
Author Topic: Battle Reports  (Read 33162 times)

Offline Ansel

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Re: Battle Reports
« Reply #25 on: June 29, 2007, 06:27:47 AM »
I will save space and report my first 2 battles from yesterday here:

Region: Talabec Borders
Armies: Empire vs Orcs and Goblins
Army Name: Mordheim Host, Helstrom's 4th
General: Father Gabe
Battle Size: 2000
Objective: Standard
Fluff Objective: Defense of Auenwaldheim
Outcome: Solid Victory
Cool Moment: Two units of flagellants smashing into two groups of black orcs, followed up by two units of knights slamming into their flanks after dispatching trolls and night goblins. 

Region: Talabec Borders
Armies: Empire vs Slaanesh Chaos Army
Army Name: Mordheim Host, Helstrom's 4th
General: Father Gabe
Battle Size: 3000
Objective: Flank Attack
Fluff Objective: Defense of Auenwaldheim
Outcome: Marginal Victory
Cool Moment: Sacrificing two units of flagellants and another of swordsman to halt six chariots, giving time for my knights and outriders to get into position to route all but the chariots of slaanesh.  My Arch Lector using von horstmanns speculum on a chaos lord and rightly stomping her into the ground.

I think I am seeing a pattern here with the Flagellants! You should write a tactica for them. I noticed earlier that you are on the first page of Talabecland results Father Gabe. Awesome!
"The problem in my last battle was that my detachment was too detached!"

Offline wissenlander

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Re: Battle Reports
« Reply #26 on: June 29, 2007, 11:43:03 AM »
Region: Talabec Borders
Armies: Empire vs Orcs and Goblins
Army Name: Wissenland Expeditionary Force - Helstrom's 4th
General: Ortolf von Brennenburg (although a flamboyant Gilderoy Lockhart lead the patrol, will explain shortly)
Battle Size: 375
Objective: Standard
Fluff Objective: Taking Waldberg
Outcome: Marginal Defeat
Cool Moment:  My spear regiment with halberdier detachment flead after being attacked by her entire patrol force.  Mr. 'Gilderoy Lockhart' (just a nickname) swung wildly like a sissy and ran for his life.  The crossbows held off the entire force by itself for three turns until the battle ended.

Herr Helstrom,
I just recieved word from my scouting party that they encountered a small band of goblins. My men were sent to investigate claims of a group of 'evil dwarfs' reported by local villagers when they stumbled upon this bunch gibbering, 'cruzade.'

The goblins struck with such ferocity upon our spear regiment, they fled without a fight, the captain followed closely. If not for the valiant stand of the crossbows, the day would have been lost. The crossbowmen withdrew in a gallant rear guard action, leaving the greenskins to produce more foul effigies; the likes of which have been reported throughout the region. The captain is being held on several accounts of cowardice.

Me and Wissenlander had babies!

not together.

finding photographic evidense that Wiss smiles is going to be hard...

Offline Sir Seigfried

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Re: Battle Reports
« Reply #27 on: June 29, 2007, 01:49:58 PM »
Region: The Great Confluence (New Zealand)
Armies:Empire Vs Horde of Chaos ( .. now where have i seen that happen before ..)
Army Name: The Altdorf River Guard - Helstrom's 4th (Sorry for not putting it offically in)
General: Seigfried Von Heiftigkeit IV
Battle Size: 2600 ( "Some" supplimented models from a friends army)
Objective: Flank Attack
Fluff Objective: Stop chaos from getting any further into the forest
Outcome: Massacre Empire Victory
Cool Moment:

Turn 5 ... when two Great cannons FINALLY took down the last char ( the lord ) and 2 large inner circle knights with fear causing charged the enemy ....

