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I really hope there is a magic item that can make warrior priests a little more viable. Either with better buffs for troops or better protection for them. Same for witch hunters.

We also need some sort of helmet that gives an addition point of armor save.  Preferably a cheap and very common magic item.

I made a suggestion for the former above  :-D

As for the latter, so it would be something like: Blessed tabard: Very common item (Armor). Character wearing this armor gains +1 his armor save (to a maximum of 2+). 20pt.

What would be cool would be "Wargear" list with various trinkets, pets and inventions of the empire that are 1/per army that you could boost your characters a bit. Couple of examples.

Hunting dog: A loyal pet that stays at his masters side, warning about enemies and defending him with it's life. Dog is not placed on map and is assumed to occupy same position as the owning model and cannot be attacked seperately. Dog strikes in melee with following profile WS4 S3 I4 A1 AP-1. Whenever the owner suffers a hit that causes a single wound, this upgrade can be eliminated instead. Additionally, enemy Scouts may not deploy within "15" of this model. Models on foot or cavalry only.

Caltrops: This character has brought a box of caltrops to the battle to surprise a charging enemy. For rules purposes, this model and any unit he joins are counted as armed with missile weapons. When allowed to perform "Stand & Shoot" reaction, the model/unit can instead disperse Caltrops in front of them. This causes enemy unit to perform "Disordered charge". Cavalry & chariot models must also make a dangerous terrain check. One-use only. Models on foot only.
Spears and Halberds should force a disordered charge and remove First Charge benefits.
Thinking about the Age of Empires Triangle, Infantry should be a Counter for Cavalry, Cavalry should be a counter for Missile troops, Missile Troops should be a counter for Infantry.
Balance, and roles are important. Right now, Infantry are not a counter for anything.
IMO, we will get:
1 list for Marienburg, which will feature cavalry and a War Wagon, and maybe an option for more artillery 'from the ships'.
1 list for Ulric, similar to the Cult of Ulric List.

I will be surprised if it is anything else.
I really hope there is a magic item that can make warrior priests a little more viable. Either with better buffs for troops or better protection for them. Same for witch hunters.

We also need some sort of helmet that gives an addition point of armor save.  Preferably a cheap and very common magic item.
The Old World Cometh Again !!! / Re: Coming back to the meta after a summer off
« Last post by Skyros on September 15, 2024, 10:46:29 PM »
I haven't run into a single infantry block with my dragon that beat me while having US > 18 (since I'm US 9).

Between the dragons attacks, the rider's attacks, and stomp attacks, and the fact most infantry blocks seem to be running around at around 21-25 models, and the odd random kill from a handful of BS based shooting characters, it really hasn't come up. On the turn I charge, they just get mulched and have no chance of doing any kind of return damage. On subsequent turns, if I don't count as charging, they might, but by that point their US is so reduced it's not an issue.

Of course, my dragon is undead, so it isn't fleeing combat anyway, but still.
Though a brace of pistols gives you 2 attacks in close combat.
A pistol doesn't count as an additional hand weapon
The Old World Cometh Again !!! / Re: Baseless Speculation: Armies of Infamy for the Empire?
« Last post by Damar on September 15, 2024, 07:27:52 PM »
-1 attack is a reasonably big deal though.

Yes and of course it's unfair thing to look at to begin with. While sword, light armor, shield BpB is cheap and better compared to EsT, in Bretonnia list you get MaA for -1pt or Yeomen Guard for same cost and there is absolutely no reason to take them as "chaff". Hence why Brigands are pretty universally equipped with Blunderbuss in Skirmish formation with Scout or Ambush on top.

Though you can get skirmishing crossbow unit for 70pt too which is not too bad in my opinion.

I assume designers wrote the fluff for Pistols and then forget it was not usable in melee anymore, unlike Mordheim or older WH :)
-1 attack is a reasonably big deal though.
The Old World Cometh Again !!! / Re: Messing around with my GT army.
« Last post by commandant on September 15, 2024, 06:21:43 PM »
I've just realized that I don't have enough knight models so I think I'll replace one of the units of knights with free company because I have the models for that :)
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