Inspired by Le Pistolets excellent background to his army, I finished mine in a similar style, collating lots of work I had done previously. in places I have been influenced by other fluff on this site too, I hope those who have influenced me are happy where it applies.
Being an extract from the Liber Schwartz, the book of accounts, lands, chattels and holdings of the Barony of Wusterburg.
Herein is collected the accounts of the lands, territory, taxable assets, rentable properties and other items of note and worth from the lands relating and in the ownership of the Barony of Wursterburg, being under the lordship of Baron Uryens de Crux.
The compilation begins by assessing the geography of the barony and its various towns and military strength as of the month of Sigmarzeit in the year 2525IC.
Enclosed are maps of the region drawn by the cartographers of Imperial Ordinance and an analysis of each location in the area.

More detailed local map
TownsNote: Militia refers to citizen defence militia, watchmen and organised armed bands. Garrison troops are typically halberdiers and hand gunners. It must also be pointed out that at any given time the Baron’s own mercenary army “The Free Company of Solland” may be in garrisoned prior to, or following, any given campaign.
Size: Town
Ruler: Baron Uryens de Crux
Population: 2000
Wealth: 3
Economy: Agriculture, Trade, Brewing
Garrison: 100 Militia minimum
Notes: Ferry, docks and harbour for trade up the Soll towards Nuln
Large bridge over the river to Hornfurt and the Old Stone Road
Close by is the site of Bugman’s Brewery
Ravenswood Manor
Size: Fortified Manor
Ruler: Baron Uryens de Crux
Population: 30
Wealth: 3
Economy: Beekeeping.
Garrison: 30
Notes: Personal residence of the Baron de Crux
Located approx. a mile out of Wursterburg itself
Size: Village
Ruler: Baron Uryens de Crux
Population: 200
Wealth: 2
Economy: Agriculture
Militia: 50
Notes: Has recently seen much fortification
Size: Village
Ruler: Baron Uryens de Crux
Population: 90
Wealth: 1
Economy: Agriculture
Militia: 8
Size: Village
Ruler: Baron Uryens de Crux
Population: 273
Wealth: 2
Economy: Agriculture, Brewing
Militia: 25
Notes: Located close to the former site of Bugman’s this uses the same spring water for its brewing and produces the finest local brewed ales
Size: Village
Ruler: Baronet Uryens von Kell
Population: 500
Wealth: 2
Economy: Trade, Peat Cutting, Fishing
Militia: 50
Size: Hamlet
Ruler: Baron Uryens de Crux
Population: 150
Wealth: 2
Economy: Orchards
Militia: 50
Notes: Currently the size of this Hamlet is swollen by the presence of a large workforce working on the building of a new castle for the Baron de Crux. Much of the population is made up with labourers, stonemasons and carpenters working on the building site close to the village.
Size: Village
Ruler: Baron Uryens de Crux
Population: 78
Wealth: 1
Economy: Agriculture & Woodcutting
Militia: 5
Size: Village
Ruler: Baron Uryens de Crux
Population: 1200
Wealth: 2
Economy: Trade, Agriculture, Coaching
Militia: 75
Notes: Hornfurt was recently under the lands of an absentee lord, and was annexed by the Baron de Crux in the events of 2524IC. As yet there has been no complaint by its former owner and since then the Baron de Crux has undertaken several projects of improvement and defence to the large village.
The River Röten
This marks the northern most extent of the Barony of Wursterburg and provides good fishing for the villages nearby
The Tann Hills
A low range of hilly ground west of Rotenbach that provides good grazing for sheep and goats, but is otherwise quite wild and untamed, seldom seen by travellers.
The Zietwald
Woods to the south of the Tann Hills, providing wood for fuel and good hunting ground for the Baron.
Little Water
Laying to the West of the Tann Hills this is a lake formed by the water running off the Tann Hills and is quite isolated from the larger populace though there are very small communities scratching a living from around it.
