
Author Topic: Steg's Battle Reports (last update: 2015-10-19)  (Read 69582 times)

Offline StealthKnightSteg

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Steg's Battle Reports (last update: 2015-10-19)
« on: April 11, 2010, 04:32:09 PM »
I will use this thread to update with my Battle Reports so everyone here can see (and maybe learn from) my battles

Games overview (points(army against)):
8th Ed AB + BRB:
W / D / L :
- Empire - 3 / 0 / 0 - (2,5k, 2k, 2,5k Empire of Wolves list / - / - )
- Beastmen - 0 / 0 / 0 (- / - / - )
- Bretonnia - 0 / 0 / 0 (- / - / - )
- DoC - 0 / 0 / 0 (- / - / - )
- Dark Elves - 0 / 0 / 0 (- / - / - )
- Dwarves - 0 / 0 / 1 ( - / - / 2,5k )
- High Elves - 1 / 0 / 0 (3k / - / - )
- Lizardmen - 0 / 0 / 0 (- / - / - )
- Ogres - 0 / 0 / 0 (- / - / - )
- O&G - 1 / 0 / 1 ( 2,5k / - / 2,5k )
- Skaven - 1 / 0 / 2 ( 2,5k / - / 3k(x2) )
- Tomb Kings - 0 / 0 / 0 (- / - / - )
- Vampires - 0 / 0 / 1 ( - / - / 2,5k)
- WoC - 0 / 0 / 1 ( - / - / 2,5k)
- Wood Elves - 0 / 0 / 0 (- / - / - )
- Multiplayer - 1 / 0 / 0 (3k+3k(Skaven) vs 3k(DoC)+3k(High Elves) / - / - )

Sigmar's Blood Scenario:
versus "TheRatMan" (my brother-in-law) playing Vampire Counts
Battle 1: W (~700 points)
Battle 2: L
Battle 3: L

7th Ed AB + 8th Ed BRB:
W: 1.5k(Skaven), 2k(Skaven)
L: 2.5k (WoC), 2k(DoC), 2k(Skaven)x2, 3k(OnG)
7th Ed AB + BRB:
W: 500(Skaven)
L: 750(Skaven)

Link to my Armylists: http://warhammer-empire.com/theforum/index.php?topic=33114
Link to my Blog: http://warhammer-empire.com/theforum/index.php?topic=32604 
Link to my Lizardmen Blog: http://www.lustria-online.com/viewtopic.php?f=36&t=14667
Link to my Lizardmen Armylists: http://www.lustria-online.com/viewtopic.php?f=8&t=14389
Link to my Lizardmen Battle Reports: http://www.lustria-online.com/viewtopic.php?f=20&t=14666

  Skaven vs. The Empire

Location: Leeuwarden
Date played: monday 5 april 2010

Terrain was pre fixed about the same as shown

General: Skaven rat
  (G) Hero, General [0 points]
      - -1 Attack shield, -1 Toughness per succesfull hit sword

  (C1) 20 Core, Clanrats [0 points]
      - Hand weapon and shields or Spears

  (C2) 20 Core, Clanrats [0 points]
      - Hand weapon and shields or Spears

  (RG1) Weapon Team, Ratling Gun [0 points]
      - Unlimited D6 roll for hits, doubles is jam, -2 AS

  (RG2) Weapon Team, Ratling Gun [0 points]
      - Unlimited D6 roll for hits, doubles is jam. -2 AS

  (RO) 2 Special, Rat Ogres [0 points]
      - 2 Rat Ogres (Stupidity if loss of packmaster)

  (P) Special, Packmaster [0 points]
      - With the Rat Ogres, Whip attacks from rank 2

The Empire
General: Vincent Goede
  (C) Hero, Captain [105 points]
      - Hammer of Judgement, Pistol, Full Plate Armor, Shield, Barded Warhorse

  (KotBS) 5 Core, Knights of the Blazing Sun [115 points]

  (S) 16 Core, Swordsmen [121 points]
      - Champion, Musician, Standard Bearer

  (X) 7 Detachment, Crossbowmen [56 points]
      - 30" S4 move or fire

  (GC) Special, Great Cannon [100 points]
      - 3 men crew

  Total: 497 points


Rules for this game:
500 points
1 hero with max 25 points magicitem allowance
no wizards
2+ core units
max 1 special choice
no rare choices

Empire won the roll and decided to take the center hill side of the board and let the skaven deploy first

Skaven Deployment from left to right:
Rat Ogres with Packmaster
Ratling gun with Clanrats unit 1
Clanratsunit 2 with Ratling gun 2
General in Clanrats unit 1

Empire Deployment from left to right:
Knights of the Blazing Sun
Behind them on the hill the detachment of crossbowmen
and behind the crossbowmen the cannon higher up the hill

Turn 1 - Skaven

- All units march moved forwards
- none
- none

Turn 1 - The Empire

- none
- Cannon overshot C1
- Crossbowmen killed 2 rats in C1
- none

Turn 2 - Skaven

- All units march moved forwards besides one ratling gun
- the Ratling gun took aim on my swordsmen, rolled a double 6 on 3 dice, hit with S2 and -1AS, killed 4 swordsmen
- none

Turn 2 - The Empire

- My Knights charged the Rat Ogres, after passing the fear test
- no other movement
- Cannon guessed a good range just infront of C1, but the artillery dice made sure I would only hit the last rank and that one model survived
- Crossbowmen took another 3 down in C1
- The knights charged in with +2S on the lances, but failed miserably and took 2 casualties themselfs, autobreak due to fear
- The Rat Ogres and packmaster followed but failed to catch up

Turn 3 - Skaven

- The Rat Ogres declared a charge on the fleeing knights, The knight fled of the board due to this and the Rat Ogres failed their charge
- C1 declared a charge on the swordsmen, but they failed just short and ended up only moving their normal rate
- Ratlinggun 1 moved up with the unit as it has lost line of site with any enemy units
- C2 needed to reform to squeeze between the forest and the Ratling gun 2, but due to this and the wheel they didn't get far
- Ratling gun 2 stayed put
- Ratling gun 2 opened fire upon my Crossbowmen killing 3, and the unit past their panic test
- none

Turn 3 - The Empire

- Swordsmen with the Captain charge the Clanrats with the General
- Due to the nice line up of the 2nd Clanrat unit the cannon took aim and the shot landed right infront (including the extra range) of the unit with the bouce to rank 6, killing 5 rats
- The crossbowmen added another 2 casualties to C2
- C2 then failed their panic test and ran
- The skaven general issues a challenge and the Captain accepted (note the skaven player did this after the charge movement already)
- Due to charging the Captain and his horse made the first attacks, -1 attack due to magic shield equipped, the 2 left over attacks from the captain did 1 wound, horse failed the atack
- The clanrats decided to stick this combat out with spears (no use of shield)
- Swordsmen killed 3 rats
- Skaven general attacked back but failed all
- The clanrats decided to stick this combat out with spears and could attack back with 7 killing 2 swordsmen
- Skaven lost the combat by 1 and made the break test (4 wounds, 2 ranks, standard = 7 versus 2 wounds, 2 ranks, outnumber, standard = 6)

Turn 4 - Skaven

- The Rat Ogres moved forward to be able to charge the cannon the next turn up the hill
- Ratling gun 1 moved a bit up to get LOS with the crossbowmen
- C2 attempted to rally and failed and moved off the board
- Ratling gun 2 opened fire on the remaining crossbowmen, but failed to kill any
- On Initiative: Empire Captain first, then Skaven Chieftain, then Swordsmen (due to winning previous combat), then the clanrats, then horse from the Captain
- Captain failed his attacks
- Chieftain failed his attacks
- Swordsmen killed 4 clanrats
- Skaven returning the favor by killing another 2 swordsmen
- Horse failed yet again
- Combat result: Skaven lost again by 1, but again they past their breaktest

Turn 4 - The Empire

- none
- Cannon pivoted towards the Rat ogre and grapeshots them, hitting the rat ogres on 4+ ( 1 got hit) and the packmast fully. Packmaster got killed and missing the Rat Ogre
- The remaining crossbowmen took out the Ratling gun 2
- same initiative order:
- The Captain killed the Chieftain with 1 wound overkill
- Swordsmen took down another 2 rats
- The Clanrats bit off another 3 swordsmen
- Skaven lost the combat by 2, but yet again survived their break test!!

Turn 5 - Skaven

- With stupidity the Rat Ogres moved half speed forward up the hill for another 50% penalty, thus moving 1,25"
- Ratling gun 1 took out the remaining crossbowmen :(
- The Captain + the Swordsmen then took out 3 more rats
- counter attack costed another swordsmen
- but they lost the comabt yet again and finally failed their breaktest
- they fled and got overrun by both the swordsmen and the captain (capturing their banner)
- Ratling gun 1 then had to panic test and lost that aswell

Turn 5 - The Empire

- Captain pivoted an marched towards the Rat Ogres
- Swordsmen unit turned and moved towards the Rat Ogres
- The cannon  attempted another Grapshot at the Rat Ogres, hitting one for 1 wound
- none

Turn 6 - Skaven

- Not much to do then move the Rat Ogres forward 1,25" again, just making the charge on the cannon
- Ratling Gun 1 kept on fleeing towards the table edge
- none
- The Rat Ogres killed 2 out of the 3 crew
- The left over crew member fled the combat chased by the Rat Ogres
- Cannon got demolished on the run but they didn't catch the crewmember

Turn 6 - The Empire

- Captain and swordsmen moved forward but could not get to charge the Rat Ogres
- The crewmember didn't make the rally test and kept moving
- none
- none

End result:
100 extra for general slain
100 for captured banner
no table quarters captured
500 - 2 rat ogres = 400 something vp's
500 - 105 - Half of 121 = 334 vp's

Difference was between 300 and 499 on the Victory chart up to 999 Size of the game
Empire won by Massacre

Built with Battle Chronicler.
« Last Edit: February 16, 2016, 08:57:41 AM by StealthKnightSteg »
Everyone is entitled to be stupid, but some abuse the privilege.

"Computer games don't affect kids; I mean if Pac-Man affected us as kids, we'd all be running around in darkened rooms, munching magic pills and listening to repetitive electronic music." -- Kristian Wilson, Nintendo, Inc, 1989

Offline StealthKnightSteg

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Skaven 10-4-2010 (part 1)
« Reply #1 on: April 11, 2010, 04:33:55 PM »

Skaven vs. The Empire

Location: Leeuwarden
Date played: Saturday 10 april 2010

General: Skaven Rat
  (C) Hero, Chieftain [0 points]
      - General

  (S) Hero, Sorceror [0 points]
      - level 2, Pestilent Breath and Wither (Lore of Plague)

  (C1) 20 Core, Clanrats [0 points]
      - Mucisian, SB, Champion, handweapon + shield or spear

  (C2) 20 Core, Clanrats [0 points]
      - Mucisian, SB, Champion, handweapon + shield or spear

  (G) 5 Special, Gutterrunners [0 points]
      - Skirmishers, Throwing stars, Nets

  (RG1) Core, Weapon Team, Ratling Gun [0 points]

  (RG2) Core, Weapon Team, Ratling Gun [0 points]

  (RO) 2 Special, Rat Ogre [0 points]
      - Frenzy, Stupidty (by lose of Packmaster)

  (P) Special, Packmaster [0 points]
      - Whip (attacks from rank 2)

The Empire
General: Vincent Goede
  (CotE) Hero, Captain of the Empire [105 points]
      - General, Hammer of Judgement, full plate, shield, barded warhorse

  (BW) Hero, Battle Wizard [130 points]
      - Level 2, Lore of Fire: Fireball and Conflagration of Doom
      - Rod of Power

  (KotBS) 5 Core, Knights of the Blazing Sun [115 points]
      - 1+ AS, +2S on charge

