Didn't vote, as I don't have a preference really.
Is it supposed to be rules? Or the look as a unit? For me, it's about the models:
I love the 4th ed metal Halberdiers, and the onepose Altdorf Halberdiers also have a charm of their own.
I love the 6th ed plastic Spearmen (and Handgunners). Some I've converted to Swordsmen.
The 5th/6th ed Empire Soldiers plastics make good Swordsmen. I also like the 4th ed metals, but they lack poses. The 7th plastics (current) would be OK if they had more poses. They're actually oneposers with various armour and bits. IMHO, they don't make good Spearmen or Halberdiers.
The Militia/Free Company box of course offers many possibilities.
And then all the alternative companies...