
Author Topic: The Ex-Province of SOLLAND  (Read 295646 times)

Offline Toro_Blanco

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Re: The Ex-Province of SOLLAND
« Reply #400 on: June 12, 2009, 05:30:32 AM »
Kreutzhofen, Southern Wissenland/Solland, Summer IC 2524

The pistoliers were enjoying showing off for the locals; they would take copper coins and shoot them from the sky, or set up pine cones and the like and shoot them off fence posts from twenty paces or more, always to the applause of the delighted villagers.  Hauptmann Mark Holdt was eager to take this assignment; guard duty for an officer always meant a chance to shine before those who determined his pay and rank, and it also meant a chance to show off his unit's marksmanship abroad.  Holdt prided himself not just on their skill, but their showmanship and the dashing way they perfomed in the saddle.  Back home they were called the Gallant Gunners for their ways.  Well, except for Holdt's rival, the dour and ever-so-serious Simon, who preferred to call them "Holdt's Foppish Fusiliers".  Holdt snickered to himself as the name flashed through his head; he may have been a serious old bastard, but no one could accuse Simon of being uncreative.  He had met with the captain of the guard of this town, who had sent a rider with all possible haste to find the elder Uryens de Crux and the Graf of Mortensholm.  Now he was making his way to the inn, where Maialen and Feldon were enjoying a pot of tea and some conversation.  He was never sure what they were talking about; the Seven were notorious for keeping to themselves.  He offered a salute, then bowed as it was dismissed, his monstrously feathered hat nearly sweeping the floor as he removed it with a flourish.  Maialen smirked at his display; the feathers only made his show remind her all the more of the peacock his behavior brought to mind.  "Sir, and Ma'am, I have held conversation with the Captain of the city, and he called commendable cavaliers to carry a communique calling to attention our craving council with the castellan in command of the community we now care for."  The two nodded, and thus Holdt was dismissed, quite proud of himself for this particular statement.  It was no easy task being as impressive in speech as he was in battle, but Holdt knew he would find a way.
The first school of thought is that the ragged-assed Stirlanders, not having two coppers to rub together, nicked it when an elven envoy was passing through the area and had hopped off it to take a pee behind a tree

Offline Uryens de Crux

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Re: The Ex-Province of SOLLAND
« Reply #401 on: June 12, 2009, 11:27:55 AM »
South of Ummenbach, Wissenland IC 2524

It had been easy for the past few day for the Don and the remnants of his Black Company as they began to scavange from the countryside, they had beaten their way past the dwarves and now it seemed there was no one to stop them.

Three nights later though, the first attacks began.

The pickets stood on the outskirts of the camp, staring into the gloom of the moonless night and thinking of their next wineskin or whore. Confusion reigned as without warning they were showered with thick, black, crossbow shafts. Scores of them plunging into the hapless pickets cutting them down without warning.

In the gloom of firelights and torches there could be seen the squat, bulky figures of dwarven rangers sporting crossbows and axes, running into the camp and cutting down the last of the guards as they shouted their alarms.

In the confusion as the camp roused itself the outlying tents of the camp were burned down, and some small supplies and equipment looted but by the time the soldiers were roused, the Rangers were gone.

They had only killed a handful of pickets and burned a few tents, but it had put the Black company on edge.
We go to gain a little patch of ground that hath in it no profit but the name.
The Free Company of Solland

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Offline Inarticulate

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Re: The Ex-Province of SOLLAND
« Reply #402 on: June 12, 2009, 10:17:41 PM »
Ummenbach, Southern Solland/Wissenland IC 2524

Vukan Dragas spurred his mount forwards, Matthias the Black's personal standard held aloft in his left hand, a willow branch in his right. He was dressed in the usual blackened Tilean style armour that struggled to contain his large form. He rode a strong grey stallion from the southern plains, a proud animal that gave the impression of human intelligence.

"Quiet now, boy. Nothing to fear." He whispered as he stroked the grey's neck.

The Monastery had been built on a rocky outcrop overlooking the little village. It was built from the red stone that was common in this area, high vaulted walls supported by thick buttresses and large growths of ivy and creeping plants. a large spire reaching to the sky behind them, also covered in creepers. Vukan thought it looked like a Sigmarite monastery more than one of the wild god Taal and he wasn't far from the truth, the monastery had been built on land previously dedicated to Taal, then once the Sigmarite influence in the area had dwindled, abandoned to the wild and to his priests.

The lone standard bearer was almost at the gates of the monastery before he saw a figure in the entrance way, a wizened staff in his hand, a crow perched on a branch near his head staring intently at Vukan.

The lancer lifted up his visor and waved the willow branch in the air in greeting. "Hail good priest. I come with a message from my lord. Would you see me inside?"
I for one welcome our new flying cat overlords.