Offline Demonslayer

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Re: Battle Reports
« Reply #28 on: June 29, 2007, 06:42:08 PM »
Region: Barren Hills
Armies: Empire vs Skaven
Army Name: Schlaeger Guard- Helstrom's4th
General: Gustav Feindschlaeger
Battle Size: 500 points
Objective: Pitched battle
Fluff Objective: Defend the guns being transported to Egondorf
Outcome: Massacre for me!

Cool Moment: Not really a cool moment, but a cool last-half-of-the-game, where my humble unit of ten halberdiers stood their ground against a fully kitted out, 25 rat strong unit of clanrats PLUS chieftain.For THREE rounds. And in the final turn, helped by a failed panic check from the flank charge by the outriders, the halberdiers pursued and overran the clanrats! So that's a 50 point unit holding, breaking and destroying a unit of over 300 points.
But fair is fair, there was a most painful moment as well, when a ratling gun took out half of my swordsmen unit and it fled, taking my captain along with them.

Region: Barren Hills
Armies: Empire vs Vampire Counts
Army Name: Schlaeger Guard- Helstrom's4th
General: Gustav Feindschlaeger
Battle Size: 500 points
Objective: Pitched battle
Fluff Objective: Clear the forest!
Outcome: Massacre for me!
Cool moment: After forcing all my opponent's units into a bottleneck, my light wizard cast cleansing flare and obliterated the general, a banshee and a unit of ghouls. The loss of the necromancer also killed his wraith.
I had no casualties this game, and my opponent scored NO victory points AT ALL.
Wartales online campaigns, dedicated to bringing you the best in online warhammer campaigns!

Offline Nog64

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Re: Battle Reports
« Reply #29 on: June 29, 2007, 09:05:53 PM »
Another one for today:

Region: Talabec Borders
Armies: Empire vs Chaos
Army Name: Talabhiem Silverfeathers
General: Hans Schiless
Battle Size: 500 points
Objective: Pitched battle
Fluff Objective: N/A
Outcome: Draw
Cool moment: Revenge shooting of Exalted demon after he routed my Priest.
<font color=0033FF-FF3000>╤♦*~N64~╤♦*</font>

Offline Ansel

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Re: Battle Reports
« Reply #30 on: June 30, 2007, 05:54:06 AM »

General Helstrom,

It is with deepest regret and embarrassment that I write this letter to you. Our Bogenhafen Irregulars were dispatched to patrol the road between the Waldberg fort and the Tower of Moonrise. In the course of our duty we came across an army of undead from the far south. What they were doing here I do not guess, but we commenced in laying down a barrage that decimated a large part of their force. With most of their mounted forces gone we began our advance slowly to get in position to make a counter offensive when one of our units overzealous with our previous success moved to a more exposed position. Things quickly went from bad to worse as the cannon exploded and our men began to panic in fear from a charge of the undead armies chariots. When all was said and done, only our Talabec archermen guides remained on the field of battle and had to secret themselves to escape notice. I apologize for this failure to hold our objective and ask for a chance for my men to regain their confidence on the field of battle.

Your Humble Servant,

Anders Brechausen

Region: Talabec Borders
Armies: Empire vs Tomb Kings
Army Name: Bogenhafen Irregulars
General: Anders Brechausen
Battle Size: 1000 points
Objective: Pitched battle
Fluff Objective: N/A
Outcome: Massacred
Cool moment: When my Pistoleers, Archers, and Crossbowmen killed all 8 of his fast cavalry on their side of the board in the turn 1 shooting phase. The rest of the battle was cool for my opponent. I was in a cramped deployment zone and was attempting to position my troops better when I put my Handgunners too far forward and his chariots began to roll up my line of troops. 
"The problem in my last battle was that my detachment was too detached!"

