
Author Topic: Hawkseer: Nordland's finest  (Read 12558 times)

Offline SaintofM

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Re: Hawkseer: Nordland's finest
« Reply #25 on: November 25, 2024, 05:47:28 AM »
Chapter 22.

The sun was a blazing orange by the time Ronan had reached the outer wall. Her defenses were finalized, her defenders in place. His knights were already waiting for him to issue the rallying charge.

Dracea landed, all the joy she seemed to exhale was all gone. Ronan could only anticipate the kind of horror that drove that out of her.

“Report!” Ronan commanded.

“Our forces are coming through the city in waves. War machines are either being hauled in wagons, by ogres, or by treemen or left with explosive runes for the enemy to find. Horse born scouts of every sort are reporting ships landing all along the coast, with the heavier transport ships over by the dock town. We have had every wagon not carrying a morter being used to cart supplies and munitions back.

“Thankfully things were running smooth enough for three quarters of what we brought to be in place or behind these walls.

“Thank the gods.” Ronan gasped. “Casualties?”

“We don’t know. Any at the coasts are probably already dead. We can only, AHH!” Dracea fell into his arms, blood dripping down from her side.

“Doctors!” He called out. Without thinking he cut the bindings of her armor, letting her breath easier till he found the source of the issue. With dagger out, he plucked a ball of warpstone. No bigger than an arrow head, it had all the toxicity it needed.

“She’s been shot with a warpstone bullet; she’s lost a lot of blood!” Ronan called out.

“I’m on it!” Said a spell singer of the Asri. With a gentle hand over the wound, she used the pure stuff of magic the bullet was made of to aid in her cures.

“I need volunteers to join me. Any that do not wish to go, stay here. The rest, grab your weapons, make your peace with the gods, and prepare to give Slannesh the rudest gesture any race has ever mustered!”

Knights and dark riders mounted instantly. Shades followed suit, each armed with a pair of short swords and their own specialized repeating crossbow. A pair of chariots followed suit, as did Ronan’s personal hydra: The aptly named Blue Berry.

“We’ll gather troops along the way, but we need to stall long enough for everyone! Any Marks on these things?”

“Misshapen Skaven creatures and sickly humans with the strength of minotours. Clan Maulder and followers of Nurgle all along the coast.” Said the leading herald of the dark riders. “Won’t be easy.”

“Never is.” Ronan nodded in agreement. “RIDE!”

 The gates were thrown open, and they rode out. Harpies seeing their master flew over head, while dark shards and bleak swords rallied to his banner. Soon enough the hoard was met.

The sounds of elves cheering echoed throughout the battle as Balder flew in. He was riding a massive daemonic fly like some humans do with bulls in an arena. They normally had to stay on till the count of eight, nor did they normally bash the beast’s head in with their ax. One final stroke and the beast made its way to the ground. Less a landing and more a smear though the enemy ranks, Balder lived up to his legend once again.

“Finaly, a friendly face.” Ronan Called out. “You lead, we follow.”

“Had it not been for that bug, I would be out there, holding the line. We need to push them back long enough to get our allies out.”

“Then we will be the tip of the spear. We just need to wait till sundown, and then the real fun happens!”

Harpies and Darkriders darted out first, followed by the heavier cavalry. The swordsman followed suit, hydra flanking the knights. The Chariots earned first blood by running down a pack of followers long since forsaken by their ruinous gods. The thrill lasted until they ran into a giant, and packs of spawn of chaos circled them.

All bore the telltale signs of bloated decay that was Nurgle. That meant all shared Nurgle’s resilience to blows that would cripple a normal creature.

Not that many needed it. Ronan’s shades entered the first building they found, hoping to get some pot shots in. The next thing Ronan could see was a mangled corpse being thrown out a window before it was hauled back in by its innards. Out the same window, a pack of wolves that stood as an elf and as tall as an ogre left; their maws crimson from the meal that walked in.

Harpies had an easier time. They found a sorcerer to torment, hurling him back and forth in the air. With a blast of magic, he freed himself but not before realizing he had a steep fall.

Most crossbow bolts imbedded in the enemy was an annoyance at best. Sometimes they would get lucky and cause pain to ones that thought they were immune to it. At least one giant fell to the combined effort of dark shard and dark ridder, but most did not care.