Offline Uryens de Crux

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Re: The Ex-Province of SOLLAND
« Reply #403 on: June 15, 2009, 10:01:28 AM »
Ravenswood Manor, Wursterberg, early summer, IC2524

It had been half a day since the dwarf had arrived, lightly armoured, jogging, if you would believe it, to deliver an urgent message to Baron de Crux.

Still the baron raged and shouted in his study.

"Damn his eyes, curse his black heart, how dare he, how can he. He dares to attack my allies at every turn, he dares even to wage war, here, in Solland itself!

I'll feed him his own heart, by the Gods!"

The Baron gripped the edge of his desk, his knuckles white as he fought to control his anger.

"Good dwarf, please, take some food and drink to refresh yourself and avail yourself of my hospitality, then do my family the honour of bearing a message back to your Thane and my old friend, tell him that we shall not forget our oaths of honour and will send troops to stand next to his against this bandit

"Also, bear him this request, to send runners, or a gyrocopter, over the mountains, find a company known as The Dawnstriders, and tell their captain that if they would be friends and allies, to march up the pass to Ummenbach and together we will crush this murderous dog between us."
We go to gain a little patch of ground that hath in it no profit but the name.
The Free Company of Solland

The Barony of Wusterburg

Offline Toro_Blanco

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Re: The Ex-Province of SOLLAND
« Reply #404 on: June 15, 2009, 12:47:27 PM »
Ravenswood Manor, Wursterberg, early summer, IC2524

Eric was not happy with his job as one of the Baron's guards.  Namely, he was not happy because he could hear his lord shouting in a rage in the office behind him, and now an urgent message had arrived.  Sighing, the soldier cursed his bad luck; he'd make that coward Heinrich pay for weaseling his way out of delivering the message.  He knocked on the door, and the exasperated voice of the Baron bellowed at him in turn.
     "By the gods, what!?"
     "Your Lordship, I am sorry to intrude, but there is urgent news.  Representatives from the Dawnstrider Legion have arrived with a small band of outriders; their envoy wishes to speak with you concerning the fate of Mortensholm."
The first school of thought is that the ragged-assed Stirlanders, not having two coppers to rub together, nicked it when an elven envoy was passing through the area and had hopped off it to take a pee behind a tree

Offline Uryens de Crux

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Re: The Ex-Province of SOLLAND
« Reply #405 on: June 15, 2009, 01:13:02 PM »
Ravenswood Manor, Wursterberg, early summer, IC524

"Them eh, well send them in, looks like they chose to arrive in time for something at last, lets see if they will put their money where their mouths are, or whether they are just another buch of bandits"
We go to gain a little patch of ground that hath in it no profit but the name.
The Free Company of Solland

The Barony of Wusterburg

Offline Toro_Blanco

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Re: The Ex-Province of SOLLAND
« Reply #406 on: June 15, 2009, 01:19:46 PM »
Ravenswood Manor, Wursterberg, early summer, IC2524

Maialen and Feldon made their way into the office of Uyrens de Crux, and both nodded politely to the dwarf as they entered.  Maialen gave a curtsy to the Baron, and then introduced herself.  "Greetings, Baron de Crux.  I am Zaubermeister Maialen, of the Dawnstriders.  I have been sent by the General to seek your approval for a proposed plan to protect and tend to the town of Mortensholm, to arrange safe transport for the Graf back to his city, and to discuss any further plans you may have at this time."  She explained to him the agreement they had reached with the Mayor concerning the town's joining the Protectorate, the terms and conditions and what could be expected from both sides, and that all they needed now was his blessing to continue with the defense of the town, the rebuilding and relief effort was already underway regardless of his decision.
The first school of thought is that the ragged-assed Stirlanders, not having two coppers to rub together, nicked it when an elven envoy was passing through the area and had hopped off it to take a pee behind a tree

Offline Uryens de Crux

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Re: The Ex-Province of SOLLAND
« Reply #407 on: June 15, 2009, 01:35:14 PM »
Ravenswood Manor, &ct

Uryens listened to the elf sorceress lay out the details of the "mutual defence" treaty the Dawnstrider proposed. It had merit, for sure, and would free up troops to allow him more action here in Solland, but the finer details would have to be sorted out at a later date.

"It sounds, in principle Feauline Zaubermeister, that this is a treaty we would be happy to agree to, however there are some minor issues with exact percentages, tithes and troop numbers that would need to be gone over in more detail than present time allows.

As for the poor Graff, he is in the care of the Shallyan monastary for the time being, and will be until they say he is well again, until then my agent in Mortensholm can deal with these things as the legal Senschall, but if you have authority to conduct negotiations, then the Baroness de Crux has my authority to deal with you in this.

