
Author Topic: 1000 pts tournament  (Read 1024 times)

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1000 pts tournament
« on: January 29, 2012, 08:50:05 AM »
I attended local 1000 pts tournie, 4 battles, I used this roster:
Archlector -AOMI, GW, general
Wizard, 2 lvl, fire
BSB, full plate, ench. shield

28 halb, mus + banner
        detach 6 militia
                   10 swords
21 flagelants
5 pistoliers -  outrider with repeating pistol

I wanted to be present in each phase, so that I fielded the mage (I took bright magic mainly because of the fireball). BSB is essential for the empire and I couldn't take priest because of the hero allowance. Wizard's ld 7 is very low for him to be a general so that I had to take archlector. Concerning my units, the halberdiers were a clear choice, I choose 2 detachments for them - 6 strong militia to redirect and 10 strong swordmen to support halberds and maybe to defend mortar or flank. There was a question then - take another block of state troops or flagelants? I finally chose flagelants because of their independance and ability to fight and make damage without further support of some character. They were supposed to be my main hammer (in 7 x 3 formation) while halberds should have been rather anvil able to absorb some damage and to do some killing too. I chose fast cavalry for the shooting, they are just as good in it as x-bows or handgunners  (considering their price), their advantage is their ability to harass enemy flanks and to hunt enemy warmashines and lone characters. I took only one warmashine (I didn't want to make result dependent on two or three rolls of the artillery dice) so that I chose mortar, I didn't feel there coul be enough juicy goals fot the cannon.I planned to weaken enemy with magic and shooting and to finish the rest with my infantry blocks. I was confident about the flagellans, militia detachment was supposed to hold - redirect units I didn't want to meet.           

First battle - battleline

chaos - 2 units of 3 dragonogres, 2 units of 15 marauders with flail, one unit of maybe 15 tzeentch warriors and some killy hero

   Enemy deployed from my right: dragon ogres, marauders, warriors, marauders, dragon ogres. I placed from left pistoliers (I made vanguard manoeuvre), flagellants, halberds with detachements and mortar behind them. First turn was succesfull for me - wizard killed two dragonogres with fireball, pistoliers moved around the second dragon ogres, killed one and panicked them. Mortar killed five marauders bud they passed their Ld. Enemy moved ahead with everything and I managed to hurt dragon ogres with pistoliers but mortar and wizard did nothing. Militia moved in front of the warriors (I was really afraid of them) . Enemy further proceeded, dragonogre on the right charged mortar and combat last 3 combat phases (!). I placed swordsmen in front of the unwounded marauders to defend my right side and wizard.  They were charged and they withstood, fight then lasted for maybe 4 combat phases but swordsman finally lost. The main combat occured in the middle where his warriors fought my halberdiers. He called challenge with his hero, I accepted with my general - I thought that he (because of his 3 wounds and high AS) survive until flagellants come to help. Flagellants charged the marauders wounded by mortar they flee and were cought by my flagelants got too far with this move (I didn'n think they would go soo far - I rolled maybe 11 for charge) and due to this they were unable to help halberdiers. In the first round of the main combat I lost but I comfortably held because of stedfast, gen LD and BSB. His hero didn't wound my general. In the next turn both remaing dragon ogres charged my halberdiers from both sides and his hero killed in one combat phase my general.I still held due to stedfast, killed both dragon ogres but I then finally lost this combat, fled and got caught. In the end I lost everything but wizard, pistoliers and flagelants, I destroyed him both dragon ogres and one unit of marauders.

At first everything went according to the plan - magic and shooting did exactly what they were supposed to do. The main cause of my defeat was my error when I charged marauders with my flagellants. I may have destroed them but my main combat unit (and the only one which was able to cause some serious damage to the warriors) was totally out of combat.

