
Author Topic: Unhappy Random thoughts...  (Read 779031 times)

Offline Auberoun

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Unhappy Random thoughts...
« on: June 18, 2010, 07:18:59 AM »
Based on the popular happy random thoughts thread, this is a thread to vent some bad things that have been going on in your life.  Not to be pessimistic, just to vent.  Not that it will matter much, but it may help you feel better.  I'll start. 

I got into troube at work for the 5th time for doing my job!  Management says one thing, then when you do what they say, you get a write up.  I want to quit, but can't because I have a family to help support.
The world you believe is reality is a puppet show!

Offline Nicholas Bies

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Re: Unhappy Random thoughts...
« Reply #1 on: June 18, 2010, 07:23:51 AM »
ouch man.

I just got lambasted by the boss for a big and messy booking which I took over for someone as they were on leave. Had nothing to do with it at all but I got all the mess to clean up...thankfully I leave on the 9th (meant to be the 30th but they asked me to stay longer and like an idiot I agreed).
The greatest form of control which can go on forever until it is exposed is a tyranny you can't see, touch and taste (unlike totalitarian Govts). When you sit in a prison cell but can't see the bars, because people don't rebel against not being free when they think they're are.

Offline Fandir Nightshade

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Re: Unhappy Random thoughts...
« Reply #2 on: June 18, 2010, 07:26:30 AM »
Any possibility to apply to a new job without your boss knowing? Bies and Auberon?

Offline warhammerlord_soth

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Re: Unhappy Random thoughts...
« Reply #3 on: June 18, 2010, 07:35:27 AM »
It seems that whatever I say, someone in my staff will be able to interpret it the wrong way....  :engel:
Bies : If you're unhappy, Leave on the 30th.
Unless you signed something to the contrary, you will have fulfilled you obligations by then.
You're an employee in resignation, there's hardly anything your boss can do to you anymore (it's not like they can double fire you, is it ?)
Auberoun : If you are unclear about your assignment, ask for written instructions (a short mail will do). If you do as told and get into trouble again, you have something to refer to. Be polite, respectful but steadfast in your defence and you should command respect in return for your behaviour.
Have one  on Midaski's tab.  :::cheers:::
Famous last words. R.I.P.

Offline Nicholas Bies

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Re: Unhappy Random thoughts...
« Reply #4 on: June 18, 2010, 07:44:42 AM »
You know I wasn't fired!

I resigned. Actually I'm hoping for a minor form of comeback. I was originally in a dept. called Destination India dealing with tours and packages and trains in Southern-Asia. I got a new dept. head and we clashed so I changed into ticketing.

My replacement has quit and leaves next monday and June has alientated all the Indian offices that shes been asked to take a 3 week break (I don't know all the details maybe shes just taking a holiday). So I'm the only staff member trained in running tour groups even though I haven't run any since January.

I told my contact in India and I quote "God finally blesses me!"

So I'm kinda hoping that in the 3 weeks I'll be running the dept. I'll show just how much of a cow June is/was. Plus I need the money for when I visit Australia (from 11-26Jul for Warlord and Sig- where is Sig anyhow?).

Plus I need that reference before I piss them off =P

Auberon my mate had the exact same thing happen to him. Turned out the HK office had been told to hire a straight out uni grunt but instead took my mate (who had been unemployed for 6 months so took a 100,000HKD pay cut) who is technically a senior engineer. The HK office would give him senior jobs while the global office groups would look on going "wtf is a junior talking to these people for"

Ended up getting into a lot of hot water.

The greatest form of control which can go on forever until it is exposed is a tyranny you can't see, touch and taste (unlike totalitarian Govts). When you sit in a prison cell but can't see the bars, because people don't rebel against not being free when they think they're are.

Offline Fandir Nightshade

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Re: Unhappy Random thoughts...
« Reply #5 on: June 18, 2010, 08:10:28 AM »
It seems that whatever I say, someone in my staff will be able to interpret it the wrong way....  :engel:
Bies : If you're unhappy, Leave on the 30th.
Unless you signed something to the contrary, you will have fulfilled you obligations by then.
You're an employee in resignation, there's hardly anything your boss can do to you anymore (it's not like they can double fire you, is it ?)
Auberoun : If you are unclear about your assignment, ask for written instructions (a short mail will do). If you do as told and get into trouble again, you have something to refer to. Be polite, respectful but steadfast in your defence and you should command respect in return for your behaviour.

Great post once again  :eusa_clap:

The people always seem to underestimate the power of written word. Write notes about how and why you did your job and if possible talk about it with your superior. There are good bosses out there ( I am lucky to have one) who will work out stuff if you go to them and talk with them. If you have something written with a signature on it you are pretty safe. Your boss earns more money because he carries more responsibility sometimes you help him by talking about your problems.

If your boss is a jackass that always hands failure down the line I suggest my plan A again (seek for a better job secretly).

