Well, the Gaming Club Network have proved themselves absolutely invaluable for it's members, having released their Nemesis Crown Campaign pack... last Thursday.
Page one is usual guff about the Barren Hills.
Page two is the start of the landmarks...
The Giant’s Tump - A truncated mountain / plateau
Long rumoured to be the home of a giants, local residents of the area surrounding the Tump steer well clear of it even keeping their herds of the slopes, as tales of thunderous foot step s being heard and … have made this place only visited by the brave and foolish. Even the rumours of gold and treasure hidden away on top of the mound in the Giants hidden treasure trove doesn’t make this a place eager to be visited.
That is until now. Unusually high numbers of Ogre Warband have been sighted heading toward the Tump. For what reason no one has asked (or those that have, have been invited for lunch, never to been seen again). Could the rumours that The Tump is the last out post of the Sky Titans be drawing those Ogres eager for a scrap of old? Could the gold rumoured to be in the hidden treasure trove be the reason Greasus has sent his troops? Or could the Hold be the hiding place for something more valuable, hidden for years, and the reason that those local to The Tump are considered to be mad by their kin.
The rumours of a giant have drawn the Ogre Kingdoms to this area. Along with these foes the stalwart Dwarfs have sent a number of expeditions, primarily to investigate the potential mineral veins, along with the number of caves and barrows that criss-crossing the area that could prove the hiding place for the Crown. Also of concern to the Dwarfs are the rumours of sightings of their insidious cousins from “Zharr Naggrund”
The Ruins of Tor Thana - Haunted Elven ruins
Long have the Ruins of Tor Thana dominated the skyline of the barren hills. Myth and Legend have long since taken the names of the builders or indeed the purpose of the tower into obscurity.
Yet the ruins have become the finishing line for a deadly race. From across the oceans the High Elves and the Deadly cousins of Naggaroth are both heading for the same destination. The reasoning behind this move is unknown but both races are calling upon allies to aid them.
The high elves have a long memory, and emissaries have been sent to their rustic cousins. The Dark elves have enlisted the aid of the evil vampire counts, knowing that although they cannot be trusted, they can be relied upon to fall upon any high elves in their path.
All three Elven races and Vampire Counts are headed for the ruins. The ruins contain an ancient statue that resonates with mystical power. The effects of this are unknown to all but the most powerful practitioner of the arcane arts. Tentative alliances have been drawn up between the Dark Elves and Vampire Counts, and similarly with the High Elves and Wood Elves. How long these alliances hold in the heat of battle remain to be seen.
A four way border patrol game would give lots of opportunity for alliances, intrigue, betrayal and a glorious victory for one of the races. The one holding the centre of the ruins at the end takes all.
Use Mordheim scenario 7: Hidden treasure, then scenario 1 defend the find to represent some advance forces seeking out the treasure contained in the ruins.
In a fantasy battle game you could use a terrain piece at the centre as the objective and award 400 VPs for the army with the most Unit strength within 12” at the end of the game (but award no VPs for table quarters). You may choose to give wizards an extra power and dispel dice when they are in the ruins.
Prince Josiah looked over at the crew of the warship. The cold wind pinched at his cheeks as he pondered the mission the court had given this expedition. Carelessly fingering the hilt of his ancient blade he secretly welcomed the reports that the Black Arks of Naggaroth had been sighted in these waters. If ever there was a worthwhile reason to give up ones life, slaying Dark Elves was one of them. He knew and resented the fact that the Wood Elves had been asked for aid. Josiah was sure that the prize would be his, and the influence at court the prize would bring with it would be useful. The prince sighed and went back to penning the missive persuading those who would decide that he was the best choice for leading the force into battle.