GP - Don’t know if you plan a ‘Monthly Painting & Scenery Goals 2023’ thread but as I said in the 2022 one I can’t see me setting monthly target at the moment.
Other than ‘The Brush & Palette’ I don’t normally look at the other parts of the Forum so I’ve just come across this thread. Seems a good idea to list the possible things I might get done this year to be able to see what if anything I actually do achieve.
1) The photo is of the 11 projects I have started but not finished and go from needing to be built to being painted and based.
2) Since taking the photo I’ve found parts for 2 and bit dragons which I’m tempted to build (there is mention of dragons in Discworld so no excuse not to).
3a) I need to restore the photos destroyed and lost by Photobucket. These are older figures and may require a little repair so I’m going to take the opportunity to rebase them, (AoS style) onto round bases set in movement trays like my more recent figures. I’ll be ordering the bases to be collected at a gaming fair in a month or so's time.
3b) Rather than the cobble bases these will be a bit more rural so I need to work out what and plan to purchase necessary tufts etc. at above gaming fair.
3b) Once done will update or add to newer thread on Forum.
4) I have notes on a few other Discworld related military units that I could build so will be looking for figures to start them.
5) I have 40+ little bags each holding a figure and the name of a Discworld character related to the undead/lowlife of Ankh-Morpork; the Guild of Beggars, the Fresh Start Club, The Black Ribboners, etc. which was to be the next project after the City Watch back in the mid 2010s.
6) Unseen University was to have followed 5) but these are just notes at present.
7) I’ve been given an old 00 gauge engine and a couple of wagons, so I could model ‘Raising Steam’. I don’t have space for a model railway but I’ve been pointed in the direction of boxfile layouts. Basically these will hold a point and enough track to hold 2/3 small wagons with the track exiting through a hole/tunnel in the side of the box and so become a small vignette with a bit of movement. I need to get the loco tested to see if it’ll go first but I like the idea of a working Dwarf mine and if successful other boxes and vignettes could easily be linked together and more importantly stored when not in use.