
Author Topic: Master Commander's Ultimate 500pts Battalions (Stand Alone & Allied Forces)  (Read 5483 times)

Offline iatroblast

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-Just a little change regarding the Detachments might apply in the following List in the future, as I didn't consider that "Skirmishers" cannot negate enemy's Rank bonus-

Thank you all for your helpful comments

Creating a 500pts competitive Imperial List was much more difficult than I had imagine!
I had to think solutions for a lot of different challenges and with only 250 to 400pts available for choosing units that seemed imposible. To be honest, it still does!
Anyway, one of my first priorities was having some serious shooting, as well as a good close-combat unit.

Three things I generaly had in my mind:
1) Every Point Counts: The first thing I learned trying writing this mini-list was that EVERY POINT counts. If I field a powerful unit that hits hard but it might also cramble on it's own, I must have something else to take it's place. And with 500 available points, I don't! As a result I decided to field units that maybe are not as powerful as others, but a lot cheaper and most important MORE reliable! In other words, I focused on what I like to call, RELIABILITY: Fielding a Cannon for 100pts could give me an advantage, but if it misfires or if shoots grapeshot, I probably spent 100 pts for nothing! The same conclusion applies for all machines, so no type of machine is taken.
Instead, I decided to use soldiers holding firing hand-weapons, who they'll never die from a misfire and as long as you can calculate the distance, they'll hit exactly were you want!
The same thing applies for heroes as well. A Wizard may win the entire game, BUT he can also do nothing (except maybe offering MR). The human Wizard is not a Warrior, he has no protection, and with 3-4 Power Dices he'll face enemy's Dispel Dices (2 to 5), meaning I won't expecting much if I don't roll an Irresistable. In the end, enemy will be too close and I'll be missing those 100pts who could be taken as a unit or a Captain instead...
2) Magic: Many nasty armies rely on their raw magic for winning some easy points. Using their magic defensive, wouldn't be such a problem, since there aren't many those who can do that. Plus this type of Magic wouldn't affect (directly) my units. But the offensive magic is much more common and an issue you MUST face immediately if you want to keep your units on the table (like you have a choice!). So, Magic Resistance was exactly what I needed. A warrior Priest is too expensive with only 2 attacks and as I mentioned, a Wizard isn't so reliable.
The only solution is hoping that enemy has not a Wizard too or that this 2 Default Magic Resistance will be enough. But as I wanted to be prepared for almost anything, I decided that cheap Magic Items giving MR would be more suitable.
3) How the Empire Supposes to Play: The Empire can't win battles only with hand to hand combat. Humans aren't strong or tough enough to deal with Ogres, Beastmen, Elfs, Chaos Warriors and so on.. The Empire usually relies on killing foes from distance and then charge the remainings :P . Magic is a good way to do this, but since Human Wizards aren't the most powerful, they mostly use gun-powder. So I had to field Shooting units

Suceeding all these things in such a small army-list seems tough! If I had Chaos, a unit of bad-ass Chaos Warriors and a Chaos-Wizard would do the job. But this is not the case. Then it came up to me: I had to choose units that would do more than one task. Such 'polymorphic' units are hard to find, so I had to think hard and in some cases improvised! The rest is history..

