Skaven vs. Empire
Location: Leeuwarden
Date played: zaterdag 2 april 2011

Terrain placed without any placement rules, just what we thoughed would look good.
From top to bottom, left to right:
1) v-shaped walls 2x 6"
2) v-shaped walls 2x 6"
3) Skree Slope Hill, any fast movement Take dangerous Terrain test.
4) Earth Blood Mere, Regeneration 6+ to any unit in it
5) Mystical Forest
6) 6" wall
7) 6" wall
8) Mystical Forest
9) Mystical Forest with below that 3x 6" walls
10) Encampment of Destruction (3 buildings (2 houses 1 tower), walls and Charnel Pit unit within 6" loose 1 Ld, Undead units gain 6+ Renergation)
General: Ronald v.d. Starre
(Gen) Infantry, General [1 point]
- Warlitter
(BSB) Infantry, Battle Standard Bearer [1 point]
- joined CR1
(PP) Infantry, Plague Priest [1 point]
- Level 2 wizard, joined the Censur Bearers
(WE) Infantry, Warlock Engineer [1 point]
- Level 1 wizard, solo
(CR1) 29 Infantry, Clan Rats [1 point]
- FC, spears
(RG) Infantry, Ratling Gun [1 point]
- Connected with CR1
(CR2) 29 Infantry, Clan Rats [1 point]
- FC, spears
(PM) Infantry, Poisonwind Mortar [1 point]
- Connected with CR2
(S) 24 Infantry, Stormvermin [1 point]
- FC, halberds
(WC) Infantry, Warpfire Cannon [1 point]
- Connected with Stormvermin
(Jez) 5 Infantry, Jezzails [1 point]
(CB) 5 Infantry, Censur Bearers [1 point]
- Champion
(GR) 5 Infantry, Gutter Runners [1 point]
- Champion
(WLC) War Machine, Warp Lightning Cannon [1 point]
- 4 crew
(HPA) Monster, Hell Pit Abomination [1 point]
Total: 15 points
General: Vincent Goede
(AL) Chariot, Arch Lector [265 points]
- on War Altar, Warhammer, Dawn Armour, Enchanted Shield (we figured out this was illegal so no shield during battle)
- General
(WL) Infantry, Wizard Lord [230 points]
- Level 4, Lore of Life, The Crimson Amulet
(C) Infantry, Captain [125 points]
- BSB, AoMI, Dawnstone
(WP) Infantry, Warrior Priest [103 points]
- 2handed warhammer, Heavy Armor, Ironcurse Icon
(BW) Infantry, Battle Wizard [145 points]
- Level 2, Lore of Fire, Rod of Power, Talisman of Protection
(Hal) 38 Infantry, Halberdiers [210 points]
- FC
(Swo) 30 Infantry, Swordsmen [205 points]
- FC
(H) 12 Infantry, Handgunners [116 points]
- FC, Brace of pistols
(KotWW) 10 Cavalry, Knights of the White Wolf [310 points]
- IC, FC, Banner of Eternal Flame
(GC) Warmachine, Great Cannon [100 points]
(M) Warmachine, Mortar [75 points]
(HRB) War Machine, Helstorm Rocket Battery [115 points]
Total: 1999 points

Roll off for deciding who can take first pick of side: Ronald rolls 3, I roll a 4 and decide to take the hill side to set up some of my War Machines.
Roll of for start of Deployment is for Ronald
Left to right:
Deployment Skaven:
5 Jezzails in the Tower
5 Censur Bearers with the Plague Priest behind the wall before the Charnel Pit
Warlock Engineer besides that
Warp Lightning Cannon was deployed in the house
Stormvermin with General and Warpfire Thrower
Clanrats 1 with BSB and Ratling gun
Clanrats 2 with Poisonwind Mortar on the other side of the woods, partially in the wood
Hell Pit Abomination on the far right

Deployment Empire:
Helstorm Rocket Battery
Wizard Lord (Life) behind the wall
Handgunners behind the wall
Halberdiers with the BSB and Warrior Priest in Horde formation closing the gap between the 2 wall formations
Arch Lector on War Altar behind the Halberdiers
Battle Wizard (Shadow) behind the walls
Knights of the White Wolf between the wall and Skree Slope
Mortar and Great Cannon on the Skree Slope

Rolling for Spells:
Plague Priest rolls: Plague and Vermintide
Warlock Engineer rolls: Warp Lightning
Wizard Lord (Life) rolls: Awakening of the Wood (replaced by Earth Blood), Shield of Thorns, Regrowth, The Dwellers Below
Battle Wizard (Shadow) rolls: Steed of Shadows (replaced by Miasma), Pit of Shades
Rolling for start:
I roll a 1 + 1 for deploying first = 2, Ronald rolls a 3 he starts.
Turn 1 - Skaven

As the Clan Rats 2 unit is partially in the forest we roll to determine what kind of forest it is: Abyssal Wood (models with in cause Fear)
Movement Phase:
Compulsary Move by the HPA moves it 8" forward into the next forest.
Roling for the forest: Normal forest
Rest also moves up besides the Jezzails and Cannon
Magic Phase:
9PD vs 9DD
Vermintide got dispelled
Not sure how Plague would effect a warmachine and which stat to use (Toughness test) so we rolled for it 1-3 Crew's T and 4-6 Machines T and we rolled a 1 so the Crew's T was to be used.
Plague castbut dispell it
3 dice stored in the Rod of Power
Shooting Phase:
Warp Lightning Cannon took aim at the Halberdiers getting 36" placed + 2" from the Art dice getting it right in front of my Halberdiers. Taking it further passed my AL
Taking out 3 Halberdiers and my Arch Lector!!!