Offline Auberoun

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Re: Unhappy Random thoughts...
« Reply #6 on: June 18, 2010, 08:45:03 AM »
Good responses here.  I have been looking for a new job for a while now, to no avail.  So, I am stuck where I am for now.  I have discussed simalar situations with my boss, and the answer is always the same.  Even with a no-win situation, they expect you to make a decision, then you get heat for the decision, no matter how you make it.  If you turn the problem over to a supervisor, you would get in trouble for not doing your job.   I have gone above and beyond in my duties several times, just to get lambasted (good word Bies.) in the end.  I guess I will stick to mediocre work from now on.
 Ah well, I'll just keep looking, and working just to "get by".

The world you believe is reality is a puppet show!

Offline Nicholas Bies

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Re: Unhappy Random thoughts...
« Reply #7 on: June 18, 2010, 09:04:40 AM »
This is my mental image of Auberon's profile pic right now:

Mate we want you to look like this:

Whatever you do, don't become this:

Also I'm mighty proud of myself 24hrs and I've been commented on my big boy language twice  :::cheers:::

What do you do Auber?
The greatest form of control which can go on forever until it is exposed is a tyranny you can't see, touch and taste (unlike totalitarian Govts). When you sit in a prison cell but can't see the bars, because people don't rebel against not being free when they think they're are.

Offline Auberoun

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Re: Unhappy Random thoughts...
« Reply #8 on: June 18, 2010, 09:46:47 AM »
Ok Bies, that made me LOL.   :icon_lol:

I am an Auditor for a prestigious hotel near an international airport.  We are sold out most nights of the week.  The sad thing is I have a bit of management experience under my belt, and this was the only job I could find at the time.  As stressful as it is at times, I am glad I don't work days, but graveyard shift.
The world you believe is reality is a puppet show!

Offline Nicholas Bies

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Re: Unhappy Random thoughts...
« Reply #9 on: June 18, 2010, 09:56:11 AM »
haha I try.

I'm one of those annoy gits who fill your hotel with ungrateful clients!
The greatest form of control which can go on forever until it is exposed is a tyranny you can't see, touch and taste (unlike totalitarian Govts). When you sit in a prison cell but can't see the bars, because people don't rebel against not being free when they think they're are.

Offline Auberoun

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Re: Unhappy Random thoughts...
« Reply #10 on: June 18, 2010, 10:01:21 AM »
Believe it or not, the guests typically are not the problem for my shift, it is the employees during the day who make mistakes, and the management who can't make up their mind how to run a business.
The world you believe is reality is a puppet show!

Offline Nicholas Bies

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Re: Unhappy Random thoughts...
« Reply #11 on: June 18, 2010, 10:07:46 AM »
I know that one, I spend around 2 days a week on advertising for the company, so writing adds, meeting with newspapers and add companies etc.

All because my boss wants to broaden our image. Moment I get a decent deal or good opportunity she pulls out because of time/cost/demographic etc.

then during my reviews she turns around and tells me I'm not selling enough tickets and making enough money for her! Well perhaps if she didn't have me wasting every monday/tuesday on idea she likes but cbf committing too I'd make more cash (not to mention I figure I should get half the profit from every client who calls because of an add I write which doesn't happen).
The greatest form of control which can go on forever until it is exposed is a tyranny you can't see, touch and taste (unlike totalitarian Govts). When you sit in a prison cell but can't see the bars, because people don't rebel against not being free when they think they're are.

Offline Auberoun

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Re: Unhappy Random thoughts...
« Reply #12 on: June 18, 2010, 10:30:29 AM »
Isn't it great to be appreciated for all the hard work you do?  :icon_rolleyes:  I know the feeling all too well, but at least you have an out...
The world you believe is reality is a puppet show!

Offline Cannonofdoom

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Re: Unhappy Random thoughts...
« Reply #13 on: June 18, 2010, 10:49:33 AM »
Hey, I work Night Audit at the Hampton in Bossier City. We're like job brothers.  :::cheers:::

I know what you mean about employees on day shift and management.  :eusa_wall: And why is there never a plunger to be found in this entire freaking building at 3 in the morning? Why?  :ph34r:
CannonofDoom spews his shit at me all the time and I haven't banned him.

Offline warhammerlord_soth

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Re: Unhappy Random thoughts...
« Reply #14 on: June 18, 2010, 11:03:16 AM »
What does an auditor do (I only know ISO 9001 auditors..) ?
Have one  on Midaski's tab.  :::cheers:::
Famous last words. R.I.P.

Offline Cannonofdoom

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Re: Unhappy Random thoughts...
« Reply #15 on: June 18, 2010, 11:15:11 AM »
Night Auditors work the night shift (11pm-7am for me), and post all the charges for the rooms, and then compile all of the reports that the various managers (General Manager, Sales Manager, Assistant General Manager, Housekeeping Supervisor) then ignore, unless you make a tiny error or have a single sheet of paper out of place. There's a mountain or two of paperwork (I go through a quarter of a ream of paper a night - a ream is 500 sheets), and then you have to fix all the mistakes that the day shifts made. Then you have to handle any customer problems and issues, which usually involve drunk people and toilets. Then you do whatever else your manager has tasked you to do because you have too much "free time" on your shift. Then you paint some models. Well, I do anyway, when I have time. I also do my schoolwork, which is nice, because it frees me up at home to spend time with the wife and boy.
CannonofDoom spews his shit at me all the time and I haven't banned him.

