
Author Topic: Stirland forces of Wolfsfurt: 12 MORE SWORDSMEN update 10/4  (Read 37529 times)

Offline General Tomerix Rotenkopf

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My travel to Wurtbad and the meeting with the Count ant court went very well!
We have now a contract regarding fundings to rebuild the brave, but oh so un-assembled forces of our town.
To begin with, I will get some new uniforms for my halbedier regiment and the River Patrol unit that resides here. Further on...oh, wait... my scouts are reporting that something is happening in the Hundsheimer Forest. I hope it hasn´t been invaded by some foul creatures...

Gee, it turns out that a flagellant warband has settled in a long-abandoned chapel ruin in the deepest, rocky parts of the forest. Their leader is a well-known figure in these parts, a dreaded witch hunter by the name of Tobias Steinhart. He has wandered around the northeast parts of Stirland for years. Really brutal guy, makes my heat chill. I´d better say some prayers and donate gold to the monastary here in town...

Here is Tbias after being made darker. Devlan Mud worked perfect for the entire model.

I made this model a couple of years ago, before I hade the new washes. Recently I made him a little darker, simply by painting thin layers of darker tones on certain places and washing him with Devlan Mud.
« Last Edit: April 10, 2011, 08:42:36 PM by General Tomerix Rotenkopf »
Hobbits are stupid, Talabecs are thieves and Averlanders reek of horse shit.

Offline Soju

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Re: Stirland forces of Wolfsfurt (many pics will follow)
« Reply #1 on: May 30, 2009, 11:03:37 AM »
Interesting fluff. Sounds like it's from the perspective of the witch hunter model you've got there?

He looks great by the way.

I love that model... I wish I had him... but I don't, so I'll have to just do without. I like the colour scheme, it reminds me of old school warhammer days Paul Sawyer the Beastlord.


Offline General Tomerix Rotenkopf

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Re: Stirland forces of Wolfsfurt (many pics will follow)
« Reply #2 on: May 30, 2009, 11:34:28 AM »
Thank you! I got the model two years back when a new hobby store opened here... they had some old stuff that they sold off. I also bought an old Warrior Priest and a Pit Fighter from the same range, which is the old GW role playing game.. I think. The PRiest will undergo some treatment and also be presented here.. and I also have a new warrior priest that I will really try to paint well. I am however no expert Golden Demon winning painter, just a happy amateur..  :engel:
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Offline steveb

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Re: Stirland forces of Wolfsfurt (many pics will follow)
« Reply #3 on: May 30, 2009, 01:20:41 PM »
Looks good, very nice starter background. I believe the figure is from the mordheim range of figures, not so much roleplay as skirmish type game. steveb

Offline Oxycutor

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Re: Stirland forces of Wolfsfurt (many pics will follow)
« Reply #4 on: May 30, 2009, 03:37:44 PM »
It's from the Warhammer Quest game, which was a board game with roleplaying elements.  I think most people would think of WFRP as The old warhammer roleplaying game

Offline Gustavus Magnus

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Re: Stirland forces of Wolfsfurt (many pics will follow)
« Reply #5 on: May 31, 2009, 07:17:23 AM »
Great paint job.  I'll be following the thread to see more of the army.
Gustavus Magnus, of Bögenhafen; Mercenary Captain, Explorer, Spy, Scout, and Outrider.

Offline General Tomerix Rotenkopf

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Re: Stirland forces of Wolfsfurt (many pics will follow)
« Reply #6 on: May 31, 2009, 11:27:26 AM »
Thanks for your input and kind words! The Flagellants are next up, though Im going on vacation in a couple of days so I might not be able to finish them until early July... =/
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Offline Marius

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Re: Stirland forces of Wolfsfurt (many pics will follow)
« Reply #7 on: June 01, 2009, 06:21:41 AM »
Whatever you say, that guy is well painted, and I do quite like the fluff.
You're forgetting that the British Army is made up of transvestites and gigolos. Its our greatest weapon. Taliban are fecking terrified.

Offline General Tomerix Rotenkopf

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Re: Stirland forces of Wolfsfurt (many pics will follow)
« Reply #8 on: June 22, 2009, 01:47:44 PM »

Yes, my fellow Stirlanders, the Grand Mustering of Wulfsfurt has now taken place. Six months after my rise to general and commander of our forces, I can finally see some structure here.
To make a long story short, I will simply list the troops we have right now.

