Just fantastic! As if you didn't already know that... 
Is the knight based on the oop DoW/Empire general originally coming with a lance or?
Yeah, the torso and the armour on his thighs...did a bit of greenwork and added the lower legs from the plastic general box. The left arm is from an old pointing handgunner champion, plus details i greenstuff.
Nothing more to say then what has already been said before:
I'm especially liking the horse. The muzzle and eye add a tremendous amount of realism/drama to it.
Not a big fan of the large plume on the knight, but his axe looks great!
Reminds me of that John Blanche drawing (not the Knight Panther - the black and white with the emperor on the background)
Just for the record: could you give an idea about the (average) time you spend on a model?
A rank and file spearman will probably take me about an hoer to do, characters of course will take longer..but on this empire project I've managed to speed up my painting a lot, before id spent maybe to much time on a model. My biggest problem is having no time to paint sciens I work so much (not the last few days because I've been sick!). Think I will have to remedy that if I'm to finish an army (1000pts)before summer...
Some update:

Cheers and thanks for the feedback!