CORE CHOICES & HEROES: 19 Halberdiers and Captain of the Empire.
This is the core of my army. This unit has Banner, three ranks and outnumber which I must preserve through the battle, if I want to keep the +5 or at least +4 result in combat resolution. Halberdiers are striking with Strength 4 and it's the best available for a core choice.
Captain wears Full Plate Armour and carries a Shield. That's because I used 30 points of Magic Items for the two following Items: (1) "Wyrmslayer Sword". It's cheap and has Magical Attacks which is what I need for Ethereals. I hope that with my +4 or 5 to my combat resolution I'll overcome the damages I'll accept and I'll force them to Collapse.. On top of that, the specific sword is what I need for Monsters and Tough opponents, since it always Wounds on a 4+ no matter how high is the enemy's toughness! Not bad for 15pts... (2) "Sigil of Sigmar". Every Dispell Dice is welcomed, as well as every protection for my main unit. A total of 3 Dispel Dices against spells targeting my Captain and his Unit sounds like music in my ears :P
That way I create a unit that can deal with most of the creatures. The challenge now is also protecting it from missile fire! The only way to do that, is giving the opponent something else to....shoot!
Before I proceed, I'll clear you this: Because of my few points List, I needed units to shoot well while they'll be able to charge enemy's flanks at any time. That way, if for any reason a unit of mine would've been wiped out, another one could take it's place, just like spare units are acting in a large battle. That means I'd be able to afford as many casualties as I can, while in the mean time EVERYONE would remain active, fighting enemy even from distance with no breaks at all. I had many ideas and even thought of fielding a second large unit with it's own Captain, but that was just not possible, because I also wanted Shooting! I wanted ALL!!
If I was able to find a unit to Shoot AND Charge the Flanks, that would be great! Now it was time to 'improvise' with the three following units:
5 Outriders.
They have some serious Firing-power. Why a Special Choice instead of Handgunners? Because they are 'fast cavalry' plus only five models means that their Shooting will (probably) always reach the target. Of course they cannot move if they want to fire, but if I ever need them for supporting me in close combat, they will respond because of their speed! I know that Pistoliers are better in this, but a pistol lacks the range of a handgun. Here's what I thaught: 5 pistoliers have 15 close-combat attacks while 5 outriders have 10. For the fire-power and the range they give me that's not a real dillema for me. I'm not saying that you should always choose Outriders, but in a small battle like this, enemy will probably have 2-3 units max, the one of which will be the main one. That one will eventually engage into combat, so no important unit will remain un-engaged for Pistoliers to Shoot it from it's Rear or Flanks. So why should I hire THEM in the first place? Outriders will fire enemies while they're coming OR while the rest of my army is moving. When I need them, they're so fast & manoeuvrable that will reach me sooner than any other unit would! In close combat they might have 5 less attacks than Pistoliers, but considering an Outrider's or Pistolier's Strength and WS, you can truly count on negating enemy's Rank bonus and nothing more. Which is what I needed in the first place, for my Halberdiers.
5 Knights.
Now, here, is were I conclude that an extra Hero will not give me too much into such a small combat! Maybe 2 attacks more, so (....) Army List came to my mind and I decided to follow his example, replacing the second Captain with 5 knights. I did that for four(!) reasons: (A) They are a Core Choice and I needed a second one. (B) Knights are fast, they have 5 attacks S5 (and 5 S3 from their horses) while Captain has only 3 or 4max and (C) they also have 5 Wounds while Captain has only 2. (D) Most important is I'm giving the enemy many units to Shoot or Cast Spells at, so this way I'm reassuring that he'll not focuse his Ranged Attacks only to my precious Halberdiers -I want them ALL for the final close-combat! I hope that with their Armour they'll prove hard to fall..
9 Bowmen (Detachment).
Bowmen are Firing from a long distance and Shooting is what I need.
Detachments are also good in charging enemy's flanks, so once I'm having Knights as my 2nd Core Choice, I can deploy Bowmen as Detachments! Regarding 'polymorphic units', bowmen could be used as hand to hand fighters as well, only for negating enemy's Rank bonus IF possible giving that +1 Bonus for "Flank Attack". As a result I'm having THREE units for the specific job: Knights, Outriders and this one. Bowmen may not Shoot hard, but with their ability of firing while they move, I can decide whether I'll stay in place or I'll move towards the enemy (something very usefull when you're dealing with Gun-Line Armies), plus they're Skirmishers meaning they have that -1 when shooting at them. The problem would be that it's unlikely for anyone to ever target them, something we need in order to prevent missile Attacks firing a specific allied unit

