
Author Topic: The Road to Volganof (update 7Sep2023 - Swordsmen & priest)  (Read 197217 times)

Offline Naitsabes

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Re: The Road to Volganov (update 14Oct2014 - heretical interlude)
« Reply #50 on: October 17, 2014, 01:34:18 AM »
thanks everyone, I really appreciate you taking the time to comment, very motivating for me.

Booah, Dream big, then dream bigger, that's the principle. :biggriin:

Warhammer-Weib, my "way of the white": pallid flesh basecoat, agrax wash, hit it again with a thin layer of pallid flesh (leaving the wash in the recesses), then highlight generously with a plain white. so nothing groundbreaking really. I tried to make it work with building up from bleached bone or grey but that didn't pan out, always looked really uneven and ugly on flat surfaces. I need to leave the real painting to the artists.

Ol Perfesser, when the Empire is in need, everyone can be pressed into service as an halberdier. Spearmen, militia, even old handgunners (see the first post in this plog).  :engel:

Here is a bonus heresy picture I missed in my update, some more khorne warriors. I am on to Sigmar-approved models now, I promise :happy:
The Empire Road to Volganof Last update 18Mar2023 - Pistoliers & Baggage train)

Offline Zak

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Re: The Road to Volganov (update 14Oct2014 - heretical interlude)
« Reply #51 on: October 17, 2014, 02:19:33 PM »
nice work sir   ::heretic:: ::heretic:: ::heretic:: ::heretic::
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Offline Naitsabes

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Re: The Road to Volganov (update 14Oct2014 - heretical interlude)
« Reply #52 on: November 10, 2014, 08:05:53 AM »
thanks, Zak.

so...Update time!
Today you’ll get to meet one of the units prescribed by the scenario, the Kludburgh militia. This is a unit of 30 Free Company (hey, if it wasn’t for this scenario I don’t think I would have ever made a unit like it). Their town got razed by the advancing chaos horde and the survivors have made their way to Volganov (their special rule: “hatred against Chaos”…I am not convinced it’ll do them any good).

Here are a few close-ups of the more illustrious survivors:
From the left:
Sir Brun, Knight of the Golden Calf. He survived passed out drunk in the wine cellar of the Kludburgh tavern. After losing his honor, his pride, his destrier and his squire (which he values in this order), Sir Brun decided that it is his knightly duty to lead the Kludburgh militia to their destiny.

Sergeant Frank of the 3rd Ostland Spears. The 3rd got all but annihilated in a separate beastmen attack on the Grimway. After struggling through the forest all alone for two days Frank ceased the opportunity to join the Kludburgh militia when he stumbled upon them.

Silent Bob, the village idiot. During the attack Bob just stood in the middle of the town square with the usual smile on his face and for unknown reason was ignored by the savages that pillaged and murdered everyone around him. He was almost lynched by the Kludburghers afterwards for chaos worshipping (for how else could he have been left untouched) but his innocent smile saved him (yet again?). Bob is now in charge of pulling the cart with all that was worth taking from Kludburgh’s ruins. It is not a heavy load.

Hey, this is fun, so one more set, from the left:
Bodo, the Burner. Short and stout from a life of cutting wood and burning charcoal on a diet of mostly cabbage soup, Bodo’s kiln and hut off in the woods was not attacked. But, no town means nobody will buy his charcoal and so Bodo joined in.

Old Petey. He is the sole survivor of an extended family. There is but one thing left to do for Old Petey: shoving the blunderbuss in some abomination’s face and squeezing the trigger.

Oswald. He is a veteran of the Ostland Army and retired to Kludburgh some years ago. Oswald fought valiantly to defend the town but was knocked unconscious and left for dead early on in the attack. He is ready for round two.

Young Helga. She was skinny dipping in the remote Nixen Pond and started running towards Volganov when she saw the smoke billowing up over the trees. Too late to save her family, Helga has sworn not to put back on any clothes until every last Northman invader has been put to the sword. The guys don’t complain.

