Well, I did have time! Did a solo game to learn some rules. Next battle probably will take less time.
A Hail Caesar rules try out.
The armies
The Red Army (Estalia)
1st Division Infantry (1st division leader is the General)
1 normal (size) unit of Pikemen
1 normal unit of Halberdeers
2 small (size) units of Handgunners
1 small Cannon
2nd Division Infantry
2 normal units of Pikemen
2 small units of Handgunners
1 small Cannon
3rd Division Cavalry
2 normal units Knights
1 normal unit Pistoliers
The Blue Army (Tileans)
1st Division Infantry (1st division leader is the General)
2 normal units of Pikemen
2 small units of Handgunners
1 small Cannon
2nd Division Infantry
2 normal units of Pikemen
2 small units of Handgunners
1 small Cannon
3rd Division Cavalry
2 normal units Heavy Cavalry
1 normal unit Hunting Hounds (Light Cavalry)
The Battlefield
First turn.
Bleu army starts - nothing bad happens, all troops listen to there leaders and the 3 Divisions advance on the table.
Red Army - The Cavalry Division does not want to listen to it's commander and the Division stands still on the starting point.
Second Turn
Bleu Army - Infantry Division 2 fails to advance, the Cavalry is way in the front and the General is following with his 1st Divison
Red Army - The General fails to lead his 1st Division forward, 2nd Divison is moving on and spreading the line to fill the gap between both forests.
Third Turn
Bleu Army - The Cavalry Division is forming a line in the centre (seems the right thing to do), 1st Inf Division is forming a line behind the Cavalry, 2nd Inf Division is obeying there leader again and advance to the homestead on the left flank.
Red Army - The General blunders! He rolls a double 6 followed by a 1 which means run of the table directly... jeez that is end off game really soon. I started reading and found out that the General can make one re-roll per turn. So instead of a double 6 he got one move to make instead. Cavalry moved to the right flank possitioning them selves on top of a hill. Inf Division 2 continues their slow but steady approach of the enemy.
Fourth Turn
Bleu Army - The Cavalry Division splits up, the warhounds run forward and end up on the flank off a Pikemen unit of Red's 2nd Division. The Heavy Cavalry lines up the charge the enemy Knights head on. 1st Division moves forward and fires the first rounds of musket balls into the enemy, 2nd division moves forward and shoots at the pistoliers with the Handgunners, both Cannon deploy.
Red Army - The Pistoliers move forward and exchange fire with the Handgunners, the Knights move up the hill and line up to meet the challenge off the Heavy Cavalry, 1st division tries to charge the warhaounds, failed charge by the pikes, the rest off the division does nothing while the general powders his nose... again. 2nd Division starts exchanging musketfire with the opponent and deploys the Cannon.
Fifth Turn
Blue Army - Heavy Cavalry charge, failed. The Warhounds attack the side of the pike unit and score almost enough for the regiment to get broken. 2nd Division' Pike units continue the advance, the handgunners keep shooting at the Pistoliers. 1st Division is moving all infantry in one line and the hammering off the opposing Red 2nd Division continues with the Cannons opening fire and the handgunners shooting away.
Red Army - Cavalry charge and counter charge off course, both sides clash into each other, both blue regiments win the encounter and one manages to push the red regiment back up the hill. 1st Division Pike regiment manages to charge the warhounds in the flank, both Pike regiments fight the warhounds to almost 9 wounds in total but the warhounds manage to get the Pike from 2nd Division Shaken. The Warhounds roll a double 6 on their break test and move out of combat, followed by the 1st Division Pike (a recount later on made me remove the warhounds completely, note to self, pikes are not healthy) 1st Division actually manages to move! Hurray!
Blue - Cavalry Division has 1 destroyed Regiment (Warhounds)
Red - 2nd Division has 1 shaken Regiment (Pike)
Sixth Turn
Blue Army - Heavy Cavalry and Knights fight a sustained battle by the hill top. One heavy cavalry regiment gets routed and the Division gets broken. 2nd Inf Division fails the Leadership. 1st Division Pike advance and the Cannon and Handgunners keep pounding the enemy.
Red Army - Cavalry Division fails the leadership (moving to support the knights still in combat.) 2nd Division moves a Handgunner unit as speedbump forward. 1st Division manages to arrive as a second battle line behind 2nd Division.
Blue - Cavalry Division is broken
Red -2nd Division has 2 shaken regiments (1 Pike and 1 shot to pieces unit of Handgunner)
Seventh Turn
Bleu Army - The last regiment of the Cavalry Division loses and breaks as well. 2nd Division is moving the pike forward towards the Knights, but more orders fail. 1st Division goes on an all out assault and charges both handgunner units off Red 2nd Division and wipe out one off them. The other Pike unit and handgunner support unit roll so badly that they draw with the Handgunners. All three regiments have to take a break test and all three break in the proces... (what are the odds?)
Red Army - The Cavalry Division fails leadership. 2nd Division moves the shaken pike Division backwards, 1st Division replaces 2nd Division on the frontline.
Blue - Cavalry Divsion and 1st Divion Broken (due to the lost cause, Blue retreats losing the battle)
Red - 2nd Division is broken.
Red Army Victory!