
Author Topic: Painting Kurt Helborg, where's is the laurel of victory?  (Read 3786 times)

Offline Elden

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Painting Kurt Helborg, where's is the laurel of victory?
« on: January 07, 2009, 07:15:39 AM »
Recently bought the Kurt Helborg model.

As I was painting it and looking at the box and the army book. I kept wondering about one thing. Does the model actually have laurels of victory on it? And if it does, where is it? Cos laurels of victory seem to strike me as something that is on Kurt himself, not on his horse and the description in the book said they were gold in color.

But the model blocks so much of his front armor I don't think the laurels are there. And there is nothing on his shoulders. They are just normal plate armor shoulders. He is weaing a really fancy helm and I painted that part gold with the feathers red. But somehow, to me, laurels just don't = helm.

So, anyone of you know? Or does the Kurt Helborg model not actually have any so called laurels of victory on them at all?  :|

Offline Von Breden

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Re: Painting Kurt Helborg, where's is the laurel of victory?
« Reply #1 on: January 07, 2009, 12:06:08 PM »
He has and they're large: http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2247/1687517328_ad979db46a.jpg?v=0

If you need Laurels for another model, by the way (General or so), there are some in the Knights box.
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