
Author Topic: The Griffon Formation Battle Reports- (Update 3/19/2013 2500 vs new Slaanish)  (Read 48938 times)

Offline Holy Hand Grenade

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Re: The Griffon Formation 2500 Battle Reports
« Reply #25 on: July 15, 2012, 11:07:09 AM »
The Griffon Formation at 1750 points

Some friends and I are running an Escalation League.  6 armies are in it-  Warriors, Lizardmen, O&G, VC, High Elves and Empire are represented.  We started at 500 and are going up 250 points every battle.  You have to build upon whatever you start with.  Part of the fun is growing your list over time!

Opponents are determined randomly but you don’t fight an army again until you have fought each one once.  The “playoffs” will be the top four teams and they will play 2750 point battles, with the final 2 armies doing a battle royale at 3000.

I managed to somehow survive the early rounds with a 3 win/2 loss record.  Now that each army had played the others once, it was wide open again. 

I drew the High Elves at 1750.  The list features a “Seredain-like” Helm bus with a Prince swinging at Str 7 and a BSB swinging Str 6…of course, all with ASF.  His  Swordmasters (now 21 strong with a champ wearing the Terror Mask) were going to spill some Empire blood.  I knew I had my work cut out for me.

The Good Guys (my forces!):  Ulric’s Own

11 Inner Circle Knights “Gold Banner” FC, Lances
        Warrior Priest Hector Snow  Dragonhelm

31 Teutogen Guard (Greatswords) “Ulric’s Own”  FC, Standard of Discipline
        12 Halberd Detachment 
        11 Halberd Detachment 

        Arch Lector Dominus Snow (Gen)  GW, Armour of Meteoric Iron, Dawnstone
        Captain Viktor Rommel (BSB)  Sword of Swift Slaying, Enchanted Shield

10 Archers “Rommel’s Rangers”  Musician
        5 Archer Detachment
        5 Archer Detachment
        Gaias Lvl 2 Life Wizard, Dispel Scroll 

Steam Tank “Leonardo III”
        Bartimus “Bullseye” Smith
(Engineer Commander) 

The Bad Guys (or the really Good Guys, depending on your perspective):  Caledor

8 Silver Helms  Standard, Musician
        Prince  (Gen) Mounted, Giant Blade, Helm of Fortune, Ironcurse Icon
        Noble  (BSB) Mounted, Dragonhelm

21 Swordmasters  FC, Bladelord with Terrifying Mask of Eeee!

30 Spearmen  Standard, Musician

12 Archers   Standard, Musician, Banner of Eternal Flame
        Mage Lvl 2 High Magic, Dispel Scroll

Great Eagle

Repeater Bolt Thrower


My Griffon is slowing growing in the league.  At 1750, I am going to run it 7 wide; not big enough to horde yet.  The Halb detachments are a little small, but still will serve their purpose.  Finally picked up a STank-  but he has plenty of things that can damage it:  the RBT, numerous Swordmaster swings, and of course, his crazy Str 7 Princeling.  (And, before you think it is overkill on my part to take a tank at 1750, try taking on a WoC 60-man Marauder horde at low point levels and get back to me on the definition of the term overkill!)   

My spells:  Awakening of the Wood (what a worthless spell!!!), and Regrowth

His spells:  Shield of Saphery and Vaul’s Unmaking


The scenario we rolled for this round of battles was Meeting Engagement (seems like the only scenario I get lately!).  Terrain was pretty cool-  a Tower of Blood on one side and a Dwarf Brewhouse on the other.  A Mist-Wreathed Swamp, Mysterious Forest, and wall finished off the sparse terrain.

We both dropped the archers first and then I set up a slightly modified Griffon Formation (one detachment with the Wizard is in the Tower) in a nice spot between the Tower of Blood and swamp-  hoping the swamp would help protect that flank.  He lined up opposite of me as follows:

Turn 1 Ulric’s Own:

Ulric’s Own got the first turn (been getting lucky with that).  I moved the Griffon forward a bit.  The STank fired up the boiler, moved forward 5” and lined up a shot at his Prince and cavalry.

Magic & Shooting

I didn’t even bother with the magic phase.

I did bother with the shooting phase and wish I hadn’t-  damn tank misfires and wounds itself for 3 wounds (I think my STank’s cannon is on strike…) 

Turn 1 Caledor:

My opponent uses his fast speed to push forward-  the Eagle sets up to divert my Knights and his Swordmasters moved into a nice position to charge my Knights next turn.

Magic & Shooting:

He got a decent amount of Power Dice and threw 5 at Vaul’s Unmaking.  The only character in range was my mounted WP so I let it go.  His Dragonhelm was now only an overpriced ornament.  I easily dispelled the 5+ Ward Save he tried to put on his Swordmasters.

His RBT missed the STank, wide right. 

Skip the italicized blocks if you don’t want to read the fluff!

Arch Lector couldn’t believe he was fighting the High Elves for the second week in a row.  Weren’t they supposed to be “the good guys?”  I suppose the Elector’s spurning of their diplomatic envoy had something to do it (comparing the stuffy High Elves with their Druchii cousins probably wasn’t the best way to gain friends and influence people!) 

His forces had easily beaten back the pointy-ears the last time they had met, but they had received reinforcements.  Good thing he had as well…

He put his mobile forces opposite their deadly masters of the Sword, and hoped his Griffon Formation would be enough to handle the spear and horse.

Each side pushed towards the other. Combat was not far away.  Good thing-  because it looked as if Leo III was bellowing steam and damaging itself at the cyclic rate…

Turn Two:  Ulric’s Own

Start of Turn:

My tank tries to generate 4 steam points and blows a leak (I take that back-  I think my entire tank HATES me).  It does 2 more wounds to itself (half dead already!) and generates a whopping 6 points.


The thought of clearing the Great Eagle with my Knights and getting charged by the Swordmasters quickly left my mind.  I did the best I could do-  STank rumbled forward and slammed into the Eagle while my Knights reformed and moved max distance backwards.  Hopefully that would be good enough.

On the other flank, I did some diverting of my own by pushing my archer detachment in the face of his Knights.  My Griffon Formation readjusted itself slightly next to the swamp but didn’t push forward.

Magic & Shooting:

Crappy winds of magic.  I throw all my dice on Regrowth on the tank and he Dispel Scrolls it.