Offline Midaski

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Re: Unhappy Random thoughts...
« Reply #16 on: June 18, 2010, 11:25:46 AM »
Ah Nightshift ..........

3.30am ring the bossman who bollocked you:

"Excuse me boss, but last time you told me off because I made the wrong decision, please tell me what to do about this?"


'Rinse and repeat'


you get the picture ..............

If they don't like your decisions then you need clear instructions of what to do in a 'procedures manual'.

If you are not getting paid 'management money' you don't make decisions.


Quote from: Gneisenau
Metal to Finecast - It is mostly a swap of medium. 

You mean they will be using Ouija boards instead of Tarot cards for their business plans from now on?

Offline Cannonofdoom

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Re: Unhappy Random thoughts...
« Reply #17 on: June 18, 2010, 11:32:04 AM »
Well, my boss is pretty cool for the most part. She doesn't care what I do to entertain myself on the shift, as long as I'm not watching dirty movies in the lobby or anything retarded like that. She lets me bring my laptop to do my schoolwork, so that's a fair trade for occasionally having to do a chore.
CannonofDoom spews his shit at me all the time and I haven't banned him.

Offline Von Breden

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Re: Unhappy Random thoughts...
« Reply #18 on: June 18, 2010, 10:10:11 PM »
My History teacher didn't know who Genghis Khan was, thought Keynes was a socialist and claimed the Irish immigration to the USA was because of religious reasons, she had never heard of the Potato Famine. Religious reasons! She clamied the CATHOLIC Irish fled to the PROTESTANT USA because they had problems with the PROTESTANT UK... I've looked it up on a few sites and found that the Irish were the first immigrants to be looked down upon, BECAUSE OF THE RELIGIOUS DIFFERENCES!

I always make fun of her in class and now she uses every excuse to make me lose points. Guess what... I was eight minutes too late at the exam yesterday. Word is she's giving me a 50% maximum because of that.

She is so dead! ::heretic::
Quote from: Siberius
I never noticed your height on account of your fabulous manly imperial beard.

He who has such amazing facial hair will never be short in the eyes of his comrades!

Offline MrDWhitey

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Re: Unhappy Random thoughts...
« Reply #19 on: June 18, 2010, 10:18:23 PM »
Maybe this might teach you not to run your mouth?  :engel:
I thought he should act responsibly and just kill himself.

Offline Von Breden

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Re: Unhappy Random thoughts...
« Reply #20 on: June 18, 2010, 11:07:12 PM »
But... she's a woman! :ph34r:

No, seriously. When someone who's supposed to teach me stuff messes up like this someone should tell her she is. I really can't stand incompetent teachers because other persons' education depends on them.
Quote from: Siberius
I never noticed your height on account of your fabulous manly imperial beard.

He who has such amazing facial hair will never be short in the eyes of his comrades!

Offline Cannonofdoom

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Re: Unhappy Random thoughts...
« Reply #21 on: June 18, 2010, 11:10:04 PM »
I always make fun of her in class and now she uses every excuse to make me lose points. Guess what... I was eight minutes too late at the exam yesterday. Word is she's giving me a 50% maximum because of that.

Maybe if you are going to judge someone so harshly for their mistakes, you should not be surprised when they judge you harshly for yours.

All you need is love.
CannonofDoom spews his shit at me all the time and I haven't banned him.

Offline MrDWhitey

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Re: Unhappy Random thoughts...
« Reply #22 on: June 18, 2010, 11:10:15 PM »
Nothing wrong with correcting her, and if she can't take that then she's a failure. However:

I always make fun of her in class

I thought he should act responsibly and just kill himself.

Offline stretch_135

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Re: Unhappy Random thoughts...
« Reply #23 on: June 19, 2010, 12:27:20 AM »
So I'm kinda hoping that in the 3 weeks I'll be running the dept. I'll show just how much of a cow June is/was. Plus I need the money for when I visit Australia (from 11-26Jul for Warlord and Sig- where is Sig anyhow?).

Wait, how far south are you making it?
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Offline patsy02

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Re: Unhappy Random thoughts...
« Reply #24 on: June 19, 2010, 06:07:50 AM »
My History teacher didn't know who Genghis Khan was, thought Keynes was a socialist and claimed the Irish immigration to the USA was because of religious reasons, she had never heard of the Potato Famine. Religious reasons! She clamied the CATHOLIC Irish fled to the PROTESTANT USA because they had problems with the PROTESTANT UK... I've looked it up on a few sites and found that the Irish were the first immigrants to be looked down upon, BECAUSE OF THE RELIGIOUS DIFFERENCES!

I always make fun of her in class and now she uses every excuse to make me lose points. Guess what... I was eight minutes too late at the exam yesterday. Word is she's giving me a 50% maximum because of that.

She is so dead! ::heretic::
What level of school is this? If you can, just take the exam again some other time and write a letter of complaint.
I agree with the inhumane treatment of animals.