but it's a bit messy.  What I primarily use is plastic glue with a needle applicator.  Comes in a little black bottle, and allows you to use *tiny* drops of glue for precision work.  Solvent is good in areas where you need a light touch, though, so I use both as necessary.  I *hate* superglue.  Plastic glue is far superior for any plastic to plastic bond (well polystyrene anyway.  That's what model plastic is made from). I reserve super glue only when plastic glue will not suffice (usually for metal parts, and somethine si use epoxy for it's superior strength).
« Last Edit: January 23, 2008, 04:02:27 AM by Pistol Pete »
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Re: Pistol Pete's Blog- Galloper Guns & More
« Reply #13 on: January 23, 2008, 04:18:39 AM »
That's great! I'd like to see some more halberdiers!
The guns are very good, how many are you going to make?

Right now I'm only going to make two fancy galloper guns. I already have two prototypes so that'll cover a lot of rare choices.

Oh!  Another tidbit you guys will like... The elevation mechanism actually works... you can pull the pin and raise and lower the gun barrel on the elevation holes.  It'll be glued for gameplay, but the fact that it does work tickled me to no end whilst building it.  I've got a sneaky trick for making flared pins out of straight rod you guys will like.

As for halberdiers, I will make one unit of the heavy guys (they guy with the brettonian head), and another unit of heavy halberdiers as a special bodyguard unit.  That's still under wraps however.  I may make some light halberdiers but that depends on how many classic unipose spearmen I can round up.  This is hampered by the fact that they came with handgunners that nobody likes, and by the fact that the rear ranked spearmen (with upright spears) are not nearly as good for this conversion as the front ranked spearmen (with spears at the ready).  I'll be filling in gaps with kitbashed halberdiers from other sets.

I also have a unit of special spearmen in development.  I wanted a unit of spearmen that were utilizing a proper spear and shield stance, and niether the 6th ed or 7th ed sets got it right.  I'm going for a romanesque look... big shields, matching armor, etc.

My swordsmen units may be a bit more conventional.  I plan on using the new bodies (as i like them quite well) but I'm going to greenstuff puffy sleeves (one of the few greenstuff things i can do!).
Desperately seeking Chaos Warrior heads & Skull banner tops from new empire missle troops sprue.  Will trade for bitz, barter, or $$$.  PM or email me to discuss details.

Offline thecoldwarrior

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Re: Pistol Pete's Blog- Galloper Guns & More
« Reply #14 on: January 23, 2008, 04:35:30 AM »
Perfect! I was going to suggest Liquid cement for plastics. I use this to join parts and then I use solvent to fix/smooth/reinforce these joints. Bravo! Super glue does have its place but I do not like it for joining styrene. Id like to exchange tips sometime.

Good Luck on the rest!

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Re: Pistol Pete's Blog- Galloper Guns & More
« Reply #15 on: January 23, 2008, 05:04:22 AM »
That axeman is pretty neat--makes me want to go back and make a unit of the "Stirland Free Foresters" Regiment of Renown that has shown its name a few times in GW fluff.
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Offline Pistol Pete

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Re: Pistol Pete's Blog- Galloper Guns & More
« Reply #16 on: January 23, 2008, 05:41:37 PM »
Grrrr.... I'my trying to post more pix, but it doesn't seem to want to let me... does anybody know if there's a picture limit or something on this forum?
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Offline Sephirot

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Re: Pistol Pete's Blog- Galloper Guns & More
« Reply #17 on: January 23, 2008, 06:16:45 PM »
If you'd read the text next to the pix you'd see that I intend to replace the hefty empire artillery wheels with smooth chariot wheels (the sort on Elf Chariots).  These are the sort of wheels on the GW galloper guns and they're much less in-your-face than the iron-shod wheels I have on them now.

Ah, apologies, a bad habit I have to get rid of  :icon_neutral:

Waiting for updates  :happy:

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Re: Pistol Pete's Blog- Galloper Guns & More
« Reply #18 on: January 23, 2008, 06:32:10 PM »
Hmm I wish I could try that too but funnily enough I can't seem to find any plastic card or plastic rods on my small island  :cry: Does anyone happen to know a site which sells to Europe or is based in Europe and stock these components?
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Re: Pistol Pete's Blog- Galloper Guns & More
« Reply #19 on: February 06, 2008, 05:04:50 AM »

Desperately seeking Chaos Warrior heads & Skull banner tops from new empire missle troops sprue.  Will trade for bitz, barter, or $$$.  PM or email me to discuss details.

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Re: Pistol Pete's Blog- Galloper Guns & More
« Reply #20 on: February 06, 2008, 05:06:29 AM »
This is the Arch Lector's "Throne".  I've always wanted to do an outhouse, and at the time I was having an ugly war with a TK player, so after a massive win on my part, I incorporated part of a TK banner into the outhouse desighn, right over the front door.  You'll note that the imperial griffon hovers triumphantly over it.   :icon_twisted:

I actually wrote a story about that memorable battle and I decided that my victorious mortar crew had built the thing for thier own personal use.  The TK banner was given the place of honor by the plucky crew to commemorate the victory.  Unfortunately, the arch lector discovred the privvy, and commandeered it for his own use.  Since then he's grown attached to the thing and takes it with him wherever he goes.
« Last Edit: February 06, 2008, 05:08:33 AM by Pistol Pete »
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Re: Pistol Pete's Blog- Galloper Guns & More
« Reply #21 on: February 06, 2008, 05:08:47 AM »
You'll notice that one side has a notice board where messages can be displayed, and the other side has a pegboard to hang your helmet.  The backside has a flap to dump the contents of the loo periodically.  If you look at the artilleryman next to the outhouse you'll notice that the base of the outhouse is 20mm; the same size as the base of the model.  The outhouse will actually rank up with troops on a movement tray!

This is also one of the few models I've ever actually painted.  Next to it is an artillery creman I painted as a test piece for my color palette (I actually built him as one of the very first things out of the boxed set... that's why he shows no conversdion work).  I'm not thrilled with either paint job, but I can make up another outhouse easily enough If I feel like it, and I've got plenty of cannon crew laying about. 
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Re: Pistol Pete's Blog- Now Featuring the Arch-Lector's Throne
« Reply #22 on: February 06, 2008, 08:30:06 AM »
Wow I only just noted this thread!

Those Halberdier conversions are absolutely stunning! Best unipose Spearmen to Halberdier conversions I've seen! :eusa_clap:

The galopper gun is great! Unbelievable smooth work there, it really looks the part. :icon_eek:

The 'throne' is just silly but I like it, maybe a bit less glossy look to it would make it look even better. :icon_lol:
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Re: Pistol Pete's Blog- Now Featuring the Arch-Lector's Throne
« Reply #23 on: February 06, 2008, 12:01:52 PM »
Archlector's throne...hmm...where even Karl Franz goes alone... I love it.  :engel: Good job, PP! Nice paintjob. Love the TK banner on the door. Very unique.
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Re: Pistol Pete's Blog- Now Featuring the Arch-Lector's Throne
« Reply #24 on: February 07, 2008, 11:43:29 PM »
Snap!! Your outhouse is amazing!
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