A long, long time ago
I can still remember how
The battles used to make me smile
And I knew if I had some luck
My halberdiers might not suck
And maybe I'd be happy for a while
The postman made me shiver
With every White Dwarf he’d deliver
Slash and Puff that flounced
And Cannon balls that bounced
Rubber Lances were my fate
Saved by One Plus Shield and Plate
Then they stabbed me deep inside
The day the Fantasy died
We were sighing
Bye, bye to the Fantasy - Why?
Took my troops to the store, but the store was sci-fi
Us good ole boys aren’t rolling our die
And sighing this’ll be the day that I cry
This’ll be the day that I cry. [With apologies to Don McLean]
An introduction to what is on the Warhammer-Empire.com website ...You have obviously found your way to the Forums Index page, and into the "Welcome to the Empire - Guide Help and Rules" Forum.
I'll hold the horses while you jump aboard the Imperial Coach, and take you on the short trip round the 'sites' (pun intended).
So Warhammer-Empire started life in 2003 and became the premier site for The Empire until GW in their wisdom decided to move on for want of a better description.
Lots of our fellow WHFB sites have slowly died or faded, but we are made of sterner stuff. It is time to sally forth and return to the battlefields.
Those of us with Empire armies know our troops are a match for all comers in all sorts of situations.
Emperors, Kings and Lords can all use sturdy Swordsmen, heroic Halberdiers and sterling Spearmen, not to mention our accurate Archers, crack-shot Crossbowmen and hard-hitting Handgunners.
So muster your troops and look through our boards to find gainful employment whether it be massed for a large scale battle, or selected units for minor engagement, or picking your best men for a dangerous skirmish encounter.
Here you will find all the required information to help you enjoy your love of the empire, and get the best out of your decision to become a member. You will also find guidance on the etiquette and behavior we ask everyone to follow, so that this site remains the finest of its kind.
The Boards: Individual boards will have their own introductions and guidelines which we ask members to respect and adhere to, but here is an overall guide to the sections.
The Empire at War ... The Gamers Guild ...A variety of boards where you can experience or experiment various rules sets, discussing troops selection, and their exploits. Has there ever been a better time for the variety of games available today in fantasy or historical settings for all sorts of different sized armies or warbands? Probably not.
The Imperial Artisans ... The Crafters, Painters, & Writers Guilds ... The opportunity to share creative skills. We have members with wonderful painting abilities, modelling imagination, and writing skills.
Between the Battles & the Art ...Here we have an opportunity for generals to relax away from the daily pressures, and cover other related or not-so-related topics of interest.
Galactic Conflict & Historical Games ...Even we cannot ignore the 'future', nor the history of the 'real' world.