Imperial Artisans ... The Painters, Crafters & Writers Guilds > The Brush and Palette

Painting Faces/flesh

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CM Dante:
This article is a step by step guide to how I paint faces/flesh.

Stage 1
Firstly I paint all areas of skin bestial brown over a black undercoat.

Stage 2
Next mix up a 50/50 mix of bestial brown and dwarf flesh and paint most of the skin with this leaving bestial brown in the recesses.

Stage 3
Follow this with a highlight of pure dwarf flesh (sorry about the pic for this one, left the flash on :oops: ). Usually at this stage I paint the eyes in as it is easy to correct any mistakes made now.

Stage 5
Mix up dwarf flesh 50/50 with elf flesh and apply a highlight to the raised areas of the face (eyebrows, cheeks, chin, forehead and nose).

Stage 6
Then finally the last highlight is just pure elf flesh applied only to the very tip of the nose, eyebrows, forehead and tops of the cheeks.

And thats the face finished, note that at each stage I used the same colours for the other areas of flesh (the hands in the example shown) ensuring that the flesh is the same shade all over (it is very difficult to create the same mix twice!).

Note: if the pics don't work here they can be viewed at the following link (the stages are labelled in numerical order):
I hope this will be of some use to people!




I'm going to gather your pics up and put them on my images folder so people can see this.


Nice work Dante!! I've actually been experimenting with painting faces more "in-depth" than before, and this should really help!

CM Dante:
@ Grutch: Cheers mate, I pretty much suck when it comes to most computer stuff!

@ desro: Thanks, I hope it will be of some use to people!



thanks for this article, the faces i paint are ok, but i want them to be even better :D

but on the eyes do you paint it black first, then a smaller area white then the last thing black or a colour inbetween the white and the black layer too?

Heiglot- lovely model :)


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