Now, more pressingly, I have had word that the Black Company led by that Dog Don Mattius has moved up the pass to Ummenbach, tell me, how soon can the Dawnstriders pursue him and together help us wipe this blight from our landscape?"
We go to gain a little patch of ground that hath in it no profit but the name.
The Free Company of Solland

The Barony of Wusterburg

Offline Toro_Blanco

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Re: The Ex-Province of SOLLAND
« Reply #408 on: June 15, 2009, 01:40:37 PM »
Maialen nodded.  She was pleased that the Baron seemed to agree to the overall idea; working out tithes and troop requirements would be simple enough, the important thing was to secure his overall agreement.  She would stay to meet with the Baroness, she decided, and sort out the minor details while the Baron dealt with whatever urgent matters needed his attention.
     "I am certain we can send troops in pursuit immediately, once the General is informed.  By now, he should be in control of the town of Vidovdan.  Shall I send one of my riders back to him?  It should be about a week or so before they arrive in Vidovdan."
The first school of thought is that the ragged-assed Stirlanders, not having two coppers to rub together, nicked it when an elven envoy was passing through the area and had hopped off it to take a pee behind a tree

Offline Inarticulate

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Re: The Ex-Province of SOLLAND
« Reply #409 on: June 15, 2009, 01:41:35 PM »
The Black Company Camp, The Foothills south of Ummenbach, IC 2524

Matthias sat in his camp chair outside his large pavilion, the porch held open by large stakes. The Don was dressed in a black silk shirt, slashed with cream on the sleeves and dark leather riding chaps over black woollen hose, his feet were covered with a pair of dark leather knee-high boots common amongst nobles of the north.

At this time of day he was in a good mood. The sun was shining on this bright summer's day and his men seemed in high spirits because of it. Matthias had set his men numerous chores, mainly scouring the countryside for provisions. A small herd of sheep were standing lazily in an enclosure near the horse pickets ready to be put on the spit for the night's meal. Roast mutton was a favourite of the Don's, he had basically lived off of it most of his life as a mercenary.

On the perimeter of the camp, hundreds of men were labouring to throw up earth embankments - there was no tactical reason for Matthias to erect a fortified camp here, but it put the men to work. The Don liked his men working continuously, it kept them ready for anything.

The night the Dwarf's attacked had been a surprise to General. He hadn't counted on them marching from their stronghold in the mountain to attack him here in the lowlands. It would have to be something he put in his book "The General on Campaign" by Don Matthias Vitec, of which first drafts were going through the printing presses of Nuln.
I for one welcome our new flying cat overlords.

Offline Uryens de Crux

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Re: The Ex-Province of SOLLAND
« Reply #410 on: June 15, 2009, 01:58:24 PM »
Ravenswood Manor, &ct

"Indeed lady Maialen, send your riders, it is always best to send a message of such importance as many ways as possible, and a week or two will see my troops, and that of my Dawi allies positioned to hammer the Black Company, they take no more land than the six feet of earth we give them.

"Now I will give orders for you to be give our finest quest quarters while you are here, and I hope you find your stay pleasant, I hope we can have as good an alliance as can be."


Surrounds, The Black Company Camp, south of Ummenbach, IC2524

The Dawi rangers watched from hidden positions as the invaders built their flimsy camp and scoured the countryside for food and loot. They were too few in numbers to make any real attack, but they could make life difficult for the Humans, killing foraging parties, late night ambushes and setting fires in parts of their camp.

Anything to delay and harrass them until their Thane in his hold could rouse a warband and their Human allies to the north.
We go to gain a little patch of ground that hath in it no profit but the name.
The Free Company of Solland

The Barony of Wusterburg

Offline GamesPoet

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Re: The Ex-Province of SOLLAND
« Reply #411 on: June 16, 2009, 02:13:56 AM »
Ummenbach, Southern Solland/Wissenland IC 2524

Vukan Dragas spurred his mount forwards, Matthias the Black's personal standard held aloft in his left hand, a willow branch in his right. He was dressed in the usual blackened Tilean style armour that struggled to contain his large form. He rode a strong grey stallion from the southern plains, a proud animal that gave the impression of human intelligence.

"Quiet now, boy. Nothing to fear." He whispered as he stroked the grey's neck.

The Monastery had been built on a rocky outcrop overlooking the little village. It was built from the red stone that was common in this area, high vaulted walls supported by thick buttresses and large growths of ivy and creeping plants. a large spire reaching to the sky behind them, also covered in creepers. Vukan thought it looked like a Sigmarite monastery more than one of the wild god Taal and he wasn't far from the truth, the monastery had been built on land previously dedicated to Taal, then once the Sigmarite influence in the area had dwindled, abandoned to the wild and to his priests.

The lone standard bearer was almost at the gates of the monastery before he saw a figure in the entrance way, a wizened staff in his hand, a crow perched on a branch near his head staring intently at Vukan.

The lancer lifted up his visor and waved the willow branch in the air in greeting. "Hail good priest. I come with a message from my lord. Would you see me inside?"
Abbot Heinz Werfel had gone to the front gates to meet the lone vistor on horseback after the Abbey's watchguards had notified him of the lancers approach.