Melee was slightly better. Ronan and his knights ran through one group of insectoid chaos creatures, only for the momentum to be halted by a mixture of rat, ogre and potato. More of its ilk shambled forward, the perfect distraction of a bolt and arrow riddled giant.

With a nimble hand, the giant plucked Ronan by the cloak. With maw open, it readied to drop the elf down its expanding gullet. Thinking fast, he tossed his shield down the monster’s throat. The point of the kite shield hit just right to imbed in the back of its throat. Eyes bulging the great monster grasped its nearly sucking Ronan in as he gasped for breath. The other hand weakening the Dreadlord broke loose, landing on the brute’s forehead.

“What pretty eyes you have!” Ronan said before stabbing his sword into one. The longsword dug deep breaking bone and exiting the other side. A duo of more stabs and the giant’s life would end, its alcohol filled blood spilling on the cobblestone street. It was still quite the fall, but thankfully the bulbus frog like creation of chaos Ronan landed on was nice and padded. At least until his spurs popped it, covering him in what he hoped was green blood.

Taking a moment to wipe the pond scum like gore off, he looked around the battlefield. His chariots had scattered one hoard of the forsaken masses, only to go ramming into a giant. Other spawn, giants, and chariot pulled by a cruel mixture of gorilla and rhinoceros obliterated them. They took many a foe with them out, even leaving a giant with a limp, but this was a fight they could not handle.

Dark riders ran circles where they could, allowing Dark Shards to line up their shots. Another giant fell to their combined effort, as did a number of spawn. Most still shrugged off such efforts.

That left his swordsmen, who were hacking away at an ever-approaching mess of tendrils.

“Footsloggers need some help.” Ronan said to the laughter of the knights. Mounted up, and the goo flicked off his blade, Ronan issued a command interrupted by some of the scattered swarm. Those that found their courage between being run down by chariots or crushed by falling giants did so here. What bravery they held was limited to a single lucky blow. The knight would live, but was otherwise useless in this fight.

Thankfully, a loud, boisterous hydra was never far away from the fun, or out of site of its beloved master. With belching flames and crushing maws, reduced the number. A couple of the monstrosities tried to shriek their own terrifying howls back, but the annoyed warbeast swatted them with the back of its claws. Its master free, it chased down the rabble to its own delights.

No enemy to engage them, the knights turned face, rushing to the aid of their infantry comrades. The swordsman had done well. They slew several of the rejected champions of Chaos, with only minimal losses on their end. Still war was tiring work, and one could only swing a sword so much before their arms rebelled from the aching. Just as they felt the need to fall back in good order, A javelin impaled one of the bloated beasts. Turning to see what the new annoyance was, any lance the knights had left finished them off.

“Thanks for wearing them out for us.” Said Ronan with a salute.

The swordsmen returned the favor. “Any time!” Wheezed the unit’s lordling. “What about them?”

Ronan turned to where the lordling’s sword pointed, and spat out his contempt. The enemy was far from winning, but his forces were ripped apart. “Stand your ground here or search for survivors. Find some, take them back to safety. Anything that looks like them, kill it.”

With that out of the way, and his own rage needing to be satiated, Ronan forced his knights onward. Sword and ax hacked any that strayed too far from their packs, while crossbowmen finally found the sweat spot for their bolts. Spawn fell with a good barrage, leaving even the most stalwart of the hoard to wonder if Nurgle abandoned them.

Made worse as their chariot ran rampant through the elves only for the knights to chase it back. The beast managed swat away knight and predatory mount with ease. Its problem was the knightly lances and crushing jaws that dug into it. Feeling fear for the first time in its miserable life, the monstrous beast turned tail whether the charioteers wanted to or not.

Just as Ronan was preparing the peruse, the sounds of a wailing hydra caught his attention. That and the wails of horns blurting out warning calls. Calls made not from men of this so-called empire, dowi, or elves of any kind. It was then Ronan realized the sun was nearly set, and the sky fluttered to life with bats.


Booger the Giant managed to scare off the hydra before Thickan managed score any wounds that wouldn’t heal over time. Its foul breath was enough to make two of the five reptilian heads faint. Unable to catch its breath, the remaining heads decided to turn tail; the two elves goading it already hitching a ride.

“No fun, no fun at all.” Thickan bellowed out, puss and phlegm oozing with every syllable. Half the invading force, which included most of his Forsaken and that of the crazed ratmen, were dead and in pieces.  Despite their advancement, there was still heavy fighting in that town, with ogres and embedded volley guns tearing into his ranks. The one called Hollov never steered him wrong before, but even those dedicated to Papa Nurgle could betray you.

