Cheers Gents.
Lots of headway in the last month.
My gang is coming together - I have about 3 minis left to paint, including my Leader. I'll then have about 1800 - 200 credits painted, so I'm hoping I'm set up for the duration of the campaign, without having to buy much/anything else.
A couple of quick pictures of some of those painted below:

The campaign starts next month, all 8 players (Me, Plus 7 mates) are coming over on a Saturday to kick off with a big multiplayer. Thus, I've need to sort some scenery too, like my gang, that's coming together. I particularly like this billboard picked up from some online laser cutting company.

Most interestingly though - I've had a couple of practice games. Significantly, these are my first games of any tabletop miniature game since a couple of games of 8th back in 2017.
I started off with a really small skirmish on the fold up laminated paper board, which comes with the Hive War set. It was good fun, got me and a mate of mine used to the rules and generally it was pretty even with his Helots.

Then, yesterday, my best mate and I dipped his toes in - Playing Border Dispute with his both of our full, proposed starting lists from the campaign. It was an absolute blast.
I benefited from some good dice rolls, never running out of ammo on my punishing flame weapons... He had his fair share of excruciating roles, missing out by 1 on turning my Leader insane. Then, after my Leader turned his PsyGheist to mincemeat in his following activation, his Leader missed from point blank with a Plasma Pistol to finish the turn. I then won priority again and charged and murdered his Leader.
The game was summed up by his Nacht-Gul and one of my Zealots squaring off in the middle of the board to start. If he won priority, my Zealot would have been cut in to bitesize chunks in seconds, I won priority and flamed his Gul first activation of the game - Wounding him and setting him on fire!

Regardless of the result, we both had a great time and we have another game planned in a fortnight, in fact with a couple of other people. I'm super excited for the campaign to start now, getting back on to the tabletop recently has definitely got the cogs whurring again.