"I'll let you in, and I'll have my watchguards let you out.  Let's step back into the Abbey's courtyard and I'll hear your lord's message.  Feel free to bring your horse."

Abbot Werfel watched as the rider dismounted, and then led his horse past him.  The abbot followed him down through the entry chamber and back into the sunlight of the Abbey's wide courtyard.  No one else was there, which meant the rider had to continue holding the reigns of his horse, but there were soldiers posted on the wall watching from above.

"You said you had a message," and then the Abbot paused just a fraction of a moment before saying, "... and from the looks of the heraldry on your standard, it is from Don Mathias.  What does he have to communicate to me today?"
"Not all who wander are lost ... " Tolkien

"... my old suggestion is forget it, take two aspirins and go paint" steveb

"The beauty of curiosity and creativity is so much more useful than the passion of fear." me

"Until death it is all life." Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra

Offline Derek Contyre

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Re: The Ex-Province of SOLLAND
« Reply #412 on: June 16, 2009, 01:00:39 PM »

Inner Fortifications, Castle Hill, New Solland. IC 2524
Derek and Elayna Contyre walked to the circle that had been staked out in the grass. The both wore close fitting clothes and carried swords and spears.

The swords and spears they lay on the ground near the circle and stepped to the edges and faced one another.
Many soldiers watched this display, as much out of professional interest then to admire the young lady Contyre in her tight fitting hose and shirt. They both bowed with their right hand over the left closed fist.
The young baron von Kell, Uryens the younger watched this display with interest from a shaded spot under a tree. Near Uryens sat two large towels and and several clay pitchers of water. Uryens looked with a casual glance that belied his extreme interest in the young Elayna Contyre who waved at him before settling into a strange sort of fist fighting guard.
At least Uryens thought it was wierd to hold your hands open in front of you.
"Uryens, this is called the guard position, its what every move in this art comes back to before we strike or move again."
"Try to follow our movements." Elayna said over her shoulder.

The siblings leapt toward each other and a flurry of blows passed between them. The two figures broke apart and Uryens was stuck trying to figure out what had just happened.

"Ok Elayna lets take this slowly so our guest can watch."
Elayna laughed and flashed Uryens a sneaky smile and wave before stepping sideways and kicking out at Derek's right knee. Derek bent his knee down and stepped left in to Elayna and threw a puch straight for her head.
She threw her right arm up and her extended hand caught his blow on the inside of the forearm and hooked her hand around his wrist which her nails then dug into. She then pulled him off balance and threw a punch with her left fist into Derek's face. Derek stepped forward with the pull and blocked her punch above his trapped arm. Then he rotated his wrist counter clockwise to break her hold. Then he grabbed her wrist with his hand and punched down towards her neck. 
Elayna stepped to the right and caught Dereks arm and pushed up while pulling her trapped arm down and away breaking his hold.

Uryens followed this exchange easier but couldn't find a place for it in civilised fighting.

Derek and Elayna broke off and walked towards von kell.
"Its hard to learn unless your taught by one who knows what he is doing, our sifu or master in our tounge only taught my sister and me as a favour to my father." Elayna took off her shirt and poured the pitcher of water over her head.
"Well I think its time to go change into something more suited to this climate, I'll see you in twenty minutes when my maids decide to help me."
She walked off, her under garments soaked through.
Derek poured himself a glass of water and drank it down in one.
"My sister, one of a kind isn't she?"
A man who builds his army around his fluff . . . respect . . .  :::cheers:::

Offline Padre

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Re: The Ex-Province of SOLLAND
« Reply #413 on: June 16, 2009, 01:52:46 PM »
Shallyan Monastary, Wursterberg, early summer, IC2524

