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The Count's Tavern / Re: GW Increasing Prices in 2024 ...
« Last post by Warlord on Today at 06:13:52 AM »
So the examples they used...
a squad of Necron Warriors goes up $2 from $50 to $52, £30 to £31.50, and €40 to €41 (or local currency equivalent).

Right now, in Australia, that box of Necrons is $77. Which means with this price rise, it will probably ending up equalling $236.
No but seriously, the current exchange rate has £30 = $57 AUD. Which means we get an extra $20 'tax' for what exactly?
That $20 equalling an extra 33% cost on top of what it should cost.

That is how bad Australian prices are, and why I used to buy directly from GW Mail Order UK and get it shipped here until they stopped that 15ish years ago.
I think all these points are good points.

Twenty percent reduction seems a lot at first, but you may be right.

One thing I’d add:

1. Pistoliers lose impetuous and they get +1 leadership. (In a perfect world they also gain fusilade and feigned flight)

The Old World Cometh Again !!! / Re: Drilled on Missile Troops
« Last post by Warlord on Today at 04:14:20 AM »
So the only way that would work is if the combat block behind the missile troops could draw line of sight to the target.

Correct - that was my thinking - but more from a 'what they might have originally intended' kind of way.

The missile troops would declare a charge AND the combat block would also declare a charge. Move the missile troops first, fold the missile troops via drilled to make a pathway for the combat block. Then move the combat block 2nd.

Yeah, I thought that, but didn't really want my crossbowmen charging into combat.

You could also not charge the missile troop by declaring a charge but then drilling into a marching column thus auto-failing.

Are you allowed to do that?
Like I understand if you are already in Marching Column and how that interacts with impetuous because of the pistolier thread, but can you use Drilled to automatically fail a charge?

If so, then perhaps THAT is the combination of rules that allows Drilled on Missile troops to work. Hmmm.
The Old World Cometh Again !!! / Re: Drilled on Missile Troops
« Last post by Athiuen on Today at 03:51:40 AM »
You could also not charge the missile troop by declaring a charge but then drilling into a marching column thus auto-failing.
The Old World Cometh Again !!! / Re: Drilled on Missile Troops
« Last post by Footpatrol2 on Today at 03:14:37 AM »
So the only way that would work is if the combat block behind the missile troops could draw line of sight to the target. The missile troops would declare a charge AND the combat block would also declare a charge. Move the missile troops first, fold the missile troops via drilled to make a pathway for the combat block. Then move the combat block 2nd.
The Brush and Palette / Re: Gankom's Painting Blog of Random Variety
« Last post by Gankom on Today at 02:41:24 AM »
Its a super random mix, but pretty good guesses! High Elf Archer Legs, Bret Head, torch is from the Fireforged Peasant kit, and the sword arm and cape are from the Fireforged Northern Kingdoms trooper command sprue. I was going for a really thrown-together kind of vibe you might see on a classic RPG adventurer who's looted who knows what.
The Old World Cometh Again !!! / Drilled on Missile Troops
« Last post by Warlord on Today at 01:38:20 AM »
I think what they were going for, probably from an earlier iteration of rules, was for missile troops to be standing in front of combat troops (like a detachment), and then they could use Drilled to move out of the way, while the combat troops (or detachment) charges through the gap where the missile troops were.

Checking the rules, I don't believe that is possible in the current ruleset.... or am I wrong?
The Brush and Palette / Re: Gankom's Painting Blog of Random Variety
« Last post by Warlord on Today at 01:35:59 AM »
Random adventurer looks fun.
High Elf Archer legs and cape, Bretonnian torso? and head, and not sure about the arms.
Great stuff!
The Old World Cometh Again !!! / Re: Peacemakers Comp/Fix for the Empire
« Last post by Warlord on Today at 01:29:22 AM »
Points cost of our infantry, Warrior Priests and Witch Hunters are definitely the most broken parts of our armybook.

New Magic Item: The Arcane Banner, 25 points, this unit's attacks are magical.
We don't need this. Make the Witch Hunter viable, and that's good enough.
The Brush and Palette / Re: Gankom's Painting Blog of Random Variety
« Last post by Gankom on Today at 01:27:46 AM »
Almost exactly a year later, but I've got some stuff painted!

First up, some 3d printed ruins I've been working on. These first ones were the test bed, with the much larger pieces coming up next.

Some Bret Men at Arms on the new base sizes, ready to take the war back to the Old World.


A random adventurer!

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