  (S) 20 Core, Swordsmen [145 points]
      - 5+ AS (4+ in combat)

  (H) 5 Core, Detachment, Handgunners [40 points]
      - 24" , S4, move-or-fire, armour piercing

  (FC) 7 Core, Detachment, Free Company [35 points]
      - 2 hand weapons

  (C1) 10 Core, Crossbowmen [80 points]
      - 30", S4, move-or-fire

  (GC) Special, Great Cannon [100 points]
      - 60", S10

  (C2) 3 Special, Crewmen [0 points]
      - Crewmen for the cannon, hand weapon

  Total: 750 points


750 point game
2 Heroes max
2+ core
2 special max
no rare

Terrain pre fixed

Empire won the roll  and decided to deploy on the tree side D6 roll: 6 versus 1 (after 2 rerolls)
Skaven was done first with deployment and got the +1 to roll on turn start. D6 roll: 2-2 So Skaven won and took first turn

Skaven: the gutter runners would get on the table by sneaky entrance

Skaven: Lore of Plaque, rolled for Pestilent Breath and Wither
Empire: Lore of Fire, Rolled for Wall of Fire (substituted for Fireball) and Conflagration of Doom

Turn 1 - Skaven

- All march moved
- none
- none
- none

Turn 1 - The Empire

- Knights moved to set up flank charge
- Swordsmen and Freecompany  alligned to the oncoming clanrats
- Conflagration of Doom killed 3 rats in C2
- Fireball missed
- Cannon overshot Ratling Gun 2
- Handgunners missed C2
- Crossbowmen shot Ratling Gun 1, but they ward saved the shot
- none

Turn 2 - Skaven

- Rat Ogres moved up towards the Crossbowmen
- Clanrat 1 moved a bit up to align to the swordsmen
- The Gutter Runners appeared behind my cannon
- Wither took down 1 Toughness on the Knights and Captain
- The Gutter Runners threw the stars on the cannon + crew, 1 on the crew missed and 4 on the cannon failed to wound (too high Toughness)
- Ratling Gun 1 decided to shoot his own Clanrat unit (rolled double 4) and killed 5, Panic test succesfull
- Ratling Gun 2 also on a double 4 decided to blow itself up
- none

Turn 2 - The Empire

- Crossbowmen charged C1 in the flank
- Free Company turned to face the gutter runners
- Conflagration of Doom got dispelled
- Fireball killed 1 in C2
- Cannon hit the last rank in C2 but failed to wound
- Hand Gunners killed 3 in C2
- Crossbowmen lost 2 and failed to kill anyone
- Lost the combat and fled but got caughed

Turn 3 - Skaven

- Gutter Runners charge  cannon
- C1 turns around
- RG1 moves towards C1
- C2 turned a bit
- Rat Ogres marched moved
- Wither on the Knights + Captain -1 Toughness
- none
-Cannon crew got wiped out

Turn 3 - The Empire

- Knights moved to get between the buildings
- Free Company moved towards the gutter runners
- Conflagration of Doom and Fireball both didn't cast
- Handgunners killed 1 rat in C2
- none

Turn 4 - Skaven

- Gutter Runners charge the Handgunners in the rear
- Rest moves
- Wither failed
- none
- 1 Handgunner got killed, they fled and got caught

Turn 4 - The Empire

- Swordsmen charge Gutter Runners, they flee, redirect on  C2 fails
- Knights turn again to face the flank of C2
- Free Company tries to attrack the Frenzied Rat Ogres
- Conflagration of Doom and Fireball failed again
- none
- none
« Last Edit: February 16, 2016, 09:22:40 AM by StealthKnightSteg »
Everyone is entitled to be stupid, but some abuse the privilege.

"Computer games don't affect kids; I mean if Pac-Man affected us as kids, we'd all be running around in darkened rooms, munching magic pills and listening to repetitive electronic music." -- Kristian Wilson, Nintendo, Inc, 1989

Offline StealthKnightSteg

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Skaven 10-4-2010 (part 2)
« Reply #2 on: April 11, 2010, 04:45:42 PM »
Turn 5 - Skaven

- Rat Ogres charge the Free Company, they flee but get caught
- Clanrats 1 charge the flank of the Swordsmen
- The frenzied Sorcerer needed to charge the swordsmen and charged out of C2
- The Gutter Runners fail their rally test and keep running
- Clanrats 2 face the Knights
- Double 1  resulted in 1 wound on the Sorcerer
- Ratling Gun 1 shoots at the knights, all wounds got saved
- The Sorcerer challenged and was accepted by the unit champion, the champion got killed
- Rats killed  1 swordsmen, Swordsmen killed 1 rat
- Combat was lost 6 to 3, the swordsmen failed their break test ran away and got caught
- Swordsmen Unit banner got captured by C1

Turn 5 - The Empire

- Knights charge C2
- none
- none
- The knights killed 4 rats and didn't get hit back
- Won the combat and caught the rats on the flee
- Redirected the pursuit onto the Ratling Gun, they fled
- C2 Unit banner got captured by the knights

Turn 6 - Skaven

- Ratling Gun failed the rally test and kept fleeing
- Gutter Runners failed the rally test and kept fleeing
- Sorcerer move towards the Knight to get into range for another Wither spell
- C1 turned
- Rat Ogres turned
- Wither got cast again on the Knights effectivly killing the knights and leaving the Captain alone with 1 Toughness, he passed his panic test
- none
- none

Turn 6 - The Empire

- Captain charged the Sorcerer
- none
- none
- The Captain failed to make an impression on the sorcerer. But got 1 wound against.

Empire got 290 points + 100 points for a captured banner = 390
Skaven got 645 points + 100 points for a captured banner  = 745
Difference = 355 -> Massacre win by Skaven

Built with Battle Chronicler.
« Last Edit: February 16, 2016, 09:23:42 AM by StealthKnightSteg »
Everyone is entitled to be stupid, but some abuse the privilege.

"Computer games don't affect kids; I mean if Pac-Man affected us as kids, we'd all be running around in darkened rooms, munching magic pills and listening to repetitive electronic music." -- Kristian Wilson, Nintendo, Inc, 1989

Offline Folken

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Re: Steg's Battle Reports
« Reply #3 on: April 11, 2010, 05:15:28 PM »
Excellent reports! I already downloaded that client.
You don't seem to get the great canon to pay for itself.  I definitely would favor picking out those 45 point rat ogres with it.

Offline StealthKnightSteg

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Re: Steg's Battle Reports
« Reply #4 on: April 11, 2010, 05:18:51 PM »
Excellent reports! I already downloaded that client.
You don't seem to get the great canon to pay for itself.  I definitely would favor picking out those 45 point rat ogres with it.

It takes some work to actually get the turns down but it works great!!
I would have gone for the rat ogres that second battle if it wasn't for the damn line of sight, they were constantly behind the damn trees.

The dice rolls were definatly not in my favor... all 3 flee / breaks didn't get higher then 5" on 2d6, also the hitting/wounding was horrible.

And forgetting that I have the Rod of Power the whole game long didn't help either !!! DOH
« Last Edit: April 11, 2010, 10:37:26 PM by StealthKnightSteg »
Everyone is entitled to be stupid, but some abuse the privilege.

"Computer games don't affect kids; I mean if Pac-Man affected us as kids, we'd all be running around in darkened rooms, munching magic pills and listening to repetitive electronic music." -- Kristian Wilson, Nintendo, Inc, 1989

Offline StealthKnightSteg

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Re: Steg's Battle Reports
« Reply #5 on: March 07, 2011, 05:36:08 PM »
Skaven vs. Empire

Location: Leeuwarden, The Netherlands
Date played: zondag 6 maart 2011

Rolled for the Battle Type: Rolling 4 so getting Blood and Glory
1500 points = Breaking Point of 2 and both having total of 3 Standards and 1 general  is 5 Fortitude

Terrain D6 +4 = 1 +4 = 5 Terrain pieces
On the Random Terrain Chart:
7 Mysterious Forest
4 Sinister Structure (5 for Idol of Gork)
6 Building
4 Sinister Structure (6 for Tower of Blood)
11 Marsh (5 = 3 for Mist-wreathed Swamp

We used 3 center points of the table to randomise the terrain on from left to right 3, 2 and 1. Most rolls were either a 1 or 2 so location on 1 then Scatter dice + 3d6. Every terrain piece ended up on the right side of the table

General: Ronald v.d. Starre
  (C1) 25 Infantry, Clanrats [1 point]

  (C2) 25 Infantry, Clanrats [1 point]

  (RG) Ratling Gun [1 point]
      - Deployed with Clanrats unit 2

  (WT) Warpfire Thrower [1 point]
      - Deployed with Clanrats unit 1

  (RO) 4 Monstrous Infantry, Rat Ogres [1 point]
      - 1 Champion

  (P) 2 Infantry, Packmasters [1 point]
      - With Rat Ogres (2nd rank)

  (HA) Monster, Hellpit Abomonation [1 point]

  (BSB) Infantry, Battle Standard Bearer [1 point]

  (Gww) General, with warlitter [1 point]

  (W) Infantry, Wizard [1 point]

  (GR) 5 Infantry, Gutter Runners [1 point]
      - "ambushers"

  Total: 11 points

General: Vincent Goede
  (AL) Cavalry, Arch Lector [247 points]

  (BW) Infantry, Battle Wizard [145 points]
      - level 2

  (WP) Infantry, Warrior Priest [119 points]

  (H) 25 Infantry, Halberdiers [170 points]

  (S) 20 Infantry, Swordsmen [145 points]

  (C) 12 Infantry, Crossbowmen [96 points]

  (KotWW) 10 Cavalry, Knights of the White Wolf [284 points]

  (GC) War Machine, Great Cannon [100 points]

  (M) War Machine, Mortar [75 points]

  (HRB) War Machine, Helstorm Rocket Battery [115 points]

  Total: 1496 points


Empire starts with Deployment
From left to right:
Knighs of the White Wolf with Arch Lector
Helstorm Rockect Battery
Great Cannon
Crossbowmen (6x2)
Swordsmen (5x4)
Halberdiers (5x5) with Warrior Priest
Battle Wizard

Deployment for Skaven:
Rat Ogres with packmasters in front of Clanrats 1 with the Warpfire Thrower
Hellpit Abomonation left of swamp
Between Swamp and Building was the Ratling Gun then the Wizard
Clanrats 2 right side of the Swamp

Spel selection:
Skaven wizard: Wither and Cloud of Corruption
Empire wizard: Flame Storm replaced with Signature spell Fireball and  Cascading Fire-Cloak

Turn 1 - Skaven

Skaven Troops move forwards
No Magic
No Shooting
No  Combat

Turn 1 - Empire

Empire holds their positions
10+ Fireball on the Hellpit Abomination gets dispelled
5+ Cloak is cast on wizard
no more Power Dice

Cannon targets the Hellpit Abomination, Regen Saves against the wounds
Mortar fires at the Clanrats 1 and overshoots
Rocket Battery also fires at the Clanrats 1 and kills 5 clanrats
Crossbowmen fire also at the clanrats and 11 of 12 fail to hit, though the 1 did kill another clanrat making the total 6

End of turn

Turn 2 - Skaven

Hellpit moves into the forest, rolling to see what kind of Forest, it turns out to be a normal one.
Rest moves forward without any effects

In the magic fase he dispells the Fire cloak on the wizard
This ends his turn

Turn 2 - Empire

Halberdiers and Swordsmen declare charges against the Clanrat 1 unit both at 8" reaction is hold and both units make it into close combat
The Knights move up on the flank of the Rat Ogres

Mage failes to cast his Fireball and cannot cast again this turn
Arch Lector casts Armour of Contempt but gets dispelled
Arch Lector then casts Unbending Righteousness and this gets through giving the unit Unbreakable
Warrior Priest casts Hammer of Sigmar but fails to do so.

