Anyway having said all that I did last night start a New Game+ on The Witcher 3 sooo that will most likely have me hooked for months/years now anyway 
Having not played the Witcher 3 in a long time and jumping straight into a New Game+ on Death March difficulty, Geralt is not happy! I'm getting my arse kicked around by a few bandits and ghouls!

Haha never mind, I'll get back into the swing of it soon enough I'm sure.
P.S. I also forgot how great a game this is. I've dabbled on Red Dead 2, Fallout 4 (again) and AC Valhalla in the interim over the past few months and never really stuck with them for one reason or another, but within 5minutes of turning this back on it has me hooked.
Necromunda: Hired Gun is okay. No more than okay. Not that good, to be honest. If it's o n sae, consider getting it. It's like a less hectic, in terms of moving around, version of the latest Doom.
Thanks for the info @Syphon - I've seen the trailers so wasn't expecting a great deal from it if I'm honest, just something inane and fun to play when I don't have the energy to commit to the RPG efforts. I'll keep an eye out for it on sale of pre-owned. I have been seeing new DLC stuff for Borderlands too so maybe I'll look into that as well.