Offline The Dark Count of Ostland

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Re: Battle Reports
« Reply #31 on: June 30, 2007, 02:52:05 PM »
Region: talebec borders
Armies: 700 pts of empire vs 700 pts of lizzies
Army Name: 1rst nuln brigade
General: captain rodriec schriber
Battle Size: 700 pts
Objective: kill em all
Fluff Objective: clear the forest
Outcome: massacre for me
Cool Moment: when my knights of the black lily slammed into the flank as part of an excellent double charge manouvre and rolled up his army

Region: the talebec borders
Armies: 2000 pts empire vs 2000 pts lizzies
Army Name: 1rst nuln brigade
General: cpt roderic schriber
Battle Size: 2000 pts
Objective: kill em all
Fluff Objective: clear the forest
Outcome: massacre for me
Cool Moment:  when my 2 units of handgunners on a hill opened up on turn 1 and ripped his generals unit to shreds.

a smashing two massacres for the empire!
for the golden hammer and the empire!
2 1 0

for the horned rat!
skaven: 2000 pts
5 2 3

Offline Oss

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Re: Battle Reports
« Reply #32 on: June 30, 2007, 05:23:02 PM »
Region: Räuberdale
Armies: Empire & OK vs DE and O&G
Army Name: Averländer Expeditionskorps
General: Hartmann von Höllenthal
Battle Size: 2x 1000 points
Objective: kill em all
Fluff Objective: Secure an Empire Outpost
Outcome: massacre for Empire and OK
Cool Moment: A Reaper Bolt Thrower shooting at my Pistoliers, hitting 5, wounding 0
Quoted From Wyzer1: "Actually I believe most of the game is fairly well balanced, and I applaud GW for this awesome game. Thats why we pay $300++ for their models. That and we all have mental issues."

Offline Demonslayer

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Re: Battle Reports
« Reply #33 on: June 30, 2007, 05:31:36 PM »
Region: The Barren Hills
Armies: Empire vs Vampire Counts
Army Name: Schlaeger Guard- Helstrom's4th
General: Gustav Feindschlaeger
Battle Size: 500 pts
Objective: Pitched battle
Fluff Objective: Cleanse the forest!
Outcome: Massacre for me!
Cool Moment: Two, actually. The first one was a wizard casting burning gaze aimed at the necromancer, killing him outright. The second was that same wizard casting Pha's Illumination and killing a Blood Vampire thrall in one round.
Again, no VP's for the opponent, with 800 for me.
Wartales online campaigns, dedicated to bringing you the best in online warhammer campaigns!

Offline dWhisper

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Re: Battle Reports
« Reply #34 on: June 30, 2007, 08:31:16 PM »
Region: Talebac Borders
Armies: Empire vs. Beasts of Chaos
Army Name: Sigmar's Fist, the Protectors of the 4 Hills
General:  Talianus t'Amanere
Battle Size: 2250
Objective: Kill 'em All
Fluff Objective: Capture the Watchman's Tower
Outcome: Major Victory for the Empire
Cool Moment: The might of the steam tank turning the battle on a single charge in the top of the 3rd turn. A beast herd failed their test, broke, and went a full 12" on double sixes. This carried them through a unit of Marauders and another herd, which in turn, failed their tests. Without firing a shot, the tank broke half of my opponents army. They recovered in the next turn, but the damage was done and the beasts were left in prime position to be charged by my block of spears, knights, and knights.
I'm a little girl with pigtails!

Fear the STank!

Offline Jardain

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Re: Battle Reports
« Reply #35 on: June 30, 2007, 08:36:07 PM »
Region: Sweden
Army Name: Die Grossenstadt Armee
General: Vladimir V of Grossenstadt
Battle Size: 1000 pts
Objective: Standard
Fluff Objective: Duel the enemy mage
Outcome: Massacre
Cool Moment: My mage made the enemy DE crossbowmen panic an flee in turn one after inflicting 3 wounds on the 10 man strong unit, pretty much screwed the fluffobjective as the mage ran away from the table.