The Geltensumpf
Laying south of the lower branch of the Soll it almost marks the southern end of the Barony was it not for the town of Kell. It is however used by peat cutters to provide a rich source of fuel for the area, as well as game birds, water foul and eels.
The Ichen Hills
Laying to the east of Hornfurt, these hills provide rich grazing for cattle, as well as much small game, wild fruits and suchlike.
The Dietenwald
North of the Röten this is dense woodland, rarely travelled though its northern edge does see a number of woodcutters and charcoal burners.
This is a comparatively peaceful corner of the Empire, untroubled by Greenskins, Beastmen and even the incursions of Chaos, its only major concerns are banditry and the recent civil war and as such it prospers well. While not having the rich arable land of the Reik, or the horse pasture of Averland it does boast fertile ground, good grazing for livestock and mining wealth from the Grey Mountains and Black Mountains as well as trade from the Border Princes, all of which flows through Wursterburg on its way to Nuln and beyond.
Notable People:
Baron Uryens de CruxRuling over the Barony of Wursterburg since the Emperor Karl Franz granted him the title on his ascension to the throne. The Baron is now in his 50s and is still a powerful, fit man whose demeanour and appearance can be often unnerving to visiting nobles and seldom earn him an invite to court. With his head shaved, a short cut beard and a face lined with the swirling tattoos most usually seen on Slayers. Rumour has it that in his youth he adventured in the far north and fell in with some of these doom laden Dawi in the city of Praag, which is when he acquired his facial ink.
Otherwise little is know for certain regarding the Baron’s early life and career, other than it left him a superlative swordsman with fear for no enemy he might face
Baroness Katarina de CruxHas been wife of the Baron for over three decades and mother to his two sons. The Baroness, while not a classic beauty is attractive enough, but more importantly she possesses a keen mind and is a gifted merchant and seneschal of the estate. It can be said it is her skill is the main reason the Barony is prospering so much in recent times and her influence over the family fortunes will no doubt be felt for many years to come.
While the Baron is master of an army, and commands the ear of the Emperor himself, there is no doubt that the Baroness Katarina is the ruler of Ravenswood Manor.
Baronet von KellUryens, the Baronet von Kell, is the Barons eldest son, and heir to the family estate, title and fortune. He is a tall, athletic man in his mid twenties. Handsome, well educated, independently wealthy and boasting great skill with blade, horse and pistol he is now the overall captain of the family’s mercenary force The Free Company of Solland, leading the secessionist forces in some of the thickest fighting of the civil war of 2524IC.
In this fighting he earned a reputation amongst his soldiers for bravery, good leadership and being a general that cared for his men, traits that serve now only to garner greater loyalty amongst his soldiers and ensure that men will join the Free Company when they raise their banner, even now the Baronet leads troops north to join the Emperor in his scourging of the northern forests.
While currently he is unmarried there is clearly some romance between him and the Countess Elayna Contyre of Stattenland, a match that would prove beneficial to both sides and ensure the continued success and fortunes of the de Crux family.
Vekram de CruxThe younger son of the family, Vekram is cast from the same die as the rest of the family Tall, powerfully built and handsome. He is recently graduated from the University of Altdorf where he earned a reputation as a quick wit, skilled duellist and quite the rake with the fairer gender.
He is currently enjoying a spell as a coronet in the Imperial Pistol Corp, which to date has seen him involved in several skirmishes in the northern forests against the remnants of the Archon’s army which has earned him a reputation as a dashing cavalryman.
It is hoped that in time he will lead a force from the Free Company into battle in his own right, continuing the family martial tradition.
Captain James Bruden One of the Baron’s longest serving and most trusted retainers. Captain James Bruden is the Baron’s aide de camp, herald, and standard-bearer. He has a calm, unhurried demeanour that makes him the natural choice as herald and aide de camp, often his calm voice works to counter the Baron’s impetuousness.
He is a middle-aged man and everything one would expect from a man in his position. Generous to a fault, brave, compassionate and clever and a well loved officer.
