I kind of fancy getting LA Noire, but I think I'll wait until it gets cheaper, I just haven't seen anything that I think is worth the buy.
On the subject of other games: Been playing the Gears of War 3 beta, which has been absolute brilliance from the word go. I've had all the other games and with the previous two multiplayer was a disgusting half arsed shotgun whore problem. On Gears 3, shotguns are still very much there, but there are so many better things to play with it makes it worth it. Plus, ripping off somebodies arm and then beating them to death with it for additional score, while they are forced to watch is perhaps the most amusing thing I have ever seen.
Finished Portal 2 the other week and it was a sheer bit of brilliance. Steven Moffat and J.K Simmons made the game that little bit better, but I never thought such a sequel could happen, and it was so well done and generally awesome.
Also in November news: Mass Effect 3, Skyrim and Gears of War 3 all come out around that time, which is massively depressing but totally awesome at the same time.
And lastly, I picked up a copy of OXM the other day which had a preview on Warhammer 40k: Soace Marine, it looks absolutely tip top. Chaos daemons make an entrance too.