The Campaign Archive > Nemesis Crown Board

Polls - What everyone thinks we should do....

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First, sorry to whoever voted on the Dwarf thread, but i'd rather have 1 manual poll thread rather than a bunch of threads for the auto ones. So here are the Polls we need to vote on, i'll keep track and make sure no one cheats and such....

Current Polls

We've decided to have a Major Engineer character, should we have a Wizard as well?
A) Yes - 9
B) No - 9

Completed Polls
1. Dwarfs
In a vote of 17-1, it has been decided that we shall not fight against the dwarfs. This means if you really have to fight them, make up a good excuse fluf-wise (they attacked you, they were bewitched, etc. etc.)
2. Knightly Order
In a vote of 14-4, it has been decided that we will try to congregate our Knightly efforts on a specific Knightly Order.
3.Specific College
With a unanimous vote against, we will not be trying to congregate our use of the Colleges of Magic

More will be posted as needed, tally will be edited into this post.

Michael W:
Dwarfs:  B
Knightly Order:  A
Colleges of Magic:  B
Wizard:  B


--- Quote from: Michael W on April 09, 2007, 09:14:43 PM ---Dwarfs:  B
Knightly Order:  A
Colleges of Magic:  B
Wizard:  B

--- End quote ---


--- Quote from: Michael W on April 09, 2007, 09:14:43 PM ---Dwarfs:  B
Knightly Order:  A
Colleges of Magic:  B
Wizard:  B

--- End quote ---


--- Quote from: Michael W on April 09, 2007, 09:14:43 PM ---Dwarfs:  B
Knightly Order:  A
Colleges of Magic:  B
Wizard:  B

--- End quote ---

forthed :p


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