Cannon shoots the Hellpit Abomination again and again it Regen Saves the wounds
Mortar Misfires but gets a 6 on the misfire chart and nothing further happens
Rocket Battery takes aim at the Clanrat 2 unit and gets the template above the unit and the wizard behind it. The wizard makes his Look Out, Sir! roll and 11 clanrats die in the process, a panic test is succesfully passed.
Crossbowmen takes a shot at the Rat Ogres with the 2 packmasters, killing both Packmasters and 1 wound on a Rat Ogre

Empire Declares no charges, Skaven General does declare a challange which is picked up by the swordsmen champion.
The Chanpion dies in the combat versus the General
Swordsmen loose 4 guys
Halberdiers loose 0 guys
Clanrats take 5 losses
Combat was won by 12 vs 9
The clanrats failed their Breaktest and flee.
The Swordsmen fail to catch the clanrats but the Halberdiers do.


End of game: Breakpoint of the Skaven reached by killing BSB, SB and General 5-4 = 1 (2 for breakpoint)

Turn 3 - Skaven

We decided to stick around for another turn to see how the battle would have continued.

Pursuit is worked out for the Swordsmen and Halberdiers from last turn.

The Gutter Runners made their ambush rule and came on the table behind my Crossbowmen
Hellpit Abomination needed to do a random direction move and moved infront of my wizard.
Clanrats 2 moved up towards my halberdiers with the ratling gun tailing
Wizard went into the woods
Rat Ogres went Stupid without their packmasters and moved 2" forward

The seer tried to cast Wither but it got dispelled
The attampt to cast Cloud of Corruption, failed to dispel it.
On a 2+ the wizard got hit and died (4 hits, warded 2!!, but only 2 wounds)
On a 4+ the Ratling Gun got hit and killed (WOOHOO hehe)
On a 4+ The Clanrats got also hit and 2 got killed.

The Gutter Runners used their Slings to shoot at the Crossbowmen (double shot and move -2 to hit)
The Warpfire Thrower got 1 knight down.

End of Skaven Turn

Turn 3 - Empire

The Knights charged the Rat Ogres in the Flank
The Halberdiers got a Swift Reform off and moved towards the Clanrats 2
The Swordsmen failed the swift reform, and just reformed towards the Gutter Runners
The Crossbowmen moved out of the way for the swordsmen only moving 4" for a failed Ld test for marching

Totally forgot to cast any prayers..

Mortar took aim at the Hellpit Abomination but missed
Cannon failed to hit with Grapeshot on the Gutter Runners
Rocket Battery was just far enough away and managed to hit and kill 3 Gutter Runners, which failed their panic test and ran off the board.

Rat Ogre Champion issued a challange which my Arch Lector accepted.
My AL used the VHS and both did nothing in the battle.
The Rat Ogres lost the battle (Challenge was only contact) and failed their breaktest. They managed to run away from my Knights but needed to take a dangerous Terrain test for 2 Ogres as they ran through my swordsmen unit taking 1 wound.

This was the end of the battle totally as I needed to go home as the little one really needed to go to bed (she and my Girlfriend spend the time with the kids there)

Counted VP's:
Empire: 1066
Skaven 145 (1 Battle Wizard)
Crushing Victory for the Empire

Built with Battle Chronicler.
« Last Edit: March 06, 2012, 12:35:55 PM by StealthKnightSteg »
Everyone is entitled to be stupid, but some abuse the privilege.

"Computer games don't affect kids; I mean if Pac-Man affected us as kids, we'd all be running around in darkened rooms, munching magic pills and listening to repetitive electronic music." -- Kristian Wilson, Nintendo, Inc, 1989

Offline Gneisenau

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Re: Steg's Battle Reports
« Reply #6 on: March 07, 2011, 07:36:48 PM »
Congratulations on the win!

A lovely display of "hang back and shoot them to bits while they charge". Also, I think that scenario is pretty cool, because even the nastiest of units (case in point: HPA) becomes irrelevant once the break point is reached.

Offline StealthKnightSteg

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Re: Steg's Battle Reports
« Reply #7 on: March 07, 2011, 07:52:18 PM »
Well I placed my block of halberdiers pretty much in the center... and he started placing his first clanrat unit all the way on the right side with all the terrain and I was like.. pah too much obstruction there to shoot it properly.. let it walk all the way to me so I set up on the other diagonal side of the table..

Note: also just noticed this ain't in the right section (used a quick link to my battle report thread...
I hope some admin can move this to the sub forum here where it belongs?

Edit: Thank you! :)
« Last Edit: March 07, 2011, 08:18:15 PM by StealthKnightSteg »
Everyone is entitled to be stupid, but some abuse the privilege.

"Computer games don't affect kids; I mean if Pac-Man affected us as kids, we'd all be running around in darkened rooms, munching magic pills and listening to repetitive electronic music." -- Kristian Wilson, Nintendo, Inc, 1989

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Re: Steg's Battle Reports (2011-04-02, will add 2000 vs Skaven)
« Reply #8 on: April 02, 2011, 08:33:41 PM »
Won my 2k point battle versus Skaven aswell, full report will follow tomorrow!
Everyone is entitled to be stupid, but some abuse the privilege.

"Computer games don't affect kids; I mean if Pac-Man affected us as kids, we'd all be running around in darkened rooms, munching magic pills and listening to repetitive electronic music." -- Kristian Wilson, Nintendo, Inc, 1989

Offline Odominus

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Re: Steg's Battle Reports (2011-03-06, added 1500 vs Skaven)
« Reply #9 on: April 03, 2011, 04:27:46 AM »
Thanks for the report!
Odo drops the bombs and laughs at all the clucking.

......, it would really help if you did research before spouting your opinion...

Offline StealthKnightSteg

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Re: Steg's Battle Reports (2011-04-02, added 2000 vs Skaven) part 1
« Reply #10 on: April 03, 2011, 02:57:15 PM »
Skaven vs. Empire

Location: Leeuwarden
Date played: zaterdag 2 april 2011

Terrain placed without any placement rules, just what we thoughed would look good.
From top to bottom, left to right:
1) v-shaped walls 2x 6"
2) v-shaped walls 2x 6"
3) Skree Slope Hill, any fast movement Take dangerous Terrain test.
4) Earth Blood Mere, Regeneration 6+ to any unit in it
5) Mystical Forest
6) 6" wall
7) 6" wall
8) Mystical Forest
9) Mystical Forest  with below that 3x 6" walls
10) Encampment of Destruction (3 buildings (2 houses 1 tower), walls and Charnel Pit unit within 6" loose 1 Ld, Undead units gain 6+ Renergation)

General: Ronald v.d. Starre
  (Gen) Infantry, General [1 point]
      - Warlitter

  (BSB) Infantry, Battle Standard Bearer [1 point]
      - joined CR1

  (PP) Infantry, Plague Priest [1 point]
      - Level 2 wizard, joined the Censur Bearers

  (WE) Infantry, Warlock Engineer [1 point]
      - Level 1 wizard, solo

  (CR1) 29 Infantry, Clan Rats [1 point]
      - FC, spears

  (RG) Infantry, Ratling Gun [1 point]
      - Connected with CR1

  (CR2) 29 Infantry, Clan Rats [1 point]
      - FC, spears

  (PM) Infantry, Poisonwind Mortar [1 point]
      - Connected with CR2

  (S) 24 Infantry, Stormvermin [1 point]
      - FC, halberds

  (WC) Infantry, Warpfire Cannon [1 point]
      - Connected with Stormvermin

  (Jez) 5 Infantry, Jezzails [1 point]

  (CB) 5 Infantry, Censur Bearers [1 point]
      - Champion

  (GR) 5 Infantry, Gutter Runners [1 point]
      - Champion

  (WLC) War Machine, Warp Lightning Cannon [1 point]
      - 4 crew

  (HPA) Monster, Hell Pit Abomination [1 point]

  Total: 15 points

General: Vincent Goede
  (AL) Chariot, Arch Lector [265 points]
      - on War Altar, Warhammer, Dawn Armour, Enchanted Shield (we figured out this was illegal so no shield during battle)
      - General

  (WL) Infantry, Wizard Lord [230 points]
      - Level 4, Lore of Life, The Crimson Amulet

  (C) Infantry, Captain [125 points]
      - BSB, AoMI, Dawnstone

  (WP) Infantry, Warrior Priest [103 points]
      - 2handed warhammer, Heavy Armor, Ironcurse Icon

  (BW) Infantry, Battle Wizard [145 points]
      - Level 2, Lore of Fire, Rod of Power, Talisman of Protection

  (Hal) 38 Infantry, Halberdiers [210 points]
      - FC

  (Swo) 30 Infantry, Swordsmen [205 points]
      - FC

  (H) 12 Infantry, Handgunners [116 points]
      - FC, Brace of pistols

  (KotWW) 10 Cavalry, Knights of the White Wolf [310 points]
      - IC, FC, Banner of Eternal Flame

  (GC) Warmachine, Great Cannon [100 points]

  (M) Warmachine, Mortar [75 points]

  (HRB) War Machine, Helstorm Rocket Battery [115 points]

  Total: 1999 points


Roll off for deciding who can take first pick of side: Ronald rolls 3, I roll a 4 and decide to take the hill side to set up some of my War Machines.
Roll of for start of Deployment is for Ronald

Left to right:
Deployment Skaven:
5 Jezzails in the Tower
5 Censur Bearers with the Plague Priest behind the wall before the Charnel Pit
Warlock Engineer besides that
Warp Lightning Cannon was deployed in the house
Stormvermin with General and Warpfire Thrower
Clanrats 1 with BSB and Ratling gun
Clanrats 2 with Poisonwind Mortar on the other side of the woods, partially in the wood
Hell Pit Abomination on the far right

Deployment Empire:
Helstorm Rocket Battery
Wizard Lord (Life) behind the wall
Handgunners  behind the wall
Halberdiers with the BSB and Warrior Priest in Horde formation closing the gap between the 2 wall formations
Arch Lector on War Altar behind the Halberdiers
Battle Wizard (Shadow) behind the walls
Knights of the White Wolf between the wall and Skree Slope
Mortar and Great Cannon on the Skree Slope

Rolling for Spells:
Plague Priest rolls: Plague and Vermintide
Warlock Engineer rolls: Warp Lightning

Wizard Lord (Life) rolls: Awakening of the Wood (replaced by Earth Blood), Shield of Thorns, Regrowth, The Dwellers Below
Battle Wizard (Shadow) rolls: Steed of Shadows (replaced by Miasma), Pit of Shades

Rolling for start:
I roll a 1 + 1 for deploying first = 2, Ronald rolls a 3 he starts.

Turn 1 - Skaven

As the Clan Rats 2 unit is partially in the forest we roll to determine what kind of forest it is: Abyssal Wood (models with in cause Fear)

Movement Phase:
Compulsary Move by the HPA moves it 8" forward into the next forest.
Roling for the forest: Normal forest
Rest also moves up besides the Jezzails and Cannon

Magic Phase:
9PD vs 9DD
Vermintide got dispelled
Not sure how Plague would effect a warmachine and which stat to use (Toughness test) so we rolled for it 1-3 Crew's T and 4-6 Machines T and we rolled a 1 so the Crew's T was to be used.
Plague  castbut dispell it
3 dice stored in the Rod of Power

Shooting Phase:
Warp Lightning Cannon took aim at the Halberdiers getting 36" placed + 2" from the Art dice getting it right in front of my Halberdiers. Taking it further passed my AL
Taking out 3 Halberdiers and my Arch Lector!!! :( Though it didn't kill my War Altar.
The Jezzails took out one crew member of the Rocket Battery

Turn 1 - Empire

Movement Phase:
Didn't move anything, was going to sit and fire for now.

