
Author Topic: Gamer thread  (Read 1137729 times)

Offline Jmash

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Re: Gamer thread
« Reply #11725 on: September 30, 2021, 08:24:44 AM »
Anyway having said all that I did last night start a New Game+ on The Witcher 3 sooo that will most likely have me hooked for months/years now anyway :engel:

Having not played the Witcher 3 in a long time and jumping straight into a New Game+ on Death March difficulty, Geralt is not happy! I'm getting my arse kicked around by a few bandits and ghouls! :laugh:

Haha never mind, I'll get back into the swing of it soon enough I'm sure.

P.S. I also forgot how great a game this is. I've dabbled on Red Dead 2, Fallout 4 (again) and AC Valhalla in the interim over the past few months and never really stuck with them for one reason or another, but within 5minutes of turning this back on it has me hooked.

Necromunda: Hired Gun is okay. No more than okay. Not that good, to be honest. If it's o n sae, consider getting it. It's like a less hectic, in terms of moving around, version of the latest Doom.

Thanks for the info @Syphon - I've seen the trailers so wasn't expecting a great deal from it if I'm honest, just something inane and fun to play when I don't have the energy to commit to the RPG efforts. I'll keep an eye out for it on sale of pre-owned. I have been seeing new DLC stuff for Borderlands too so maybe I'll look into that as well.

Offline Feanor Fire Heart

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Re: Gamer thread
« Reply #11726 on: September 30, 2021, 09:06:50 PM »
So I tried to pick up Cyberpunk 2077 but my computer's OS isn't compatible with it. I tried playing Deus Ex: Human Evolution a long time ago but I got to a required stealth mission that was frustrating and ended up quitting. I could give it another try. I've been playing XCOM2 since it has a cyberpunk flair to it (especially on city maps). Anyone able to recommend an alternative cyber-punky style game? I tried Shadowrun Returns but it just didn't immerse me (although I have heard Dragon Fall is better).
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Offline Syphon

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Re: Gamer thread
« Reply #11727 on: October 01, 2021, 09:07:12 AM »
I've been playing COD (yes...I know...) Breathedge, Slay the Spire, mostly indie games and that one triple A title.
COD is very annoying. I'm more than okay, but because of my depression and PTSD there are days where I just can't play well and I start getting angry and then everything goes in a southward spiral. Nothing goes right on days like that. Yet, I persist in playing the game because I paid for it, dammit. I want to get my money's worth!
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Offline Rowsdower

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Re: Gamer thread
« Reply #11728 on: October 01, 2021, 12:50:07 PM »
Nearly finished the Bounty Hunter story missions on Star wars T.O.R. It was the only one I never bothered playing when I first got the game

Offline Feanor Fire Heart

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Re: Gamer thread
« Reply #11729 on: October 11, 2021, 01:54:12 AM »
I really like the atmosphere, story, aliens and setting of X-Com: Enemy Unknown, but love the gameplay, customizations, classes, and modding community of X-COM2.
Something we as painters and hobbyists should always remember:
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Offline Feanor Fire Heart

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Re: Gamer thread
« Reply #11730 on: November 04, 2021, 03:34:24 PM »
Ogre Kingdoms in Warhammer 3!!!

And a release date for it, February 17 2022!
Something we as painters and hobbyists should always remember:
“Dude, suckin’ at something is the first step to being sorta good at something.”
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Offline Feanor Fire Heart

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Re: Gamer thread
« Reply #11731 on: November 11, 2021, 12:01:37 AM »
I've been playing Stellaris lately... well, not playing so much as creating empires on create custom and then saving them so they can spawn in game as NPC factions.  So Far I've made:

From Dune:
The Atreides
The Harkonnen
The Corrino
The Spacing Guild (Mega Corporation)
The Fremen
The Synchronized Worlds

From Warhammer 40K
The Eldar Empire
The T'au Empire
Ork WAAAGH!!! (Barbarian Despoilers)

Star Wars:
The Sith Empire
The Galactic Republic (Clone Armies)
Confederation of Independent States
The Mandalorian Marauders