I now realize that Sir Brun should really get Captain stats. Which means I need one more milita man and, this should be a standard bearer. That standard should be suitably gruesome. Maybe the militia would nail trophies to a pole for every chaos thug they hunted down. Our own real world history has plenty of gruesome examples, ears and scalps come to mind but I don’t think I could pull that off skillwise. Maybe hands (and hooves)? What do you think?

Okay, so this picture of the Reiksguard is mostly for my own benefit and to motivate me. I keep telling myself “It’s just one more rank and the first unit is done.”

I’ll do a proper photo when the unit is complete. I have acquired the models for it, so it’s just a question of elbow grease. Speaking of these new acquisition

The lot included a few of the old metal Reiksguard which is nice for a LITTLE bit of variety. Now in the past when I got my hands on these guys I chopped of the diddy short lance (probably state of the art in the early ‘90s) and replaced it with a plastic lance. What do you guys think about that? Is this sacrilege? The model isn’t older than me, so it can’t be too bad, right?

Also pictured is a nice “Heroic Hero with Broadsword” from that same era (this was before GW made sure everything can be turned into a trademark…). I really like him, they just don’t sculpt ‘staches like this anymore. He’ll make good Reiksguard unit champion…I do need to add more command models so I can use multiple Reiksguard units of reasonable size in regular games.

That’s all for now folks. Upward and onward!
The Empire Road to Volganof Last update 18Mar2023 - Pistoliers & Baggage train)

Offline mousekiller

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Re: The Road to Volganov (update 10Nov2014 - Free company)
« Reply #53 on: November 10, 2014, 08:57:53 AM »
Wow, that is a lot of knights!  Now you make me look like a slacker when I complain about finishing 9 of them!  Great job.

And the free company looks suitably diverse.

Offline Mightymatt88

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Re: The Road to Volganov (update 10Nov2014 - Free company)
« Reply #54 on: November 10, 2014, 08:11:01 PM »

Nice work on the Militia! I really like the back stories you've created for them, and the idea that they're from all walks of life, but united together to fight back against the Chaos worshippers who razed their town. I think a banner is a great idea! Hands and hooves would be good, but scalps shouldn't be too hard, a circle of greenstuff distressed to look like hair. Maybe a Chaos warrior helmet on top? And bits of armour like Marauder shoulder pads?

Anyway loving your work, and I'm insanely jealous of your mass of Reiksguard!

Offline DariusZero

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Re: The Road to Volganov (update 10Nov2014 - Free company)
« Reply #55 on: November 11, 2014, 10:21:42 AM »
Intersting stuff here and a good paitn job, my favorite are militia.

"The lot included a few of the old metal Reiksguard which is nice for a LITTLE bit of variety. Now in the past when I got my hands on these guys I chopped of the diddy short lance (probably state of the art in the early ‘90s) and replaced it with a plastic lance. What do you guys think about that? Is this sacrilege? The model isn’t older than me, so it can’t be too bad, right?"

I wouldn't do that. they mix ok. Check my thread, I have mixed units too.
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Offline Darknight

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Re: The Road to Volganov (update 10Nov2014 - Free company)
« Reply #56 on: November 11, 2014, 10:24:47 AM »
They are supposed to be an elite unit, and elite units might have different - older, or just variant - equipment. The lance is shorter and heavier - perhaps that knight prefers that model of lance compared to the lighter, longer one? Maybe he can fight better with it, or finds it more suitable in the press of battle, or something.
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Offline Naitsabes

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Re: The Road to Volganov (update 10Nov2014 - Free company)
« Reply #57 on: December 14, 2014, 11:47:02 PM »
Mightymatt88, those are some good suggestions for the banner, I will cook up something...eventually.