Once again he opened his eyes expecting to see the trees, hoping to see them, for that would mean the nightmares had ended. All night long the Graf Edric had watched as his men were butchered, some of them being killed over and over again, which made no sense to him but happened nevertheless. His brave knights, tossed to the ground by their wounded mounts, were set upon by knife-wielding devils in the guise of men, who found every gap between the steel plates in which to slide their razor sharp blades, until blood came gushing out, splattering and splashing and spraying until everything was made crimson.
His foot soldiers stumbled over the ragged ground, one by one slipping and tripping on the tangled roots to be overtaken by the black-garbed horsemen pursuing them, and to have spears thrust so deep through them that the points pierced the ground itself.
And worse, worst of all, he had watched as his battered corpses of his loyal men were dragged into heaps to be burned, but not before their heads had been hacked from their shoulders and stuck like grisly trophies upon sharpened stakes to decorate his own land as if it were a garden in hell.
   But there were no trees when he opened his eyes. Instead he saw white washed walls of plaster, and a small, square window through which bright summer’s light poured into the room. He did not know this place. No chamber in his castle of Mortensholm took this form.
   Confused he pushed himself up and sat there upon the edge of the bed in a nightshirt (not his nightshirt) and rubbed at his face with both his hands. Suddenly the door opened, startling him so that he flung himself backwards against the wall and scrabbled at his waist for a dagger that was not there.
   It was not an assailant who stood at the door, however, but a woman. She was garbed as a sister of mercy, a Shallyan nun, with long flowing robes and a large hood lifted into shape by hoops.
   “You are awake, my Lord!” she said, her voice kind and gentle as if she were talking to a child.
   “Yes, I am,” he answered, almost warily. “Where am I?”
   “You are in Shallya’s house, in the town of Wursterberg.”
   “Why?” he demanded.
   “To make you well. Do you not remember your fever? Your cries?”
   He winced. “I do not care to remember.”
   The sister lay down her burden, an earthenware drinking vessel, upon the small trestle table at the foot of the bed.
   “I have brought you something to drink. You need to find your body’s strength as well as your spirit’s.”
   The Graf looked confused for a moment, breathed deeply as if to steady himself.
   “Wursterberg, north of the mountains?”
   “Yes, my Lord.”
   He realised that he must have been sick, that the dreams were not something that had come only last night, but that they must have assailed him for some considerable time, for he could not recall how he had come to be here. Enough of his old self was recovered, however, for a spark of purpose to be lighted within him. He knew that he must find his way back to Mortensholm. Whether to die there or live there, he knew not, nor whether to save it, avenge it or simply to see it’s ruins. But he must go.
   “Clothes,” he ordered, “bring me my clothes.”

Photobucket has now re-destroyed my pictures, so the first half of my collected works thread is no longer working again. To see my website version of the campaign thread, with fully functioning pictures, please go to https://bigsmallworlds.com/

Offline Toro_Blanco

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Re: The Ex-Province of SOLLAND
« Reply #414 on: June 16, 2009, 02:40:31 PM »
Ravenswood Manor, Wursterberg, early summer, IC2524

Three of the finest riders Holdt had were sent with haste back to the Borders.  It was about a week at a leisurely pace, but they were pressing their light riding horses for all they were worth, packing minimal supplies and even leaving behind some of their precious handguns and ammunition to ensure they bore as little weight as possible.  They were determined to be in Vidovdan in four days, even if it broke them.

Maialen, meanwhile, was unpacking in her quarters.  The Baron had not been exaggerating; she had never stayed in such fine accommodations in all the years she had dealt with humans.  It was an immense step up from their comfortable but humble rooms in Dawnbringer Hold.  The General was not very fond of lavish and luxurious things, believing them to be wastes of resources that could be better spent on the soldiers or citizens beneath them.  They certainly had some luxuries and comforts, but not to the extent that the nobles of the Empire afford even for their guests, to say nothing of what the quarters of the Baron himself must be like.  Regardless, she meant to try and meet with the Baroness for dinner, and to discuss the finer details of their agreement, and needed to find something suitable to wear for the occasion.
The first school of thought is that the ragged-assed Stirlanders, not having two coppers to rub together, nicked it when an elven envoy was passing through the area and had hopped off it to take a pee behind a tree

Offline Uryens de Crux

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Re: The Ex-Province of SOLLAND
« Reply #415 on: June 16, 2009, 02:45:07 PM »
Inner Fortifications, Castle Hill, New Solland. IC 2524

Uryens said nothing for a moment, drinking in the sight of the lady as she walked away, torn between admiration and surprise that a noblewoman would act in such a way, adventurers he had met aplenty like that, but a high born woman, raised to the noble life, never.

"She is indeed Derek, she is indeed.

That fighting style, I have seen some of those techniques before, indeed, used them myself, they are common enough in the pit, perhaps less refined, but there nonetheless, excellent in the city where armour is lacking and weapons too at times.

And I am sure on the field of battle too, after all, I myself profess a complete way of fighting, no weapon or trick can go unused when you fight for your life against the fel beasts that beset the Empire.

"Tell me, do you spar every day? I would  like to join you next time."
We go to gain a little patch of ground that hath in it no profit but the name.
The Free Company of Solland

The Barony of Wusterburg

Offline Uryens de Crux

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Re: The Ex-Province of SOLLAND
« Reply #416 on: June 16, 2009, 03:08:32 PM »
Ravenswood Manor, Wursterberg, early summer, IC2524
There was a knock at the door as Maialen unpacked, at her call of "enter" the door revealed a serving girl, immaculately presented, and carrying a fold of cloth over her arms.

The serving girl was clearly nervous, trying hard not to stare and only partly succeeding.