And my archers-  couldn’t hit the broad side of a barn.   

Close Combat:

Great Eagle didn’t stand a chance.  Ground up real nice-  someone back in Altdorf told me they make great dog food…)   :icon_cool:

Turn 2 Caledor:


This will forever be the turn known as “The Failed Charge.”  Kind of like the Broncos/Browns playoff game that immortalized “The Fumble” and “The Drive.”

My opponent charged all across the line.  The Knights hit my archer diverters but his Spearmen failed to reach my other archers and his Swordmaster miffed by a half inch the charge on the Inner Circle Knights.  It is not going to be a good day to be a Swordmaster…

Magic & Shooting:

He gets a decent amount of dice, but rolls an IF on his first cast:  5+ Ward on the Swordmasters.  Only one archer next to him pays the price for his magic blunder.

I think his RBT hates him too-  because this time the shot at the tank goes wide left (I am ad-libbing of course-  a miss is a miss).

His archers prove to be better than mine-  and 2 of the Empire’s finest bite the dust.


Only the Silver Helms versus the archer detachment in CC at the moment.  Do I even need to explain it?  (The pointy-ears made some dog food of their own out of my poor archers…)

Arch Lector Snow saw a Great Eagle fly in the way of his Knights before they could charge.  His Warrior Priest brother smartly ordered a retreat to gain space and time while the tank burst out more steam and rumbled forward to ground the Eagle into a bloody pulp.

After some of his archers died a valiant death on the right flank, it was time.  He ordered his forces to Charge!

Turn 3 Ulric’s Own:

Start of Turn:

Despite being wounded, the tank suffers no ill-fate and generates 4 steam.


Here is where things get interesting.  Due to his Spearmen’s failed charge, his forces are in decent charge range for my Greatswords.  I chose to charge his Knights and he decides to Flee!  I re-direct the charge to Spearmen, and now since they are unsupported, he decides to Flee! with them as well.  They run into the forest that turns out to be a Venom Thicket.  Several die to the barbed poison (I personally would never go outside in the Warhammer world…).  Greatswords move forward 3” on a failed charge.

He doesn’t have the option on the other flank and his Swordmasters have to hold against an ICK charge and the rumble, rumble of a steal behemoth.

Magic & Shooting:

I toss a crapload of dice at Regrowth on the tank.  Unfortunately his crapload was higher than my crapload.  Tank gets no love.

Archers actually kill a Spearmen and bust out break-dancing-  amazed at their good fortune. 


The tank grinds out 8 wounds on impact hits and he makes two Ward saves.

Swordmasters go first of course-  and dish out 12 wounds on my Knights, who proceed to save only 6 of them.  There went the back row!  The ‘Masters also get a wound on the tank-  leaving it with 4.

The attack back was vicious.  Knights and horses dish out 8 unsaved wounds, while the tank’s Steam Gun drops another.  Swordmasters fail their Break Test and run 8.  My Knights must have been excited they lived against the Swordmasters because they chased them down a full 12” and reformed right next to his archer Mage bunker. 

Nice.   :icon_cool:

Turn 3 Caledor:

Things aren’t looking good but my opponent presses on hoping for a reversal in fortunes.


He rallies all his troops.  His Mage leaves the archers and they turn to face my encroaching Knights.

Magic & Shooting:

He gets another decent Winds O Magic and now that his Mage is closer to my characters throws many dice at Vaul’s Unmaking.  I Dispel Scroll it.  I used all my dispel dice to get rid of his 5+ Ward save attempt.

The RBT finally hits the silly tank on a 5.  He rolls a 5 to wound.  He also rolls a 5 for the number of D3 wounds.  All those 5s = 1 wound left on the tank!   :icon_eek:

His archers manage to kill one of my ICK too!   :icon_eek:

No combat at the moment.

It looked like the Elf General was also playing it safe in the center and retreated back to safety.  His boys lost their momentum.  He ordered a halt and had them organize the lines again to prepare for further combat.

The Swordmasters could not fall back and took the full charge from his Gold Banner Knights and Leo III.  The Swordmasters were appropriately named and killed half his horse before they swung their first blow…  His Knights proved valiant and their return attacks, combined with the massive bulk of the Steam Tank, pushed the Swordmasters back.  They routed.  His brother Hector wasted no time in calling a full sweep and his boys smashed every last Elf into the dust.  The Knights reformed into a perfect spot in the enemy’s rear. 

His Repeater Bolt Thrower lived true to its name-  flinging bolts as fast as it could at the tank.  One got a direct hit and the tank looked like it was on its last legs.  Why wasn’t Gaias trying to heal the damn thing?

At least things were going well so far…

Turn 4 Ulric’s Own: 

Beginning of the Turn: 

Caution is for the Elves-  I attempt to generate 3 steam points.  No surprise, something goes wrong-  but probably the best result I could hope for-  I just can’t use the steam gun.  Whoopty-doo.   


The ICK charge his archers of course.  The tank moves forward to take a shot at his Prince/Cavalry again and my archers move next to it to avoid having it charged by his Silver Helms and to be potential charge-bait.


4 PD, 2 DD.  He already used his Dispel Scroll so this should be a no-brainer.  I toss all the dice at Regrowth on the STank and it goes off.  Of course I roll a 1, so it only heals 2 wounds.


STank fires off a round and hits his Prince and another Silver Helm.  He fails his “Look Out Sir” roll!  And for the number of wounds-  another 1.  Really?  Ulric?  That is the BEST you got for me?  His Silver-buddy dies however.

Archers get excited that they hit 3 more Spearmen, but before they start dancing again they realize all 3 shots bounced harmlessly off the Spearmen armour…


My Knights kill a bunch of pointy-ear archers and they run 6.”  My Knights catch them and turn to face the center.

Turn 4 Caledor:


His Spearmen charge my archers.  They stand and shoot.  Between the poison vines in the forest and my arrows, 4 Spearmen chew on some dirt before they get there.

My opponent pulls a sweet little maneuver-  and moves his Prince out of his Silver Helms and moves over to block my ICK trying to run up his rear.  The rest of the Silver Helms move into supporting charge distance for the Spearmen.

