Thanks Obi. So far so good. We actually have been making money right from the get go, which is something most food establishments can't do, and we're doing business volume in the winter (slow time) that we were predicting in the late spring, so we're ahead of schedule. We were so busy off the start that we actually had to hire 3 people, when we only expected to hire 1 to start. Not too bad for a town that only has 1100 people in it! They've really come out to support the cause.
Glad to see I'm famous for running myself over, unlike here where I'm famous for running myself over while being in my house coat and boxer shorts.

Oh, and for anybody who says "I'd love to open a little cafe when I retire" I'll tell you right now, nobody who is retiring should do the amount of work it actually takes to do that. 80 hour work weeks are not retirement!