He tried to chase such thoughts away, tried to think of that cloaked knight leading the lizard riding cavaliers through his brothers and sisters, but he couldn’t. The perfect offering to Nurgle, and he was sick with boredom and doubt. Even for the Plague Father’s faithful, some infections must be purged from the body. A show of force with his flail should do the trick.

Suddenly, war horns began blaring. Long, odious drones that filled the soft skinned men of the warmer lands with fear. They could not tell the delicate tones that separated one sign of warning to another. This one’s note indicated vampires.

Here? So far from Slyvania? And where did he hide? Every building should have been gone through. They found gorgers to fight, medicine to despoil, and war machines to mangle. How did they miss this? And now so close to night.

“Everyone, Fall back. Let the elves celebrate one more night of life. We have a better foe to face!” Words truer than then the champion of chaos knew for the dead were rising, and they hungered for chaotic flesh!


“They are falling back. Look for survivors!” Ronan commanded.

“What about the zombies?” asked his standard bearer.

“If they attack, defend yourself. Otherwise, assume they are on our side.

Offline SaintofM

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Re: Hawkseer: Nordland's finest
« Reply #26 on: December 09, 2024, 06:10:02 AM »
Chaptter 23.

With a loud crackling crunch, Calific snapped the neck of another would be warrior of chaos. He already had a small hill of them he made of others that died in like manner. They would make for good grave guard if he had the time to do the proper ritual. Alas, zombies they would have to be, for now.

Though the eyes of his new army he could find his so-called allies, guide them to safer routs. All the while he collected the dead to add to his studies. Chaos was many things, but when it came to creatively built monsters, it was never stingy.

Oh, to have the time. Time he would have once he delt with that pudgy fool with a scythe. His withered arm was already regenerating to a putrid equivalent of whole. Even his diseased horse was stitching itself back together. Calific could see the dark magic flowing into the stallion, feeding off of it like he would.

Normally, magical means would be a how he would deal with this, but frankly it was time to let out a primal surge. To see what these Blood Dragon Knights were so thrilled with a good punch up. One swing, and the sorcerer was stumbling backwards.

“Hmm, this is as fun as they said it would be!”

With a wave of the filth incrusted hand from the sorcerer, a flood of giggling imps leapt onto the vampire. He swatted them one by one, strangling the last one till it was popped like a zit.

“That supposed to be amusing?” Calific asked.

“Sort of.” Said his foe.

The amusement came to the vampire as a pair of slender gauntleted hands of a medusa grasped the sorcerer’s head. With his eyes locked on hers, the true magic of the dark elves slowly corroded the flesh, cloth, and armor away until only stone remained. The odd pair turned their attention to the other horrors Chaos brought.

 Most were wise enough to start fleeing. Others needed to be bashed apart as gorger and giant used their still screaming frames to club their ilk. The more feral of them were being corralled by Druchii. The head of the serpent was gone, and their true sickly colors shown forth, Calific thought.
Moving on to safer ground, newly risen carrying the more unique dead, no one noticed there was still life in the statue. No one was around to see a hand crack and shatter into an angry fist.

By dawn, the enemy had scattered to the winds. What was left of the town was in flames, with the dead either thrown in, or sorted for usable materials. In the inferno, a champion of chaos was captured, one without any discerning mark leaning to one god or another. As the black guard brought him closer, Ronan examined the other prisoners. A rabble of forsaken would make for good sword fodder should the beastmasters get them to take to the lash. The trolls, as usual, were won over with a few cows, and all the dead not being thrown into the inferno. Even the gorbeast was compliant to a degree. Degrees that caused mercury to drop to its lowest point, but it was a start.

A handful of new spawn for the collection, and Ronan was sure there would be some graduates from this Hawkseer this week.

“Any word on Arhedel?” Ronan asked one of the lordlings.

“She was leading the heaviest fighting. Who knows.” Said the elf. Despite his constitution, the mere presence of Nurgle’s followers was giving him and many a sickly cough. He and everyone else would outside the city wall would need to be purified before they could enter. Something the dwarves and other elvin kindreds were already ensuring.

The Black Guard arrived before he could think too hard on this. With a well-placed kick, their captive champion of Chaos was on his knees. The weight of ten wicked halberds kept him there.