1 Halberd company
1 Swordsmen company (River patrol)
1 Spearman company
1 Handgunners attachment
8 knights (I sent word around the Empire to every knight I know who has family ties to our region. So far, these eigth men have come and we will build a great new order!)
1 Archer detachment
1 Great cannon
1 Volley Gun

Then there is that band of flagellants in the forest.. I wonder if they will fight for us???

I have not gained control of any militia yet, but I know there are lots of able fighters, particularly in the forest and in Remershof, our little mining district just north of Wolfsfurt. My officers will travel around and try to get them in rank, too.

Also, there is a little hobbit settlement in the forest...didn´t know about them until just recently. At first, I just wanted to send them back to the Moot, but after some debate they agreed to pay taxes and provide archers to my army. Not that I have any idea how to use hobbits in a real army. I must have been drunk.
Hobbits are stupid, Talabecs are thieves and Averlanders reek of horse shit.

Offline General Tomerix Rotenkopf

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Günther Stahl, The Rat Burner
« Reply #9 on: July 22, 2009, 11:35:10 AM »
I would like to introduce my chief engineer and master of our blackpowder arsenal. His name is Günter Stahl, but he is widely known as the Rat Burner. Several years back we took part in a campaign near the mountains, and were ambushed by a large horde of Skaven filth. Günther hit their Warp cannon with a single volley from our Hellblaster, causing it to explode and spread havoc among the rats. Almost half of them were killed in the raging Warp fire. The rest paniced and we could slay them all with ease.

Günther is one of very few Stirlanders ever to have studied the art of gunnery in Nuln, and he is one of my most trusted commanders.

The model was dipped so it is kind of bright. On the second picture I have taken the brightness down. My army will not be dipped, just tried it on Günther. =)
« Last Edit: July 22, 2009, 11:47:02 AM by General Tomerix Rotenkopf »
Hobbits are stupid, Talabecs are thieves and Averlanders reek of horse shit.

Offline General Tomerix Rotenkopf

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« Reply #10 on: July 22, 2009, 11:44:24 AM »
I have painted these test models for my Spearmen and River River Patrol Swordsmen. Tell me what you think!

Hobbits are stupid, Talabecs are thieves and Averlanders reek of horse shit.

Offline stareso

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Re: Stirland forces of Wolfsfurt (many pics will follow)
« Reply #11 on: July 22, 2009, 11:50:03 AM »
Looking great! I especially like the spearman. Keep up those short fluffy stories as well, they are ace  :happy:

Offline General Tomerix Rotenkopf

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Re: Stirland forces of Wolfsfurt (many pics will follow)
« Reply #12 on: July 22, 2009, 07:43:48 PM »
Thank you Stareso!
I like to write little stories from my land. I have even made a little map which I will try to post soon, so you get a good overview of Wolfsburg and surrounding.  :happy:
Hobbits are stupid, Talabecs are thieves and Averlanders reek of horse shit.

Offline General Tomerix Rotenkopf

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Re: Stirland forces of Wolfsfurt (many pics will follow)
« Reply #13 on: August 29, 2009, 10:42:53 AM »
I have begun working on our Great Cannon.
I wanted the pipe to be on the dark side, so I have just used Shining Gold and then Chestnut Ink. There will be a touch of Gold on to highight it but otherwise I will leave it as it is.

More pics will follow.  :laugh:

« Last Edit: August 29, 2009, 11:49:05 AM by General Tomerix Rotenkopf »
Hobbits are stupid, Talabecs are thieves and Averlanders reek of horse shit.

Offline General Tomerix Rotenkopf

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Re: Stirland forces of Wolfsfurt (many pics)
« Reply #14 on: August 29, 2009, 03:44:46 PM »
This is the county of Wolfsfurt.
A simple map made in Paint.

Hobbits are stupid, Talabecs are thieves and Averlanders reek of horse shit.

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Re: Stirland forces of Wolfsfurt (many pics)
« Reply #15 on: August 30, 2009, 02:43:26 PM »
A simple map made in Paint.

I would not call that simple. Nice work.
Quote from: Gneisenau
I hate people who don't paint their armies, hate them with all my guts. Beats me how they value other things over painting, like eating or brushing teeth.