Magic & Shooting:

He throws most of his dice at Vaul’s Unmasking.  I let it go and he mundanes my Generals 1+ armour.  I easily dispel his attempt at 5+ Wards.

His RBT hits the tank…is the tank finally going to die?...nope, he fails to wound. 


His Spearmen kill all but 3 of my archers and they run.  He decides to hold after they scamper away 10.”

Finally, the Steam Tank gets some magic mending.  A blue glow surrounds it and its plates start to mold back together.  Say what you want about the College and magic, but having those crazy bastards around is surely a blessing!

The Elf General moved his archers into position to receive the Inner Circle Knight’s impending charge.  One of their deadly arrow penetrated plate and droped a Knight.  But it wasn’t enough-  not as deadly as their Swordmaster brothers, the archers fail to kill any of the Knights with their inhuman speed.  The Knights made short work of them, and when they routed, the joined their Swordmaster brothers in the afterlife.

Rommel’s archers in the center almost suffered the same fate.  They courageously held their ground against the spear charge, felling a few of the inbound Elves.  Arch Lector Snow couldn’t help but chuckle when he saw some of the spearmen also get tangled up in the forest as they charged and were left behind writhing on the ground in what looked like painful deaths. 

Almost all Rommel’s archers were felled by the charge.  They retreated as fast as they could and made it to the safety of his lines when the spears held back and reformed.

Leonardo the III got off a cannonball on the Silver Helms and it appeared the Elf General might meet his death.  Somehow the cannonball only gave him a glancing blow and hit another Silver Helm in the chest, dropping him to the ground.

When the Silver Helms moved forward in support of the spear, Arch Lector Snow could not see where the General went.  He couldn’t have fled the field…what was he up to?  Before he had time to think about it, a wave of magical energy flowed over him.  What the…?  His armour suddenly felt heavier and the magical protection that Ulric had blessed it with was gone…  Damn.  It was a family heirloom.  Maybe the College could “fix it” somehow…
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Offline Holy Hand Grenade

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Re: The Griffon Formation 2500 Battle Reports
« Reply #26 on: July 15, 2012, 11:09:52 AM »
Turn 5 Ulric’s Own:

Start of Turn:

I generate a respectable 3 steam points but the tank suffers a mishap again.  It proceeds to lose a respectable 3 steam points.  The tank now sits there for a turn like a shiny paperweight.


With no tank in support, I weighed my options.  I could for long distance charges…but decided against it.  I move the left detachment into a supporting position so that if he only charges one, the other will be in support.  If he charges both, the detachment will be positioned nicely to keep its 3” parental love.  The right-most detachment I keep just out of the swamp.

Knowing my ICK are probably toast against his lone Prince, I pulled the same maneuver he did-  I rolled the WP out of the unit and moved him to a spot where he could potentially charge the RBT or the mage, if he doesn’t move.


I get 6 PD, he gets 5 DD.  Not great, forcing another hard decision.  Do I try to heal the tank again, or knowing my troops are ready to get smacked in the mouth, buff them up?  I leave the tank in the hands of Ulric (probably a bad idea, considering recent history) and toss all the dice on a 5+ Ward prayer, hoping for IF.  Nope.  He rolls and dispels it.

No combat, again.

Turn 5 Caledor:


Now this is the turn of the “Successful Charge.”

His Prince charges my 4 remaining ICK.  His Spearmen and Silver Helms both charge the Greatswords (hoping to generate wounds and have some ranks).  My Halbs get the Countercharge on the flank (take that Crudface!). 

His mage moves out of LOS of my WP.

Magic & Shooting:

He gets 3 PD, I get 2 DD.  Heh, I might have a chance.  Nope-  he gets IF on a 3-dice 5+ Ward save on his Spearmen.  Damn it!

The RBT fires at the tank again.  He hits it again and fails to wound for the second time.  (I can’t believe the thing is still going…neither can Ulric)


The Prince made short work out of my Knights and killed them all, facing back to the center.

And in the massive melee, a quick summary:

--Spears on GS:  5 wounds, 2 saves
--HE BSB on GS:  2 unsaved wounds
--Helms on GS:  2 unsaved wounds
--Elfsteeds on GS: 2 wounds, 1 save
--Grand total:  8

--Swords on Spear:  4 wounds, 1 save
--AL on Spear: 1 unsaved wound
--Capt on Spear:  1 unsaved wound
--GS on Spear:  6 wounds, 1 save
--GS on Helms:  nothing
--Grand total:  10

With all the other variables mixed in, he loses combat by 3.  All the High Elves hold their ground (the Silver Helms rolled Insane Courage too) 

Arch Lector Snow thought about ordering another charge into the enemy lines, but right before he yelled out the order, he saw the Steam Tank burp a gigantic puff of steam and stall in its tracks. 

Better to play it safe.

Snow ordered what remained of his Griffon Formation into a mutually supporting battle line and prepared for the Elf charge.

At last, he spotted the deadly Prince.  He galloped at full speed at what remained of his Gold Banner Knights.  Snow saw his brother galloping fast on his horse the opposite way.  He couldn’t be running away…!  When Snow saw the Elf Mage running around alone he understood.  Hector would either chase him down or take out the Elf’s long range support.  Good move.  Hopefully his Knights could take the Prince…

It was not to be.  The Prince swung his massive blade in deadly arcs, killing all of his Knights before they could even land a blow.  He said a quick prayer to Ulric.  It had to be quick, because the Elfs were charging at his battle line with a vengeance, the spear with some kind of magical protection flowing over them.  No matter-  it was time to shed some Elf blood himself!

The lines meet in a mighty crash.  His left detachment pulled a perfect flanking maneuver immediately after first contact.  Now if his Teutogen Guard would just hold against the initial onslaught…   The blows came fast and furious but Ulric’s Own answered with their own fury of blows that felled as many of the Elves as they lost. 

Snow managed to smash in one Elf skull, but their quickness was too great for him to drop more.  Hopefully that spell didn’t zap his martial prowess as well…

Turn 6 Ulric’s Own:

Here we go again with the STank…  I get a 2 on the arty die and the tank is rolling with 3 steam!


My mounted WP gets off a long distance charge on his RBT!  Woot!

My last Halb detachment finally gets in on the action and charges the Knights, barely staying out of the swamp.