How I'll deploy the units, mostly depends on which army I'm facing at the time. But the general plan is this:
----Halberdiers & Captain are my main fighting-force. Since my Captain hasn't a missile weapon, no line of site requires here and I'll 'hide' them from enemy's missile attacks as much as I can.
----On their one flank I'll have Outriders Shooting the World(!). When I'll need them for engaging enemy's flanks and thus supporting my Halberdiers, they'll come fast! Really fast! :P
----On the other side, Bowmen will be following Halberdiers while firing. I hardly expect them to even injure anyone with their bows, but it's my best shot and the rival-player will think that I have a fair gun-line, so I'll mostly aim at his 'morale' :P :P
----Finally (something you don't expect) Knights will be in front of Halberdiers. Why protecting cheap models with more expensive ones? Well..... if you think of it, both units cost me the same points because of their sizes: 5 Knights are the minimum number of templars you can hire while 19 Halberdiers have everything (numbers, banner etc) So I'm actually expecting more from my State Troops as I explained before. If I hired as many Halberdiers or Bowmen or Huntsmen as my knights costs, would you be happy? Well... I wouldn't!! First, Knights have extremely high Armour Save, so I'm expecting them to last enough. If they don't, with a Ld8 I expect to easily pass their 'Panic' test. If they don't and they'll flee through my Halberdiers, then my infantry will use the Ld of my Captain, so THEY'LL pass it (what!! I don't think I can lose this Test two times in a row!!). My Knights may also Charge Hard (S5) if required and they're faster from infantry.. The only problem is that their small number makes them unavailable for fighting large units in the front... and in such small Lists, I usually expect ALL the enemy's points gathered in a single unit. The second one enemy unit required for that 2nd Core choice will probably be minor and less important regarding the battle.. As a result, I want them for carging the flanks, but if 'they don't make it' through the battle, Bowmen or Outriders will do the job

19 Halberdiers [Full Command] -115pts-
<Fighting Large enemy units (S4 attacks and because of their number) -some Ethereals (because of their number) -Monsters (because of their number)>
cos: They are  slow and with only 6+ AS they need protection
Captain [Full Plate Armour, Shield, Wyrmslayer Sword, Sigil of Sigmar] -90pts-
<Fighting Large enemy Units -Ethereals -Monsters -Opponents with high Toughness. Gives MR to Halberdiers> cos: 3+ AS, only 3 Attacks, must remain with Halberdiers
5 Outriders -105pts-
<Engaging enemy's flanks as they are Fast Cavalry and have a Unit Strength of 10. Firing 15 rounds S4&AP from a long distance. *2 Units for the enemy to shoot*>
cos: They can 'move or fire', low AS
5 Knights -115pts-
<Engaging enemy's flanks as they are Cavalry and have a Unit Strength of 10 plus they'll hit them hard with 5 S5A and 5 S3A. Protecting Halberdiers from hostile Missile Attacks as they have good AS and in case they have casualties high Ld for passing the Panic Test. *3 Units for the enemy to shoot*>
cos: They cannot Charge Large enemy Units in the front
9 Bowmen -72pts-
<Engaging enemy's flanks first as they are Detatchments and have a Unit Strength of 9. *4 Units for the enemy to shoot*>
cos: low Strength, low AS, enemy will probably never shoots them

Well.... after much hard thought and many different combinations, I conclude that these are the best choices you could make.
What do you think?

« Last Edit: January 02, 2010, 11:21:55 PM by iatroblast »

Offline Mogsam

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Re: Master Commander's Ultimate 500pts Battalion
« Reply #1 on: December 30, 2009, 11:16:14 PM »
Is this meant to be rubbishly sarcastic? I really kinda hope it is...  Anyway, here are my thoughts.

1. Halberdiers suck.

2. Mathematically WP is better than a Captain.

3. Pistollers have 10 attacks in CC including horses. Not 15.

4. Bowmen don't negate ranks.

« Last Edit: December 30, 2009, 11:21:26 PM by Mogsam »
Curse you and your ability to stay within the lines.

Offline iatroblast

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Treachery and Greed
« Reply #2 on: December 31, 2009, 01:23:10 AM »
Yes, it was "rubbishly sarcastic" because it was not sarcastic at all!  :icon_cry: This is the most balanced army-list you can hire for 500pts! My thoughts?

