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The Old World Cometh Again !!! / Re: What’s up with War Machines?
« Last post by Warlord on Today at 10:11:05 PM »
I would say for the points, I think a bunch of crossbowmen are probably a better choice than a Mortar.
It's a pivot around the middle.
Is it a 90° turn or up to a 90° turn.
The Old World Cometh Again !!! / Re: Is the 90 degree turn ever worth it?
« Last post by Minsc on Today at 07:40:50 PM »
Marchblocked units with poor Ld-value might opt to just move and pivot over trying (and failing) to march.
The Old World Cometh Again !!! / Re: Action economy and detachments
« Last post by commandant on Today at 06:49:26 PM »
Please don't think I'm not considering your fine reply, its just that I got a bit busy. Several excellent points were raised. While it is without question true that a lord on a dragon and a imperial engineer have the same (or possibly even the engineer has a better) action economy it is also undeniable that the actions are not equal.
A lord on a dragon is rightfully a much scarier prospect to your opponent.
Likewise warlord's point that a wizard's high action economy in its opponent's turn is slightly misleading is justified.

I have been considering for the last few days if my entire approach has been wrong and that rather than discussing action in your opponent's turn as part of your action economy, though they are that, I should rather consider the idea of ignorability. That is, to what extent can an opponent just ignore a unit in their own turn.

With this is mind you get certain ideas.
1: A wizard within dispel range can never be ignored. A wizard outside dispel range can always be ignored.
2: Charging units with stubborn mean that no unit within charge range and LOS of the location a fall back in good order ia going to leave that stubborn unit can be ignored.
3: Counter charge can't be ignored and any unit with higher base I than your units and counter charge is likely to (at the very least strike at the same time).
4: Fire and Flee, Flee in general and other charge reactions like this mean that any unit that will enter charge range of the charging unit should the charge fail can not be ignored.
5: I would argue that in most cases Stand and Shoot can be ignored in the sense that if your combat unit is so close to the missle unit being charged that the stand and shoot charge reaction can tip the balance in the favour of the missile unit then your charge choice is likely bad.
6: Combat detachments can never be ignored.

There are likely other concerns from this idea but these are the ones floating around in my head.   It does lead to some interesting ideas. For example is it worth having a tooled up defensive peggy captain who you fling into combat with your opponent's magic defense just to give your own wizards a free hand on the battlefield? (Off the top of my head I don't think you can dispel while in combat but I'm not sure).
How many resources do my opponents have to put into not ignoring my combat detachments. At the moment I run them 10 or so strong but I am considering if I should make them bigger. Is it worth taking a 30 block so that you have 15 strong halberdier detachments? Maybe it is something to test. In this sense the halberdier detachments would be able to handle most anti chaff stuff. Though they do now cost 90 points and you have added a further 30 points to your parent block so there is that.

No doubt when I get a little more time I'll add to this but I think the idea of ignorability might better represent what I was going for.
The Old World Cometh Again !!! / Re: Is the 90 degree turn ever worth it?
« Last post by Clymer on Today at 05:16:12 PM »
@ BeardGamer, I think it’s a slight typo, he meant “can’t”… the rest of the sentence doesn’t make sense if you read it as “can”.

His point is that if you aren’t marching and want to shoot from a monstrous mount then the 90 degree turn is helpful.
Hey Sir Falo, where does it say monsters can march and shoot? Did not realise that was a thing
The Old World Cometh Again !!! / Re: Is the 90 degree turn ever worth it?
« Last post by Clymer on Today at 03:16:25 PM »
That all makes sense, thanks for thinking through that.
Well if you are light cav like Pistoliers you can do the pivot even if you march. So in that case it can be good. Both pistoleers and outriders cant however march and shoot. So if you want to use the pistols is can be worth it. It does not matter at all on Free company, they can march and shoot so the extra movement from the march is just better.

For monsters its great. If you have a wizard or a dragon bow on a monster you can spell sling or shoot if you march. And you dont have 360 line of sight. So the pivot is very good to get those spells in.
The Old World Cometh Again !!! / Is the 90 degree turn ever worth it?
« Last post by Clymer on Today at 02:14:55 PM »
Open order units and Monstrous units get a free 90 degree turn at the end of their movement if they don’t march. But a 90 degree wheel never takes 100% of your M characteristic, unless the unit is extremely wide, so it seems like it would make more sense to march pretty much always. If something prevents you from marching, that’s another story, but when you have the choice, when would you ever choose not to? What am I missing?
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