Looks like they renewed the security certificate and the image now displays. So, I finished the second model, and the white and red is starting to materialize, making them demonstrably, if not obviously, Fiery Heart. I'm painting my halberd shafts red, making the plumes white, and freehanding, as mentioned a red heart onto the fat end of the cloth reins. I experimented with an imperial cross inside the heart and stylized flames radiating from the heart, but in the end, a simple heart just looks way better. No more pics until the third model is done.
Now, request for advice. I'm going with halberds for this unit, but I'm planning two units of four in the long run, plus the character. Is four the right unit size? Is there any reason to consider lances on the other unit? S6 on the charge doesn't seem to outweigh losing the AP after the charge, let alone being S4. I know we buy these for the gryphs, not the knights, but S5 AP1 isn't horrible, and S4 AP- is.
Is anyone else bothered by the size of the base? I know it is what it is for game balance purposes, as in number and quality of attacks per mm of unit frontage, but you could drive a semi in between to demigryphs that are in base contact. I feel like they would look more "close order" on 40mm wide bases, although I'm not sure if 40x60 or 40x80.