Hello and good [insert appropriate time of the day here]

I've been playing WHFB with different armies occasionally for a few years now with different armies, and I've had this nascent Empire army all that time. Now, inspired by a history course in highschool I finally got to finishing it. Thought I would share this project here to keep me interested and get healthy critique, advise and ideas.
Army's paintscheme is to be a mix of colors really, each unit having its distinctive look using the 16Th century's European mercenaries as a source of inspiration.
The army also has a load of handgunners, cannons and pistoliers, as they resemble the Swedish Empire's army in the Thirty Year's War, pistoliers as Finnish Hakkapeliittas.
I will be using 6Th edition one-posers as I find them way more beautiful than the newer production from GW.
Today I finished up modelling my captain and felt like letting you guys see it too. I am satisfied with the way it came out, although the amount of added details isn't what I planned at first. My experience with Green stuff isn't much to mention, so the output is somewhat.. modest.
Here it is, Empire Captain on Horse:

Additional pics:
Right side and the left.Just not to bore you with unpainted plastic, here's a pic of one of my many(two

) cannons. It quite clearly exemplifies my painting style; a little unfinished and simple(what'd ya expect, I've got a whole army to paint)

Here you go, hope I'll get something else ready soon enough. I've been working on a custom made WP for past few days