Magic Phase:
11PD vs 6DD (rolled good on RoP)
Cast succesfully Shield of Thornes on Halberdiers
Cast succesfully Miasma on Stormvermin for -2 movement
Unbending Rightousness cast on Halberdiers making them Unbreakable
Regrowth cast with IF on the War Altar giving my AL back with 2 wounds (dice placed to mark 1 wound missing) Funny thing was he was saving his dispel dice for this.
Rolled a 7 on the Miscast table doing S10 hits to all models in base contact.. and I had none :)

Shooting Phase:
Cannon did 2 wounds on the Warp Lightning Cannon
Mortar took aim at the center line getting the template on top of the Stormvermin unit and the Ratling Gun (Black Bullseye)
- General made his Look Out! Sir roll
- 5 Stormvermin killed
- missing the Ratling Gun
Rocket Battery also aimed at the center units aiming just a bit short and with the extended roll came just a bit further then the Mortar.
- 3 Stormvermin killed
- Ratling Gun killed
Panic test for the Stormvermin was made.
Handgunners didn't have any targets yet.

Turn 2 - Skaven

Rolling for Gutter Runners: They stay away

Movement Phase:
HPA moves 14" up the Skree Slope, As the compulsary move isn't mentioned as a fast move for this terrain it didn't take a Dangerous Terrain test

Rest keeps moving up besides the WLC and the Jezzs.

Magic Phase:
10PD vs 10 DD
Warp Lightning got dispelled
Vermintide got dispelled
Plague got dispelled

WLC overshoots the Knights doing nothing
The Jezzails aimed at the Rocket Battery but failed to hit.

Turn 2 - Empire

Movement Phase:
Halberdiers Move up and a bit to the side so my AL could also move up next to it
Knights move up to fase the HPA.

Magic Phase:
8PP vs 6DD
Pit of Shades got dispelled (19 vs 19 on the dice rolls)
Regrowth on the Halberdiers failed
Shem's Burning Gaze from the Golden Griffon got dispelled

Shooting Phase:
Hand Gunners kill 4 Clanrats from CR1
Cannon took out the last wounds from the WLC
Mortar hit got scattered on the Clanrats 2 unit and killed 4 rats there (black Bullseye)
Rocket Launcher got a direct hit on Clanrats 1 unit killing 24 rats!!!! (blue Bullseye), only the BSB was left after he made his Look Out Sir roll
Ensuing Panic tests: Stormvermin made it, Clanrats 2 made it, Poison Mortar failed it at first but made it with the BSB re-roll

Turn 3 - Skaven

Guter Runners make it to the table and got placed behind my Battle Wizard

Movement Phase:
Stormvermin declare a charge against my Halberdiers but fail
HPA moves 5" towards my Knights
BSB joins with the 2nd Clanrat Unit
Warlock Enineer moves into the March
Censur Bearers move up towards my swordsmen and Rocket Battery
Gutter Runners move up to my Shadow Wizard.

Magic Phase:
8PD vs 9DD
Warp Lightning gets Dispelled
Vermintide failed to dispell. it hits the Swordsmen for 4 wounds 1 AS killing 3, it also hits the Rocket Battery killing the last 2 crew members.
Plague failed

Shooting Phase:
Gutter Runner took a sling shot at my Wizard doing 1 wound
Poison Mortar misses on the Knights (template went 8" back)
Warpfire Thrower kills 2 Halberdiers (BSB made his Look Out Sir roll), Panic test was made.
Jezzails miss (whatever they where shooting)

Turn 3 - Empire

Movement Phase:
Swordsmen Charge the Censur Bearers and made it
Halberdiers and the Arch Lector do a combined charge on the Stormvermin and both make it
Knights charge the HPA and make it but taking 2 casualties due to the Skree Slope
Shadow Wizard turns to face the Gutter Runners.

Magic Phase:
10PD vs 5DD
Regrowth on the Halberdiers fails to cast
Miasma fails to cast on the Gutter Runners
Healing Hands from the AL on himself (to heal that last wound) fails
Healing Hands from the WP on the AL also fails
Pha's Protection from the Golden Griffon on the Halberdiers fails with snake eyes.
I was really like WTF here, and Ronald laughing his ass off as he now had dice to dispell the buffs still on the Halberdiers..
He tried to dispell 2 times the Thornes.. both also failed!!!

Magic was just not into the game this turn.
Shield of Thornes then killed 3 Stormvermin

Shooting Phase:
Handgunners took out the Warpfire Thrower
Cannon had no visual to any viable targets
Mortar did an indirect shot at the Clan Rats 2, but it scattered right on top of my Halberdiers.. killing 10! Look out Sir made on the Warrior Priest.

Close Combat Phase:
Swordsmen vs Censur Bearers, Thougness Test killing 3 swordsmen and the Censur Bearer's Champion
Plague Priest kills 1 swordsmen, Swordsmen kill 2 Censur Bearers, Censur Bearers kill 3 Swordsmen
Censur Bearers fail their Breaktest and run 7", Swordsmen in Pursuit move 4"

AL + Halbs vs Stormvermin and General
Impact hits from the War ALtar kill 2 stormvermin
No Challenges
Skaven General hits my Arch Lector killing it!! with 2 wounds (if only he had healed him self up....)
Rest of the combat resulted in 5 Stormvermin killed and 2 Halberdiers.
The Stormvermin failed their Breaktest and flee 8" but get caught by the Halberdiers!!

Knights vs HPA
HPA rolls and gets Avalanche of Flesh and that alone kills my whole unit of Knights!!!
Panic test for the Mortar and Cannon are both passed.

Now the HPA is about free to roam and kill.
« Last Edit: March 06, 2012, 01:00:15 PM by StealthKnightSteg »
Everyone is entitled to be stupid, but some abuse the privilege.

"Computer games don't affect kids; I mean if Pac-Man affected us as kids, we'd all be running around in darkened rooms, munching magic pills and listening to repetitive electronic music." -- Kristian Wilson, Nintendo, Inc, 1989

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Re: Steg's Battle Reports (2011-04-02, added 2000 vs Skaven) part 2
« Reply #11 on: April 03, 2011, 02:57:56 PM »
Turn 4 - Skaven

Movement Phase:
Gutter Runners Charge the Shadow Wizard he flees and they didn't catch him.
Rally on the Censur Bearers failed and they keep on running into the last Mysterious Forest which turned out to be a Wild Wood if 4+ then D6 S4 hits at end of movement.
HPA moves into the Cannon.
Clan Rats move forward

Magic Phase:
6PD vs 5DD
WarpLightning on my Life Wizard cast with IF, Life Wizard dies. Also a 7 on the miscast table so nothing happens.

Shooting Phase:
The Posionwind Mortar fires at my Handgunners but it misfires and I get to replace the template within 3D6 anywhere I like :)
I place the template on top of his Engineer, but he doesn't get hit.
Jezzails fire at the left over War Altar but fail to wound it (1 hit ward saved on a 2+ due to magical attacks!)
Engineer then tries to shoot my fleeing Shadow Wizard but fails to hit.

Close Combat Phase:
HPA eats my Cannon crew

Turn 4 - Empire

Movement Phase:
Swordsmen make their Swift Reform and face + move up to the Warlock Engineer
Halberdiers make their Swift Reform making 5 files and moving up to the Clan Rats 2
Shadow Wizard Rallies

Magic Phase:
10PD vs 6DD
Pit of Shades gets dispelled
WP casts Armor of Contempt on himself

Mortar misses the Clan Rat 2 unit
Hand Gunners kill 3 Clan Rats

Turn 5 - Skaven

Movement Phase:
Gutter Runners charge Shadow Wizard again which flees again
Censur Bearers and Plague Priest rally
HPA moves into the Mortar
Clan Rats 2 swift reform to face the Halberdiers
The Posionwind Mortar makes his Ld test to march move and moves behind the Halberdiers
The Warlock Engineer fears the oncoming charge from the Swordsmen and hides at the side of the unit out of the charge arc facing the Handgunners

Magic Phase:
6PD vs 6DD
Warp Lightning, failed to dispell it kills 4 Hand Gunners. They made their Panic test
Plague failed to cast

Shooting Phase:
Jezzails kill the fleeing Shadow Wizard

Close Combat Phase:
HPA eats the Mortar crew aswell

Turn 5 - Empire

Movement Phase:
Halberdiers charge Clan Rats 2 unit
Swords reform again to face the Warlock Engineer

Magic Phase:
5PD vs 4DD
Soulfire casts with all the dice killing 1 Clan Rat

Shooting Phase:
Hand Gunners kill 4 Gutter Runners (only leaving the Champion), they fail their panic test but can reroll due to the BSB and make it.

Close Combat Phase:
With 5 Halberdiers dead and 4 Clan Rats dead the battle was a Draw. (Both having a musician)

Turn 6 - Skaven

Movement Phase:
The lone Gutter Runner Champion charges the flank of my Halberdiers (makes it aswell!!)
HPA starts to move towards the Handgunners
Warlock Engineer once again moves out of the charge arc of the swordsmen
Censur Bearers move towards the swordsmen

Magic Phase:
9PD vs 6DD
Warp Lightning  on the Handgunners gets dispelled
Vermintide on the Swordsmen killed 4 but due to the Swamp got to regenerate 1, so only lost 3
Plague failed to cast

Shooting Phase:
Posionwind Mortar fires again, and again misfires and yet again I can replace the template :P This time moved it ontop of the Censur Bearers with the Plague Priest, fortunatly for him it again did nothing.
Jezzails totally miss on the swordsmen

Close Combat Phase:
I Fail to kill the Gutter Runner in the Flank, but the Skaven loose combat.
The Clan Rats fail their Breaktest and run 11" and took 2 casualties more due to the Skree Slope
The Gutter Runner also fails his Breaktest and runs 9"
I decided to pursue the Clan Rats but only got an 8"

Turn 6 - Empire

Movement Phase:
I could charge the HPA or the fleeing Clan Rats, but seeing as the Clan Rats points where already void and the HPA would likelike kill my unit of Halberdiers I decided to not move at all.
Neither did my Swordsmen not being able to charge anyway.

Magic Phase:
7PD vs 4DD
Pointless to cast any prayer with my Warrior Priest.. so skipped this phase also

Shooting Phase:
Handgunners Took aim at the Gutter Runner Champion, but he saved the 1 wound.

End Game:
Victory Points counted:
Empire got 1447 points
Skaven got 1075 points

Empire wins by 372 points!!

Built with Battle Chronicler.
« Last Edit: March 06, 2012, 01:02:16 PM by StealthKnightSteg »
Everyone is entitled to be stupid, but some abuse the privilege.

"Computer games don't affect kids; I mean if Pac-Man affected us as kids, we'd all be running around in darkened rooms, munching magic pills and listening to repetitive electronic music." -- Kristian Wilson, Nintendo, Inc, 1989

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Re: Steg's Battle Reports (2011-04-02, added 2000 vs Skaven)
« Reply #12 on: April 03, 2011, 08:28:25 PM »
Can you really bring back the AL on altar with regrowth???

Offline StealthKnightSteg

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Re: Steg's Battle Reports (2011-04-02, added 2000 vs Skaven)
« Reply #13 on: April 03, 2011, 09:28:08 PM »
Can you really bring back the AL on altar with regrowth???

Not really sure about this, but regrowth says "Target Unit" and seeing the AL with the WAltar is one unit (just as with counting VP's when the WAltar is still there you don't get any points for the combination) we both figured this was a plausible thing to do.

Edit: hmm just read the spell again and near the end it states it can't heal characters or their mounts, so it wouldn't be possible. Good thing to remember next time..
« Last Edit: April 03, 2011, 09:31:01 PM by StealthKnightSteg »
Everyone is entitled to be stupid, but some abuse the privilege.