Darius and Darknight, interesting to read your opinion, everybody on warseer said 'chop'em off'. Is this a sign of two different cultures? My sampling size might be a little small :dry: In the end I went King Solomon-style, I left the hand and lower part of the lance on and only replaced the upper part. Pictures to follow once that unit is done.

It's been over a month since the last update, wow, time flies when you are having …a family, work deadlines, End Time books to read and Warhammer games to play …so to sum it up: FUN! The End Time in particular has mixed things up a bit on the gaming side. I had a good game with Empire against an Undead Legion and a really fun game of Chaos Legion on Chaos Legion in a Watchtower scenario. Yes, you read that right, fun with and against the new lists and fun with the watchtower scenario. I live in a Warhammer paradise, where the terrible things that ruin everybody’s warhammer according to the internet don’t apply (I also saw a rainbow unicorn snuggling up with some bunny rabbits the other day…I live in a special place).

So not too much happened on the painting side. I did grind my way through some more halberdiers, but why show you twenty today when I could show you a complete unit tomorrow (or the day after). I did however finish a truthsayer and used the opportunity to drag out some other wizards who have recently come out of the bushes to help in the defense of VolganoF (that’s right, I belatedly found out that’s how you spell that city…not that ANYONE would have discreetly send me a PM…hope you all had a good time chuckling about my inability to spell like a drunken Englishman).

The truthsayer strutting his stuff and a not-Gandalf Shadow Wizard

And here is a little old guy, affectionately known as Catweazle, also mostly Shadow although in a pinch I’ve used him as Beast. Next to him a much more grandiose Light Wizard (clearly that school of magic needs lots more trinkets)

And finally here is the monthly dose of heresy, an Exalted Flamer and his little buddy. The Exalted is a really great model, if I could do it again though I would position the arms a little wider and then have the flames from the mouth be a little more like a fireball….next time. He is magnetized to the base, so he can hop on his ride (which is work in progress).

That’s it, short and sweet, hopefully worth your time. Cheers.
The Empire Road to Volganof Last update 18Mar2023 - Pistoliers & Baggage train)

Offline Zak

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Re: The Road to Volganof (update 14Dec2014 - Wizards)
« Reply #58 on: December 15, 2014, 12:27:40 AM »
 :::cheers::: :::cheers::: :::cheers:::
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Offline Lateksimajava

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Re: The Road to Volganof (update 14Dec2014 - Wizards)
« Reply #59 on: December 16, 2014, 02:05:37 PM »
The Knight unit is just too awesome!  :::cheers::: :::cheers::: :::cheers:::

More close-ups please?

And the Khorne warriors look really good too!  ::heretic::

Offline cjp

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Re: The Road to Volganof (update 14Dec2014 - Wizards)
« Reply #60 on: December 17, 2014, 01:46:17 AM »
I really like the cart puller above. :)

The knight unit is quite intimidating too!   

Offline Naitsabes

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Re: The Road to Volganof (update 14Dec2014 - Wizards)
« Reply #61 on: December 19, 2014, 02:52:47 AM »
thanks guys!

I'll post more close-ups that you will want to see once this unit is done, currently standing at 36, nine more to go :blush:
The Empire Road to Volganof Last update 18Mar2023 - Pistoliers & Baggage train)

Offline Naitsabes

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Re: The Road to Volganof (update 14Dec2014 - Wizards)
« Reply #62 on: January 20, 2015, 06:36:14 AM »
Greetings! so here we go without further ado here is the REIKSGUARD

(interesting how photobucket occasionally distorts the images after cropping. all three I treated exactly the same way)

According to the scenario this unit of 45 is half of the entire Altdorf chapter. Sounds a bit off to me.

Normally for bases I cut the roofing shingles to size although this isn’t cut at the moment. Kind of fun to carry around but presumably not useful in-game …not sure how I handle it for this unit. Would probably be more practical to have a few separate movement trays.

