
Author Topic: WolfyGriess's Solland and Meissen Army - New Knights Sanguine  (Read 13777 times)

Offline WolfyGriess

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Well I threatened to post pictures of my army when I joined up, so I figured that I would.

I figured on a Solland army, cos it sounded interesting - and I used the GW paints Ice Blue and Scab Red as the mains colours, using white and blue feathers. I also opted to use a second scheme for the local town that was providing support - Meissen (originally this was going to be Pfeildorf, but having seen the maps in Wissenlander's guide to Wissenland I have adapted) this time using Scaly Green and Chaos Black. I wanted something vivd, and a bit more interesting than the usual suspects. I used to have a huge Holland army - but that was many seasons ago and they are a long way in the past.

Anywho... here they are... most of the things are WiP, I'm terribly disciplined when it comes to painting...

That's my swordsmen from Meissen. Painted by my housemate of old.

Here are the majority of my spearmen, there's another 7 or so. Good old spearmen... can't be without them

My stank... clearly WiP... it got somewhat damaged on the flight over from Blighty

The Knights of Meissen... just local nobility, nothing too fancy... painted by big bro Siberius

And now for my unpainted but undercoated Mordheim warband 'The Wörlitz Wulfpack' Well, this is 7 of them anyways... the other 3 are in the first stages of painting.

Adulwulf Jaeger, Captain

Radulf Reznik, Champion Psycho

Gerwulf Baer, Warrior with (wood elf) Spear

Three of the four Marksmen - Dachs Holtzmann, Herewald Metzger, Niklas Loewe

Any comments etc are welcome. I may have oodles of experience in this, like 10 years or something, but I've never sat down and done that much painting... tis my downfall. Anywhos... hope you enjoy
« Last Edit: December 02, 2008, 06:54:47 PM by WolfyGriess »
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Offline wissenlander

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Re: WolfyGriess's Sollandy-type Army thing
« Reply #1 on: May 13, 2008, 05:55:35 PM »
Rabble rousers...the lot of them. :dry:  I shall be nice to you though, since you are Siberius' brother. :wink:

They look good.  If your brother swings up this way in July, you should come with.  Consider yourself officially invited. :biggriin:
Me and Wissenlander had babies!

not together.

finding photographic evidense that Wiss smiles is going to be hard...

Offline Siberius

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Re: WolfyGriess's Sollandy-type Army thing
« Reply #2 on: May 13, 2008, 08:23:50 PM »
You know I also painted half the swordsmen and spearmen too  :-P, no idea which ones now...

That stank looks great, you really should spend a few minutes and finish her off. People round here are very partial to Stanks  :wink:

I look forward to more of your army getting painted and posted. I think people'd like to see your pistoliers too what with the conversion aspect. Not to mention the fearsome Knights Sanguinne! He has a lot of knights.  :icon_cry:
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Offline WolfyGriess

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Re: WolfyGriess's Sollandy-type Army thing
« Reply #3 on: May 14, 2008, 10:09:32 PM »
@ Wiss - I thank you kindly for your invitation, and if the winds are blowing kindly then I will definately be there, as long as the Scum is.

As for the models, I have been working on the flesh of my lil dudes today and there are coming on nicely. Maybe once they have eyes I'll post some new pics, to show off their character
I... I... I don't know what to say.  I think I like you very much.

Offline WolfyGriess

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Re: WolfyGriess's Sollandy-type Army thing - New pistoliers!
« Reply #4 on: November 14, 2008, 06:09:31 PM »
Well it has been about a decade since I posted on this thing but I have been painting a lot, especially buoyed on in my work by the recent discovery of a Fantasy-playing community where we live. I snuck 1st place in a lil biddy tourney recently and got the new Chaos army book for my wife as a reward. That was over 1000pts, so now my aim is to be ready for the second Sat in December, when we fight over 2000pts. I want a fully painted army if I can get it together. It'll take some work, but I think it'll be worth it.

Anywho, as a sign of my intent and my current work please be viewing my new Pistolier chappy.