1. Halberdiers suck. Sure they do! BUT it's your best infantry regarding Core choices! They have +1 to their Strength, so yes! They're not Chaos Warriors, they're not even the Grypt Ghouls, but... what can you do about it? nothing! They're the only ones giving you +4 or +5 to Combat resolution as default!

2. Maybe he is. But if you field him nude(!) he costs 90 points! 90 points! Meaning that he is almost 1/5 of your total force! AND DID I MENTIONED HE IS NUDE?!

3. I hope that this was true, because my choice would be more obvious... :( But Pistoliers have 15 Attacks because they have "Brace of Pistols" giving them an extra Attack in close-combat just like an additional Hand-Weapon! So... 1 Attack of a Horse plus the 2 Attacks of the Pistolier, makes as a total of 3 Attacks x the number of them (Which in this case makes us 15 Attacks for Pistoliers and 10 for Outriders!)

4. I know that if models with a unit strength of 5+ charge the flanks of a unit, no Rank bonuses applied. But Bowmen can't negate ranks?? I wasn't aware of that.... really? Even if they count more than 5 models? How come? :oops:

5. Why are you writing your name? We can see it on the upper left side of your post :-P :-P Is this an Autograph??  :laugh: :laugh: :::cheers:::

So.. did I changed your mind?
Oh! Which reminds me that I'd like to complain about that 10th Massive Campaign which starts this Summer.
Mercenaries are not wicked and coward as you present them at all!! They are good guys!! Not really Mercenaries of course! I'm talking about those poor Mercenaries of the Old World who YOU the Imperials call for aid whenever you cannot fight your own battles! We have so MANY FAMOUS HEROIC FIGURES!! Alcatani, Pirazzo, Miragliano (which by the way you owe him the Steam Tank), Braganza, Leopold and so much more!!!
The one who wrote that Mercenaries are "cowards" and "bullies" is a big fat liar!!! boooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!............

 :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

I'm just kidding! Your Campaigns rocks! They are the best ever and I really loved the previous one with the Imperial Civil War theme! I'd like to give Congratulations to him (or to those) who are writing-making these Campaigns!  :eusa_clap: :::cheers:::

Offline Folken

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Re: Master Commander's Ultimate 500pts Battalion
« Reply #3 on: December 31, 2009, 06:26:00 AM »
On points 3 and 4 read the rules regarding 2 hand weapons and skirmishers.  Only infantry gets the 2nd attack and skirmishers cannot negate ranks though you can get a flank bonus.

Unless your enemy has T6 which is unlikely in a 500 point match, a sword of might will outperform or match a wyrmslayer sword.

At 500 points you should be using warband rules which will allow you to split up your cavalry and such.
« Last Edit: December 31, 2009, 06:29:32 AM by Folken »

Offline iatroblast

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Re: Master Commander's Ultimate 500pts Battalion
« Reply #4 on: December 31, 2009, 03:47:17 PM »
Wow! That means that Outriders ARE indeed the BEST choice. It's not that Pistolier's 5 more attacks (WS3 S3) would have made a difference, but it'd be better from nothing!

Regarding the comparison "Sword of Might" and "Sword of Battle", it was a dilemma I had too! I suggest the second one because Wounding always on a roll of 4+ gives me that confidence that there will be no surprises (like a T6 enemy which as you also said is truly unlikely). I just wanted to be ready for almost anything, so I exchanged the -1 modifier to enemy's AS (which IMO isn't such a big deal) with Wounding on a 4+

I understand that you might have some sort of "dissapointment" seeing that this "Ultimate 500pts List" isn't way too great different than a typical 500pts list, but IMO in a small battle there are usually 'details' making the difference. If for example I'd choose knights for my main force, I'd face the problem that there would me no points left for other units to protect them, since they're expensive....
If you take a better look at this List, you'll see that it's a nice 'overall' list that deals with almost everything
And even though looks plain, it's tiny differences (which took me hours to figure out) are those 'crowned' it "The Ultimate List"

Finally, the only problem that troubles me now are Bowmen! I had in mind that they could negate enemy's Ranks, but since they don't, maybe I'll change only them, but I have to think this a little..

