
Author Topic: THE TALE OF TWO GUARDS (Epilogue)  (Read 35531 times)

Offline Warlord

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« Reply #75 on: September 02, 2009, 04:04:53 AM »
It was cool.  I, like neverness, had expected to torture the guards for a little bit... I had great plans for my Daemon of Slaanesh, but by the time I got back to the story we had moved on too far.

Oh, your daemon was going to be slaaneshi?  :engel: I Figured that you had figured out what I was doing to those guards so I upped the odds and made it a Great Unclean one. What did you think of Gelir? Was he slaaneshi enough?

I followed where you were going with that Captain, but neverness's contribution was seamless, so I never thought twice about it once written.

Oh, and Buddha90, I enjoyed your contributions, you really kept Warlord and I working hard to keep this story grim and dark.

Agreed. Hence the introduction of the undead to stir it up.

I thought making Krieger somewhat crazy/possessed was the only rational solution to the sudden apperance of a pegasus.

Hey! I though my idea for a steed of shadows worked decently also.
Quote from: Gneisenau
I hate people who don't paint their armies, hate them with all my guts. Beats me how they value other things over painting, like eating or brushing teeth.

Offline Buddha90

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« Reply #76 on: September 02, 2009, 06:13:13 AM »
Oh, and Buddha90, I enjoyed your contributions, you really kept Warlord and I working hard to keep this story grim and dark. I thought making Krieger somewhat crazy/possessed was the only rational solution to the sudden apperance of a pegasus. But your army really had me flustered! See, I had written the ending with a another group of Knights showing up way before that, and knew that I wanted that scene with the two guards being found in a booth in front of a totally trashed out castle. So I had your knights be "legion of the damned" like and sort of fade away from the site before the dawn. I think if made them a bit cooler and more mysterious, a lot like how they appeared. I think I just might bring them back in the follow up... :evil:

Thank you  :laugh:
"Buddha, bringing peace and happiness to a story near you.."

I think that it actually made the story more exciting and that the reader would think: "Okay.. now it's turning to the better" and then either neverness or warlord would take that fragile hope and crush it with chaos :D
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Louder than hell!

Offline neverness

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« Reply #77 on: September 03, 2009, 01:16:08 AM »
Hey! I though my idea for a steed of shadows worked decently also.

As did I. I thought, and still do find, the whole Drandorf part of the story to be quite the mystery...

I've got the scene with exactly what happened at the top of the north tower figured out in my head. I might reveal it in the next story. Which should be launching any time now...

Offline Warlord

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« Reply #78 on: September 03, 2009, 01:22:56 AM »
I've got the scene with exactly what happened at the top of the north tower figured out in my head. I might reveal it in the next story. Which should be launching any time now...

I know...


I will be putting something up tomorrow afternoon (work has been pushing me hard of late)
Quote from: Gneisenau
I hate people who don't paint their armies, hate them with all my guts. Beats me how they value other things over painting, like eating or brushing teeth.

Offline neverness

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« Reply #79 on: September 03, 2009, 01:27:19 AM »
No worries or rush! I probably won't be able to contribute until the weekend anyway.

Hear that Buddha90, we got more fun coming your way!  :icon_twisted:

Offline Buddha90

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« Reply #80 on: September 03, 2009, 12:54:02 PM »
No worries or rush! I probably won't be able to contribute until the weekend anyway.

Hear that Buddha90, we got more fun coming your way!  :icon_twisted:

Yay :D

Lol.. I've been sigged  :icon_cool:
Hold your head up high
Raise your fist up in the air
Play metal louder than hell
Louder than hell!

Offline Captain Tineal

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« Reply #81 on: September 04, 2009, 03:21:07 PM »
Oh, your daemon was going to be slaaneshi?  :engel: I Figured that you had figured out what I was doing to those guards so I upped the odds and made it a Great Unclean one. What did you think of Gelir? Was he slaaneshi enough?

He was a different kind of slaaneshi than what I was going to go for, though probably a little more traditional, and well done too, I thought he worked very well.

I had visions of something less decadent, with daemons torturing the guards in the shelter by doing violent carnal things to images of their loved ones, and committing other vile acts, trying to tempt the guards out to stop them/join them, or forcing them to watch the horror show and break them that way.  It would be very dark though, and people would probably wonder if I have mental problems, so is probably best left out.  :::cheers:::
I don't know what a pisolires is but it sounds like a musical instrument you play with urine...

Offline Warlord

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« Reply #82 on: September 07, 2009, 01:14:55 AM »
Oh, your daemon was going to be slaaneshi?  :engel: I Figured that you had figured out what I was doing to those guards so I upped the odds and made it a Great Unclean one. What did you think of Gelir? Was he slaaneshi enough?

He was a different kind of slaaneshi than what I was going to go for, though probably a little more traditional, and well done too, I thought he worked very well.

I had visions of something less decadent, with daemons torturing the guards in the shelter by doing violent carnal things to images of their loved ones, and committing other vile acts, trying to tempt the guards out to stop them/join them, or forcing them to watch the horror show and break them that way.  It would be very dark though, and people would probably wonder if I have mental problems, so is probably best left out.  :::cheers:::

That would have been cool. This cool:  :mrgreen:
Quote from: Gneisenau
I hate people who don't paint their armies, hate them with all my guts. Beats me how they value other things over painting, like eating or brushing teeth.

Offline Warlord

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Quote from: Gneisenau
I hate people who don't paint their armies, hate them with all my guts. Beats me how they value other things over painting, like eating or brushing teeth.

Offline GamesPoet

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« Reply #84 on: March 16, 2021, 02:59:34 AM »
Hmmm ... here's a blast from the past ... makes me want to go reread this thread. :icon_biggrin: :icon_lol:
"Not all who wander are lost ... " Tolkien

"... my old suggestion is forget it, take two aspirins and go paint" steveb

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