Here are a couple close-ups. My favorite command models (I made three sets so I can field the knights in slightly more reasonable unit sizes in ‘medium’ sized games). I spent quite some time on the banner. Good old paper banners…just don’t do enough of these anymore with all the convenient plastic bits around. Turned out okay I think.

Kurt and two of his friends.

And the sashes. On the very left the GW version and then a selection of what I and my ham fists came up with. Maybe the length of the sash has something to do with length of service in the Reiksguard?

Well…and then it got a little silly

Right, so before tackling the second unit I do need to recover a bit from knights. Also, if Bubbble Fantasy Marines show up or new Empire/Bret combined knights I might be able to scoop up these old sculpts for cheap, so no rush at the moment. There are always halberdiers to do for some R&R.

I’d love to hear what other unreasonable units are out there or what mad plans you have. Please share.
Cheers. Naitsabes
The Empire Road to Volganof Last update 18Mar2023 - Pistoliers & Baggage train)

Offline Vauln

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Re: The Road to Volganof (update 19Jan2015 - Reiksguard)
« Reply #63 on: January 20, 2015, 09:33:32 AM »

Offline VonOttenheim

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Re: The Road to Volganof (update 19Jan2015 - Reiksguard)
« Reply #64 on: January 20, 2015, 12:51:42 PM »
That unit of Reiksguard looks truly amazing.   :Ohmy:

I´m sitting here painting 7 of them and bitching about it  :eusa_wall:  , so   well done Sir!    :eusa_clap: :eusa_clap:

Horses "en masse" is really boring to paint sometimes...

I have "converted" some of my older models by chopping off bit and pieces, ....and...  I always regret it later at some stage lol.

A classic is a classic... is a classic....but sacrilege?....nahhh if it looks good and you are happy with it..do it!  :biggriin: 

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Offline Zak

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Re: The Road to Volganof (update 19Jan2015 - Reiksguard)
« Reply #65 on: January 20, 2015, 03:04:22 PM »
 :eusa_clap: :eusa_clap: :eusa_clap: :eusa_clap:
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Re: The Road to Volganof (update 19Jan2015 - Reiksguard)
« Reply #66 on: January 21, 2015, 08:43:52 PM »
That giant amount of knights is just great!

Offline Naitsabes

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Re: The Road to Volganof (update 19Jan2015 - Reiksguard)
« Reply #67 on: January 24, 2015, 12:59:36 AM »
Thanks guys!

Horses "en masse" is really boring to paint sometimes...
only sometimes?  :blush:

mini update

I finished the standard bearer for the Kludburgh Militia: Olaf, the Pipe. An old witch once said that no harm will come to him as long as that pipe is going. So far she is right. The Kludburghers take great pride in nailing choice pieces of Beastman to their standard. The priest is just photo bombing. This is one of my favorite GW sculpts of all times. I like his stout face and neck. He does eat and drink his fair share but that hammer is not a ridiculously oversized ornamental weapon, he sure looks like he knows how to wield it.

Here is the whole militia...and maybe the picture isn't even distorted like last time

And finally, here is a sneak peak at a recent game we had. Lord Hackbile (of later Volganof fame) was attacked by my murderous Khorne/Tzeentch Legion. Things were going well until the Dark Prince sent in some meanies.

upward and onward!
« Last Edit: February 03, 2015, 07:10:53 PM by Naitsabes »
The Empire Road to Volganof Last update 18Mar2023 - Pistoliers & Baggage train)

Offline CaptainAdar

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Re: The Road to Volganof (update 23Jan2015 - militia standard)
« Reply #68 on: January 31, 2015, 12:18:15 AM »
I also love that WP. Reminds me of the good old days when I first started Warhammer.

That unit of Reiksguard is off the chain.

I'm late on this. Volganoff is that massive battle at the back of the BRB right?

Offline Naitsabes

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Re: The Road to Volganof (update 23Jan2015 - militia standard)
« Reply #69 on: February 03, 2015, 07:10:20 PM »
I'm late on this. Volganoff is that massive battle at the back of the BRB right?