With a stammer she said "Mmmm My L Lady has asked mm me to bring you these garmets for your comfort, she does not presume to dress you but sees you travel light on the road and might want for more comfortable things"
We go to gain a little patch of ground that hath in it no profit but the name.
The Free Company of Solland

The Barony of Wusterburg

Offline Toro_Blanco

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Re: The Ex-Province of SOLLAND
« Reply #417 on: June 16, 2009, 03:20:57 PM »
Ravenswood Manor, Wursterberg, early summer, IC2524

"Such perfect timing" Maialen thought to herself, walking to the servant.  "Is there something the matter dear?  You seem a bit shaken." her voice was gentle, and the concern in it genuine.  She was used to humans sometimes acting oddly around elves, but she never took it for granted that it was her heritage that was the cause of odd behavior, feeling it better to ask and learn than assume.
The first school of thought is that the ragged-assed Stirlanders, not having two coppers to rub together, nicked it when an elven envoy was passing through the area and had hopped off it to take a pee behind a tree

Offline Fog Of Waagh

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Re: The Ex-Province of SOLLAND
« Reply #418 on: June 16, 2009, 03:30:28 PM »

    Ricardo, looking over the map, could not help but question where in Myrmidia's grace he was. His officers and scouts kept reporting that the locals called " it Wentar's teeeth Paaath." Searching his map, over and over he could not help but always glance over and miss the area known as "Winter's Teeth Pass" for he had one problem...  He did not speak Riekspiel. His scouts reported they saw a town ahead, and Ricardo at once found a new goal. Not wishing to loose face, he tossed the map aside letting it fly harmlessly in the wind. Looking around at his officers he spoke clearly for all to hear.

    "Damn Barbarians gave us an incorrect map! We march forward!"

   Kruetzhofen was silent that night, like many towns, the locals were fast asleep in their houses. Those, who were unfortunate and on guard duty, saw before them an interesting sight. A Band of brightly colored soldiers approached the town, each mounted soldier held in their hand a torch, letting their presence  be easily known. Coming to a halt, a good 10 yards from the main entrance the flashy, tanned, and regal looking soldiers greeted the man in a language to which guard had not even the faintest idea of what it was. Looking them over, he could not help but feel awkward starring in silence at these figures, for they returned the glance with questioning stares that only fueled the bafflement. Eventually the guard nodded, seeing how they held no aggressive intentions and still had their weapons clipped and sheathed on their backs. Letting them enter, the guard thought to himself, might have been a bad idea for he soon saw these Riders were not alone. Marching in, in a two man wide colum, the Estalians entered the town for a night of fun and amusement.

    The Estalians had their camp outside the town, but the town's inn was packed full with these mercenaries. Each inn suffered the same fate, soldiers finally able to get off their feat and spend their share on ale, brewed a concoction of trouble. The Estalians had money and fine clothing but what they did not have, were manners. They did not sack or pillage the town, they did not send a militant message of aggression to the town, but they did herass the townsfolk with drunken games and pranks played about. Like kids without a guardian, the Estalians ran rampent about doing what came naturally to them. The night passed away with a roaring constant noise, the sound of soldiers haveing fun.

     The Next Morning, if one could call 3 in the afternoon the morning, awoke most of the Estalians. Even Ricardo himself had an issue rising early. The Townsfolk, who were already awake, began to push the hungover Estalians out of the town. Those soldiers still unable to walk were even wheel-barrowed out of the town and dumped off in the Estalian camp. Through the day, the Estalians recovered their composure and the Townsfolk began to rebuild their trambled belongings. Nothing major was damaged, and the amount of loot spent on the Ale and other drinks for the Estalians more then made up for any harm they did, but the town still felt slighted and it's pride was hurt.
Scream WAAAGH and let slip the Boars of war!

Offline Inarticulate

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Re: The Ex-Province of SOLLAND
« Reply #419 on: June 16, 2009, 09:45:56 PM »

Abbot Heinz Werfel had gone to the front gates to meet the lone vistor on horseback after the Abbey's watchguards had notified him of the lancers approach.

"I'll let you in, and I'll have my watchguards let you out.  Let's step back into the Abbey's courtyard and I'll hear your lord's message.  Feel free to bring your horse."

Abbot Werfel watched as the rider dismounted, and then led his horse past him.  The abbot followed him down through the entry chamber and back into the sunlight of the Abbey's wide courtyard.  No one else was there, which meant the rider had to continue holding the reigns of his horse, but there were soldiers posted on the wall watching from above.

"You said you had a message," and then the Abbot paused just a fraction of a moment before saying, "... and from the looks of the heraldry on your standard, it is from Don Mathias.  What does he have to communicate to me today?"

"My Lord's fame has spread this far north? He will indeed smile at this news - and that is a rare occasion!" The Abbot remained expressionless at this remark.

Vukan stroked his horse's neck, holding the reins tightly in his hand. The place had an unearthly prescience about it, like it wasn't entirely mortal. The hairs on the back of the Knight's head pricked up on end.