Offline General Tomerix Rotenkopf

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Re: Stirland forces of Wolfsfurt: cannon crew in training
« Reply #16 on: September 06, 2009, 03:57:48 PM »
Günther Steinhart, our Gunnery Master, has begun training of his new Cannon crew.
This fine piece of artillery will be run by Hans Mortl from Remershof and his young cousins. Reluctantly (to say the least) they have accepted the prescence of one particularly sturdy little halfling; Mismer Thunderfoot. He was wandering the woods around the ruins of Harvberg when he came into range of some test shooting we did in the hills. Instead of fearing for his life and flleeing, he became obsessed with gunnery and haunted us for days, begging to learn all about the art of gunpowder. Finally Günther himself let the little rascal stay. I don´t mind, in fact it could prove useful to have him around if we need to try out some new powder formula...


The cannon is all but finished, the figures are going to get shaded and then highlighted. And I will make a round base with some nice stuff on it. Return when ready!
« Last Edit: September 06, 2009, 05:21:00 PM by General Tomerix Rotenkopf »
Hobbits are stupid, Talabecs are thieves and Averlanders reek of horse shit.

Offline Swan-of-War

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Re: Stirland forces of Wolfsfurt: cannon crew in training
« Reply #17 on: September 13, 2009, 11:53:44 AM »
...I don´t mind, in fact it could prove useful to have him around if we need to try out some new powder formula...

Or run low on ammo
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Re: Stirland forces of Wolfsfurt: cannon crew in training
« Reply #18 on: September 13, 2009, 12:45:10 PM »
...I don´t mind, in fact it could prove useful to have him around if we need to try out some new powder formula...

Or run low on ammo

 :biggriin: :biggriin: :biggriin:
Looking pretty good so far. Try flesh washing + drybrushing the flesh parts, though.
Have one  on Midaski's tab.  :::cheers:::
Famous last words. R.I.P.

Offline General Tomerix Rotenkopf

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Re: Stirland forces of Wolfsfurt Cannon and crew almost finished! =D
« Reply #19 on: November 16, 2009, 10:16:41 AM »
After some time, my River Patrol Swordsmen are about to be ready and commence their duties. They are of course dressed in eye-catching green and white uniforms.
They will be celebrating their examination with lots of nice, warm beer, and in a few days I will put them on display here.

The cannon base is almost finished too.
Hobbits are stupid, Talabecs are thieves and Averlanders reek of horse shit.

Offline General Tomerix Rotenkopf

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Re: Stirland forces of Wolfsfurt: pictures of almost done River Patrol
« Reply #20 on: December 02, 2009, 12:10:31 PM »
So, finally, here are the Swordsmen of the River Patrol in Wolfsfurt, in all their pride and glory.  :happy:


« Last Edit: December 13, 2009, 06:09:40 PM by General Tomerix Rotenkopf »
Hobbits are stupid, Talabecs are thieves and Averlanders reek of horse shit.

Offline General Tomerix Rotenkopf

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Re: Stirland forces of Wolfsfurt: first River Patrol swordsman finished!
« Reply #21 on: December 03, 2009, 09:16:20 PM »
« Last Edit: December 14, 2009, 12:59:14 PM by General Tomerix Rotenkopf »
Hobbits are stupid, Talabecs are thieves and Averlanders reek of horse shit.

Offline peraturabo

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Re: Stirland forces of Wolfsfurt: first River Patrol swordsman finished!
« Reply #22 on: December 04, 2009, 08:28:31 PM »
You COULD wash the Skin with Ogryn Flesh
But even if you don´t you did a great paintjob :)

Offline General Tomerix Rotenkopf

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Re: Stirland forces of Wolfsfurt: first River Patrol swordsman finished!
« Reply #23 on: December 04, 2009, 09:59:13 PM »
Yes, I used washen on mu Cannon crew...might do the same here... =)
Hobbits are stupid, Talabecs are thieves and Averlanders reek of horse shit.

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Re: Stirland forces of Wolfsfurt: first River Patrol swordsman finished!
« Reply #24 on: December 05, 2009, 03:53:43 AM »
You're well on your way to getting a playable painted force.

Keep at it, don't give up. Everything looks good, though you might need to water down your paint and use washes as other people have stated already. But otherwise a very good start.