War of the Worlds:
Martian League

Red Faction:
Red Faction

Mass Effect:
The Geth Consciousness

Wing Commander:
The Kilrathi Empire

Norse Mythology:
Svartalfheim Empire (Dwarves)
Alfheim Alliance (Light Elves)
Dokkalfa Hegemony (Dark Elves)
Galactic Jotunn Sovereignty (Mountain Giants)
Empire of Hel (Helheim, reanimator Necroid empire)

I also made a space French Empire based on Napoleonic France called the Froad Empire and yes I am using frog avatars for them (I got bored of so many human avatar empires). I also created a Megacorporation called RA Tech and they're loosely based on Ancient Egyptian gods and use Falcon humanoids as their avatars. I also made an Angelic looking civilization (they look like goat people but the horns connect in a halo like effect) that lives on a ring world and a Satyr civilization that reveres the Celtic god Cernunnos.
Something we as painters and hobbyists should always remember:
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Offline Rowsdower

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Re: Gamer thread
« Reply #11732 on: November 17, 2021, 11:48:58 AM »
I chuckled when I heard an Imperial soldier NPC refer to the Carth Onasi statue as a 'Monument to self-righteousness' [or words to that effect]

Offline Syphon

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Re: Gamer thread
« Reply #11733 on: November 17, 2021, 12:06:20 PM »
I bought Alchemist Simulator after I saw Markiplier play it and have a ton of fun with it.
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Offline Feanor Fire Heart

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Re: Gamer thread
« Reply #11734 on: December 10, 2021, 02:42:10 PM »
Something we as painters and hobbyists should always remember:
“Dude, suckin’ at something is the first step to being sorta good at something.”
― Jake the Dog

Offline Brad

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Re: Gamer thread
« Reply #11735 on: December 10, 2021, 07:13:39 PM »
Just saw that.  I'm cautiously optimistic.

There's also a Chaos Gate 2, although every new trailer I see makes it look less and less like the original.

Offline Rowsdower

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Re: Gamer thread
« Reply #11736 on: December 10, 2021, 10:56:05 PM »
Space marine 2 has replaced 'angry woman, pointing at cat' on all the 40k pages.

I myself managed to find an old Xbox so I can finally replay KOTOR. Only took me 5 hours to get off Taris. Old record used to be 4 hours but I'm a bit rusty after 13 years

Offline Jmash

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Re: Gamer thread
« Reply #11737 on: December 12, 2021, 11:25:53 PM »
Space Marine 2!!  :icon_eek:


Haha I saw this too! Looks like Titus has crossed the Rubicon!

The first was a really fun 'take your brain out ' kinda game, shame this is only on PS5 console -wise.

Offline Rowsdower

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Re: Gamer thread
« Reply #11738 on: December 13, 2021, 11:44:58 AM »
The space marine 2 gags have replaced 'angry woman pointing at cat' on the 40K pages.

My progress on Kotor is slow as I'm trying to do all the companion quests before triggering the 3rd star map story arc

Offline Feanor Fire Heart

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Re: Gamer thread
« Reply #11739 on: December 13, 2021, 02:23:19 PM »
Space Marine 2!!  :icon_eek:


Haha I saw this too! Looks like Titus has crossed the Rubicon!

The first was a really fun 'take your brain out ' kinda game, shame this is only on PS5 console -wise.

The trailer I posted for SM2 was on the Xbox though.
Something we as painters and hobbyists should always remember:
“Dude, suckin’ at something is the first step to being sorta good at something.”
― Jake the Dog

Offline Rowsdower

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Re: Gamer thread
« Reply #11740 on: December 21, 2021, 11:53:47 AM »
Finished my re-play-through of Kotor 1. Easiest time o ever had, fighting Malak. All those years ago, I used to struggle as I constantly had the characters ill-equipped. [armour restrictions+ offhand melee penalties]

I also packed away the Xbox as I didn't want to get too hooked on. Also didn't want the 12 and 9 year old I babysit to come over just as an excuse to use it.