“Do you speak the common tongues here?” Ronan asked in Reikspeil.

“Little.” The champion said in a gruff voice. “Pa was trader until [a collection of sounds Ronan assumed meant the humans here] betrayed him. Skinned him like deer. I joined warband after.”

Ronan held back a short laugh. “My story is similar. Think our epics are being told by the same skald?”

“Not enough mead for that.” Said the champion.

“That the truth. You surrendered. Why?”

“Didn’t like Holov.”

“That your leader?”

“Sorcerer. Rides great plague beast. Stupid. Want to fight for someone better.”

“Am I better?”

“No, but rather you than him. I keep your new warriors in line.”

“Start now, and you have a job. Betray me, and I will personally sacrifice you to the local god of Farming, Craftmanship, or the Making of Peace. Fight well for me, we’ll let you and whatever survives we don’t claim as slaves return to your end of the Sea of Claws. Deal?”


“Good. Start by getting those your gods are turning into spawn inline! I need some control in this mayhem!” With a twitch of the head towards the writhing mutants, the Exalted Champion was let go. Almost instantly, its guttural growls of a language were obeyed, and the forsaken were put to work.

However, that was not the miracle Ronan needed. Leading a new column of survivors, she came in perfect health. The moment they locked eyes, they dropped their weapons, their shields, and their cloaks; anything that could hold them back. Hearts racing almost as quickly as they were, Ronan and Arhedel embraced amongst the carnage and flames.

Offline SaintofM

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Re: Hawkseer: Nordland's finest
« Reply #27 on: December 27, 2024, 05:13:26 PM »
Chapter 24

Poked and Prodded, Ronan held back the temptation to do the same to the quack they brought out. Apparently, he was the governor’s personal physician. If that was the case, how did the man live to sixty, Ronan thought between squirming.

“You are in top physical health, young man.” Said the Quack. “You may enter the city.”

“Can I have a second opinion?”

“Just get your ass behind the walls!” Commanded Arhidel, and he obeyed.

Ronan didn’t think he was ready to enter the city yet, or anyone outside the walls. The risk of Nurgle’s “blessings” were too great. He even made cavoites to hinder his entry. Cavoites such as he would enter only when the best doctor available performed his tests, and they could use the nearest tavern for their war room. To his surprise, they acquiesced. To the joys of many of his officers, its lampposts had red glass.

With aggression still unspent, he slammed the doors open. Looking around, he found it nicer than he was expecting, but had not the mind to enjoy it. Maybe when the mayhem was done. Until then he had a piece of said mind to share with the officers, nobles, clergy, and wizards surrounding the map table.

The centerpiece was a perfect replica of the city, complete with moving pieces the mages were deciding where to put. Thick forest, represented by large salad bowls, surrounded the city, and a burning bowl of soup represented the dockside town now in flames.

Guards of every sort were stationed around, to keep those of little restraint from leaving early. The triplet wizards under Ronan’s leadership were slump over in cots by the fire. Their efforts would drain Ronan of his coffer’s this night, and keep his nobles from having a burning sensation in their neither regions.

“A quarter of my elvin warriors are dead, as are a small number of ship-born officers, a pair of sorceresses from the ship, one more from her own trials, and a pair of nobles on their Hawkseer. Three hundred have to be quarantined outside the city, including one of the nobles I am in charge of once we get back on the ark. Hells, I should be out there still until I pass priestly inspection.  A dozen or so good fighting ogres and a pair of their gorgers out of my mercenaries are also carrion!

“My second in command is thankfully in good hands in the med wing, but she won’t be able to fight this battle. Oh, and my soon to be wife was nearly killed getting your people to safety! Please tell her thank you, you ungrateful idiots!”

“Calm down, Dark Elf.” Commanded the one eyed warrior priest. “We all lost people today.”

“But have you lost the most due to a lack of your people not doing enough? I haven’t even gotten to my more beastly kind of armaments. I am down to three hydras, a single Kharibdyss, a pair of Medusa, fifty harpies, and good dozen war hounds. Everything else was killed off, and the captured chaos things my beastmasters are taming don’t even amount to a tenth of the potential lost.

“Half my chariots are in ruins.  All but a dozen reapers are kindling. I have maybe eight more that can be repaired, but it will take a day. A third of the food and medicine I brought is either in flames or is so contaminated it is being chucked into the pyres now. And a good half of the ammunition I brought has been spent or also tossed into the fire. Only the vampire is happy with the loss of life, and that is only so he could make an army! And that doesn’t even get to the rest of your kind’s losses!