Offline Michael W

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Re: Battle Reports
« Reply #36 on: July 01, 2007, 12:30:49 AM »
Region: US
Army Name: Army of Gorim
General: Earl Jodas ap Theron
Battle Size: 1000 pts
Objective: Destroy the Enemy Army
Fluff Objective: Engage and defeat the Dwarven-hired mercenaries.
Outcome: Massacre
Cool Moment: The flagellants taking an entire flank by themselves - absorbing enough crossbow bolts to allow the rest of my army to outflank his heavily armoured dwarves.

Region: US
Army Name: Army of Gorim
General: Earl Jodas ap Theron
Battle Size: 1000 pts Empire vs. 500 pts DoW
Objective: Last Stand
Fluff Objective: Destroy the rallying mercenary forces
Outcome: Massacre
Cool Moment: The enemy general battled flagellants for more than three rounds before finishing them off, but was run down and captured when he tried to escape from the Hunters of Sigmar.

Region: US
Army Name: Army of Gorim
General: Earl Jodas ap Theron
Battle Size: 2150 pts
Objective: Standard
Fluff Objective: Force the mercenaries to abandon their base camp near the Headless Badger
Outcome: Another Massacre
Cool Moment: In the opening turn, the enemy mage miscast, enabling me to drop a Wall of Fire onto a single-line unit of light cavalry.  The ensuring conflagration destroyed the entire unit, leaving a hole in his line that I was able to exploit with my swordsmen, breaking his army.
Let them taste Reikland steel!

Offline Tritoch42

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Re: Battle Reports
« Reply #37 on: July 01, 2007, 03:13:39 AM »
Region: Talabec Borders (US)
Army Name: Gold Cross Regiment
General: Aldric von Geldenstein
Battle Size: 2000 pts
Objective: Standard, vs. Wood Elves
Fluff Objective: Pressing toward Waldberg, surviving Wood Elf ambush
Outcome: Solid Defeat
Cool Moment: Waywatchers coming out of the woods on Turn 1 and killing my whole unit of Outriders in one shooting phase... That, and my hero galloping solo across the battlefield chasing after Glade Guard.

Offline Ansel

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Re: Battle Reports
« Reply #38 on: July 01, 2007, 06:46:39 AM »
General Helstrom,

Thank you General for giving my Bogenhafen Irregulars the opportunity to Escort our esteemed allies the Brettonians to the Headless Badger Inn. Upon arriving there we found the place under siege by various armies including the Rat-Men, Dark Elves, and the Undead Army from the South we met the previous day. Our valiant men cleared away the right flank from the building where a band of Dwarfs were beginning to flee from a melee on the other side of the building. We began to pound away with our missile troops and shot down a troop of Dark Elf Cavalry that was in the process of flanking our Brettonian allies. I am pleased to report that casualties were light and our cannon was true, wiping out several of the undead's chariots and a few of the lizard mounts the Dark Elves ride. We were able to repulse the invaders with impunity. I put myself at your service and await your further command.


Anders Brechausen Priest

Region: Talabec Borders
Armies: Empire,Dwarfs, Bretts vs Tomb Kings, Skaven, and Dark Elves
Army Name: Bogenhafen Irregulars
General: Anders Brechausen
Battle Size: 3000 points
Objective: Headless Badger Scenario
Fluff Objective: Taking the Inn
Outcome: Solid Win
Cool moment: Awesome shooting from my troops wiped out a unit of Dark Elf Fast Cavalry that was about the flank a Brettonian Knight Unit. Also, my cannon hit every turn I fired it in, wiping out 3 Tomb King Chariots, 2 Cold one Knights, and some Skaven.
"The problem in my last battle was that my detachment was too detached!"

Offline Father Gabe

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Re: Battle Reports
« Reply #39 on: July 01, 2007, 07:36:43 AM »
Oh Woe Upon Me!