Due to my Halb Countercharge, my STank couldn’t roll into the combat.  Hmm.  What to do… Ah, got it.  The tank turns towards his lone Prince General and fires up the boiler.

My archers move forward to line up shots at his Mage trying to zig and zag.

Magic & Shooting:

The Winds of Magic have left the building.  I get a paltry 3 PD to his 2 DD.  So do I go for offense or defense on my prayer…?  Going for the throat, I get off Hammers of "Ulric" to kill as many pointed-ears as I can.

Okay, I take back all those terrible things I said about my Empire troops ranged accuracy, or lack thereof.  The STank manages a grapeshot (lowercase!) cannonball and the poor little Prince loses his head.  Before his Mage buddy had time to weep, he caught 2 arrows in the throat and beat the Prince falling off his horse to the ground.  (Insert evil laugh here…)   :evil:


My mounted WP was so excited about getting into combat that he forgot to swing.  He kills 1 crew member and has to withdraw back.

Okay.  So this is the round of “The Armour Save.”

Battle royale summary:

--Spear versus Halbs:  1 unsaved wound
--Spear versus GS:  6 wounds, 5 SAVES
--Noble BSB versus Halbs:  3 unsaved wounds
--Elfsteeds versus Halbs:  2 wounds, 2 6+ SAVES
--Helms versus Halbs:  3 wounds, 2 6+ SAVES

--Halbs on Spears:  4 unsaved wounds
--Halbs on Helms:  4 wounds, 2 saves
--AL on Spears:  whiff
--Capt BSB on Spears:  2 unsaved wounds
--GS on Spears:  5 unsaved wounds

Needless to say… he lost by a shit-ton.  And that is a lot.  Not even the Elf’s leadership could keep them on the line.  My Halb detachment caught his Spear block, but my GS and the other Halb detachment couldn’t catch the swifty horse.

Turn 6 Caledor:

He rallies and reforms (probably would have been a better career decision to keep on running…)  Not much else to do.

So he has one final chance to finish off the STank.  It must have a bulls-eye painted on it at this point-  because he hits it again.  But for the 3rd time, he fails to wound!

Game over.  After totaling up the points, I won by a staggering 1239 VPs. 
(Now if the Lizzies can beat the damn WoC I will be tied for 1st place…)

His lines were holding.  His Halberd detachment on the right managed to navigate the deadly swamp and charged in for some action of their own.

Time for some of his magic!  Snow raised his arms to the sky and his forces were immediately blessed with Ulric’s warrior prowess.  His Guard’s blows struck with deadly accuracy, and his troops armour clanged from the sound of deflected blows. 

Elves dropped like flies.  And despite their Nobles' cries to hold the line, they buckled, and then broke.  The poor Noble and other standard barriers were swarmed and ground into the dust under his troop's metal feet. 

It didn’t take too long for all the routed spearmen to fall under his force’s halberd and hammer blows.  The Silver Helms managed to retreat to form up for one last suicide charge, but his forces surged forward before they could manage it.

Not one Elf remained standing on the field of battle. 

Looking for his brother, Snow saw that he survived, sitting arrogantly atop the Bolt Thrower he had captured.  Where was the enemy General and Mage?  Had they escaped?  Walking up towards the Venom Thicket, Snow chuckled for the second time that day-  maybe the extra lessons in archery had payed off.  The Prince had been decapitated by what only could have been a well-aimed cannonball, and the Mage had died choking on his own blood…with two arrows sticking awkwardly out of his fair throat.

Snow took stock of the damage.  Not too bad-  it looked like the tank would live to fight another day and his numbers were healthy enough to report back to the Elector with pride.  The heaviest loss was his Gold Banner Knights.  Good thing he hadn’t brought the whole regiment out with him.  He would definitely need the horse in battles to come... reports flooded the land that Chaos, Orcs, and Vampires were raiding and on the move. 

Too many battles, so little time…

After Action:

1.  The Formation is performing well, even in lower point battles.  Notice I am flexible with the formation layout and Wizard placement.  This time I took advantage of the terrain-  and also put the Wizard in a small 5 archer detachment in the Tower.   

2.  Lower point battles are challenging but are very fun.  My army finally picked up a BSB- because in the last battle I held off for one more round to get him, and it literally cost me the game.  You can’t squeeze everything in at the lower point levels…and it always seems whatever you leave back in the province is exactly what you need! 

3.  Missing charges at these low points levels can spell your doom.  You usually do not have enough forces on the field to overcome/mitigate it.  My opponent suffered from one bad movement phase-  and they were charges he should have made.  Also, Flee and pursue rolls become so critical...especially against elite or horde armies.  Failing to catch them just means you have to fight them again... 

4.  I can’t wait to get a Lvl 3 or 4 Wizard.  One Lvl 2 is so boring!  Also, I am kicking myself in the butt because I didn’t realize how much I like Heavens over Life at higher point levels.  I started with Life so I have to keep him throughout the League.  At this point, my plan is to just suck it up and keep the Lvl 2 Life Wizzie and “buy” him a Lvl 4 Celestrial buddy!

Anyway, thanks for reading the Battle Report.  Hope you enjoyed it.   :::cheers:::

I plan to post my defeats as well.  I think we usually learn more from our defeats than our victories.  My sole criterion is that the battle has to be at least good, if not epic-  lame battles are not worth the time and effort!
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Re: The Griffon Formation 2500 Battle Reports
« Reply #27 on: July 15, 2012, 01:14:58 PM »
Nice report Holy and congrat's on the victory!

Looking back, do you think it would have been wiser to deploy the Griffon on the left flank, where you would have had more room to bring the second detachment (GS3) to bear?  The Mist-Wreathed Swamp or whatever really seemed to hold them up until the later-turn combat.

Also, very risky move with the Warrior Priest leaving the unit and going 'round.  I'm surprised the RBT didn't fire off six shots into him instead of the Steam Tank.  I like it though
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Re: The Griffon Formation 2500 Battle Reports
« Reply #28 on: July 15, 2012, 05:58:24 PM »
Why did the Warrior priest withdraw back from the RBT combat?