Offline Brad

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Re: Gamer thread
« Reply #11741 on: December 22, 2021, 01:49:39 AM »
Something just occurred to me...

Dawn of War started with an Ork invasion, which was merely a cover for a Chaos invasion.

Space Marine started with an Ork invasion, which was merely a cover for a Chaos invasion.

I don't remember much about DoW2 (didn't really like it much) but I do recall that it had Tyranids.

Space Marine 2 trailer has Tyranids.


Offline Jmash

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Re: Gamer thread
« Reply #11742 on: December 22, 2021, 10:42:01 PM »
Space Marine 2!!  :icon_eek:


Haha I saw this too! Looks like Titus has crossed the Rubicon!

The first was a really fun 'take your brain out ' kinda game, shame this is only on PS5 console -wise.

The trailer I posted for SM2 was on the Xbox though.

Sorry - I meant that it doesn't look like it will be available on PS4, next-gen only I thought.

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Re: Gamer thread
« Reply #11743 on: December 23, 2021, 03:06:51 AM »
Something just occurred to me...

Dawn of War started with an Ork invasion, which was merely a cover for a Chaos invasion.

Space Marine started with an Ork invasion, which was merely a cover for a Chaos invasion.

I don't remember much about DoW2 (didn't really like it much) but I do recall that it had Tyranids.

Space Marine 2 trailer has Tyranids.

Well ya know what they say ... things come in threes.  Except in the GW world ... things come in twos. :icon_wink: :icon_lol:
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Offline Rowsdower

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Re: Gamer thread
« Reply #11744 on: December 23, 2021, 12:59:29 PM »
Who cares as long as Scott McNeil voices characters

Offline Syphon

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Re: Gamer thread
« Reply #11745 on: December 23, 2021, 03:01:34 PM »
I've got WH40K: Battlesector on. As far as I know, it's the first game set in "modern" times of the 40K universe where actual movement forward has been achieved. You control the Blood Ravens, who have just come into contact with the Indomitus Crusade. Your mission is to investigate a resurgence of Tyranid on Baalfora and train up the Blood Raven Primaris marines.
Now go! Ride towards the sun atop these noble steeds
You're our spandex heroes, now fullfil your destinies
And so we turned and rode beyond the castle walls
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Offline Jmash

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Re: Gamer thread
« Reply #11746 on: December 23, 2021, 10:18:09 PM »
Does and nobody know if there's been any news on Darktide? Trailers looked pretty good but I've never seen anything since? Just popped into my mind with thinking about SM2...

Offline Rowsdower

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Re: Gamer thread
« Reply #11747 on: January 01, 2022, 07:33:19 AM »
My appreciation for Scott McNiel has NOTHING to do with the fact i was once a moderator on a G.I.JOE site and he voiced Cobra Commander, Stormshadow and Skymate on the DIC series

Offline Brad

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Re: Gamer thread
« Reply #11748 on: January 07, 2022, 07:37:06 AM »
Youtube randomly recommended that I watch a lore video for Horizon Zero Dawn, which got me a bit nostalgic.  I played a bit (maybe a third) and I loved the atmosphere, the setting, the robot dinosaurs.  Combat was pretty good too.  So I fired up my PS4 and started playing again.  And now I remember why I stopped.  Despite all the good parts of the game, the grind for rare upgrade/crafting materials is just awful.  Really ruined my enjoyment.

Offline Rowsdower

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Re: Gamer thread
« Reply #11749 on: January 09, 2022, 05:56:38 AM »
Youtube randomly recommended that I watch a lore video for Horizon Zero Dawn, which got me a bit nostalgic.  I played a bit (maybe a third) and I loved the atmosphere, the setting, the robot dinosaurs.  Combat was pretty good too.  So I fired up my PS4 and started playing again.  And now I remember why I stopped.  Despite all the good parts of the game, the grind for rare upgrade/crafting materials is just awful.  Really ruined my enjoyment.

I have fond memories of the Earthworm Jim N64 game [i think i'm the only one] but i refuse to rebuy it for the third time as its an overly complicated trainwreck. If i ever feel the need to play it again i just watch a youtube runthrough