Captain Lanfried Tauber A hard man and a bitter veteran of many battles the Captain is also in his middle age but bears a dour temperament, accentuated by his scarred face and broken nose that conspire to give him a sneering or snarling look. Born to a camp follower and an unknown father he has been around soldiers all his life, working his way through the ranks till now he holds the captaincy of the Barons personal guards, his Greatswords. He is utterly loyal to the Baron and protects the Baron’s household with fierce pride.
His fearsome reputation is also enhanced by his general role as camp Provost when the army is on campaign, responsible for much of the discipline metered out for any infractions against the Free Company’s Articles of War.
Captain Joost Van RiekertOriginally a Marienburger, Joost finds himself happily in the Baron’s pay after a foreign venture some years ago to Araby. He regularly finds himself lining up with the Baron’s halberdiers to provide them with clear leadership and his great experience. More importantly he has family connections with some of Marienburg’s wealthiest merchant houses and is often sent with Captain Bruden or the Baroness to arrange any business the Baron has in that city, or with its merchants.
Captain Johannes TiermanTall, handsome, dedicated and loyal are all terms to describe a knight, and Captain Tierman is such a man. Frequently leading the Barons knights into battle he is a lion on the battlefield and every inch an Empire Knight off it. Popular with the ladies and genial with everyone he is often the centre of attention, especially in taverns, inns and social events. He is always immaculately dressed in the latest fashion and is extremely proud of his moustache.
Ser, Priestess of Myrmiddia A striking young woman who hails originally from the border princes where a Tilean priest of Myrmiddia raised her as an orphan. Like many of the Barons officers Ser came to his service in earlier campaigns, and having a priestess of Myrmiddia is always a boon to a professional army like the Free Company. She is a model of a calm, rational and scientific approach to warfare and is often the first to voice the option no one wants to mention. This frequently leads her into arguments with the Sigmarite priest and even the Baron, but neither will deny she is a very competent soldier whose ideas sometimes prove pivotal to a campaign strategy.
Moreover she is an excellent quartermaster and is often tasked with the provisioning of the army when it is in the field.
Volkin, Warrior Priest of SigmarVolkin is a local man who devoted himself to the service of Sigmar some years ago after an epiphany while fighting Orcs in the northern woodlands of the Empire, under the Baron’s command as it happens. Like all those of his calling he is a fiery character and is of simple peasant stock. This common touch makes him very popular with the troops, but frequently brings him almost to argument with Ser on how to conduct matters, mainly when they are both away from the battlefield.
Despite this he has a grudging respect for Ser, and acts as the advisor on spiritual matters to the Baron, and the army, often providing blessings on the eve of battle.
Pholtus, Wizard LordA powerful practitioner of his art, were he interested in such things he would be a powerful leader of one of the schools of magic but like many of his craft he has a detachment from the ordinary affairs of the day, consumed instead by his researches.
Pholtus learned his arts in the days before the arrangement of the schools of magic and learned his craft in the crucible of adventure and battle. Now he is sidelined from the houses of learning in Altdorf and seeks the skill and knowledge to further his art in the place he has always found it, in the wild lands fighting the enemies of mankind, or in the tomes of other mages slain in battle or taken prisoner by his Baron.
Percy, Journeyman Wizard of the Bright OrderPerhaps the one person in the Baron’s service that knows the full history of the Barons life and career, Percy was an adventuring companion of the Baron in decades past but it would be a brave scholar that dared to ask of those days from the volatile and tempestuous Fire Mage.
As with Pholtus, Percy learned his craft away from the colleges of magic, though he now belongs to the Bright Order, perhaps given special dispensation for his part in whatever task they performed for the Emperor.
Valentijn van der Veen, Master of Works Valentijn van der Veen is an engineer in the classical sense, rather than being infatuated with steam, pipes, gunpowder and the newest technology he is instead the builder and captain of the physical defences and fortifications of the Wusterburg area. Currently he is fully occupied with the construction of a castle near the village of Rotenbach.
A Marienburger by birth and upbringing he was educated in the arts of engineering in the internecine Tilean wars where is knowledge of the craft impressed the Baron enough to take him into his employ.