He is a wonderful mix of all sorts of bits. I don't remember where the horse came from... somewhere... the legs and torso and Knights the arms are free company and the head is White Wolf. A colourful blend I think. There are more on their way - just need to get a bit more done.
I... I... I don't know what to say.  I think I like you very much.

Offline WolfyGriess

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Re: WolfyGriess's Solland and Meissen Army - New Pistoliers *New Pics*
« Reply #5 on: November 16, 2008, 03:30:46 PM »
Well, I have now completed (minus a couple of heads) 7 of my pistoliers.

I also have two Outriders nearly ready, just in need of some pinning and glueing and then they'll go up here too!

As usual - comments and criticisms are welcome.

I... I... I don't know what to say.  I think I like you very much.

Offline Siberius

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Re: WolfyGriess's Solland and Meissen Army - New Pistoliers *New Pics*
« Reply #6 on: November 16, 2008, 04:54:37 PM »
Wow, you really are on a painting frenzy!

Looking good. Especially liking the horses, they look very, horselike   :lol:

What happened to the other dudes' heads?

Amazing to see them based and all after having faced the headless plastic versions for so long.

What's next in the plan?
Quote from: PhillyT
Magic does not have nearly the same problems with power levels as magic. 

Offline Kriegspiel

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Re: WolfyGriess's Solland and Meissen Army - New Pistoliers *New Pics*
« Reply #7 on: November 16, 2008, 05:49:15 PM »

Its the headless horsemen !!!!!  :icon_biggrin:

Seriously - really nice figures - look forward to seeing more .

Offline WolfyGriess

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Re: WolfyGriess's Solland and Meissen Army - New Pistoliers *New Pics*
« Reply #8 on: November 16, 2008, 06:27:45 PM »
Ah yes, the headless pistoliers... they are a lot better than they used to be headless horses as well as riders!!  ::heretic::

Now they happen to be better and I am really pleased with how they turned out.

Next on the list is the finishing of my Knights Sanguine. Hopefully this week! We shall see!
I... I... I don't know what to say.  I think I like you very much.

Offline WolfyGriess

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Re: WolfyGriess's Solland and Meissen Army - New Knights Sanguine
« Reply #9 on: December 02, 2008, 07:12:56 PM »
Well it took a bit longer than planned, but progress has been made on my Knights Sanguine. Fluff-wise they are the descendants of deserters of the sacking of Solland. Primarily the greatswords, hence the use of the swords rather than lances. The 'Sanguine' comes from the bloodshed as a result of the ancestors desertion and the bitter taste it left in their mouths.

Those are the only two Sanguine I have completed thus far, but the others are in the process of being finished. I think they just offer something different to the regular lance knights and it gave me a chance to do something with a bit of interesting fluff too.

Also showing today are my outriders for the pistolier units. I only had these two left from 5th ed I think, so despite the one having a RHG he doesn't, it's a repeater pistol.

So soon, hopefully, there will be more knights as well as my Helstorm and maybe my Warlock...
I... I... I don't know what to say.  I think I like you very much.

Offline Valetus

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Re: WolfyGriess's Solland and Meissen Army - New Knights Sanguine
« Reply #10 on: December 02, 2008, 10:07:46 PM »
Have to comment on the sometimes neglected area of modelling but nice bases. Really complete the models.

Offline Siberius

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Re: WolfyGriess's Solland and Meissen Army - New Knights Sanguine
« Reply #11 on: December 03, 2008, 07:13:18 AM »
That standard bearer looks fiersome. The unit once finished should be pretty great.

Still have a soft spot for those old outriders too, at least you have 2 left, that's something.  8-)
Quote from: PhillyT
Magic does not have nearly the same problems with power levels as magic. 

Offline Siberius

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Re: WolfyGriess's Solland and Meissen Army - New Knights Sanguine
« Reply #12 on: February 10, 2012, 05:03:21 PM »
Well, for Christmas I decided to reconstrust my brother's army. This is the army that fell out of his truck going 45mph down a 4 lane road. The tool box he keeps it in still has the skid burn marks and slight holes from the fall. He was kinda lucky it didn't pop open as it is only plastic. Anywho, as you can imagine it was carnage. Things were broken in places I've never seen and matching everything up was quite the task. I can't blame him for not having got round to it as it was quite the daunting prospect.

