Thanks again for the compliments guys.

My painting has been on a standstill lately, but I should have 30 Flagellants and 20 Free Company finnished and uploaded sometime this week.
My Steamtank, 20 Goldswords and 10 additional Crossbows also came today, so the Hochland army grows!
well,looks good so far,but you COULD drill up the Handguns,or simply paint a black spot that it looks like a hole
Good idéa, it's been taken care of.
Did you use an army dip for the shading?
No. I used to dip, (my 40k CSM and some of my wood elves/dark elves are dipped), but I have switched to washes instead since it's easier to obtain, cheaper, the smell doesn't stay on the modell for 5 years and because I personally think it looks alot better - you also don't get the "shiny bling bling" effect.
My Empire are washed with Devlan Mud.
It's all a bit brown
That's probably due to the Devlan Mud wash + the fact that I use alot of Bestial Brown/Scorched Earth in my painting.