Great report as always. How different could it have been if the Swordmasters had made their charge! I do like the 8th edition charge mechanic :happy:

Offline Holy Hand Grenade

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Re: The Griffon Formation 2500 Battle Reports
« Reply #29 on: July 15, 2012, 09:16:16 PM »
Looking back, do you think it would have been wiser to deploy the Griffon on the left flank, where you would have had more room to bring the second detachment (GS3) to bear?  The Mist-Wreathed Swamp or whatever really seemed to hold them up until the later-turn combat.

Yeah, the other side would have worked better for movement. 

I went this route mainly due to target selections-  I thought my Knight/Tank combo was best suited against the Swordmasters with the Griffon matched up against his cav and spear.

Also, very risky move with the Warrior Priest leaving the unit and going 'round.  I'm surprised the RBT didn't fire off six shots into him instead of the Steam Tank.  I like it though

I want to say because he has balls of steel... but really I knew the Prince would kill him for sure and the RBT was a toss-up.

Getting the tank down to one wound really burned my opponent.  Towards the end, if he did nothing else in the battle, he wanted to remove it from the table!

Why did the Warrior priest withdraw back from the RBT combat?

Nice catch.  It has been a long time since a Warmachine was charged in one of my battles and not finished off.  Without pulling out the book to look to see what to do, I moved him back like you do after a failed charge into a building because they both have "assault parties."  Oops.

Great report as always. How different could it have been if the Swordmasters had made their charge! I do like the 8th edition charge mechanic :happy:

Missing that charge was definitely a game changer.  High Elves seem to be really tough to play at lower point levels-  they can kill a ton but never have enough on the board to last.  The Swordmasters probably could have wiped the Knights and taken the rest of the game to work on the tank.

Thanks for the comments.
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Re: The Griffon Formation 2500 Battle Reports
« Reply #30 on: July 15, 2012, 11:14:01 PM »
Just wanted to let you know HHG, that I have played about 5 games using the griffin formation with greatswords at 2400 points and it works a treat, 3-2 so far using the formation. Thank you for this neat tactic ].
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Re: The Griffon Formation 2500 Battle Reports
« Reply #31 on: July 16, 2012, 03:08:32 AM »
Just wanted to let you know HHG, that I have played about 5 games using the griffin formation with greatswords at 2400 points and it works a treat, 3-2 so far using the formation. Thank you for this neat tactic ].

That is awesome, glad to hear it!

The tough part is when your opponents start doing counter-tactics to your tactics.  The crew I play with has been on the opposite end of the Griffon many times now...

One question on the Griffin Wing formation.  Are you keeping the screening archers in front of the HBVG when it fires?  If so, doesn't that add another -1 to hit for cover (or is it -2)?  I'm thinking you're moving them out of the way first?

Oops, I missed your questions earlier.

I move the screening archers in a position to divert, but don't cover up more than half of the unit the HBVG is firing at.  It really isn't that hard at all to do with skirmishers.

I assume you saw the graph I did in the other thread?

Any way you could take a photo of your games?  While I like the clarity of your graphs, it's always nice to see actual armies on the board!

Ah...this would actually detract from my presentation of the battles at the moment... I think the Brush & Palette regulars would go into shock, clutch their chests in pain, and start flopping on the ground like fish from one glance. 

Long story short-  my "war table" is currently an expeditionary one because I am stationed in Okinawa Japan away from my home in the States.  I don't have all my hobby stuff out here (and my 8th Ed Ulric Empire army is under construction).  The local competition I have drummed up are in the same situation and building several new armies.  I also play a lot over Skype with friends and family back home (position the camera over the battlefield and it is time to throw down...I know, the things we do to get our gaming in!)

I am moving back to the states in December and my plan is to have my Empire army fully painted, themed out, and tournament ready by then.  I will post my army pictures over the in painting forum and start taking pictures for the Battle Reports then.   8-)
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Re: The Griffon Formation 2500 Battle Reports
« Reply #32 on: July 16, 2012, 07:22:54 AM »
The tough part is when your opponents start doing counter-tactics to your tactics.  The crew I play with has been on the opposite end of the Griffon many times now...
You need to come up with a new formation.
"The twin Tailed Comet!"

Offline Holy Hand Grenade

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Re: The Griffon Formation 2500 Battle Reports
« Reply #33 on: July 16, 2012, 10:24:01 AM »
The tough part is when your opponents start doing counter-tactics to your tactics.  The crew I play with has been on the opposite end of the Griffon many times now...
You need to come up with a new formation.
"The twin Tailed Comet!"

Heh-  sounds like a girl I used to know....   :icon_cool:
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I feel like twin-tailed comet will end up looking a bit too much like the flying V form the mighty ducks.  Have you tried the flying V?

Offline zifnab0

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Great report, thanks for the pictures.

Two questions:
- Why didn't you advance with the Greatswords on turn 4?  Looks like you could've stayed out of charge range and gotten the charge on him.

- Why no countercharge from the other halberd unit on turn 5?

Offline Holy Hand Grenade

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Excellent questions.

- Why didn't you advance with the Greatswords on turn 4?  Looks like you could've stayed out of charge range and gotten the charge on him.

- Why no countercharge from the other halberd unit on turn 5?

I only took a few seconds of deliberation at the beginning of Turn 4 to decide to keep the main Griffon back.  So, to answer your question, I had to sit and think about the variables flooding my mind at the moment that caused me to not press forward.

It basically boils down to this:
--I knew I had him on the ropes with the loss of the Swordmasters.
--He was going to have to be aggressive because he only had 1 victory leading up to this fight;  he needed a win, not a draw to stay in the running.
--My Knights and Tank were positioned nicely on his flank to force him into some difficult decisions come movement time.
--With the loss of right-most screening unit, I liked having the swamp cover my flank.  If I was too aggressive, he might have been able to get a long cavalry charge off on a detachment (even if I had it set back) due to his speed.  The Knights packed enough CC power to wipe out a small detachment-  the Helms could then turn to face my Greatsword flank.  Not good.
--All of these things combined caused me to be patient.  Had my Tank not froze on the next turn, I would have charged him then.

Your second question is a little bit easier to answer.

Since the Spear and Helms both charged the Greatswords, several Knights were hanging off the right side.  I got the Countercharge and flank on the left side, so there was no need to charge in my last detachment.  Had I done so, his Helms would have gotten Str 5 on the charge and I would have lost several more wounds in that close combat.  He lost the fight by 3 that turn.  Had I charged on the right, I think he would have won the combat and I would have been rolling Break tests.