Though it didn't kill my War Altar.
The Jezzails took out one crew member of the Rocket Battery
Turn 1 - Empire

Movement Phase:
Didn't move anything, was going to sit and fire for now.
Magic Phase:
11PD vs 6DD (rolled good on RoP)
Cast succesfully Shield of Thornes on Halberdiers
Cast succesfully Miasma on Stormvermin for -2 movement
Unbending Rightousness cast on Halberdiers making them Unbreakable
Regrowth cast with IF on the War Altar giving my AL back with 2 wounds (dice placed to mark 1 wound missing) Funny thing was he was saving his dispel dice for this.
Rolled a 7 on the Miscast table doing S10 hits to all models in base contact.. and I had none
Shooting Phase:
Cannon did 2 wounds on the Warp Lightning Cannon
Mortar took aim at the center line getting the template on top of the Stormvermin unit and the Ratling Gun (Black Bullseye)
- General made his Look Out! Sir roll
- 5 Stormvermin killed
- missing the Ratling Gun
Rocket Battery also aimed at the center units aiming just a bit short and with the extended roll came just a bit further then the Mortar.
- 3 Stormvermin killed
- Ratling Gun killed
Panic test for the Stormvermin was made.
Handgunners didn't have any targets yet.
Turn 2 - Skaven

Rolling for Gutter Runners: They stay away
Movement Phase:
HPA moves 14" up the Skree Slope, As the compulsary move isn't mentioned as a fast move for this terrain it didn't take a Dangerous Terrain test

Rest keeps moving up besides the WLC and the Jezzs.
Magic Phase:
10PD vs 10 DD
Warp Lightning got dispelled
Vermintide got dispelled
Plague got dispelled
WLC overshoots the Knights doing nothing
The Jezzails aimed at the Rocket Battery but failed to hit.
Turn 2 - Empire

Movement Phase:
Halberdiers Move up and a bit to the side so my AL could also move up next to it
Knights move up to fase the HPA.

Magic Phase:
8PP vs 6DD
Pit of Shades got dispelled (19 vs 19 on the dice rolls)
Regrowth on the Halberdiers failed
Shem's Burning Gaze from the Golden Griffon got dispelled
Shooting Phase:
Hand Gunners kill 4 Clanrats from CR1
Cannon took out the last wounds from the WLC
Mortar hit got scattered on the Clanrats 2 unit and killed 4 rats there (black Bullseye)
Rocket Launcher got a direct hit on Clanrats 1 unit killing 24 rats!!!! (blue Bullseye), only the BSB was left after he made his Look Out Sir roll
Ensuing Panic tests: Stormvermin made it, Clanrats 2 made it, Poison Mortar failed it at first but made it with the BSB re-roll
Turn 3 - Skaven

Guter Runners make it to the table and got placed behind my Battle Wizard
Movement Phase:
Stormvermin declare a charge against my Halberdiers but fail
HPA moves 5" towards my Knights
BSB joins with the 2nd Clanrat Unit
Warlock Enineer moves into the March
Censur Bearers move up towards my swordsmen and Rocket Battery
Gutter Runners move up to my Shadow Wizard.

Magic Phase:
8PD vs 9DD
Warp Lightning gets Dispelled
Vermintide failed to dispell. it hits the Swordsmen for 4 wounds 1 AS killing 3, it also hits the Rocket Battery killing the last 2 crew members.
Plague failed
Shooting Phase:
Gutter Runner took a sling shot at my Wizard doing 1 wound
Poison Mortar misses on the Knights (template went 8" back)
Warpfire Thrower kills 2 Halberdiers (BSB made his Look Out Sir roll), Panic test was made.
Jezzails miss (whatever they where shooting)
Turn 3 - Empire

Movement Phase:
Swordsmen Charge the Censur Bearers and made it
Halberdiers and the Arch Lector do a combined charge on the Stormvermin and both make it
Knights charge the HPA and make it but taking 2 casualties due to the Skree Slope
Shadow Wizard turns to face the Gutter Runners.

Magic Phase:
10PD vs 5DD
Regrowth on the Halberdiers fails to cast
Miasma fails to cast on the Gutter Runners
Healing Hands from the AL on himself (to heal that last wound) fails
Healing Hands from the WP on the AL also fails
Pha's Protection from the Golden Griffon on the Halberdiers fails with snake eyes.
I was really like WTF here, and Ronald laughing his ass off as he now had dice to dispell the buffs still on the Halberdiers..
He tried to dispell 2 times the Thornes.. both also failed!!!
Magic was just not into the game this turn.
Shield of Thornes then killed 3 Stormvermin
Shooting Phase:
Handgunners took out the Warpfire Thrower
Cannon had no visual to any viable targets
Mortar did an indirect shot at the Clan Rats 2, but it scattered right on top of my Halberdiers.. killing 10! Look out Sir made on the Warrior Priest.
Close Combat Phase:
Swordsmen vs Censur Bearers, Thougness Test killing 3 swordsmen and the Censur Bearer's Champion
Plague Priest kills 1 swordsmen, Swordsmen kill 2 Censur Bearers, Censur Bearers kill 3 Swordsmen
Censur Bearers fail their Breaktest and run 7", Swordsmen in Pursuit move 4"
AL + Halbs vs Stormvermin and General
Impact hits from the War ALtar kill 2 stormvermin
No Challenges
Skaven General hits my Arch Lector killing it!! with 2 wounds (if only he had healed him self up....)
Rest of the combat resulted in 5 Stormvermin killed and 2 Halberdiers.
The Stormvermin failed their Breaktest and flee 8" but get caught by the Halberdiers!!
Knights vs HPA
HPA rolls and gets Avalanche of Flesh and that alone kills my whole unit of Knights!!!
Panic test for the Mortar and Cannon are both passed.
Now the HPA is about free to roam and kill.