“What. In. The. Abyss. IS. Wrong. With. You. All?” Ronan snapped, tossing an expensively decorated chair into the bar as we went.

A few were tempted to draw their blades. Others meekly hemmed and hawed. All knew the truth in his words.

“I can answer that, elf!” Said a dwarf chomping on a well spent cigar. “And I am only repeating what King Baulder has been saying. You tree maidens are still mad you need them pointy eared sons of bitches to help keep your forest safe!” He said, his smoldering cigar between his fingers and pointed to the highest ranked dryad in the room. “And you, Wood Elf, don’t like anyone not of your forest, even your own forest kin, unless they can help keep it alive another day; that’s kept you a spear’s length from the rest of us.” He said, now pointing to an elf prince in a vest made of golden leaves.

“And you, High Elves; you think you are the only ones to take on the mantle of holding back nightmarish things. You think you are so high and mighty to the point the rest of us think Upity elves are more like it. And you, humans, keep shooting yourselves in the foot with a blunderbuss with your indecisiveness, and your weak-willed leaders.

“But I saved the best for last. The Dowi here are bellyaching about grudges that were delt with when the High King’s grandfather was a beardling. Picking fights left and right, when we have a good enough enemy out there!”

“More or less, good dowi.” Said the Green Prince of the High Elves. “And now a great boon has been wasted.”

“Not completely.” Ronan corrected. “The combined efforts of our vanguard seems to have scattered or slain most of this chaff. That means the very thing meant to weaken us could still make us stronger if we let it.”

“And if we don’t?” Asked the human governor.

“We all die. Helga, can you…Oh no!” Ronan dropped all pretenses of his station, and called for the triplets. Pulling her into a chair, and grabbing something warm to drink, he sang her an ancient lullaby to calm her nerves.


Peter knew that old lullaby. It was one his mother sung to him, and one he sung to a girl he was sweet on as a child. Song about welcoming the return of the Hummingbirds with the coming of spring. How the rains brought the flowers which beckoned them home. To sip their sweet nectar and hum their little songs. He could not help but tremble as his lips sand along.

“Pee…Pee-ter?” Helga whispered.

The one they called Ronan turned and stared at him. It was a knowing look, one of recognition, one of sudden revelation. “You were the boy that tried to save her.” He said. “You lost an eye to a blunted handbow bolt.”

“That’s impossible!” Said Meyer. “It can’t be? Can it?”

Peter stiffened like a cat seeing a threat. It was her father, so why was she acting like she saw a wraith?
“You sold me…You sold me!” She kept repeating.

“What?!” Peter’s hands tightened, his leather gloves the only thing keeping his fingernails from digging bloody trenches of his fists. “You! Did you sell her to those monsters?”

“I hope you don’t take offense to this.” The old governor said to one of the dark elf nobles just around the corner.

“Worry not. This is the best entertainment we’ve had in weeks.” Said one of the dark elf noble.

“Besides,” Said another. One that called himself Relik if Peter Recalled. “Monster seems pretty appropriate.

“Shut it!” Ronan commanded, and both dark elves stiffened like suits of armor.  “You sold your daughter to slavers? That is cold, even by the standards of the Druchii.”

“It was the only way to save the city!” Meyer pleader

“Oh, I remember that day.” Cackled one of the witch elves. She looked twenty summers, but Peter knew elves aged far slower than humans. “Eight years ago, my superior prophesized this city would fall unless a daughter of wealth was freely given. Oh, it was lovely: You begging for your life! A young girl cradling a boy that had a bolt through his face. And her father, begging for his life! Willing to give anything.”

Fire and furry burned through Peter’s veins. His desire to take that hammer and break her jaw off and then smash it into Meyer’s drunken head.

“He sold me…he sold me….”

“Is this why your boys won’t come back?” Peter asked. “They knew what you did?” His hand now creeped ever closer to his hammer’s handle.

“I had to save the city!” Meyer protested.

“You had to save yourself!” The Witch Elf Corrected. “You saying we could take your daughter was the fulfillment of the prophesy, and my Crone made sure that Dreadlord kept his word.”

“Take what you can, Meyer.” Peter commanded. “I want you out of that house!”

“Where will I go?” Helga’s father pleaded.

