Hello there.
Well, first post and all. Very exciting. I'd like to remark on how glad I am to see so many dedicated to the greatest province in the Empire. I've been playing a Stirland army for almost 9 years now (off and on, but mostly on) and would get no end of shit from my other Imperial friends. Hell, we may be poor, but who cares when we seem to have an abnormally high concentration of Emperors spilling from our lands. Gives you something to think about. As a side note, most of my friends came to understand and respect the Stirland war machine, smelly and cheap as it may be.
Because when I started playing, the army colors in the back of the 6th Edition Empire book showed the Stirland Swordsman with an all green uniform and yellow socks, that was the color scheme that worked for me. None of this silly quarter uniform scheme. Stirland can't afford that. So I currently am sporting 2,000 pts of finished, painted, and happy soldiers of Stirland. I had very little that was salvageable from my old army, so they are being pressed into service by the VC army my friend has. A sad fate for the poor buggers, but I'm sure that's what they would have wanted. Wait. Probably not actually, but I look forward to killing them.
Will work to put up pictures at the soonest possible opportunity, but for the moment I have a question for all of you Stirlanders out there, as it one that has probably given me the most cause for thought:
The Reiksguard. We've all seen them, and they irritate me. Guard of the Emperor blah blah blah. If I were an Elector Count, I'd darn sure have cause to equip and maintain an order of Knights that served as my bodyguard. Yes, we have the Greatswords, and they're terrific, but I want something more. I want horses and lances. So I did some researching back in the day when my fluff craze was in full swing and dug up some info on the Order of the Black Rose, founded in the Time of the Three Emperors as the bodyguard of the Elector of Stirland (and thus the TRUE emperor). I though to myself, great. Cool. I know what Order my Knights will be. And then I read that they shift their loyalties at the drop of a hat, and I say, no. These are not my knights.
So I looked at the Reiksguard and thought: "Hey, if the Reik has a guard, why can't the Stir? We've produced a boatload of Emperors. We need, nay, we DESERVE a Stirguard." And thus my Order was Born. The Knights of the Stirguard are dedicated to the protection of the Elector of Stirland, and wear a nice burnished armor with plumes of Green and Yellow. Thoughts? I'll put a picture of them up soon, but I thought if anyone has any alternative ideas, I would very much like to hear them.