This also allowed me to get a +1 to combat res on my turn for charging and, besides the Noble, was now facing wimpy Str 3 attacks from the Helms and horse.  Notice I made a ridiculous amount of 6+ AS in that turn as well.

Thanks for the questions.   :::cheers::: 
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Offline zifnab0

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I only took a few seconds of deliberation at the beginning of Turn 4 to decide to keep the main Griffon back.  So, to answer your question, I had to sit and think about the variables flooding my mind at the moment that caused me to not press forward.
Interesting.  Your description gives a lot of good insight.  I like to follow a battle and decide what I would do in that situation, then see how the author handled it and the result.  I still think you would have been better off advancing, but it didn't seem to matter much.

This also allowed me to get a +1 to combat res on my turn for charging and, besides the Noble, was now facing wimpy Str 3 attacks from the Helms and horse.  Notice I made a ridiculous amount of 6+ AS in that turn as well.
Makes a lot of sense.  I haven't played against enough elves, so I didn't realize they got S5 attacks on the charge.

Offline Holy Hand Grenade

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I like to follow a battle and decide what I would do in that situation, then see how the author handled it and the result.


I have found that I learn things from my own battles when I create the Battle Reports and look at the battle step by step from each side.  I also like to put myself in my opponent's shoes to think about what I would have done differently if I was him.

Makes a lot of sense.  I haven't played against enough elves, so I didn't realize they got S5 attacks on the charge.

Nothing fancy, just lances.
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The Half-Griffon versus Dark Elves Hordes @ 2500

My Dark Elf nemesis, my adult son whose handle is “The Unholy Hand Grenade,” is trying out some new things.  A long time practitioner of MSU, he is taking a few pages from my Empire playbook to see what he can do if he “hordes it up” a little more while maintaining lots of diverters. 

He has two hordes, Corsairs (frenzied!) and Executioners (with AP!), to my one.  He can potentially go buff-for-buff against me with a power-dice crazy Shadow bitch backed by a Cauldron of Blood.  He has more diverters than I do, and they can fly.  Needless to say, I am worried about pulling out a victory in this one-  I have seen him shred VC, Beastmen, and Chaos with this type of list.

Without spoiling the ending, this one was also truly quick and violent…   :icon_eek:

The Good Guys:  Ulric’s Own

Arch Lector Dominus Snow (Gen)  WAltar with Horn of Sig
          Sword of Might, Charmed Shield, White Cloak of Ulric, OTS

14 Inner Circle Knights “Gold Banner” FC, Lances
          Warrior Priest Hector Snow  Dragonhelm

48 Teutogen Guard (Greatswords) “Ulric’s Own”  FC, Standard of Discipline
          18 Swordsmen Detachment   

          Warrior Priest Blane Bonham  Ironcurse Icon

          Captain Viktor Rommel (BSB)  Sword of Battle, Enchanted Shield, Luckstone

10 Archers “Rommel’s Rangers” Musician
          5 Archer Detachment

10 Archers “Rommel’s Rearguard” Standard Bearer
          Lars Fredericksen Lvl 4 Heavens Wizard, Dispel Scroll 

Steam Tank “Leonardo III”
          Bartimus “Bullseye” Smith (Engineer Commander) 

My Spells:    Heavens-  Harmonic Convergence, Curse of the Midnight Wind, Comet of Casandra, Chain Lightning

The Bad Guys: Killing Blow

47 Corsairs  EHW, FC, Sea Serpent Standard

          Dreadlord  (Gen) Executioner’s Axe, Dragonhelm, Luckstone, Ironcurse Icon
          Noble  (BSB) Banner of Hag Graef
          Sorceress Lvl 2 Death Mage, Dispel Scroll

40 Har Ganeth Executioners FC, Banner of Murder

17 Spearmen  Standard, Musician
          Supreme Sorceress Lvl 4 Shadow Mage, Sac Dagger, Seal of Grond

Cauldron of Blood Death Hag with Rune of Khaine

4x 5 Harpies

His spells:     Shadow-  Miasma, The Withering, Pit of Shades, Mindrazor
                      Death-  Spirit Leech, Purple Sun


We rolled random terrain and random placement (we moved a few pieces around to give the terrain better spacing and have tactical significance)

A tower was in the center with a Magic Circle 6 inches away-  providing inhabitants and encroachers some MR.  Another piece of strategic terrain was a Blazing Barricade near the Tower separating the two forces.  Staying with an “evil” theme, we put the Wyrding Well near the lake and called it a “Blood Well.”  Otherwise, a ruined house, forest, and another wall rounded out the terrain.     

As far as deployment, my opponent got to pick sides and chose the one with the Blood Well to keep it away from me.  I rolled to deploy first and dropped down my archers.  By the time he finished dropping his ridiculous amount of Harpies, I had already formed the Half-Griffon in the center of the board and put my STank next to it.  He put his Corsairs opposite the Griffon and his Executioners opposite my Knights-  a bad matchup for the Knights of course.  Here is what it looked like before the first turn:

Turn 1 Killing Blow:

My opponent got the first turn (he was lucky on all the early rolls).  He moved forward almost as far as he could, but he stayed a little back to avoid a long charge movement by the Tank.  Harpies, Cauldron, Wizard bunker move up in support positions.


He gets 4 Power Dice to my 3 Dispel Dice.  He goes for a 2-dice Powers O Darkness from his Death Mage and, to avoid his power dice from growing out of control, I throw my 3 dice to dispel it.  He throws his remaining 2 dice at Spirit Leech and gets it off.  It was really tempting to Dispel Scroll it but I let it go-  I would probably be really happy I still had the scroll later.  He beats me by 3 points and the tank takes 3 wounds.   

But despite my attempt to shut down his magic phase early-  the pain is not over.  He channels 2 power dice via Death Magic from the 3 wounds he caused!  One Powers of Darkness spell (with a sacrificed DE Warrior) later, his Shadow Sorc now has 5 dice.  He tosses all of it on a Pit of Shades spell center mass on the poor STank.  He gets the spell off, but it scatters 3” and just misses the tank by a griffon feather.  Whew.   :unsure:

Turn 1 Ulric’s Own:

Start of Turn:

Tank doesn’t want to start.  I roll a 5 on the mishap, loses 2 Steam out of the 4 I generated.