Offline Mogsam

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Re: Master Commander's Ultimate 500pts Battalion
« Reply #5 on: December 31, 2009, 04:28:43 PM »
Halbardiers are the worst core choice from the state troops hands down. They don't generate much CR because any non aweful unit will kill them in droves. Swordsmen are the best due to their save in close combat and higher weapon skill. +1 Strength is irrellevant when everyones dead.

If you do take halbardiers then a nude WP will still allow any that survive their inevitable deaths to actually hit something with their strength 4. Captains might be ok but i'd rather have a WP everytime.


Curse you and your ability to stay within the lines.

Offline scurrdi

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Re: Master Commander's Ultimate 500pts Battalion
« Reply #6 on: January 01, 2010, 06:06:03 AM »
The archers do not negate ranks because they are skirmishers. Skirmishers get the +1 CR for flanking, but do not negate ranks.

As for the list, swordsmen tend to be the preferred choice because of the survivability. Unfortunately due to a lot of the nastiness out there you'll be hard pressed to get a lot of attacks in with your halberds. I think they can still be effective, but swordsmen get a 4+ armor save in CC, which is pretty solid for a WS 4 6 pts a model trooper. Most people take them with the idea of being a giant absorbing block, relying on that CR 5 for a turn to allow you to flank charge.

Take the sword of might over wyrmslayer. Wyrmslayer is great for it's point cost, but is not very effective at 500 pts (I believe). If someone brings a creature that is T5 or higher in 500 points, slap them. Sword of Might will give you that constant S5, which comes in a great deal of handy-ness.

I think you should re-place the outriders for some more stationary shooty-ness. It's not that I don't like outriders, I just feel that a solid unit of archers (like your own for example) will be able to pick them off in a turn or two without too much difficulty (T3 and a 5+ save doesn't last too long), leaving you stranded without a unit. Perhaps a block of handgunners and then a block of swordsmen as a detachment? The handgunners can provide firepower and protect a flank while the swordsmen (in detachment) CAN negate ranks.

Just some food for thought personally. Good luck!

Offline iatroblast

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Re: Master Commander's Ultimate 500pts Battalion
« Reply #7 on: January 01, 2010, 09:01:36 PM »
 I have to admit that I see some really good suggestions, so I'll change this -stand alone- 500pts list very soon, as long as I calculate the points for the new units!

Warrior Priest gives this awesome "Hatred" in battle, but still he's a little expensive for such a small force (well.. giving "Hate", "Bound Spells" and "Dispel Dice", he should be!) so, I don't know if I should insist on taking a Captain (because giving him a Sigil makes him expensive as well: 90-75), but I'll exchange Halberdiers for Swordsmen. For me, having Strength is everything, because facing opponents with High Toughness is much more difficult than facing opponents with High Weapon Skill.

BUT Mogsam made me thought that with 5 Attacks and a 3 Weapon Skill you're not expecting too much (if you're expecting anything at all), meaning that you're counting on A)Unit's default CR result (ranks, banner etc) and B)Hero's Attacks
So.. swords will take the place of halberds.
BUT before that, I'll ask your opinion about these:

Q no1: As scurrdi said, we prefer Swordsmen for their 'survivability' (+4AS). IF I choose a unit of Halberdiers with Shields, I can choose if they'll use their Halberds or their Shields in CC. Will that give me any advance? I mean: If I charge an enemy unit isn't it better if I'm having a good Strength value rather than a good Weapon Skill? Or Swordsmen's better Weapon Skill gives them an expand (along with their AS) to their survivability? So we still need higher WS mostly for Defensive reasons instead of a slightly better Attack advance?(which will be unlikely to ever see it?)

Q no2: All these leads to the following dilemma: Which one combination should we choose, in order to maximize our chances for better results?
1) Warrior Priest & Sworsmen
2) Captain & Swordsmen
3) Warrior Prietst & Halberdiers

Trying having a Unit for that Flank Attack, I hadn't realize what scurrdi said: that a unit of Handgunners and a unit of Outriders have almost the same number of shots, BUT Handgunners or Bowmen (who can move & fire) have 5(!) more Wounds! Maybe I should give it a try.... :icon_idea:
Finally, I heard no complainings about those 5 Knights, so I'll have them in the new army-List too.