"Computer games don't affect kids; I mean if Pac-Man affected us as kids, we'd all be running around in darkened rooms, munching magic pills and listening to repetitive electronic music." -- Kristian Wilson, Nintendo, Inc, 1989

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Re: Steg's Battle Reports (2011-04-22, added a partial 2k vs Skaven)
« Reply #14 on: April 22, 2011, 08:17:55 PM »
Skaven vs. Empire

Location: Leeuwarden, The Netherlands
Date played: vrijdag 22 april 2011

The table was already set this way, we didn't move anything and decided to use it as is.

General: Ronald van der Starre

  (GS) Infantry, Grey Seer [1 point]
      - Level 4, General

  (BSB) Infantry, Battle Standard Bearer [1 point]

  (PP) Infantry, Plague Priest [1 point]
      - Level 2

  (WE) Infantry, Warlock Engineer [1 point]
      - Level 1

  (CR1) 19 Infantry, Clan Rats 1 [1 point]
      - FC

  (CR2) 19 Infantry, Clan Rats 2 [1 point]
      - FC

  (CR3) 35 Infantry, Clan Rats 3 [1 point]
      - FC, Holding the Screaming Bell

  (SB) War Machine, Screaming Bell [1 point]
      - With CR3

  (WLC) War Machine, Warp Lightning Cannon [1 point]

  (DW) War Machine, Doom Wheel [1 point]

  (Jez) 5 Infantry, Jezzails [1 point]
      - Champion

  (CB) 5 Infantry, Censur Bearers [1 point]

  (GR) 5 Infantry, Gutter Runners [1 point]
      - Scout or Ambush, Throwing Stars

  (MT) Infantry, Mortar Team [1 point]
      - Connected with CR1

  (RG) Infantry, Ratling Gun [1 point]
      - Connected with CR2

  (WT) Infantry, Warpfire Thrower [1 point]
      - Connected with CR3

  Total: 16 points

General: Vincent Goede

  (AL) Infantry, Arch Lector [218 points]

  (WL) Infantry, Wizard Lord [230 points]
      - Level 4 Lore of Life

  (CotE1) Infantry, Captain of the Empire [125 points]
      - BSB

  (CotE2) Monstrous Cavalry, Captain of the Empire [149 points]

  (WP) Infantry, Warrior Priest [96 points]

  (BW) Infantry, Battle Wizard [130 points]

  (Hal) 35 Infantry, Halberdiers [195 points]
      - FC

  (Swo) 30 Infantry, Swordsmen [205 points]
      - FC

  (FW) 19 Infantry, Flagellant Warband [190 points]

  (FC1) 6 Infantry, Free Company 1 [30 points]

  (FC2) 6 Infantry, Free Company 2 [30 points]

  (Pis) 5 Cavalry, Pistoliers [114 points]
      - Musician, Outrider with Repeater Pistol

  (GC) War Machine, Great Cannon [100 points]

  (Mort) War Machine, Mortar [75 points]

  (HVG) War Machine, Helblaster Volley Gun [110 points]

  Total: 1997 points


Ronald rolled a 5 versus a 4 for me and he decided I would start deploying.
He deployed his Gutter Runners as scouts on the far side of the church ruins.

I finished deployment first and rolled a 4 versus his 2 and decided to go first.

Before Turn 1 I vanguarded my Pistoliers straight forward with a small turn to the left towards his 2 weapon teams behind the rock

Skaven from left to right:

Empire in one shot (pre vanguard):

Magic was rolled:
Grey Seer rolled a D3 to determine the amount of Warp Stone Tokens, he got 1.
Grey Seer then rolled for his spells:
2) Warp Lightning
3) Howling Mob -> Replaced this for 13th Spell
4) Death Frenzy
6) Crack Skull

Plague Priest rolls for his spells:
1) Pestilent Breath
4) Vermin Tide

Warlock Engineer rolls for his spel:
6) Crack Skull

Wizard Lord (Life) rolls for his spells:
2) Flesh to Stone
4) Shield of Thornes -> replaced for Earth Blood
5) Regrowth
6) The Dwellers Below

Battle Wizard (Shadow) rolls for his spells:
3) Withering
4) The Penumbral Pendulum

Turn 1 - Empire

Moved the Flagellants forwad as I wanted them ASAP into combat befre they would be shot to bits
Moved the Pegasus Captain across the battleline to my cannon/mortar to pick up the Gutter Runners, Hope he will be in time!!
Pistoliers marched up to get a clear shot at the Mortar Team.

5PD vs 4DD, Winds of Magic were low.
Failed to cast the Penumbral Pendulum, but failed to cast it with 3 PD.
Warrior Priest wanted to cast Hammer of Sigmar on the passing Pegasus Captain, but got dispelled on an equal roll

The Great Cannon took aim at the Ratling Gun team aiming 6" short but rolled an 8" and over shot it, nothing behind it so didn't take the bounce roll
The Mortar crew was pretty scared of the closing Gutter Runners and tried to solve the problem by taking an indirect shot.
It was only slightly of target and managed to kill 1 Gutter Runner
The Helblaster didn't have a target yet so they relaxed for a bit to observe the battlefield.
The Pistoliers took aim at the Mortar team and killed it
Panic tests needed to be resolved: Clan Rats 1 made their test, Clan Rats 3 made their test, the Warpfire Thrower did not make his test and fled 8".

Close Combat:
We didn't have any thing to chop up yet.

Turn 1 - Skaven

So the turn was up for  the ratmen.

No charges were declared.
The Warpfire Thrower rallied
Doom Wheel moved up towards the Flaggelants
Clan Rats 3 with the Screaming Bell, Clan Rats 2 and the Censur Bearers all moved up.
The Gutter Runners sneaked up to the Great Cannon.

9 PD vs 8 DD
The Screaming Bell rang it's DingDong and rolled a 6 for a Reroll failed Ld tests within 24" for his turn
Warlock Engineer tried to cast Crack Skull to kill some Pistoliers, but it got dispelled
Grey Seer casts Warp Lightning at the Flaggelants but this also got dispelled.
Then the Grey Seer casts the 13th Spell with all his remaing dice and rolled 22 (+4 for the level of his wizard) and with 2 DD I could not counter it.
He rolled 15 on the Flagellants and those 15 turned in to rats and got killed by my remaining flaggelants.
I stored my remaining 2 DD in the Rod of Power.

The Ratling Gun wanted to finish of my Flaggelants but blew itself up in the process.
3 of the 5 Jezzails got to shoot between the Clan Rats 2 Unit and the Doomwheel to also try and finish off my Flaggelants. Due to poor shooting they only killed one Flaggelant.
The Doom Wheel rolled for a Ld test to restrain itself from shooting at the nearby Clan Rats 2 unit and made this roll
The Warp Lightning Cannon took Aim at the Pegasus Captain but overshot him, though he managed to hit the Hellblaster but the structure of this specialist cannon withstood the beating.
The sneaky Gutter Runner grabbed their Throwing Stars and tried to hurt the Great Cannon crew. Though the crew got some extra training in taking cover and they all survived.

Close Combat:
The little rats didn't have anything yet to set their claws and teeth in.

Turn 2 - Empire

So Empire's time to strike back at the little crawlies.

Flaggelants tried to restrain from charge the closest enemy being the Doom Wheel, but they got so exited that they still charged the Doom Wheel. (rolled double 6 on Ld 10! )
The Pegasus Captain rushed once more to aid the Artillery group.
The Pistoliers manouverd a bit closer to the Clan Rats 1 Unit (at 4" away to get the repeater pistol in short range)

9 PD (+2 from the RoP) vs 7 DD
Wither cast by the Battle Wizard on the Clan Rat 3 unit got dispelled
Penumbral Pendulum (normal version) also cast on the Clan Rats 3 Unit (specifically the Screaming Bell) was cast succesfully and the Dispell attempt was failed. So rolled 6D6 for the range and with 4 dice going on 2's and 3's I didn't make the range.

The Great Cannon turned to face the Gutter Runners to load them up with Grapeshot. Rolled 8 hits and killed all 4 Gutter Runners.
The Mortar crew now more confident about doing their intended job aimed for the Clan Rats 3 unit, but seaminly still shaky from the thread the Gutter Runners presented they missed their target and almost hit one of the pistoliers!
The Hellblaster Volley Gun finally had a target just viewing past the ruins infront of them and could take aim at the Clan Rats 3 unit nominating the unit itself for the shots.
Rolled an 8 and a 2 for 10 shots already. The Crew feeling lucky decided to fire the last set of barrels aswell, but theu misfired on them. The Helblaster Volley Cannon blew up but not before shooting all 30 shots out! With those 30 shots they killed 27 Clan Rats!! They remarkably made their Panic test.
Rolled an 8 and a 2 for 10 shots already. The Crew feeling lucky decided to fire the last set of barrels aswell, but they misfired on them. The Helblaster Volley Cannon blew up but not before shooting another 10 shots out! With those 20 shots they killed only 2 Clan Rats!! They remarkably withstood the barrage.

The Pistoliers now took aim at the Clan Rats 1 unit and killed 4 Clan Rats.

Close Combat:
Due to Initiative the Doom Wheel got first attack and killed the 3 Flaggelants.
Just for fun I decided to roll to martyr them on a D3 and rolled to martyr all 3 of them effectively suiciding the unit :)

Time was short on our hand and we had to abord the game here, but agreed on continuing it on another day. I will follow up on this battle then!

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« Last Edit: March 06, 2012, 01:18:43 PM by StealthKnightSteg »
Everyone is entitled to be stupid, but some abuse the privilege.

"Computer games don't affect kids; I mean if Pac-Man affected us as kids, we'd all be running around in darkened rooms, munching magic pills and listening to repetitive electronic music." -- Kristian Wilson, Nintendo, Inc, 1989

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Re: Steg's Battle Reports (2011-06-02, second part 2k vs Skaven)
« Reply #15 on: April 22, 2011, 08:18:53 PM »
Turn 2 - Skaven

The Doomwheel moved up 14" between my Captasus and Mortar crew.
Censur Bearers, Clan Rats 2 and Clanrats3 with the bell moved up aswell.

8 PD vs 7 DD
Bell rang 6-6-3, all models within 12" gained +1 Attack till the end of the turn which was pretty useless as there where no combats going on.
Also we had to roll for the Watchtower (as the only intact stucture) and on a 4+ it would crumble. And so it did.
As the Bell got a double he had to distribute 5 hits which killed 1 Clan Rat.
Vermintide got dispelled
Warplightning got dispelled
13th Spell failed to make its casting cost.
I then stored 3 Dice in to the Rod of Power.

The Doomwheel shot out 3 ligthning Bolts, The first outright killed my Pegasus Captain with exactly 3 wounds.
The second Bolt failed to hit the mortar, but the third bolt took it out with 3 wounds.
The Warlock Engineer shot his Doomrocket towards my Halberdier unit It landed betewwn my Halberdiers and the Detachment,
killing 2 Free Company men and 2 Halberdiers (after my Arch lEctor made his Look out, Sir! roll)
The Previous turn rallied Warpfire thrower tried to roast my Pistoliers but just failed to make the distance.
The Jezzails then killed one of my cannon crew.
The Warp Lightning Cannon took aim at my Life Wizard that failed it's Look Out, Sir! roll of a 4+ and he took 2 wounds.

Turn 3 - Empire

The Pistoliers Free Reformed to squeesh through the Clan Rat 1 unit and the Rock And reformed again to face the Warpfire Thrower.
The Swordsmen and their detachment turned and moved a bit to face the oncoming Censur Bearers.

7 PD vs 4 DD (lost all the stored dice)
Unbending Rightousness failed to cast
Dwellers Below failed to cast.

The Pistoliers killed the Warpfire Thrower
The Cannon put 2 wounds on the Doomwheel that then made his wound roll twice and stayed put.