It is with deepest regret that I have to report my loss at the Headless Badger Inn (GW event) however it was a victory for the forces of light.  Allow me to explain briefly: The fogs of war were against the detachment I had sent to reinforce the Headless Badger Inn.  The flagellants and knights could not make out who our opponents were and they ended up fighting against high elves and fellow sons of the Empire! (To make sides even, I had to join the forces of chaos due to the order side having to many players, all of which were friends or game club membrs).  It is fortunate that they caused only a few casualties before realizing their mistake.  However this will go as a loss for my forces.  I will try to redeem myself tommorow at my clubs battle for the Headless Badger.

Region: Talebac Borders
Armies: Empire vs. High Elves/Empire/Dwarfs/Lizardmen
Army Name: Mordhiem Host, Helstrom's 4th
General:  Captain Maxmillian Von Schadel
Battle Size: 1000pt (10 players)
Objective: Defend the Headless Badger
Outcome: Major Victory for the Empire / Draw in my book, I didnt lose a single man.

Cool Moment: Not sure, kind of embarrising.  So many players (5 on each side), no room to maneuver, stretched way to thin.  "allies" forgot the objective so "we" lost.  Sigh.
Father Gabriel
Mordhiem Host, Helstrom's 4th
Bearer of the Crimson Ribbon,  The Eagle of Martin Stirland, Rainer's Mantle of Iron, Bleucher's Exalted Commendation, Keeper of the Scroll of Ludendorf

Offline The Dark Count of Ostland

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Re: Battle Reports
« Reply #40 on: July 01, 2007, 02:18:14 PM »
Region: the talebec borders
Armies:100o pts high elves and 1000 pts empire (me) vs 2000 pts of lizzies
Army Name: 1rst nuln brigade
General: captain roderic schreiber
Battle Size:200 pts
Objective: kill em all
Fluff Objective: drive the invaders from the approach to albrechtdorf
Outcome:draw (we ran out of time and tallied, he got 42 pts over me)
Cool Moment: when the oldblood did a suicide charge and i challenged and my general held him up for three turns before passing out from the dents in his armour,etc
for the golden hammer and the empire!
2 1 0

for the horned rat!
skaven: 2000 pts
5 2 3

Offline crouching lictor

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Re: Battle Reports
« Reply #41 on: July 01, 2007, 03:02:40 PM »
Region: USA
Armies: Dogs of War vs Ogre Kingdoms
Army Name: The Black Company vs The Golden Horde
General: General Wolfgang Greiss vs Hrothyogg Neckbiter
Battle Size: 2,000pts
Objective: Win
Fluff Objective: The Black Company scouts located the Ogre camp and summoned the company to bring them to battle.
Outcome: Dogs Marginal victory
Cool Moment: Wolfgang Greiss and his heavy cav bodyguard charged the Tyrant, who had been weakened by a cannonball shot a turn earlier, and cut him down.

Offline Sircyn

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Re: Battle Reports
« Reply #42 on: July 01, 2007, 07:16:57 PM »
Commander Helstrom,
Having safely arrived at Egonsdorf I collected my orders and went about completing them. My objective was to sally from the town and slash and burn the forest from the east side of the town in preparation for impending siege and to facilitate future recivilisation of the area. My men left the town in high spirits after our well recieved victory in sight of the town last night. My men were given garlands and cheered out of the town this morning after their performance.

That battle must have left an equally large impression upon the greenskins as soon after we began our task of logging and setting fires the very same tribe of Orcs approached us prepared for battle. Led by a large imposing Orc it was clear that he wanted revenge and had come especially for us.

My army formed up and this time the battle was harder fought. The greenskins were determined to keep order amongst their ranks as their leaders were killing more of their men than my troops missile fire as the two lines maneuvered towards each other. Finally the lines crashed together and the meatgrinder of the shieldwall began. Reverend Stilgarr on his battleshrine made the first breakthrough by charging down a unit of trolls that were being egged on by a shaman. He then wheeled aorund to flank the greenskin line. The Orcs were much more reluctant to flee this time around and a lengthy fight ground on as neither army  would give ground.