Offline scurrdi

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Re: Master Commander's Ultimate 500pts Battalion
« Reply #8 on: January 01, 2010, 10:00:34 PM »
5 Knights are great, 1+ Armor Save is hard to beat.

Q1: Yes, people like the WS4. It means that everyone except for the most elite Infantry and Calvary in the game will be hitting you on 4s, rather then WS3, where most armies out there (all elves, dwarves, orcs even) will be hitting those guys on 3+. It really boils down to math-hammer, but I personally like the halberds w/ shields option (as I will be fielding that myself, but that is because of models for me).

Q2: Really, it's a matter of play style. If you take just a Warrior Priest with FP, Shield, and Sword of Might your looking at 115 pts. He's a bit pricey for 500 pts, but he gives you some magic potential (bound spells), hatred to your unit, and some extra MR. I don't think you'll be facing too many mages at 500 pts, if you are then your golden with a Priest (people are only ever going to bring 1 lvl 2 wizard, if even) and most people won't be bringing one at all.

However, lets consider the bound spell component. Your priest gets to cast only 1 bound spell, which goes off at power level 3. Even if someone has no magic defense, they still have those 2 dice. 2d6 versus 1 power level 3 spell = dispelled in my experience.

So, with that in mind, basically all your paying for with the WP is the hatred, and the extra Dispel. In my experience most people won't be bringing a Caster at 500 pts because A. It's too expensive and B. It's not reliable enough for that small a game.

Hatred is great, but for me personally (and fluff-wise to some extent) I would take a Captain. I'd even mount him up if you had the points floating around to give him that 1+ armor, and Sword of Might. That guy will come out to 89 points, which is already cheaper then a naked Warrior Priest (Captain w/ barded steed, full plate, shield, Sword of Might). If your really worried about magic defense then take the amulet for MR 1.

Don't forget, a mounted hero can still join a unit of infantry, freeing up another 6 points from your swordsmen.

So, for me, if I were making this list, I'd go Captain & Halberds. Most people though would probably go Captain & Swordsmen.

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Re: Master Commander's Ultimate 500pts Battalion
« Reply #9 on: January 01, 2010, 10:20:08 PM »
Against most opponents, the +1 for flanking won't matter unless you negate ranks. Archer detachments are meant for use as a screen and general harassment.
Furthermore, a WP's bound spells are power level 4.
I usually end up doing a brief series of calculations before a battle, usually with regards to shooting and combat resolution. Make sure you have a solid static combat res of at least +5 (3 ranks, Standard, and Outnumber should do the trick at this level of points).
Also also.....
Yes, some people WILL bring casters to this points level. I've seen it before, and even a Level 1 becomes a dangerous weapon if used correctly. Also, a WP isn't the greatest warrior ever, but his bound spells are nifty enough to make him worth bringing into a fight.

Just my 10 cents; take it or ignore it at your own discretion. Good luck and good hunting.

-The General
I like your thinking  Mr. General  what a Genius

Offline iatroblast

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Re: Master Commander's Ultimate 500pts Battalion
« Reply #10 on: January 01, 2010, 11:51:36 PM »
I haven't conclude yet and as I can see there is a little debate about how useful is a Warrior Priest against a Captain (considering such a small battle of course..)

My thoughts now are regarding those Outriders. You see... In small battles I don't think it's a good idea if I protect my Shooting Units. 10 Handgunners are better protected against 5 Outriders since they have 5 more Wounds, BUT missile fire will only last until the CC Units engaged into Close Combat and in a small battle like that it's a matter of time for having nobody to Shoot at (CC Units will probably be one or two). So they'll be pretty useless. My basic idea is "predicting and manipulating enemy's moves". I mean that 5 Knights is a unit that my opponent's Shooting-Magic won't just ignore, so I want to create a dilemma by giving him 5 Outriders to Shoot at. If I enter 10 Handgunners or even worse(?) 10 Bowmen he'll just think that it will be difficult to wipe them out because of their number, so he'll aim at knights. On the other hand, I could just enter 2 Knightly units or 1 with 10 models, but it'll be better if the unit that'll leave the game could fire too (since it will be the last thing to do). On the other hand, as I explained, if my opponent still insists to Shoot my Knights, then the Outriders will take their place as they're Fast Cavalry and with a Unit Strength of 10, negating Ranks is all I want to do. Detachments can do that as well (and even better) but I need to check if I have the points for everything! (Shooting plus Detachments)
Did I mention it's really hard to make a Stand Alone Imperial list for 500pts?
My second List will be a list considering 'collaboration  ' with other armies and I'll probably focus on your strong point: Shooting.

