
Author Topic: Star Wars X-Wing and Armada Miniature Games Shutting Down  (Read 3939 times)

Offline Gankom

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Star Wars X-Wing and Armada Miniature Games Shutting Down
« on: June 19, 2024, 01:55:02 PM »
In fairly sad news, both game systems are ending. Its wild to see, for a few years both were absolute juggernauts. SUPER popular at all my local stores, but apparently not popular enough.


Offline Zygmund

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Re: Star Wars X-Wing and Armada Miniature Games Shutting Down
« Reply #1 on: June 19, 2024, 07:21:39 PM »
There comes a time when the design space in a game system is used up, and people have the models they like.

I'm absolutely sure these games will continue fan-supported. IIRC, the 2nd edition X-Wing has been very popular among the grognards. At least my friends have focused on that instead of the newest version.

But the figurines might become hard to find. You can't simply 3d copy and print those, Lucasfilm is big enough to guard its IP.

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Offline Gankom

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Re: Star Wars X-Wing and Armada Miniature Games Shutting Down
« Reply #2 on: June 19, 2024, 07:40:59 PM »
I'm seeing a huge surge in the 3d print crowd, but I am interested to see how long it lasts and evolves. Its early enough we're still in the community-fracturing stage, but I also expect to see strong fan-support.

Offline GamesPoet

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Re: Star Wars X-Wing and Armada Miniature Games Shutting Down
« Reply #3 on: June 21, 2024, 12:35:50 AM »
Yowza ... sounds like they didn't adapt well to the changes, such a bummer.

I see folks running games at most if not all the conventions I attend, and suspect this will continue.
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Offline KTG17

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Re: Star Wars X-Wing and Armada Miniature Games Shutting Down
« Reply #4 on: September 13, 2024, 12:06:06 PM »
The problem with licensing other universes you don't create is that you are limited in scope by the licensing. So anyone developing a game for Star Wars for example have to work within the IP and can't just do whatever they want with it. And there are only so many units to design rules around and so forth. So what other option do you have once you've done them all? Piss off the gamers by releasing a new edition, rendering all your old rules obsolete.

Companies like GW for example, control their own IP and can do whatever they want. They have room to be creative and make changes as they see fit. Its really a catch-22: do you try to develop a universe that anyone cares about? Or do you just license a popular ones that is going to be expense and limited in scope?

I only played X-Wing 1st edition and everyone I introduced it to loved it. I never tried 2nd and don't need to. I still have my 1st edition stuff. Never tried Armada tho. I am just not sure it was in the right scale.