I move my Knights slightly forward on the right flank just to tease my opponent.  I split my archers to the side and move up the Greatsword and detachment-  inviting my opponent to charge in with his Corsairs. 

I decide not to move my tank because he is already lined up for a cannon shot against the Cauldron-  about a 2 Steam Point shot.

Magic & Shooting:

I generate a respectable 7 Power Dice on a 5 & 2, but then my sneak Dark Elf opponent channels 2 extra and gets 1 for Seal of Grond.  So… I have 7 dice and he has 8.  Sigh. 

Deciding to play it a little bit defensive this round, I toss a 3 dice Curse of the Midnight Wind to see what he would do.  He doesn’t get a chance to decide anything-  I roll IF.  Damn it.  Well, at least they won’t be getting Killing Blow from the Cauldron now…!   Wizard doesn’t suffer a wound from the backlash, but two Archers next to him get melted.  Only a few dice left, he easily dispels my next attempt.

But now for shooting…of course, my Archers don’t kill anything but the tank gets off his cannonball on the Cauldron.  Hits, wounds, no save…I roll a 5 for number of wounds.  Bye-bye.   :evil:

It was such a short battle, I am going to skip the fluff this time.   :icon_cry:

Turn Two:  Killing Blow


The “cursed” Corsairs hold in place-  but the Executioners move full speed toward my Knights.  In order to cover the Executioner’s flank, his Harpies drop in from the sky to jam my Greatswords, tank, and WAltar behind the archers.  Nice moves.

Magic & Shooting:

What is it with the lopsided magic phases?  He gets 9 PD to my 6 DD.  He tosses 2 dice on PoD and I toss 2 to dispel it.  He really wants the tank dead (notice the trend here…?) so he tosses 6 dice at Spirit Leech.  Again I think long and hard about Dispel Scrollin’ it and decide against it.  Ouch.  Tank’s lubricant gets sucked out of it into the spiritual world by getting a 6 wound Leech on it.  Tank only has 1 wound left!  He gains a few PD from it, but I easily dispel his next spell with my DD pool.

Turn 2 Ulric’s Own:

Start of Turn:

Well.  Poor tank.  I go for 3 Steam points, of course the tank suffers a mishap, but all that happens- I lose 2 steam.  One is all I need to hit those damn Harpies! 


Time to clear out some chaff.  My Greatsword and detachment charge their Harpies, my Archers charge the one in front of them, and the tank hits his. 

My wizard leaves his bunker so it can slide over and get in the path of the Executioners while my Knights slide back a little bit to get some distance. 

Magic & Shooting:

I get a decent start to the magic phase this time 10 PD to 5 DD.  I toss 4 dice at Chain Lightning on his unengaged Harpy unit.  He lets it go.  I only get 2 Str 6 hits, plus 3 Str 4 bonus hits against the fliers.  Unfortunately, I only kill 3 of them.  They don’t Panic.

I roll the remaining 6 dice on a boosted version of Harmonic Convergence.  I get a high number and my opponent decides not to chance it-  he Dispel Scrolls it.

My Archers actually kill a couple of Executioners!


The Greatswords and tank make short work of their Harpies.  The Greatswords and detachment reform to face the Corsairs.  The Archers and Harpies trade 4 wounds, but with my charge they attempt a Break test and fail.  They Flee 11 inches and my Archers chase them 9.  The nice thing about this-  my Archers are now in the way of his Corsairs. 

Turn 3 Killing Blow:


Now it is time for him to clear out my diverters/chaff.  His Corsairs and Executioners charge my Archer units.  He moves his last set of Harpies to get in the way of the wounded tank in case he lives through another magic phase.


This time the distribution is fairly even:  7 PD to 6 DD.  After getting off PoD and adding a couple of extra PD, he tosses a 6 dice Spirit Leech to finish off the tank.  Again, I let it go.  Bye bye tank.  He tries to toss The Withering on my Greatswords, but I easily dispel it with my 6 DD.


My Archers don’t stand a chance and die a valiant death in the service of Ulric.  The frenzied Corsairs have to overrun and don’t quite reach my Greatsword block…about an inch and a half away!   :-)

Turn 3 Ulric’s Own:


Since the Knights can't delay anymore from a battle with the Executioners, I charge in to get the extra Str from my lances.  Now it is also time to party with the Corsairs-  I charge in with my WAltar, Greatswords, and detachment.

Magic & Shooting:

I net a nice 7 PD to his 5 DD.  I go for a boosted version of Harmonic C with 4 dice.  He doesn’t want any of that-  so he tosses all 5 DD at it…and rolls really crappy and fails.    With the 3 dice left, I get off a 5+ Ward with 2 dice, and try for Hammers of Ulric with the last die, but fail.  Overall, my boys in blue and white are buffed up and ready to kick some ass!!!   :evil:

My Archers light up the remaining Harpies but only kill 1 of the 2 remaining. 


My Knights kill 9 of the Executioners before they get to swing, but he still has a third row of 8 in his horde to allocate his max attacks back.  Damn, it was brutal.  All 14 die-  only the WP lives because he didn’t allocate any attacks to him (a mistake my opponent soon realizes…).  I lose combat by 6, but my WP makes a Break test on a 3!  Woot!   :-o

His Dreadlord issues a challenge.  I decide to accept with my AL on the Altar.  He will probably die, but the Greatswords won’t be weakened by the Executioner’s axe at least.

The summary:

Only 1 impact hit from the chariot.  An Executioner dies.

Dreadlord on the AL:  3 hits (1 taken away by the Charmed Shield), but only 1 wound (he rolled 2 ones…!).  I failed my 5++ WS, but he rolled yet another 1 on the D3 wounds the wicked axe causes.  AL still alive and kicking!

AL on the Dreadlord:    2 hits, 2 wounds, 1 save.  Dreadlord also only takes a wound.

BSB on the Greatswords:  -1 to hit from the Cloak nets him 2 hits.  2 wounds, 1 save.  A GS dies.

Sorc fails to wound anything.

Corsairs on Greatswords:  15 wounds, I make 7 AS and 1 WS = 7 dead GS.
Corsairs on Swordsmen:  5 wounds, no AS, 1 WS = 4 dead Swordsmen.

