Hello all, short time lurker first time posting on this forum so here goes. Recently got back into warhammer fantasy, and decided to pick up the Empire Brigade boxset to add to the few models I had, I've chosen to do a Middenheim army. So will post my progress as I work through them, they are already stuck together with some slight conversions to some but not all the massed troops(simple to much work), so more of a painting blog which is strange for me as I have a vast sea of unpainted plastic from 40k.
I'll sart with my version of Luthor Huss, as I feel like the GW one doesnt do him any justice. So after being inspired by the picutre of him in the Empire codex, I got some bits together and started making him. Few details left to do(waiting on parts), but basicaly finished.

Let me know what you think,