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The Old World Cometh Again !!! / Re: Painting Fiery Heart
« Last post by General Nuttenjäger on Today at 08:11:51 PM »
So I finished the unit.  I think the white plumes (and red ribbons that you can barely see from this angle), red halberd shafts, and the hearts on the reins do enough to mark them as Blazing Heart.  I do wish we had blank shields to paint freehand on.

“State troops are paid as full time professional soldiers” -forces of fantasy page 57.
LOL  Maybe in the wealthier cities, like I said.  Marienburg, Nuln, Altdorf, and Middenheim troops are going to be a cut above Averland troops.

All the state troops are full time professional soldiers, contrary to what you said.
Some may be more or less well equipped, certainly.

It's a nice theory, but it only works if the state can adequately support the troops.  It's not unreasonable to think that underpaid troops seek secondary employment.  It's more than a matter of equipping the troops.  They need housing, feeding, medical care, training, and so on.  Not to mention spending money.  Soldiers with no prospect of drinking and whoring aren't going to stick around long.  If the state isn't meeting all these needs, the troops will find other resources, whether that means moonlighting as security at a bar or shop, running protection rackets, working in a skilled trade that they developed before becoming soldiers, or turning highwayman.  And it is unreasonable to suggest that the more rural provinces have adequate resources.
The Old World Cometh Again !!! / Re: Manann's Blades and Nuln Ironsides
« Last post by Skyros on Today at 07:14:05 PM »
“State troops are paid as full time professional soldiers” -forces of fantasy page 57.
LOL  Maybe in the wealthier cities, like I said.  Marienburg, Nuln, Altdorf, and Middenheim troops are going to be a cut above Averland troops.

All the state troops are full time professional soldiers, contrary to what you said.
Some may be more or less well equipped, certainly.
On a historical side note: the "Fiery heart" emblem is copied from the Cor Jesu Sacratissimum (Most Sacred Heart of Jesus). Although mainly used in ecclesiastical heraldry, it also features in secular heraldry, in more modern times often as the symbol for royalist or monarchist causes. 

Here is a Coat of Arms from the Formel und Wappenbuch des Hofpfalzgrafen Franz Rasso Gotthardt. (post 1597), Universitätsbibliothek Heidelberg, Cod. Sal. IX,58.

I HATED the barefoot guy and the 'monkey' head. I will use any excuse to pick on that awful 7th ed state troops box set
The Old World Cometh Again !!! / Re: Manann's Blades and Nuln Ironsides
« Last post by General Nuttenjäger on February 12, 2025, 10:18:18 PM »
“State troops are paid as full time professional soldiers” -forces of fantasy page 57.
LOL  Maybe in the wealthier cities, like I said.  Marienburg, Nuln, Altdorf, and Middenheim troops are going to be a cut above Averland troops. 
The Old World Cometh Again !!! / Re: Anyone used a War Wagon yet?
« Last post by General Nuttenjäger on February 12, 2025, 08:02:51 PM »
Plus, by the time it gets here, I'll have forgotten that I ordered it at all, so it will be a Labor Day surprise.

That happened to me a few weeks ago.  The void shield generator and some TK chariot bases I had ordered in May arrived completely out of the blue.  I imagine the bases were held for the terrain piece to save shipping costs.
The Old World Cometh Again !!! / Re: Painting Fiery Heart
« Last post by General Nuttenjäger on February 12, 2025, 07:58:43 PM »
Looks like they renewed the security certificate and the image now displays.  So, I finished the second model, and the white and red is starting to materialize, making them demonstrably, if not obviously, Fiery Heart.  I'm painting my halberd shafts red, making the plumes white, and freehanding, as mentioned a red heart onto the fat end of the cloth reins.  I experimented with an imperial cross inside the heart and stylized flames radiating from the heart, but in the end, a simple heart just looks way better. No more pics until the third model is done. 

Now, request for advice.  I'm going with halberds for this unit, but I'm planning two units of four in the long run, plus the character.  Is four the right unit size?  Is there any reason to consider lances on the other unit?  S6 on the charge doesn't seem to outweigh losing the AP after the charge, let alone being S4.  I know we buy these for the gryphs, not the knights, but S5 AP1 isn't horrible, and S4 AP- is.

Is anyone else bothered by the size of the base?  I know it is what it is for game balance purposes, as in number and quality of attacks per mm of unit frontage, but you could drive a semi in between to demigryphs that are in base contact.  I feel like they would look more "close order" on 40mm wide bases, although I'm not sure if 40x60 or 40x80.
The Brush and Palette / Re: Adventure time! - update 01 February 2025
« Last post by Rowsdower on February 12, 2025, 01:18:20 PM »
I'd add those two witch hunters to me ever-expanding Empire army if they were not retailing for $70+ in my region
The Brush and Palette / Re: Grand army of the free city of Altdorf
« Last post by Rowsdower on February 12, 2025, 01:16:07 PM »
The pistoleers kit was such a great source of parts
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