On the other flank the Hunters of Sigmar tustled with a unit of boarboyz and were defeated, however they had managed to protect my artillery as the boarboyz charged off the field after the knights, only to return and join the large fight in the center.

The battle was brought to a close as finally the Orcs, seeing their numbers dwindling, fought their way back into the forest rather than routing. My men were too exhausted to pursue and regardless, we had our fires to set and further forest to cut down. We held the field to complete our objectives.

Region: UK
Armies: Empire Vs Orcs
Army Name: Helstroms 4th Ostermark IX.
General: Baron Reinhardt von Schadelandoese.
Battle Size: 2,000pts
Objective: Pitched Battle
Fluff Objective: Sally from Egonsdorf and slash and burn the surrounding forest.
Outcome: Solid Victory to the Empire.
Cool Moment: A huge multiple combat in the middle of the board that lasted for 3 turns until the end of the game, where no side would break and casualties were piled high. The battle shrine of Morr (WA) acquits itself magnificently, scrunching a unit of trolls led by a shaman then turning back to flank the greenskin line. Despite the final scrum being undecided, there were a lot fewer greenskins hanging on than there were humans. One black Orc manages to kill 5 of his unit thanks to a failed animosity check.

Offline The Dark Count of Ostland

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Re: Battle Reports
« Reply #43 on: July 01, 2007, 08:34:32 PM »
Region: talebec borders
Armies: 500 pts each, my elves (said i could count the battles as empire) vs his lizzies
Army Name: nirith's patrol
General:nirith stormcrow
Battle Size: 500 pts
Objective: kill em all
Fluff Objective: force the invaders from the surronding countrie side of albretchdorf
Outcome: massacre
Cool Moment. hail of doom arrow ripping his heavy hitter unit of sarus cav apart.

Region: talebec borders
Armies: 500 pts each, my elves (said i could count the battles as empire) vs his lizzies
Army Name: nirith's patrol
General:nirith stormcrow
Battle Size: 500 pts
Objective: kill em all
Fluff Objective: force the invaders from the surronding countrie side of albretchdorf
Outcome: massacred
Cool Moment. N/A
for the golden hammer and the empire!
2 1 0

for the horned rat!
skaven: 2000 pts
5 2 3

Offline Patch

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Re: Battle Reports
« Reply #44 on: July 01, 2007, 10:52:10 PM »
Region: UK
Armies: Empire vs Orcs and Goblins
Army Name: Altdorf 2nd Division
General: Hans Von Wynter
Battle Size: 4000points
Objective: Pitched Battle
Fluff Objective: Hold the Line!
Outcome: Draw!
Cool Moment: My Flaggies being charged by one of his Giants, and killing him in the first round. The second giant was removed by a hail of bullets from 8 Pistoliers. A whole Night Goblin unit going Waagh, and surging forward onto the three fanatics they had just released. All were killed!
Uncool Moment: A Doomdiver wiping out 5 White wolves, causing panic on 7 Outriders, who fled the table. In turn one. The Giant the Pistoliers took out made the other unit of 9 knights and captain flee in Terror. Not their greatest moment.
The (less than) triumphant return...

Offline Sergeant36

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Re: Battle Reports
« Reply #45 on: July 02, 2007, 04:02:37 PM »
Region: US
Armies: Empire, Dwarf, Wood Elf, Brettonia vs. Orc, Skaven, Chaos, VC, Tomb Kings, Lizardmen
Army Name:  1st Reiklanders, Helstrom's 4th
General: Commander Dolohev Stonheim III
Battle Size: 12,000 pts per side (1,000 pts each player)
Objective: Have higher US within 12" of the Headless Badger by Turn 8
Fluff Objective:  Defend the Headless Badger
Outcome: Solid Victory
Cool Moment:  Had two great shots with my cannons in Turn 1.  One smashed three black knights and the other tore through a unit of Orc archers and panicked them off the board.  I was out of the main fighting for several turns until I finally got a chance to charge some skinks with my hatred fueled Warrior Priest and 30 Halberdiers.  I killed 5, pursued 12" and overran into the flank of some Tomb Kings warriors that thought they were safe.  The forces of light got the win by turn 7.
Commander Dolohev Stonheim III, 1st Reiklanders, Helstrom's 4th.  Recipient of the Nemesis Rune, Von Klaust's Laurels of Acclamation, the Scroll of Ludendorf and the Shield of Sigmar's Wrath.