Anyways, I got hold of everything about a month beforehand and set to work, just chipping away (or the opposite I suppose) when I had a chance. Just before I gave it back to him I took some pics, so I thought why not post them on his blog:

This is pretty much the whole lot. The odd thing is that it doesn't look bigger. He has been collecting for many years. But I think time and many moves etc has meant that some things have alas been lost. I know that he used to have a whole load of horse archers, at least 5 outriders, but hey, a collection is never complete anyways huh?

In this picture you can see the two worst nightmares of the bunch for me. The Stank and the HBVG. The Stank still needs greenstuffing pretty heavily as I put it together straight to ensure it lined up. I guess he had kinda bent bits to get it to go together originally to lessen gaps. I dunno which way is best, but it is holding together for now. The HBVG is a wonderful mini to look at, totally rediculous to build!

Delthos you will be pleased to know your mortar survived with very little damage somehow. Built well I guess. Also of note in this pic are the cool old characters he has ammased over the years including the old Kurt Helborg whom we named 'Evil Father Christmas' due to his current paint job... which actually spawned a whole song and everything...

Nice old archers there. Also, the Emperor. Deathclaw has been in pieces for years now. He turned out to be incredibly easy to put together, which is odd as I had been dreading it. Probably a combination of being easy to pin (unlike the stank) and our old quite tacky glue.

The pistoliers took a heavy beating. Much like their fantasy selves, they were prone to much damage. I had horses snapping off at the ankles and all sorts... Somehow I got them back together though... for the most part... Also, note how many handgunners he has... *Shudder*

The bulk of his state troops there. I believe he has now got those halberdiers full by constructing some spares he had lying around. Oddly, I think his foot troops are the most painted part of his army, percentage wise.

The Knights panther in the back I stripped due to the horrific paintjob. I am hoping he will come up with some alternative order and paint them some cool colours. The guys in the middle there are his Sanguine Knight regiments. His army doesn't lack much now, except some bulking up of the Foot Sanguines on the left (20 is too small still!) and most of all, flagellants!

So there you have it. I think now that it is put back together it will be easier for him to get back to painting it. I think he's in the middle of painting some new lizards right now. Perchance he could give us some pics of progress on those in this thread too...
Quote from: PhillyT
Magic does not have nearly the same problems with power levels as magic. 

Offline WolfyGriess

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Re: WolfyGriess's Solland and Meissen Army - New Knights Sanguine
« Reply #13 on: February 16, 2012, 01:01:22 AM »
My first activity in months, probably. But yes, the army was a greatly ravaged mess of doom and heartache and I cannot overstate how valuable Siby's repair work has been. The army is still very much in the correct number of pieces and will be getting some attention soon. I still haven't figured out exactly where I'll be going with the Knights Panther, but probably some sort of mountain lion or blank panther type option will be used.

At the moment I've got a little distracted with my fledgling Norse Blood Bowl team. Maybe I should get some pics up of them since the Lizards aren't really worth viewing yet.
I... I... I don't know what to say.  I think I like you very much.

Offline Delthos

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Re: WolfyGriess's Solland and Meissen Army - New Knights Sanguine
« Reply #14 on: February 16, 2012, 03:50:17 AM »
Delthos you will be pleased to know your mortar survived with very little damage somehow. Built well I guess. Also of note in this pic are the cool old characters he has ammased over the years including the old Kurt Helborg whom we named 'Evil Father Christmas' due to his current paint job... which actually spawned a whole song and everything...

I am pleased to see it survived fairly well. I see that the small keg that was on the wall is gone. Other than that, I can't really see anything else missing.

Great work on getting everything back into a usable condition for Wolfy. I know I'd be devastated if that happened to me. The fact that a very small spot on my wizard is rubbing off drives me crazy. I just can't imagine something worse. You are one oustanding brother to dosomething like that for him. While my brother would go to great lengths to do things for my other brother, my mother, and I, I know he'd never go to that length. BravoQ
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