
Author Topic: Bring back the fantasy to Empire  (Read 17041 times)

Offline Wolfgang aus Wien

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Re: Bring back the fantasy to Empire
« Reply #25 on: November 10, 2011, 12:17:24 PM »
Halflings as specials, Dwarves and Ogres as rares sounds about right.
Maybe restricted to 1 unit of such per 2000 points

Offline Tengel

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Re: Bring back the fantasy to Empire
« Reply #26 on: November 11, 2011, 07:55:10 PM »
I think, halflings should be specials for human provincial armies.
But for me the idea of providing different choise for different armies (as it used to be in the 6th ed.) sounds great.
For the army of Moot the situation should be vice-versa. Halfling units are core, human core units are special, human special units are rare. Human rare units are forbidden.
Then, halfling units might be like that:
-- Infantry w\bows
-- Infantry w\spears
-- Warmashine, Hot pot (may be special?), looking more like a catapult, rather than a slingshot
-- Halfling wizard (probably lores of life, beasts, metal only)
-- Halfling captain\lord

That would be an army of good fun

Offline Nils Ingvar

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Re: Bring back the fantasy to Empire
« Reply #27 on: March 01, 2012, 01:33:11 PM »
I know im a bit late on this thread but you  can easily have ogres in an imperial army as ogres are mercenaries. There is also an Imperial Ogre Maneater model on games workshop. So having them in your army shouldn't be a problem nor is it against the lore either.