"My Lord Abbot, Don Matthias is a deeply religious man who worships all reliable gods of the great pantheon, among those the wise and great Taal. Therefore he has sent me forward to negotiate an arrangement with your Lordship. The town of Ummenbach is caught in a vice between those that remain loyal to His Imperial Majesty Karl Franz and his Great Empire of Man and the Rebel Brigands of the East. Those who seek to place Sigmar as the deity of choice in Wissenland. Therefore My Lordship has extended his hand in friendship to your Monastery and it's beautiful holdings that we may protect you against the predations of the evil Rebels."
I for one welcome our new flying cat overlords.

Offline Derek Contyre

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Re: The Ex-Province of SOLLAND
« Reply #420 on: June 17, 2009, 01:44:03 AM »
Inner Fortifications, Castle Hill, New Solland. IC2524

"Yes, we spar most days, although normally in the morning when the sun rises.
"And yes I do believe there is a system of fighting like that of Imperial soldiers use in close quarters. Fortunately they haven't been taught this style, it really can get quite brutal. Many of the moves are designed to break bones and even use the opponents weapon against them. Something that the lords and rulers of the Empire will surely not like being thrown about as common knowledge.
"Maybe tommorow morning you can join our sword practise, it would be good for my sister and I to fight against an unknown style, we are too familiar with each others moves as it is."
Uryens nodded at this and the two lords walked down to the outer wall.

"Uryens my friend, it is high time I sent a message to your father to view the fortifications here, it would do well to have some more imput on whether or not they are to a quality that would withstand attack if you know what I mean.
"Some constructive critisism, or along those lines."
A man who builds his army around his fluff . . . respect . . .  :::cheers:::

Offline GamesPoet

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Re: The Ex-Province of SOLLAND
« Reply #421 on: June 17, 2009, 01:47:54 AM »
Ummenbach, Southern Solland/Wissenland IC 2524

"My Lord's fame has spread this far north? He will indeed smile at this news - and that is a rare occasion!" The Abbot remained expressionless at this remark.

Vukan stroked his horse's neck, holding the reins tightly in his hand. The place had an unearthly prescience about it, like it wasn't entirely mortal. The hairs on the back of the Knight's head pricked up on end.

"My Lord Abbot, Don Matthias is a deeply religious man who worships all reliable gods of the great pantheon, among those the wise and great Taal. Therefore he has sent me forward to negotiate an arrangement with your Lordship. The town of Ummenbach is caught in a vice between those that remain loyal to His Imperial Majesty Karl Franz and his Great Empire of Man and the Rebel Brigands of the East. Those who seek to place Sigmar as the deity of choice in Wissenland. Therefore My Lordship has extended his hand in friendship to your Monastery and it's beautiful holdings that we may protect you against the predations of the evil Rebels."

Abbot Werfel wondered when these so called Dark Years would end, and perhaps bring some sort of peace to his abbey and the countryside.  And a time when soldiers of the world would stop coming to his door looking to "base" themselves here as one had requested back in the early Spring, and now this one coming to "protect" him.

"Good soldier, the soldiers on both sides of the current situation here in Wissenland are both loyal to Karl Franz.  Their disagreement isn't over anything like for example, say as the rightful ruler of the Empire, and I thank Taal for this.  And both sides have followers of Taal, and Sigmar, and Shalaya, and likely others as well.  You can let your lord know that the issues of this land are more along the lines of old territories ravaged by green skins in our long distant past, with great losses of men and resources, to the point where the territory was given to new rulers, but descendants of the old are interested in seeing a return to the glories of the past.

And regarding your lordships offer, be certain that when you are on your way to see him again, that you relay what you see of our subsistence farmers, and hunters, and yes even those who might be gathering from nature's gifts.  Tell him of how we are happy remaining as neutral as we can so that however things turn out, those same peaceful  people, that you see on your return ride to your lord, are able to continue their simple, yet peaceful existence no matter what the end result may be.  You may also say that yes, I have heard of his reputation, and because of that we suggest that he might find suitable quarters further north.

And listen as well, and perhaps even more so, to what I speak of next, being certain that what I say reaches your lordship's ears ...

Let him also know that Baron Gorim Axehand, a dwarf with ties to both Wissenland and his kin in the mountains through which the Black Company has just passed, rules over the next significant town along his journey north called Mendelhof.  Let your lord know that Baron Axehand might not be impressed with what I heard tell that might have occured as his force made the crossing of the Black Mountains, but at the same time Baron Axehand won't be interested in supporting those from the side to which his messenger has referred to as "rebels".  If Don Mathias is interested in helping Wissenland maintain it's current political situation, then Baron Axehand might be able to point him in the right direction for aiding such a cause."

In the meantime, he may feel free to use the ford over the Oggel River for his march north.  We won't charge he nor his men the usual toll.  And unless you have more, I will instruct my men to reopen the abbey gates?"
"Not all who wander are lost ... " Tolkien

"... my old suggestion is forget it, take two aspirins and go paint" steveb

"The beauty of curiosity and creativity is so much more useful than the passion of fear." me

"Until death it is all life." Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra

Offline Uryens de Crux

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Re: The Ex-Province of SOLLAND
« Reply #422 on: June 17, 2009, 10:32:18 AM »
Inner Fortifications, Castle Hill, New Solland. IC2524

"Excellent, I shall look forward to stretching my muscles in practice against the pair of you.

