Got that cleared up. We kept the roads clean and the civilians out - this is good. Sigmar smiles upon our battles.
Now, I move we do indeed make a major goal the "Fortification-Roadhouse-Transport Protection Network" proposed by Mike W. With it, we will kill a lot of birds with a single big stone.The plan is simple. Have your armies assist/pay for/participate in/protect the construction of a variety of forts, toll booths, roadwarden houses, garrisons and outposts all along the roadways of the region. This is something that the merchants of the West have been demanding for some time - and it would aid our war effort greatly! The people are in need of this as well as our own forces. In short, we build a massive network of fortifications designed to keep safe the movement of people and goods as they travel the roads of the Great Forest and western Empire.
Communication is also key. Each part of the roadway fortification network (herein now named the "Castleroad" for simplicity's sake) needs to be in sustained contact with the other parts. Horses and pigeons are obvious good ways to maintain the lines of communication, can you think of others?
Do I hear any support? Objections? Viewpoints?
Edit! I am aware "Castleroad" is a stupid name, but I got nothin' else that sprung to mind. Any other naming ideas for the project? Something more Imperial sounding?