If someone brings a creature that is T5 or higher in 500 points, slap them
lol! That's good enough for me. Folken also agrees, so a "Sword of Might" will replace the "Wyrmslayer Sword". And I think that everyone agrees with that.

Against most opponents, the +1 for flanking won't matter unless you negate ranks.
That's my prior concern too, so I should check this...
Plus I'm afraid that some people WILL bring casters to this points level. Chaos Wizzards for eg. Of course I agree with scurrdi that this'd be unlikely, but at this point let's try being ready for almost everything (The only thing we won't be ready to play against, is a Steam Tank, that's for sure! But I said ALMOST everything :P )

Offline iatroblast

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« Reply #11 on: January 02, 2010, 02:24:46 AM »


Here's the two lists I came up with. Are you sure they're looking better though? Cause I think my first would beat those two (I have this feeling, cause it took me a lot of effort to create the first one.. or maybe it'd because because I'm stubborn as a mule :P )

1st List
20 Swordsmen **Banner, Musician** I discarded the Champion in order to gain some points and use them somewhere else, since it's not an offensive unit in the first place 135pts
1 Captain **Sword of Might, Full Plate Armour, Shield, Sigil of Sigmar** 90pts
9 Swordsmen Detachment 54pts
5 Knights 115pts
13 Handgunners (or because of the box set, 10 Handgunners with Marksman and Repeater Handgun)

2nd List
Same as the first one. I replaced 5 Knights with 10 Huntsmen and added as much Swordsmen in the main unit as I could (3 or 4)

Any thoughts?? :closed-eyes:


How would you (the Imperials) prooved yourselves as 'Mercenaries'? æ 'Allies'? What would be those Imperial Units that would be Valuable for an Allied Army?

I enjoy Warhammer Tag-Battles! If we wanted a 500pts Imperial List for such a purpose, how this List would look like?

As I see it, Humans are not THE best in CC. Having Chaos Warriors, Dark Elves and so on, CC sounds good. But with a poor Spearman, well... things are different.
On the other hand, Humans are not THE best Wizards either. They're not the worst of course, but there is Magic out there that surpasses any Imperial Magic College....

So, what List would make an Imperial player the most favoured ally?

I came up with the following List in less than 5 minutes. I won't explain anything, as you'll figure it out by yourselves. It's not much after al... So, what do you think? ::heretic::

1 Battle Wizard (Golden Order would be fluff, but one from the Lore of Fire will play better IMO) with 2 Dispel Scrolls (115pts)
1 Master Engineer (65pts)
10 Huntsmen (100pts)
10 Handgunners with 5 Handgunners/Crossbowmen/Bowmen Detachments (120pts)
1 Great Cannon (100pts)
« Last Edit: January 02, 2010, 11:31:43 PM by iatroblast »

Offline Folken

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Re: Master Commander's Ultimate 500pts Battalion
« Reply #12 on: January 02, 2010, 06:10:42 AM »
Your list isn't legal as a 10 strong detachment needs a parent unit of at least 20.

Offline iatroblast

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Re: Master Commander's Ultimate 500pts Battalion
« Reply #13 on: January 02, 2010, 11:13:23 PM »
Right- Problem solved!  :biggriin:
« Last Edit: January 02, 2010, 11:22:35 PM by iatroblast »

Offline Hector von Strueben

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+1 Strength is irrellevant when everyones dead.

Sig of the month. ;)
+1 Strength is irrellevant when everyones dead.
Empire Record 2010: