
Author Topic: 1000 Points RTT list  (Read 179 times)

Offline Count James

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1000 Points RTT list
« on: February 04, 2025, 02:30:47 PM »
Hi all,

Off to my first one-day event soon. Haven't played much so just going for fun really. Expecting Orcs and Goblins, Empire, High Elves, Vampire Counts, Brettonnians, maybe Chaos...

As described on page 278 of the Warhammer: the Old World rulebook, the number of
some of the available units is restricted. In this event, there are additional
limits that apply to the composition list you are using. This encourages players to create
tactically diverse armies, rather than relying too heavily upon a single use of a certain type of character.
• You may not spend more than 25% of your army’s total value on a single character.
• Your army may include any number of level 1 and 2 wizards (within the above
But may only include: 0-1 Level 3 Wizard per 1000 points

So here's the list.

The rough plan is to anchor with the block of missile troops in a 10x3 on a hill if there is one, or in a brick if there's any Large Targets around to shoot at (or if the enemy are bunkered up on a hill). Ulric Priest gives them MR1, and tries for MW(2) if there's any gribblies to shoot up. Free company act as redirectors/chaff or maybe even support by lobbing bottles.

Meanwhile the IC Knights marching column/drilled up the board and then smack into something, possibly supported by the General. Witch Hunter can either join in, go hunting chaff/war machines, or hunt down lone wizards.

Empire of Man - Grand Army
++ Characters [462 pts] ++
General of the Empire [240 pts]
(Hand weapon, Lance, Full plate armour, Pistol, General, Griffon, Charmed Shield)

Witch Hunter [126 pts]
(Hand weapon, Crossbow, Brace of pistols, Light armour, The Witch, Pegasus, Twice-Blessed Armour)

Priest of Ulric [96 pts]
(Hand weapon, Additional hand weapon, Heavy armour, On foot, Ruby Ring of Ruin)

++ Core Units [334 pts] ++
30 State Missile Troops [280 pts]
(Hand weapons, Crossbows, Drilled, Sergeant (champion) [Crossbow/Handgun], Standard bearer [War Banner], Musician)

9 Free Company Militia [54 pts]
(Additional hand weapons, Throwing weapons (mixed weapons), Detachment)

++ Special Units [201 pts] ++
6 Inner Circle Knights [201 pts]
(Hand weapons, Lances, Shields, Full plate armour, Barding, Inner Circle Preceptor (champion), Standard bearer, Musician)

Bearing in mind I'm aiming for fun games and maybe squeak out some VPs, thoughts? :)

Offline commandant

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Re: 1000 Points RTT list
« Reply #1 on: February 04, 2025, 02:54:22 PM »
Looks decent

Offline General Nuttenjäger

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Re: 1000 Points RTT list
« Reply #2 on: February 04, 2025, 03:59:53 PM »
I like it!  With a 250 point cap on characters, the general is actually pretty mean.  My only concern is the IC bus.  7 attacks is okay if you're flank charging something that's already engaged with another unit of yours that's providing static CRES, but on their own, they don't contribute much offense. I think you'd be far better served with three gryphknights.  Drop a couple of free company for the missing points to get full command.

Offline Count James

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Re: 1000 Points RTT list
« Reply #3 on: February 04, 2025, 07:00:36 PM »
Looks decent

"Decent" will do for me! :D

I like it!  With a 250 point cap on characters, the general is actually pretty mean.  My only concern is the IC bus.  7 attacks is okay if you're flank charging something that's already engaged with another unit of yours that's providing static CRES, but on their own, they don't contribute much offense. I think you'd be far better served with three gryphknights.  Drop a couple of free company for the missing points to get full command.

Thanks... yeah that was the actually original plan with the Griffon general being kinda flavourful but the DGKs aren't ready yet :(

I do have the models to take dual Captains of Griffons but it don't leave room for much else and I like my Wizard Hunter...

Very aware that the knights can't really break things on their own though... the plan is to either hit them with the Griffon at the same time or, as you say, use the CR block and set up a flank charge. Almost tempted to downgrade them to Core so I can get a bigger, scarier looking unit.

Offline commandant

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Re: 1000 Points RTT list
« Reply #4 on: February 04, 2025, 08:31:00 PM »
It might be worth dropping a few handgunners to put White Wolf on your Inner Circle knights.   Inner Circle White Wolf knights straight up batter things.

Offline Count James

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Re: 1000 Points RTT list
« Reply #5 on: February 04, 2025, 09:28:36 PM »
It might be worth dropping a few handgunners to put White Wolf on your Inner Circle knights.   Inner Circle White Wolf knights straight up batter things.

I like this idea... and I have models to use too. Dropping the Core Units to 25 and 8 means I can take seven of them... 2+ vs shooting and hopefully nothing left to hit back...