Turn 3 - Skaven

The Censur Bearers charged the Free Company Detachment after making their Ld test to subdue their Frenzy so they would charge the Swordsmen.
The Doomwheel now started to make his first round around the cannon.
The Jezzails made a free reform (skirmischers) to face the Pistoliers
Clan Rat 1 unit face also towards the Pistoliers
Clan Rats 2 and 3 (with the bell) moved up in the center again.

8 PD vs 7 DD
The Bell rang 3+3+6, doing damage to all T7 models on the Battlefield, only my cannon met this requirement and took 1 wound.
Due to rolling a double again also 4 Clan Rats died.
Pestilent Breath failed to cast
Crack Skull failed to cast
Warp Lightning got dispelled
Crack Skull got dispelled

The Doomwheel misfired on the lightning bolts but only got Burst of Speed and could add 1 more dice to its movement., though no Bolts where launced.
The Jezzails then took out 4 Pistoliers.
Warp Lightning Cannon killed the Life Wizard and 1 more Free Company from the detachment.

Close Combat:
Due to the Censur Bearers all models in contact needed to roll for a Toughness test. 2 Free Company died of this
The Plague Priest killed 2 more men
While the Free Company men and Censur Bearers then hacked at eachother they killed 1 CB and the last 2 Free Company men got destroyed.
They decided to overrun, but rolled 10" and left the table for now.

Turn 4 - Empire

The Pistolier Champion trying to avoid the Clan Rats and the Line of Sight by the Jezzails moved to the rock, but his distance just failed a bit short to stay out of the charge arc of the Clan Rats.
The Swordsmen then wheel and move up to secure a flank charge on the Clanrats 3 if they decided to move up.
The Battle Wizard moved backward to keep his behind save from any charge that might occur.

9 PD vs 5 DD
Penumbral Pendulum on the Bell got dispelled
Withering on the Clanrats 3 Failed
Hammer of Sigmar by the Warrior Priest on himself failed
Hammer of Sigmar by the Arch Lector on himself got cast.

The Pistolier Champion failed to wound any Clan Rats.
The Cannon rolled a 1 on the too wound chart and thus failed to end the life of the Doomwheel :(

Turn 4 - Skaven

The Censur Bearers come back onto the table
The Clanrats 1 charge the Pistolier Champion, who flees but fail to run far enough and he gets caught!
The Doomwheel is still working his round about around the cannon.
Jezzails reform to face the cannon again.
Censur Bearers move 5" forward after the swordsmen.
Other Clan Rats stayed put.

11 PD vs 9 DD
The Bell did nothing this turn.
I let Pestilent Breath go through, fearing the 13th spell to go with all those PD. It killed 8 Swordsmen!
Crack Skull failed to cast
13th Spell got Irrisistable Force and I needed to kill 15 turned Halberdiers.
The miscast then killed 6 Clan Rats (in CR3) The Grey Seer saved 1 wound, but the Bell took a wound.
Not used any of my dispel dice here I stored 3 dice in the Rod of Power.

Doomwheel missed 3 times on the cannon with his low strength Bolts.
Jezzails on the cannon failed to do anything
Warp Lightning Cannon did 8 hits on the Halberdiers, the Arch Lector made his Look Out, Sir! roll, eventually killing 5 more halberdiers.

Turn 5 - Empire

The Halberdiers and the Swordsmen both charged the Clan Rat 3 unit with the Bell.
The leftover Detachment faced the Censur Bearers to hold them up a bit from entering the main battle.
The Battle Wizard moved up a bit to get line of sight on the Clan Rat 2 unit.

12 PD vs 5 DD (got all 3 stored dice)
Hammer of Sigmar by WP on himself got dispelled
Hammer of Sigmar by AL on WP got dispelled
Unbending Rightousness cast on the AL with the Halberdiers
Withering cast with Irresistable Force on Clan Rat 3 unit with the Bell. all got minus 3 Thougness!!
The followed miscat made my wizard loose a level and his Withering Spell.
The Skaven then dispelled the Remains in Play Hammer of Sigmar from the previous turn.

The Cannon misfired on the Doomwheel, but would be able to shoot again next turn.

Close Combat:
BSB killed 3 Clan Rats
-- Grey Seer missed his attack
Arch Lector did 1 wound on the Grey Seer
Warrior Priest failed to wound the Grey Seer
Swordsmen killed 3 Clan Rats (forgot the hatred rolls damnit!)
-- Clanrats killed 2 Swordsmen
-- Clanrats killed 1 Halberdier
-- Rat Ogre Beller did 1 wound on the Warrior Priest
Halberdiers killed 7 Clan Rats.

Turn 5 - Skaven

Clanrats 2 charged the flank of my Halberdiers
Censur Bearers charged the Detachment which fled but got caught and the CB's ended just short of the flank of my swordsmen.
The Doomwheel keeps pivotting the Cannon.
And Clan Rat 1 unit moves up.

5 PD vs 5 DD
Bell rang to cast Scorch which got dispelled
Vermintide got dispelled
Death Frenzy got cast on Clanrat 2 Unit for 2 attacks more
1 Dice stored in the Rod of Power

The first bolt by the Doomwheel killed the last crewmember and the cannon got destroyed. The other 2 Bolts killed 2 Clan Rats from CR2.

Close Combat:
Skaven BSB failed to hit/wound my BSB
Grey Seer failed his attack on the Halberdiers
-- My BSB failed to hit/wound his BSB
Clan Rats on Swordsmen killed 1
Clan Rats on Halberdiers (from both sides) kill 8
Rat Ogre kills my Warrior Priest
-- Arch Lector Kills the Grey Seer!
-- Warrior Priest kill 2 Clan Rats
-- Swordsmen kill another 3 Clan Rats
-- Halberdiers kill another 2 Clan Rats leaving only the champion in CR3.

Death Frenzy on the CR2 unit killed 3 Clan Rats there.

Turn 6 - Empire

The Shadow Wizard moved up to align him self as close as possible to the flank of the Censur Bearers.

4 PD vs 2 DD
Healing Hand on the Wizard succesful (healing the wound from the miscast)
Penumbral Pendulum cast on the Censur Bearers. 4 CB's to test I, 3 got killed, Plague Priest made his I test and so did 2 Clan rats that where also hit.
Remains in Play Wither dispel by skaven failed. So the -3T still applied.

Close Combat:
-- Skaven BSB on my BSB did nothing
my BSB did 1 wound on his BSB
Swordmen champion plus one normal swordmen took out the last Clan Rat from the bell pushers
4 Swordsmen did one wound on the Bell
-- Rat Ogre from the Bell did nothing on the Arch Lector
-- Champion from the Clan rats that pushed the Bell did nothing back
-- Clan Rats 2 did nothing on the BSB (only model in contact with them)
Halberdier Champion faile dto wound the Bell any further.

Turn 6 - Skaven

Censur Bearer and the Plague Priest charge the Swordsmens Flank
Doomwheel moved 6" on 4 d6
Clan Rats 1 moves out of line of sight for the Warp Lightning Cannon.

10 PD vs 7 DD
The Bell rolls a 4 and does nothing.
Withering (R.I.P.) dispelled
Unbending Rightousness on the Halberdiers dispelled
Pestilent Breath got dispelled
Crack Skull kills the Battle Wizard.

Close Combat:
Thoughness Test on the Swordsmen kill 3
Skaven BSB on my BSB does finally land some wounds, which I now for the first time save on a 1+ AS re-rollable.
+The look on his face was priceless :)
Plague Priest failed his attacks on the Swordsmen
-- My BSB kills the Skaven BSB (even better look on his face now)
The Rat Ogre beller then kills my last Halberdier (champion)
Clan Rats 2 unit does 1 wound on my BSB
-- Arch Lector fails to wound the Bell
-- 4 Swordsmen also fail to wound the Bell
-- 3 Swordsmen tried to kill the Censur Bearer but failed
Censur Bearer Champion in his turn kills 2 swordsmen

Combat result made my 2 units break.
The Swordsmen get caught by the Censur Bearer Champion and the Plague Priest
The Halberdiers... well actually only my Arch Lector now got caught running by the Clan Rat 2 unit.

Empire wipe out
Difference in points was 1630.

Captasus is not really my thing to use.
Should have gone earlier into combat with my swordsmen and halberdiers this game as I lost to many men by waiting.
My arterlley needs more protection.
Not sure about the Flaggelants.. I haven't seen much killing yet in several games and they attract mucho magic and shooting before they even get into combat..
That on it's own might be worth something as decoy unit but still lots of points lost there.

Already had another (maybe better suited to my playstyle) 2k list that will be used next time.

Steg out!

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« Last Edit: March 06, 2012, 01:13:40 PM by StealthKnightSteg »
Everyone is entitled to be stupid, but some abuse the privilege.

"Computer games don't affect kids; I mean if Pac-Man affected us as kids, we'd all be running around in darkened rooms, munching magic pills and listening to repetitive electronic music." -- Kristian Wilson, Nintendo, Inc, 1989

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Re: Steg's Battle Reports (2011-04-22, added a partial 2k vs Skaven)
« Reply #16 on: April 25, 2011, 02:54:37 AM »
Good report Knight,

Some points I am not sure and I would like to clarify:
- the magic resistance of the war altar should not improve your ward save against magic weapon if I read correctly the rule book.
- when you shoot the hellblaster, if you misfire on the last barrel and get the results "all remaining barrels get 10 shoots" it only applies to the last barrel. In your case, you should have 8+2+10 shots that will still need to roll to hit...


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Re: Steg's Battle Reports (2011-04-22, added a partial 2k vs Skaven)
« Reply #17 on: April 25, 2011, 03:39:06 PM »
Good report Knight,

Some points I am not sure and I would like to clarify:
- the magic resistance of the war altar should not improve your ward save against magic weapon if I read correctly the rule book.
- when you shoot the hellblaster, if you misfire on the last barrel and get the results "all remaining barrels get 10 shoots" it only applies to the last barrel. In your case, you should have 8+2+10 shots that will still need to roll to hit...


The first point was also adressed by my opponent later and you are right. Only against damage caused by spells

The second point I just reread and indeed the barrel it concerns is affected and any remaining (which in this case is non) so should have been 8+ 2 + 10 I will correct this when we continue the battle!

Thanks for pointing me these out! This is the reason why we play and I report the battles just filter these kind of mistakes out and to get our game more pure!
Everyone is entitled to be stupid, but some abuse the privilege.

"Computer games don't affect kids; I mean if Pac-Man affected us as kids, we'd all be running around in darkened rooms, munching magic pills and listening to repetitive electronic music." -- Kristian Wilson, Nintendo, Inc, 1989

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Re: Steg's Battle Reports (2011-04-22, added a partial 2k vs Skaven)
« Reply #18 on: April 26, 2011, 01:29:06 AM »
You are already pounding your opponent so I guess I could give him a hand. I didn't want to sound bad pointing these mistakes.

I am also very surprise by the very poor shooting phases of the ratman, I am used to see much more efficient warmachines especially the mortar. It has  a longer range and can start to be effective early in the game.

I like also how you setup combined charges to get rid of his blocks. Very effective.


Offline StealthKnightSteg

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Re: Steg's Battle Reports (2011-04-22, added a partial 2k vs Skaven)
« Reply #19 on: April 26, 2011, 11:37:08 AM »
You are already pounding your opponent so I guess I could give him a hand. I didn't want to sound bad pointing these mistakes.

I am also very surprise by the very poor shooting phases of the ratman, I am used to see much more efficient warmachines especially the mortar. It has  a longer range and can start to be effective early in the game.

I like also how you setup combined charges to get rid of his blocks. Very effective.


you don't sound bad at all!! I want to win fair and square not due to some misinterpertations of the rules (or misreads due to the heat of the battle or due to time limits not reading carefully enough) Also this was my first use of the Helblaster so I did expect some messups..
Practise makes perfect (well eventually I hope before a new rules update  :engel: :dry: )
Well the shooting of the rats being so bad in al those games is more the faulty dice in my opponents hands  :happy: He likes to blow his own stuf up before taking mine out  :biggriin:
Everyone is entitled to be stupid, but some abuse the privilege.

