I am stoked about Christopher Walken being cast as Emperor. I love that guy.
Those mentat scenes should have been kept in, same with Paul and Jessica's combat practice and those moments with Dr. Yueh. I hope we get an extended version, but I'm not holding my breath.
I hope this happens too. Have you seen the extended editions of Lord of the Rings? I have them and they are great, but fill in some surprising gaps that you don't realize. I think they are superior to the theater versions.
And I will say that about any film. I prefer extended editions. If I love the film, I want more of the characters. So Apocalypse Now Redux, The Watchmen Directors Cut to name a couple. Loved the theater versions of the films and when I heard I was going to get to see more I loved it.
If the producers of Dune are smart, they will release the two films, then wait a bit, and release an extended version of both. I feel like they are headed in that direction because on my on demand service, you couldnt rent the film as normal, only buy it for $20. That tells me they intend to bleed this thing dry.