
Author Topic: List of other race forums and community sites  (Read 27593 times)

Offline werekin

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Re: List of other race forums and community sites
« Reply #25 on: January 04, 2011, 01:52:37 AM »
"That lady, is under the protection of my sword. I call upon you in the name of the Empire to let her up at once. If you do not comply, I shall be forced to cut you to ribbons."
— Detlef Sierck, Impresario and Greatest Actor-Playwright of the Old World

Offline StealthKnightSteg

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Re: List of other race forums and community sites
« Reply #26 on: February 16, 2016, 12:44:54 PM »
Updating the awesome list by McKnight.
He seems a bit under the radar as of late and I thought this thread could use an update. Also checked and added sites from the comments.
Maybe the Imperial Office isn't the right place for this? I Know I am always looking for this in the wrong places..

Warhammer dedicated army forums:

http://www.warhammer-empire.com - The Empire (ofcourse!)

http://www.roundtable-bretonnia.org - The Round Table of Bretonnia

http://www.bugmansbrewery.com - Dwarfs

http://z8.invisionfree.com/SlayerBrotherhood/index.php?act=idx - Slayer Dwarfs / Fyreslayers

http://www.lustria-online.com - Lizardmen / Seraphon

http://www.ulthuan.net/forum/ - High Elves

http://asrai.org - Wood Elves

http://www.druchii.net - Dark Elves

http://s7.invisionfree.com/wyrmling_x/index.php - Chaos Daemons

http://s4.zetaboards.com/cotec/index/ - Warriors of Chaos

http://s2.invisionfree.com/herdstone/index.php? - Chaos Beastmen

http://www.underempire.net - Skaven

http://www.ogrestronghold.com/forum/ - Ogres

http://z6.invisionfree.com/The_Gnoblar_Tower/index.php?act=idx - Gnoblars (Last post September 2015)

http://z3.invisionfree.com/Orc__Goblin_Warpath/index.php? - Orcs & Goblins (Da Warpath forum, website it self seems down)

http://www.the-waaagh.com/forums/index.php?act=idx - Orcs & Goblins

http://www.vampirecounts.net/ - Vampire Counts (Carpe Noctum)

http://s4.invisionfree.com/The_Blood_Keep/index.php?act=idx - Vampire Counts (last post October 28th 2015)

http://www.tomb-kings.net - Tomb Kings

http://www.chaos-dwarfs.com - Chaos Dwarfs

http://www.dogsofwaronline.com - Dogs of War

Community websites (general warhammer):

http://warhammer.org.uk/PhP/ - Warhammer Community, primært UK baseret (Last post January 2015)

http://www.warvault.net/ - Warhammer Community site, being reengineered and contains a list with all the sites. (Seems outdated..)

http://www.librarium-online.com/ - Warhammer Community site, containing fiction

http://warseer.com/forums/ - News and Rumours (Currently gone, not sure if and when back up)

http://z3.invisionfree.com/wfbfgu/index.php?act=idx - A Texas specific gaming forum for WHFB, Armies of Arcana, War Machine, RPGs, Specialist Games, etc... (Not sure how active this still is, requires registration)

https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/RaveningHordes/info?yguid=256031901 - Yahoo group for all those army lists that GW doesn't support anymore.

http://battlereporter.freeforums.org/portal.php - Battlerporter

http://www.lexicanum.com/ - Warhammer Encyclopedia

Other game systems:

http://boringmordheimforum.forumieren.com/forum.htm - Mordheim

Old, & no longer available websites:
http://www.asur.org.uk/ulthuan/portal.php - High Elves (N/A)

http://invisionfree.com/forums/Thee_Forsaken_One/index.php?act=idx - Lizardmen (Old)
-- http://www.pyramidvault.net/ Lizardmen (redirect from link above N/A)

http://www.angelfire.com/ma2/machiara/ - Wood Elves (Old)
-- http://forums.battleglade.com/ Wood Elves(redirect from link above N/A)
http://z14.invisionfree.com/The_Lost_Glade/index.php? - Wood Elves (Old)

http://members.cox.net/malkorax/Malkorax%20-%20The%20Tower%20of%20Chaos.html - Malkorax - Tower of Chaos (N/A)

http://www.da-warpath.com/ - Greenskins/Orcs and Goblins (website seems N/A)

http://www.warhammeralliance.com/forums/index.php?s=14e9fa9500393247b2b73adb515a2165 - Warhammer Online Forum (N/A)

http://www.talismancy.com/hammer/ - Warhammer Community site (N/A)

http://invisionfree.com/forums/Warhammer_Palace/index.php - Warhammer Community site (Old, last post from 2011)

http://wyzetech.com/forums/index.php? - a highly dedicated inquisition forum (N/A)

http://ritesofwar.org/portal.php - general Warhammer, 40K site. (N/A)
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