Does anyone know any fluff on Salzenmund? or Count Gausser?
Im creating a nordland army called the Stormguard of Salzenmund with the following elements;
- Blue and yellow livery (naturally) state troops
- Nautical and maritime details, banners and tattoos (See uniforms and heraldry book examples)
- Sea dog pirate milita (fresh from the grog house)
- Salzenmund greatswords (do they often fight without thier count - or are greatswords supposed to be an elite bodyguard unit only?)
- Beards, lots of them, its cold up north, and there is a lot of norse blood mixed in from rape, pillage and migration
- Im going to convert a Count Gausser as there is no mini out at the moment.
- For Knights im going to use Knight Panther (Salzenmund Chapter House) as they are principally based in the north of the empire and match the colour scheme.
- My flagellants are going to be zealots of Manaan with blues and greens as robes...like drowned men..
- Swordsman with detachment of crossbowmen are my Nordlander Marines
- Halberdiers with detachment of handgunners are my Salzenmund Watch
- For wizards, im going celestial as they can double as navigators and weather forcasters for mariners.
The celestial wizard gazes at the stars and his crystal ball and predicts where the norscan raiders will land..where the storm of chaos will come ashore...and he informs Captain Wolfgang Von Lubeck, grizzled veteran of the Stormguard, of the location...the houses of Salzenmunds north street shake as the Stormguards steamtank, the Dreadnaught rumbles north...