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Necromunda - Photos! And some thoughts on small adaptations

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I feel like I've asked this before in the past, but did anyone know the main changes in necromunda from the original to the living rulebook.

And I see there are some community edited ones too. How do they compare?

Any opinions on what the best rules are? I love the original rules but I did feel like a few of the weapons would benefit from some reigning in, mainly swords really...

Any chance a mod can move this to counts tavern? I realise it might get more look in from people like me who don't do 40k...!

Well, I've been playing a few games lately to get back in the swing. Here's some pics...

Also, I'm thinking about using original rules with just some adaptations.

I like super strength weapons taking people out more easily so I think I'll use that newer rule. Makes sense.
I'm thinking of limiting parry weapons for each gang as they just tend to get silly. Maybe 3 swords and 1 chainsword max.
I keep going back and forth on maybe making it harder to die too. Like 11-13 die, maybe, 14-16 multiple injuries. It's just so harsh as it is right now...

I havn't played before, but I just wanted to say that board looks awesome. Perfect for a kill team or necromunda game.

Ssh, don't say kill teams. I'm trying to wean the locals from that to necromunda.  :-P

But yes, the terrain in the first few pics is at the local game store and there is loads of it which is excellent for necromunda!


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