Thank you for sharing this.
I have come across some videos by lindybeige on the halberd as well. I really enjoy his videos of people sparring with different weapons, both individually and in ranked formation and how pole weapons are dominant in ranked fighting, and less so on one on one matches.
This will go into my collection of weapon data that I love to share with Game Designers who 99% of the time throw it all away. It's extremely frustrating to deal with some who just knee jerk and say "reality is boring", or "other games do this, so we will do it too". "Players are used to the halberd/sword and shield/hammer being this way, and if we change it, they won't like it."
WTF man, you can include a little dose of reality and make it fun at the same time? We do it all the time with other games. Bottom line is designers are lazy as fuck sometimes and so stubborn and rigid in protecting their ill informed vision of how older combat forms actually worked. This is not only isolated to game designers, but probably even worse with filmmakers who also resort to old standards or throw in shitty Asian martial arts in their choreographies. Even modern asian swordfighting is nothing like their ancient ways that were more practical and effective and less show off and dance like (modern Kung Fu for example).
A bit of this rant is me venting over a failed project where I had to fight tooth and nail to even approach reworking how combat should transpire in a game only for the designers to choose the usual false norms in the end.