As for a review of the fortifications, my father will have other duties at the moment, and I am, for all intents, his proxy here. I have also had the privalidge of being schooled in siegecraft in the University at Nuln and would be more than happy to cast my eye over the defences here."
We go to gain a little patch of ground that hath in it no profit but the name.
The Free Company of Solland

The Barony of Wusterburg

Offline Inarticulate

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Re: The Ex-Province of SOLLAND
« Reply #423 on: June 17, 2009, 11:28:36 AM »
Ummenbach, Solland/Wissenland IC 2524

Vukan bowed in understanding. "Very well Lord Abbot. I shall leave you to your peace now."

The Lancer mounted his horse and hefted his lord's standard. The Abbey gates opened serenely for the horseman, as if the gates themselves were allowing the human to pass by their own free will and not forced.

Vukan rode back down to the toll house and met up with his two companions, veteran lancers, both trained by the late Luitpold von Jorgen in mounted combat. The trio then set off across the rolling hills toward the Black Company encampment.


Matthias dismissed Captain Dragas with a casual flick of his fingers. The man was a capable soldier and the Don had plans for him in the future, he had need of a cadre of good officers, the men could be the best trained and veteran in the south, but if their officers fail, the men fail.

Matthias had decided not to trouble the monastery. He had no wish to anger the god of the wild, perhaps the deity would bless him with good weather for his allies and bad fortunes for the enemy. The Abbot had told of a dwarf controlling the next town, who was a loyalist. The Black Company had need of allies north of the mountain.

Vukan was even now riding north to the largest town this side of the Upper Reik, a travelling merchant told of a fortress town named Brennenburg who had a powerful and influential Baron loyal to Wissenland. He had high hopes that the Baron will give the Black Company leave to help in the war effort.


The mercenaries broke camp, destroying the embankments and forming a column north to the ford across a tributary and the Oggel road to Mendelhof. A small detachment of light cavalry marched to Umenbach and took over the toll house near the town. It was always nice to keep an eye on the comings and goings of the Abbot.
I for one welcome our new flying cat overlords.

Offline wissenlander

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Re: The Ex-Province of SOLLAND
« Reply #424 on: June 17, 2009, 10:28:08 PM »
This is me catching back up a bit.

An excerpt from “Ponderings of Lothar Vogel:  The Wonders of a Life Well Spent Without Ever Leaving Brennenburg…Except for That One Time.” Wissenburg Press, 2641

For all of the tension that built outside of the walls, in the spring of 2524, Brennenburg rested easily.  The recent transgressions of a few rabble rousers had been quickly dissuaded, due in no small part to the Graf’s even temper.  Though several were arrested, it was widely regarded as wise to keep one’s tongue.  A trait that was hard for one man to keep, let alone a thousand.  But keep them they did, though that peaceful silence could have been fractured at any moment.

Graf Olenbay thought of passing an edict to make the town dry for a spell, or so the rumors say.  This would surely stop anyone from speaking too freely.  However, one cannot doubt that would cause a larger ruckus than suspending a most popular sport:  insulting the Countess.

The militia was ready and stood alongside the standing garrison of the town in preparations.  Drilling occurred every day and the road wardens patrolled with much more frequency and urgency.  Though firmly in old Solland lands, none in those parts felt the need to rebel.  This fight was one between nobles, not of the common folk.  Still, one never could be too careful. 

No word from Wissenburg had been received since the Countess’ first edict.  Messages came in infrequently from surrounding towns, seeking advice or any news.  Olenbay had nothing to give, and was as eager to receive as those who asked his counsel.  The world has always been a strange and large place, when one thinks of it.  (So large and strange that I never dared to explore it, and at a ripe old age of 96 summers, I see great wisdom in my own words.)  But as information was at a premium with threats looming in the province, I can only imagine it seemed that much larger.  Yet it I cannot help but consider it felt frightfully small all at the same time. 

Inactivity drove the Graf mad, and as a result, he sought to remedy the situation.  In early summer he sent troops to the fringes of his territory.  Men were stationed at Ulferdorf, Ebenzradt and Brogsdorf and ordered to send word as quickly as possible back to Brennenburg if trouble was spotted.  The Barony of Brennenburg sat in a strategic location, and for the moment, Graf Olenbay was content that his strongpoint, the town, sat atop the nearest ford and that his flanks were covered by the Upper Reik and the Oggel.
« Last Edit: June 17, 2009, 11:07:07 PM by wissenlander »
Me and Wissenlander had babies!

not together.

finding photographic evidense that Wiss smiles is going to be hard...