"Computer games don't affect kids; I mean if Pac-Man affected us as kids, we'd all be running around in darkened rooms, munching magic pills and listening to repetitive electronic music." -- Kristian Wilson, Nintendo, Inc, 1989

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Re: Steg's Battle Reports (2011-04-22, added a partial 2k vs Skaven)
« Reply #20 on: April 29, 2011, 01:28:07 PM »
I'm not sure if it was mentioned but grape shot's artillery dice roll does not equal the amount of hits, nor does the hellblaster.  It signifies the number if shots you get, at the BS skill of the cannon's crew (3).   The surely didn't roll eight 4+.  That's like a .19% chance or so.


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Re: Steg's Battle Reports (2011-04-22, added a partial 2k vs Skaven)
« Reply #21 on: May 03, 2011, 06:57:23 PM »
I'm not sure if it was mentioned but grape shot's artillery dice roll does not equal the amount of hits, nor does the hellblaster.  It signifies the number if shots you get, at the BS skill of the cannon's crew (3).   The surely didn't roll eight 4+.  That's like a .19% chance or so.


I know the grapeshot isn't and needs to be done on bs skill to hit, that is actually what I did. I'm not sure if I did it on the HBVG (did it at the Eurobash though), but with a comment from earlier I need to redo it anyway I'll make sure to do it the right way then :)

Thanks atleast for pointing it out!
Everyone is entitled to be stupid, but some abuse the privilege.

"Computer games don't affect kids; I mean if Pac-Man affected us as kids, we'd all be running around in darkened rooms, munching magic pills and listening to repetitive electronic music." -- Kristian Wilson, Nintendo, Inc, 1989

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Re: Steg's Battle Reports (2011-05-06, added 2.5k vs Chaos Warriors)
« Reply #22 on: May 06, 2011, 09:58:10 PM »
Chaos Warriors vs. 2nd intervention army from Altdorf

Scenario: Normal Pitched Battle
Location: St. Niklaas (Belgium)
Date played: vrijdag 6 mei 2011

Chaos Warriors
General: Warhammerlord_Soth

  (G) Infantry, General [1 point]

  (BSB) Infantry, Battle Standard Bearer [1 point]

  (W1) Infantry, Wizard 1 [1 point]
      - Level 2

  (W2) Infantry, Wizard 2 [1 point]
      - Level 2

  (CW) 40 Infantry, Chaos Warriors [1 point]

  (M) 40 Infantry, Marauders [1 point]

  (WH1) 5 War Beast, War Hounds 1 [1 point]

  (WH2) 5 War Beast, War Hounds 2 [1 point]

  (WH3) 5 War Beast, War Hounds 3 [1 point]

  (MH) 10 Cavalry, Marauder Horsemen [1 point]

  (CO) 9 Monstrous Infantry, Chaos Ogres [1 point]

  Total: 11 points

2nd intervention army from Altdorf
General: StealthKnightSteg

  (TGM) Cavalry, Templar Grand Master [230 points]

  (WL) Infantry, Wizard Lord [260 points]
      - Life level 4

  (CotE) Cavalry, Captain of the Empire [139 points]
      - BSB

  (WP) Cavalry, Warrior Priest [150 points]

  (BW) Infantry, Battle Wizard [100 points]
      - Level 2 Metal, added in to up the list from 2400 to 2500

  (ME) Infantry, Master Engineer [90 points]

  (H1) 40 Infantry, Halberdiers [220 points]

  (H2) 15 Infantry, Handgunners [135 point]

  (FW) 25 Infantry, Flagellant Warband [250 point]

  (KotBS) 7 Cavalry, IC Knights of the Blazing Sun [247 points]

  (G) 25 Infantry, Greatswords [280 points]

  (P) 5 Cavalry, Pistoliers [114 points]

  (GC) War Machine, Great Cannon [100 points]

  (M) War Machine, Mortar [75 points]

  (HVG) War Machine, Helblaster Volley Gun [110 points]

  Total: 2500 points


Scenery: Mid left a Ruined Castle, Center just a normal tower, Up Right Something cavy counts as difficult terrain and Lower Right some rock formations.

Soth deployed his army from left to right:
Marauder Horsemen, War Hounds 1, Chaos Ogres, Chaos Warriors with General, BSB and wizard 1 (Death), War Hounds 2 unit, Marauders with the Wizard 2 (Fire) and then War Hounds 3

Against my deployment:
Knights with Templar Grand Master, Warrior Priest, BSB then next to it Pistoliers who vanguarded 12", then my Artillery is deployed Mortar, Helblaster, cannon with inbetween my Engineer, Halberdiers next, then the Battle Wizard besides the Great Swords. Next up were the Handgunners with the Wizard Lord (Life) and at the edge the flagellants

Chaos spell selection:
The Death Wizard got Spirit Leech and Soulblight
The Fire Wizard got Flaming Sword of Rhuin and The Burning Head

Empire spell selection:
The Life Wizard took Flesh to Stone, Shield of Thornes, Regrowth and Dwellers Below (Made my first mistake here for not choosing Throne of Vines on a double roll)
The Metal Wizard took Searing Doom and Plague of Rust.

Soth won the roll for deciding who may start and he let me open up the game.

Turn 1 - 2nd intervention army from Altdorf

Moved up the Pistoliers further with the Knights behind them. On the other side the Flagellants started to make their way up the board as well. While the rest held the line.

9PP vs 5DD
Flesh to Stone was succesfully cast on the Halberdiers (spells till next your next magic fase casting is useless if they won't be in combat yet.. As I

found out)
Shield of Thornes also succesfully cast on th GreatSwords.
Prayer of Unbending Righteousness was cast succesfully on the IC Knights.
1 Dice left over went into the Rod of Power.

Pistoliers took out 1 Maurauder Horsemen
Mortar just fired short of the Maurauders
Cannon took out 2 Chaos Warriors

Turn 1 - Chaos Warriors

The Marauder Horsemen and the adjescent War Hounds both charged my Pistoliers that turned and fled, but they got caught by the Horsemen. The Horsemen in

their run just past my Knights with the War Hounds behind them.
The Ogres then moved up behind the War Hounds.
Both blocks of the Warriors and Marauders moved up along with the other War Hounds that also reformed at their end locations.

9PD vs 8DD
The Chaos Wizards started by removing all the spells I had in play: Unbending Righteousness, Stone to Flesh, Shield of Thornes.
Then the Death Wizard casted Soulblight on the Knights but that got easilly dispelled.

As it then turned out that our Chaos opponent didn't bring any shooting along and thus this fase was skipped.

Turn 2 - 2nd intervention army from Altdorf

Flaggelants then charge the War Hounds 3 Unit who then fled but failed to run away far enough and got caught by the crazed bunch!
The Knights charge the War Hounds 1 Unit which also flee, redirect of the charge leads them in a frontal fight with the Chaos Ogres.

Unfortunatly this oppenend up my Artillery for the Marauder Horsemen. (In my opinion the 2nd mistake I made)

9PD - 3DD
Unending Righteousness got dispelled on the Knights
Searing Doom on the War Hounds 2 killed 1 chaos warrior
Plague of Rust gave the Warriors -1 AS for the rest of the game.

The Handgunners now with a traget in range opend fire upon the War Hounds 2 unit and killed 2 dogs
Now with the flank open to my Artillery my Mortar turned towards the Marauder Horsemen and killed 1 of them
The Cannon took out another Warrior
And the Helblaster got jammed on the third barrel but still killed 2 more warriors

Magic and shooting killed: 4 warriors, 1 horsemen and 2 War Hounds

Close Combat:
The Knights managed to kill 3 Ogres on the charge and lost 3 of their brethern doing so. Winning the combat the Ogres kept firm for another round of combat.

Turn 2 - Chaos Warriors

Now that the fast units came in charge distance things were looking grim and the main battle line became unresty.
The War Hounds 2 declared a charge on the Battle Wizard who held as reaction not wanting to go yet. The Hounds then failed their charge and only moved up a few inch.
The Marauder Horsemen felt relieved by the minimum dmage the Mortar did on them that they Charged forward into the Mortar.
The War Hounds 1 then made their rally attempt and faced toward the chaos warriors and ran between them and the Ruined Castle
The Warriors now found themselfs a bit blocked by the failed charge of the War Hounds 2 unit and the just moved in War Hounds 1 unit could only move up a little.
Accordingly the Marauders moved also slightly up.

9PD vs 6DD
Soulblight got dispelled
Sword of Flaming Rhuin got dispelled
The Burning Head was failed to cast.

Close Combat:
The Marauder Horsemen had no problem killing the Mortar crew and overran into the Engineer
Not having the advantage anymore of the lances the Knights fluffed most of their attacks and didn't manage to wound any Ogre.
The Ogres on their turn managed to kill another 3 Knights and the Battle Standard Bearer. Leaving only The Grand Master and the Warrior Priest that also got 1 wound and the Preceptor. They were now not confident anymore about the fight that they turned tail and fled away from the Ogres.

Turn 3 - 2nd intervention army from Altdorf

The Knights (or what was left of them rallied and turned to face the onstorming Ogres.
The Flagellants reformed to hopefully charge down the flank of the marauders.

9PD vs 5DD
Shield of Thornes got dispelled
Dwellers Below on the Marauders got IF'ed and killed a few Marauders. The roll on the miscast table then got altered by a chaos item and the Life Wizard

got Powerdrained. Loosing Dwelelrs Below and Flesh to Stone now being a level 2 wizard.

The Handgunners killed another 5 marauders
While the cannon took out another 2 warriors

Close Combat:
The Maurauder Horse didn't leave anything hole of the Engineer and overran into the Helblaster

Turn 3 - Chaos Warriors

The Ogres indeed looked upon the Knights and charged them again.
The War Hounds 2 unit still felt they could take on the Battle Wizard and charged, though again they failed to reach him.
The Fire Wizard left the unit of Marauders to wander around on it's own near the rock formation, while the Marauders themselfs turned to face the
War Hounds 1 followed by the Warriors slowly moved forwards.

7PD vs 6DD
Spirit Leech got dispelled
Burning Head also got dispelled

Close Combat:
The Knights failed to win their combat yet again and now they turned and fled of the board.
The Marauder Horsemen went on with their killing spree and killed the HBVG crew and overran into the cannon.

To be continued next post...
« Last Edit: March 12, 2012, 03:24:47 PM by StealthKnightSteg »
Everyone is entitled to be stupid, but some abuse the privilege.

"Computer games don't affect kids; I mean if Pac-Man affected us as kids, we'd all be running around in darkened rooms, munching magic pills and listening to repetitive electronic music." -- Kristian Wilson, Nintendo, Inc, 1989

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Re: Steg's Battle Reports (2011-05-06, added 2.5k vs Chaos Warriors)
« Reply #23 on: May 06, 2011, 09:58:37 PM »
Turn 4 - 2nd intervention army from Altdorf

The Halberdiers decided to charge the War Hound 1 unit, they fled and the redirect made them come into contact with the Warriors.
The Great Swords wanting to get into the fray aswell charged the War Hound 2 unit that held, but they failed to make their way over through the sand in their Full Plate Armour.
The Flagelants eager to mashup some more chaosscum charged the Marauders.

Fearing the onslaught from the Marauder Horsemen the Battle Wizard moved up behind the Halberdiers to get out of the overrun line.

5PD vs 5DD
Plague of Rust got dispelled on 12 equal on the dice
Shield of Thornes got dispelled on 9 equal on the dice

Some of the Handgunners were able to take some shots against the now lone wizard and made 1 wound on him!