Offline clausewitz

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Re: Battle Reports
« Reply #46 on: July 02, 2007, 04:43:43 PM »
Journal of Carl Von Clausewitz, Military Advisor to the Talabheim Irregulars.

2nd July

The Greenskins have not troubled the Irregulars section of the Egonsdorf defences for several days.  With our forces better dug-in now our patrols were extended to further into the accursed forest.

Thus one of our patrols ran into a force at first believed to be Asur.  However, the appearance of reptilian creatures being used as cavalry mounts alerted the patrol leader that this was a Druchi raiding party.

The patrol immediately attacked.  And although the Druchi cavalry, and especially their leader, killed many troopers the evil raiders were driven off completely.  Further patrols sought to seek out the main force of the Druchi but no sign was found.

Some huntsmen later reported that the Druchi seemed to be heading south east, in the approximate direction of Tor Thana.

Region: UK
Armies: Empire V DE
Army Name: Helstrom's 4th Talabheim Corps
General: Carl Von Clausewitz
Battle Size: 1000 Points
Objective: Pitched Battle
Fluff Objective: Patrol Egonsdorf
Outcome: Massacre
Cool Moment:  Infantry regiment holding despite taking heavy casualties from Cold One Knights led by Noble.
I fought in the NC war.. and all I got was this lousy sig...

Karl van Drak

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Re: Battle Reports
« Reply #47 on: July 02, 2007, 05:27:20 PM »
Region: UK
Armies: Empire vs. Orcs and Goblins
Army name: The Righteous Crusade
General: Witch Hunter Captain Karl van Drak
Battle size: 1000 pts
Objective: Battlefield Supremacy
Fluff objective: defend the outskirts of Egondorf and burn the goblin witch.
Outcome: draw
Cool moment: nearly the entire enemy army ran from my steam tank, leaving only a huge unit of black orcs and a black orc boss!

Offline nosramuk

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Re: Battle Reports
« Reply #48 on: July 02, 2007, 06:00:33 PM »
This system is great! A really good way to get the gist of how people are faring and how thier battles went.

Region:  U.K.
Armies:  Empire vs. Beastmen (10 huntsmen vs 9 gors and 13 ungors)
Army Name:  Sigmars Fury
General:  Captain George Luitdorf
Battle Size:  100 pts.
Objective:  Escape from the western table edge
Fluff Objective:  Warn the main empire force of the beastmen threat to thier flank
Outcome:  Solid empire victory (3/10 huntsman made it back to warn the main army)
Cool Moment: 1 huntsmen holding off against 2 gors and an ungor for 4 turns allowing his comrades to
escape, huntsman about to leave table charge by gor, shoots him dead and leaves next turn!

First win under my belt, next battle tommorrow is a 500 pt against the same beastman general, Ill have to get him registered though so that my win (fingers crossed) stands for more.
  Good luck fighting folks.

Offline crouching lictor

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Re: Battle Reports
« Reply #49 on: July 02, 2007, 06:22:54 PM »
Region: USA
Armies: DoW vs HE
Army Name: The Black Company
General: Wolfgang Greiss
Battle Size: 2250
Objective: destroy the enemy
Fluff Objective: defeat the HE vanguard before it established an outpost in the area
Outcome: Solid Victory
Cool Moment: when my pegasus mounted captain destroyed two RBTs and then killed a level 2 mage that had been hurling comet's all over the battlefield.