Well, for Christmas I decided to reconstrust my brother's army. This is the army that fell out of his truck going 45mph down a 4 lane road. The tool box he keeps it in still has the skid burn marks and slight holes from the fall. He was kinda lucky it didn't pop open as it is only plastic. Anywho, as you can imagine it was carnage. Things were broken in places I've never seen and matching everything up was quite the task. I can't blame him for not having got round to it as it was quite the daunting prospect.
Anyways, I got hold of everything about a month beforehand and set to work, just chipping away (or the opposite I suppose) when I had a chance. Just before I gave it back to him I took some pics, so I thought why not post them on his blog:

This is pretty much the whole lot. The odd thing is that it doesn't look bigger. He has been collecting for many years. But I think time and many moves etc has meant that some things have alas been lost. I know that he used to have a whole load of horse archers, at least 5 outriders, but hey, a collection is never complete anyways huh?

In this picture you can see the two worst nightmares of the bunch for me. The Stank and the HBVG. The Stank still needs greenstuffing pretty heavily as I put it together straight to ensure it lined up. I guess he had kinda bent bits to get it to go together originally to lessen gaps. I dunno which way is best, but it is holding together for now. The HBVG is a wonderful mini to look at, totally rediculous to build!

Delthos you will be pleased to know your mortar survived with very little damage somehow. Built well I guess. Also of note in this pic are the cool old characters he has ammased over the years including the old Kurt Helborg whom we named 'Evil Father Christmas' due to his current paint job... which actually spawned a whole song and everything...

Nice old archers there. Also, the Emperor. Deathclaw has been in pieces for years now. He turned out to be incredibly easy to put together, which is odd as I had been dreading it. Probably a combination of being easy to pin (unlike the stank) and our old quite tacky glue.

The pistoliers took a heavy beating. Much like their fantasy selves, they were prone to much damage. I had horses snapping off at the ankles and all sorts... Somehow I got them back together though... for the most part... Also, note how many handgunners he has... *Shudder*

The bulk of his state troops there. I believe he has now got those halberdiers full by constructing some spares he had lying around. Oddly, I think his foot troops are the most painted part of his army, percentage wise.

The Knights panther in the back I stripped due to the horrific paintjob. I am hoping he will come up with some alternative order and paint them some cool colours. The guys in the middle there are his Sanguine Knight regiments. His army doesn't lack much now, except some bulking up of the Foot Sanguines on the left (20 is too small still!) and most of all, flagellants!
So there you have it. I think now that it is put back together it will be easier for him to get back to painting it. I think he's in the middle of painting some new lizards right now. Perchance he could give us some pics of progress on those in this thread too...