
Author Topic: Some comp ideas for a tournament  (Read 256 times)

Offline commandant

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Some comp ideas for a tournament
« on: September 03, 2024, 11:06:27 AM »
I've come up with some comp idea. Some of them are going to change the game a little.

1: Behemoths add +3 wounds instead of +6 but are 50 points cheaper.
2: All models can have an armour save and 1 other type of save (ward or regen).   If they have access to both then they must choose which one to use.
3: Wizards get a cumulative -2 to their casting roll for each spell they have cast during their player turn.   This total is removed during the command phase of a player's turn.   Wizards also get a cumulative -2 to their dispel roll for each spell that they have dispelled during their opponents' turn. This total is removed at the end of the opponent's turn.
4: Victory points are awarded per model if they are single wound models or per wound on multi wound models.   For example a dragon that cost 300 points and has 6 wounds would offer 50 points per wound lost.   A unit of Empire halberdiers would offer 6 points per model killed.
If the points don't divide evenly round down for the wounds and add the difference to the last wound.

For example: A 321 point dragon with 6 wounds would offer 53 points for the first 5 wounds and 56 wounds for the last wound.
A unit of 22 veteran halberdiers with full command costs 191 points.   The 22 halberdiers cost 171 points which means you get a bonus 18 points for killing the unit.