WP against the Corsairs:  1 wound, no saves = 1 dead Corsair.
BSB against the Corsairs:  4 wounds, 1 save = 3 dead Corsairs.
Greatswords against the Noble BSB and Sorc:  I keep allocating attacks to them until they die.
Greatswords against the Corsairs:  my remaining attacks net 15 wounds with no chance of saves.  Of course = 15 dead Corsairs!     
Swordsmen to Corsairs:  4 wounds, 1 save = 3 dead Corsairs.

Net result:  he loses combat by a lot.  He doesn’t roll Insane Courage and Flees!  I have my WAltar and Greatswords pursue… He only rolls a 4 on his roll to run (his luck has left the building!)  My WAltar gets a 10 and hits his rallied Harpies, but the Greatswords go 9 and hit his mage bunker.

The resulting combat goes ugly for him of course, and he concedes the game.  What it looked like at the end:

After Action:

1.  As I have mentioned in other posts, getting the big charge off on your turn is key.  At the start of the game, his buffs were probably nastier than mine (Withering, Mindrazor, Cauldron…)  He never had a clean shot at my Greatsword horde without them being buffed and he never concentrated on buffing his troops because he was busy nuking the tank.  My combo-charge already put his Corsairs at a disadvantage, but with Hatred, Harmonic C, and a 5+ Ward save across the line-  it was really no contest.  Had he been able to manage it-  it could have easily gone the other way-  his Corsairs could have been buffed with +1 Attack, ASF, and Mindrazor.  Ouch.  I think the battle really came down to who could maneuver and time it right to get their forces in the right place, at the right time, with the right buffs.  In this case, it was me.   

2.  A horde of Executioners is probably unconventional, but with the Armour piercing banner those guys will cut through anything with ease.  I knew my Knights were going to be toast, but seeing 14 of them removed in seconds was a sight to behold.

3.  I am 8 wins and 0 losses with the various Griffon Formations at 2500 points.  Still waiting on some other battles to be finished in my Escalation League, but since the Lizzie beat the WoC at 1500, my growing Empire list is at the top of the charts with a 4/2 record!  Hopefully my next battle in the League will be Battle Report worthy and I will post it.  I am thinking about running a Cav list with 2 Helblasters supported by a Griffon Wing soon too-  something a little different that will hopefully produce another great battle.

If you haven't checked them out yet, please visit the Tacticas I set up in the child Tactica Board Forum.  I have set up different categories for Empire Generals to post some of their thoughts/ideas and "Tricks of the Trade."  Don't be shy-  we need more posts!  So far, Calisson and I have posted in:

          --Building Balanced Lists & War Preparation
          --Strategies, Theories & Math-Hammer
          --Formations and Unit Synergy

Anyway, until next time-  keep your blades sharp, the forges hot, and the prayers rolling!

« Last Edit: August 05, 2012, 11:56:19 PM by Holy Hand Grenade »
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Offline Krudenwald

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Great report, HHG.

I'm taking inspiration from this thread, and will most definitely report back to you on my use of the Griffon formation.

Cheers, and keep 'em coming! Oh, and good luck with your Escalation league!
No, I'm sending it to people I reckon I can trust. Or, at least, people I think I can murder should it become neccesary.

Offline SevenSins

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What krudenwald said, very nice reps and tacticas, very usefull for beginner and vet alike

Offline Noght

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Well done!  Thanks for all the effort doing these!  Fun stuff.

"...the most incorrigible vice being that of an ignorance which fancies it knows everything..."  Camus.

Offline Warwhore

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I really enjoy these battle reports. Thanks for all your effort.

I noticed in some of your earlier reports that you were reforming units after a successful pursuit. I don't think this is legal. However, you are allowed a reform if you charge and catch a fleeing unit.
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Offline Holy Hand Grenade

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I noticed in some of your earlier reports that you were reforming units after a successful pursuit. I don't think this is legal. However, you are allowed a reform if you charge and catch a fleeing unit.

Wow-  thanks for the catch.  There are many other occasions where you do get to reform (even in holding from a pursuit), but you are right-  if you pursue and catch 'em you are stuck facing that direction (from what I can see in the BRB).

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Offline Fidelis von Sigmaringen

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I suppose the backtracking movement of the Knights was a swift reform?
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Offline Holy Hand Grenade

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I suppose the backtracking movement of the Knights was a swift reform?

If you are talking about the most recent battle in Turn 2...then, yes, reformed and made the leadership test to move 1/2 rate backwards.
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Yes, that was what I was talking about. Same in turn 3 then. I tend to forget the possibility of swift reform in battle. Just to dot the i's, you first take the Ld test, then reform.
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Offline Holy Hand Grenade

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I noticed in some of your earlier reports that you were reforming units after a successful pursuit. I don't think this is legal. However, you are allowed a reform if you charge and catch a fleeing unit.

The more I think about this the more it perturbs me. 

The rules allow you to charge a long distance across the battlefield and catch a unit Fleeing! and get a reform on a successful Ldr test because "a charging unit that destroy fleeing troops will often find itself pulled out of position and vulnerable to enemy countercharges.  Accordingly, we allow the charging unit to attempt a reform by passing a Leadership test."

BUT...when you are face-to-face with a unit, break their will to fight in combat, and decide to chase them and hack them down like the dogs they are, you don't get this same Ldr-ship based reform attempt?  Realistically it would be easier to hack down every last man in a unit that fled from combat then one you "catch" on a charge...so it makes more sense that both situations would rate the rule.

This makes Pursuit rolls much more risky-  especially because in 2d6 roll-offs it is all about LUCK, not skill, so if you decide to Pursue you could get double-screwed:  not catch the Fleeing! unit to take it off the field, and then face nasty flank or rear charges because of your crappy position.

Not a big fan of this realization.   :eusa_wall:
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Sorry my feathered-caps friends, my Escalation League is crawling along at a snail's pace.  Waiting on some other armies to finish up their battles before my Empire can throw down again.

Also, didn't get a chance this weekend to play any other games :-(  but did get a chance to play a Half-Orc Warrior Monk midget in a Rolemaster Campaign my family started.  So the weekend wasn't a total loss!   :icon_cool:
If at first you don't succeed...you either don't have enough faith or you need to bring more explosives

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