The Campaign Archive > General Discussion
Army List Question
Will army lists be written with 8th ed rules or 7th ed rules?
I'm just a little confused on the whole book issue.
My gut says that we're just assuming it's 8th ed and the Empire hasn't received an 8th ed book yet.
rufus sparkfire:
It's intended for the 8th edition rules. But I wrote it before the latest Empire book, so it ignores that.
Of course, you don't have to use the army list unless you want to! It's just for fun.
It's an awesome list, and you obviously spent a sh*tload of time on it. Definitely using it.
Yeah, I'm using too! In fact, you'd written this early enough before the 8th Ed Empire book came out, I was HOPING they'd take some ideas from it, especially all the possible unit upgrades you can pay for and the "Men at Arms" section. I'm a major infantry fan.
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