“To Chaos for all I care.” Half blind by rage, the other half by tears, Peter bit back the desire to commit to his murderous desire. “I allowed you to stay long enough to try to pick yourself up, but I see now there was nothing to save. Leave!”

“Relik; take two guards and escort him.” Ronan said, tossing a heavy sack of coins to the assassin. “Use this to hire someone to load and haul a handcart to the tent city outside the gates.

“What are you thinking, dark elf!” Peter demanded.

“Sending him to Chaos.” The leader of their evil army answered. “The Flagellants and Slayers have the right of it: If you are going to die with this much ruinous energy about, might as well be in battle. Or does Sigmar allow sacrificial offerings of the thinking creatures?”

“We are not savages.” Peter said.

“If you say so. Triplets, take her someplace safe. Peter, I suggest you go with her.  A pair of her favorite guards will accompany you.”

“Is that necessary?” Peter asked.

The elf nodded. “They are both women; most men send her into a fit. I want the added security.”


Only when Helga and her guard left, did Ronan open the floodgates of his heart. Grasping the most expensive looking bottle of wine on the table, and tried to hurl it through a wall.

 “Who’s idea was it to use a brothel to house this meeting?”

“You wanted the nearest Tavern.” Said one of the dwarven thanes. “This one also seemed to fit your men’s needs.

“My map expert was taken from this city in a raid when she was but eight summers. She spent two years in a druchii brothel, then four years under the cruel ownership of an admiral that only wanted her for her body. Its going to be hours before she can help us!”

“We have others that know the terrain.” Said a local huntsmen.

“Yes, but she is far more skilled than any of the elves on the Ark, to the point the Fleet Master will silence hecklers to hear her thoughts. We need her skill. For now, what have any of our scouts found?”

Devix and one of the wood elf horse masters stepped forward, as did a war-scarred dryad. She appeared to be more elvin in form, better to make pleasantries and maybe a little romance as her fickle kind were to do. However, Ronan knew they were most oft seen in a shape best to cause fear, and to rend their enemies.

“Over to the east, a large fleet of Nurgle worshipers have landed. Mostly human marauders, but plenty of monsters. They also have a large number of their armored Warriors of chaos, both on foot, on horseback, or commanding chariots.” Said Devix. “They are joined by beastmen, who are being directed by a harpy that has the mind of a general, and the speech of diplomat. The one they call Hollov is there, shaking off stone crust a medusa put him in. Worse still, they seem to have a number of daemons of them; not that big fat bastards, but plenty of those flying cavalry and other monsters”

The Dryad nodded in agreement. “They are being held up by some unexpected allies in this. A few local war herds and goblin tribes are not pleased with them, and currently trying to force them off. Yet, I see them being cowed down or leather goods by the morning.”

A Member of the shade clans and a Shadow Warrior stepped forward next. Each one having looked like they faced hell itself. “Tzeentchens have arrived in the west.” Said the Shadow Warrior. “The whole damn chaos wastes worth of them. Not one mere marauders in sight, save for those tending to the hounds. Anything not in chaos armor are monsters, daemons, which include a big bird thing, and more flesh and blood monsters. Chimera, Spawn, giants, ogre, troll, skinwolf, mutant, and spine beast galore. The only chaff we could spot were the forsaken.”

“Everything to make a beastmaster happy.” Said Ronan. “Any war machines?

“A few weapons of Chaos Dwarf make, sure, Hell Cannons I believe they are called. Just one is a nightmare as they are more daemon than machine in every sense of those words. But they seem to prefer the use of the monsters, many capable of shattering shield walls with ease.” Said the Shade. “They may not have figured we would be here, but they are done taking chances.”

“Same with the others.” Said The Glade rider. “No such weapons to be found amongst the Nurglites but Ghorgons and Cygores are enough to tear down ancient halls and walls. Giants and dragon ogres can make shorter work of those Infront and behind. No need to haul too many of those daemon cannons.”

“That leaves just one foe we haven’t accounted for.” Said Ronan. “Skaven.”

“What do you mean?” Asked the governor.

“Most of fodder we fought were the byproducts of Clan Maulder experiments perverting the natural order. Like what the Chaos Gods do, but more controlled in a sense. I suspect they won’t just be happy with what the chaos lords paid for their services. They’ll want a piece of us. As their enemies or as their allies, they won’t be our friends.

“The question to ask is what happens if any of us survive?”