It is indeed. The four page spread of awesomeness.

Thanks for the interest. I am currently soldiering through some halberdiers. Might take a while but rest assured the slow march continues!
The Empire Road to Volganof Last update 18Mar2023 - Pistoliers & Baggage train)

Offline mr chumley warner

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Re: The Road to Volganof (update 23Jan2015 - militia standard)
« Reply #70 on: February 04, 2015, 12:18:52 PM »
Yes love the 40 Knights !!!

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Re: The Road to Volganof (update 23Jan2015 - militia standard)
« Reply #71 on: February 04, 2015, 12:46:58 PM »
Uuuuhh... Reiksguard... 45 heavy horse... So many...  :eusa_clap:

I've been trying to finish my first 5 knights for 5 years now. Didn't have a problem with Pistoliers or Squires. Don't get it why the armoured knights are so uninspiring. :eusa_wall:

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Re: The Road to Volganof (update 23Jan2015 - militia standard)
« Reply #72 on: February 10, 2015, 07:46:35 PM »
I have 10 or so myself to build and paint. I know that right when I do they'l come out with new ones with big beefy steeds and armor. That's what I want to see! Like imagine the type of horse in the plastic captain set...but a whole unit. And options for the different knightly orders. That would be AWESOME.

Offline Naitsabes

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Re: The Road to Volganof (update 23Jan2015 - militia standard)
« Reply #73 on: March 24, 2015, 05:33:28 AM »
Zygmund, I don't understand your problem. These are really exciting models :icon_wink: ...NOT. well, the riders aren't bad (albeit too big), the horses are just tired after ~twenty years of service.

I have 10 or so myself to build and paint. I know that right when I do they'l come out with new ones with big beefy steeds and armor. That's what I want to see! Like imagine the type of horse in the plastic captain set...but a whole unit. And options for the different knightly orders. That would be AWESOME.

At this point I would say the chances of getting new knights from GW in the sense of quasi-German 15th century looking are rather slim. I would put my money on some kind of holy paladin on a fire-breathing floating destriers of doom. That being said, I am holding out hope that some 'white knight' will come to the rescue.


Time for a proper update! Today’s topic is a unit of Volganof’s finest halberdiers.

To give them a bit of Ostland flair I went with fur caps, a lot of beard, only a little of feather and some more rustic bills in place of halberds. I imagine in preparation for the defense every last blacksmith has been ordered to produce weapons and some of that output may not exactly match the standards set in the official ‘Nuln Handbook of Imperial Weaponry’.

Some close-ups

The keen-eyed amongst you also may have spotted an ogre or two. In some version of the fluff (WFRP2?) Ostland has a relatively large population of ogres that is rather well integrated into human society. I took that as an excuse to break up the painting tedium and push my meager green stuff skills. Here are Rob and Tob in the harsh light of the midday Volganof sun

Note on the last pictures that the ogres do get the same level of dental care like every other soldier – none!

At the moment this unit is lead by my rendition of Kriegsmarshal Baron von Blutten. The second in command at Volganof, he is a proud and stubborn man. He insists on using his pistol despite having lost an eye many years ago (BS 2). Really?!? I mean how about using a freaking shield, he doesn’t have to follow the Emperor to the T (no, I am not bitter).

Finally, I did some bean counting and came up with a first complete draft army list and want to introduce the official Volganof Counter. Ready?

23Mar2015 Volganof Counter: 550/920
(920 models in the army, 550 still to paint)

Yes, I am far from done. Upward and onward.
The Empire Road to Volganof Last update 18Mar2023 - Pistoliers & Baggage train)

Offline Zak

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Re: The Road to Volganof (update 23Mar2015 - halberdiers)
« Reply #74 on: March 24, 2015, 09:41:07 AM »
WOOT WOOT  :eusa_clap: :eusa_clap: :eusa_clap:
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