Close Combat:
Flagellants took 8 casualties before killing 9 Marauders (another mistake here was not Martyring some)
Not winning the combat the battle would continue next round.
The Halberdiers did not fare well taking 12 casualties  amonst them their champion who prevented the General from rampaging through more Halberdiers and killing no warriors, but made their steadfast breaktest.
The cannon crew survived the battle but did not so well on their breaktest and fled after demolishing their cannon.

Turn 4 - Chaos Warriors

The War Hounds 2 now charged the Battle Wizard again who now was much closer and thus made their charge easily.
The Horsemen charged the flank of the Greatswords.
The War Hounds 1 rallied.
And the Ogres moved up on the path of destruction the Horsemen already made.
The Lone Wizard now really hide behind the rocks out of sight from the Handgunners

5PD vs 3DD
Soulblight on the Greatswords with IF gave them -1S and -1T
Miscast positioned the Large Round Template on the combat killing 5 Halberdiers, 12 Warriors and wounded the Wizard.

Close Combat:
Flagellants hold after lossing another 8 versus 3 Marauders
Great Swords kill 3 Horsemen and lost none of their own, the Horsemen flee and get caught by the now furius Great Swords
The Battle Wizard killed 1 hound before he fled the battle where he got caught by the reaming 2 hounds.

Turn 5 - 2nd intervention army from Altdorf

The Handgunners now without targets wheeled to the middle of the table
The Great Swords did a free reform and walked up towards the Warriors in the back of the Halberdiers trying to get to the other side.

9PD vs 5DD
Shield of Thornes was cast on the Halberdiers
Regrowth was also succesfull on the halberdiers bringing 4 of them back including the champion.

As the Handgunners moved this turn they weren't able to shoot

Close Combat:
The Flagellants took another 2 dead and didn't kill any in return.
The champion again made in into a challenge with the Chaos General and got killed again. Also 8 more Halberdiers bit the dust without killing any in
Still they sticked around, while the Warriors now reformed into 6 wide.

Turn 5 - Chaos Warriors

The Chaos Ogres had a long shot in trying to charge the Great Swords but took it, though they failed and moved 3" up.
The War Hounds 2 then moved up to the flank of the handgunners, while the War Hounds 1 unit moved around to also face the Handgunners flank.

8PD vs 4DD
Spirit Leech was cast and the Life Wizard failed to dispell it and died there of. Choas therefor gained a PD.
Burning Head also cast was failed to dispel by the army. 4 Handgunners burned to crisp, but they made their panic test.
Sword of Rhuin then made it on to the Marauders giving them +1 to wound

Close Combat:
The Flagellants now became tired and 5 more of them died without killing any in return.
The Halberdiers lost another 8 versus killing again zero of the warriors. This time Steadfast wasn't there to help anymore and they fled 7" but the
Warriors failed to catch them with 5"

Turn 6 - 2nd intervention army from Altdorf

The Halberdiers rally to face the Warriors, but because they rallied they now blocked the charge line for the Great Swords. Big bummer here to get one more big battle in to test the Great Swords.

Was now non existant without any casters left.

The Handgunners took aim at the only thing they could shoot at, being the War Hound 2 unit. And they killed the last 2 dogs in there.

Close Combat:
Now the last 2 Flagellants also bit the dust and the fight was over.

Turn 6 - Chaos Warriors

Now that the Ogres where a bit closer they now succeeded in their charge of the Great Swords flank (should have turned them in my turn!)
The Warriors charged the Halberdiers.
The Marauders after having reformed to face the Hand Gunners failed their charge.
The War Hounds 1 did make their charge into the flank of the Handgunners.

12PD vs 6DD
I dispelled the Soulblight on the Great Swords
Sword of Rhuin was cast upon the Warriors

Close Combat:
The Warriors crushed the Halberdiers and overran into the front of the Great Swords
As the other battle was not yet resolved they got another round of combat to fight.
The General met the Counts Champion in a challenge and the champion died with 2 overkill
The Warriors then killed another 6 Great Swords
The Great Swords in return then killed the Death Wizard and 2 warriors
The Ogres then killed another 8 Great Swords

The Handgunners lost 1 of their own on the flank charge, didn't manage to kill any in return and just narrowly lost their combat but did not decide to hold and ran off only to be caught by the following hounds.

The result:
A Massive Massacre for the Chaos Warriors.
They won this battle but the war isn't over!

Built with Battle Chronicler.
« Last Edit: March 12, 2012, 03:20:50 PM by StealthKnightSteg »
Everyone is entitled to be stupid, but some abuse the privilege.

"Computer games don't affect kids; I mean if Pac-Man affected us as kids, we'd all be running around in darkened rooms, munching magic pills and listening to repetitive electronic music." -- Kristian Wilson, Nintendo, Inc, 1989

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Deamons of Chaos vs. 2nd intervention army of Altdorf

Scenario: Normal Pitched Battle
Location: St. Niklaas (Belgie)
Date played: zondag 1 mei 2011

Deamons of Chaos
General: Little Phil (chasla)

  (B1) Monster, Bloodthirster [500 points]

  (BSB) Infantry, Battle Standard Bearer [1 point]

  (TS) Infantry, Tzeentch Sorcerer [1 point]

  (FoS) Monstrous Beast, Fiend of Slaanesh [1 point]

  (S) 3 War Beast, Screamer [1 point]

  (F) 3 Infantry, Flamers [1 point]

  (B2) 30 Infantry, Bloodletters [1 point]

  (PH) 10 Infantry, Pink Horrors [1 point]

  (CF) 5 Infantry, Chaos Furies [1 point]

  (D) 30 Infantry, Deamonettes [1 point]

  Total: 509 points

2nd intervention army of Altdorf
General: StealthKnightSteg

  (AL) Chariot, Arch Lector [263 points]
      - War Altar

  (WL) Infantry, Wizard Lord [230 points]
      - Level 4, Life

  (CotE) Infantry, Captain of the Empire [125 points]
      - BSB

  (WP) Infantry, Warrior Priest [103 points]

  (BW) Infantry, Battle Wizard [145 points]
      - Level 2, Shadow

  (H1) 38 Infantry, Halberdiers [210 points]

  (S) 30 Infantry, Swordsmen [205 points]

  (H2) 12 Infantry, Handgunners [116 points]

  (KotWW) 10 Cavalry, IC Knights of the White Wolf [310 points]

  (GC) War Machine, Great Cannon [100 points]

  (M) War Machine, Mortar [75 points]

  (HRB) War Machine, Helstorm Rocket Battery [115 points]

  Total: 1997 points


Note: My scribbles are short and I might miss some things (turn 5-6 for example I have no idea what the bloodletters where doing)

Empire needed to deploy first and finished first as well with the last drop being the characters from the Deamons. Not very good placing of the Bloodthirster versus my calvalry :(

From Left to right:
Fiend of Slaanesh behind that the Screamers and behind that some Flamers.
Then the Bloodletter including the BSB
Then the Chaos Furies with behind them the Pink Horros which count as a lvl 1 wizard as a unit of 10 inlcuded the lvl 2 wizard aswell.
Followed by the Deamonettes
and the Bloodthirster far to the right.

Artillery was set up at the left side with the mortar the most left and the Cannon next to my Halberdiers
Besides the Halberdiers which include the BSB and the WP, where the Handgunners with the Life Wizard Lord.
Setting up in the middle was the Arch Lector on his War Altar and right next to him the Swordsmen.
Then The Rocket Battery took position next to the Swordsmen.
The Battle Wizard took position behind the rock formation. As the Knights took the outermost right edge of the table to be able to come up behind the deamon lines.

Spell selection:
The lvl 2 knows all Life Spells
The lvl 1 Pink Horror unit has Teentz

Life wizard rolled 3,5,6,6 grabbing: Flesh to Stone, Throne of Vines, Regrowth and Dwellers Below
Shadow wizard rolled 3 and 4 getting: The Withering and subbing The Penumbral Pendulum for Miasma

Empire won the roll to start and decided to deliver the first punch with a round of shooting.

Turn 1 - 2nd intervention army of Altdorf

Not sure about their opponent the Empire line waited a while longer before moving.

5PD vs 3DD
Miasma was cast on th Chaos Furies to give them -1 to movement
Throne of Vines was then succesfully cast.

The Mortar took aim at the Bloodletters, but the shell veered off a bit taking out 1 Bloodletter and 2 Pink Horrors
The Rocket Launcher failed to reach the Deamonettes.
The Cannon unable to see the Bloodthirster yet and not able to shoot a cannonball around the Ruined Castle took aim at the Furies with the Pink Horros behind those. 1 Fury took a full hit from the cannonball but the Pink Horrors were able to dodge the bouncing ball.

Turn 1 - Deamons of Chaos

All the units of Deamons move toward the Empire line

11PD vs 8DD
Regrowth 1 Pink Horror (Dispell failed)
Flesh to Stone on the Bloodthirster (Dispell failed)
Throne of Vines R.I.P from Empire side got dispelled
Throne of Vines was cast (Dispell failed)

Turn 2 - 2nd intervention army of Altdorf

The Knights then moved up to distract the Bloodthirster and to take it away from the main battleline.

11PD vs 7DD
Throne of Vines got dispelled.
Flesh to Stone was cast on the Swordsmen
Banishment on the Bloodthirster got dispelled by a scroll
Burning Gaze on the Bloodthrister also got dispelled.

The Cannon took aim at the now visible Bloodthirster hoping on a lucky kill, but the big deamon ward saved the cannon ball.
The Rocket battery again failed to hit the deamonettes.
The Mortar hits the Bloodthirster but failed to wound
The Handgunners fluffed all their attacks on the Fiend.

Turn 2 - Deamons of Chaos

The Bloodthirster then charges the Shadow Wizard who flees from the big monster coming at him but his legs can't carry him fast enough and he is taken by the Bloodthirster.
The Furies charged the Rocket Battery on a very high roll.

The screamers then fly over the Mortar killing the Mortar team with their fly by attack, Panic tests are all made.
The rest then move up towards the Empire battleline.

9PD vs 9DD
Flesh to Stone is cast upon the Deamonettes giving them +4T (failed to dispell)
Regrowth is then failed to cast.

The Flamers miss whatever they where shooting

Close Combat:
The Chaos Furies manage to kill 1 crewmember, but the rest stick around.

Turn 3 - 2nd intervention army of Altdorf

The Swordsmen the flank charge the Furies.
The Knights free reform and move closer to the flank of the deamonettes.

5PD vs 4DD
Dwellers Below failed to cast
Banishment failed to cast

Cannon turns around to face the Screamers and to load them up with scrapnel. Doing 10 shots they only manage to kill 1 Screamer.
The Handgunners now wound the Fiend of Slaanesh

Close Combat:
The Furies manage to kill another crew member, but take 1 casualty from the swordsmen and they break. Due to Instability they all die.
The Swordsmen then reform to face the Deamonettes again.

Turn 3 - Deamons of Chaos

The Bloodthirster charges the Rocket Battery with the one left over crew member.
The Bloodletters charge toward the flank of the Swordsmen
The Deamonettes reform to face the Knights in their flank.
The Fiend, Flamers and the Pink Horrors all move up

The Screamers take out 2 of the cannon crew.

9PD vs 10DD
Flesh to Stone gets dispelled
Dwellers Below gets dispelled
the Remains in Play Throne of Vines was ateempted to dispel but this failed.

The flamers took out 2 Handgunners

Close Combat:
The Bloodletters win the combat of the swordsmen, they flee and get caught.

Battle continues next post...
« Last Edit: March 13, 2012, 12:15:53 PM by StealthKnightSteg »
Everyone is entitled to be stupid, but some abuse the privilege.

"Computer games don't affect kids; I mean if Pac-Man affected us as kids, we'd all be running around in darkened rooms, munching magic pills and listening to repetitive electronic music." -- Kristian Wilson, Nintendo, Inc, 1989