Second battle - goblins
    meeting engagement. The enemy had three units - one big unit of goblin with bows in the middle and 2 units of night goblins on the sides. One troll was in front of each night goblins. Further he had stone thrower and doom diver (both warmachines  started in reserves - this fact enabled him to react to my deployment and he placed both warmachines on the other side of table than my pistoliers were). Enemy advanced with his units and I rounded him with my pistoliers - I was very careful here not to get close to the night goblins (I feared fanatics) but this was my main error in this battle. His machines then reduced my pistoliers to 2 and did some damage to flagellants and halberdiers. I casted one fireball on one unit but goblins passed their ld test. On the left side I advanced with my swords to lure out his fanatics. On the right side I had the same intetion with my militia but I was charged with troll (distance maybe 14 -15 '') I fled but rolled too much and went of the board. This was another (and final)  mistake and I missed the second golden oportunity to lure out fanatics from the second unit with reasonable losses. He then killed some more flagellants with his archers (his poisonous attacks really hurt here) so I charged troll with them to get them to combat and protect them against shooting. They charged and when they were close enough to the night goblins unit behind the troll he released fanatics to kill the troll - he was succesfull in this and due to this my charge failed (its target has died) with flagellants unit facing three fanatics. Finally only + 5 flagellans left. My halberdiers charged goblins in the middle but I lost the combat, fled and was caught. In the end I had only mortar and pistoliers . Enemy lost only one troll (he killed it intetionally with his fanatics). My main error here was that I didn't lure out fanatics from both night goblins units altough I had two oportunities for this - with militia and with my pistoliers.

Third battle - wood elves

dawn attack. I had flagellants and pistoliers on the very right, halberdiers with characters on the very left and mortar in the middle. enemy had 14 dryads on my right, eternal guard (20) and archers with general and BSB (20) in the middle. I started and wizard killed 7 archers but they passed the panic test, mortar hit eternal guard and killed 5 of them. Pistoliers rounded dryads and killed 3. Enemy then suprised me (not pleasantly) - general left the archers and with hail of arrows killed my pistoliers. His archers killed my mortar then. I advanced with my halberdiers from the very right to the middle to face his eternal guard and flagellants charged his dryads (I underestimated them very much, I though I would detroy them in single turn). This combat finally lasted to the end. His eternal guard then charged my halberds, where destroyed and caught. I then killed his general with fireball and won. My main mistake here was charge to the dryads - I wanted to support the flagellants with the flaming sword of rhuin spell but I didn't cast the spell. 

Forth battle - battleline

new vampire counts. Enemy fielded two second level necromancers both hidden into one skeleton bunker. In front of this unit he placed three units (20 each) - 2 skeletons and 1 zombies. Between these units he had 2 spirit hosts (1 base each), unit of fellbats (2 ) and unit of 4 vargheists. I started and with fireball I managed to kill 2 vargeheists. Pistoliers advanced on the right to round him. Mortar did't hit the taget unit of skeletons but I further wounded vargheists with it. Enemy proceeded and he invocated his units . Vargeheist charged mortar, destroyed it and overran off the board. He placed one spirit hosts right in front of my pistoliers. I charged zombies with flagellants and hacked them. Then I succesfully passed the very important LD test to avoid marchblock with pistoliers and I rounded spirit hosts and got behind his skeleton bunker. The wizard destroyed his second spirit hosts with fireball. I then charged one of his skeletons unit with my halberdiers and I underestimated my enemy again. I may have won the combat but this wasn't by far enough to destroy this unit (skeletons were magically boosted to re-roll to wound rolls). I then faced the danger of flank charge from the last unit of skeletons and here the gameberaking moment come - I succesfully cast flame cage on this unit. He made his flank charge but due to the spell his skeletons was reduced from initial 30  to 11. I made supporting charge to them with militia, I won the combat but again it wasn't enough to destroy his units. Meanwhile his necromancers faced the nasty menace - my flagellants. They decide to leave their bunker but  they were tracked  with the pistoliers who managed to overcome the general look-out save and to shoot him death. The flagellants charged the former skeletons bunker and destroyed them. The halberdiers then finally destroyed skeletons they were fighting them. I rounded back then to face  vargheist who charged hlabrediers but were hacked. I shot the second necro with pistoliers. In the end enemy had only one spirit hosts, I lost only mortar.

So what a tournie I can say. If somebody told me I would get massacred from goblins and on the contray I would massacre VC I wouldn't believe him. I have to say that each unit from my army fulfilled its purpose at least in one battle. Fire magic is very usefull on this format, its more reliable than warmachines I can say. Flagellanst are very strong but very fragile. Thank you for your attention and I'm sorry for my not-so-perfect-enghlish, I'm not a native speaker.