
Author Topic: Border Princes IC 2524 (Linked to the Solland Effort)  (Read 139434 times)

Offline Inarticulate

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Border Princes IC 2524 (Linked to the Solland Effort)
« on: April 01, 2009, 03:13:44 PM »
This is a short narrative linked to the Solland Effort of 2524. It is based around the repercussions of the rebellion on the neighboring kingdoms. I didn't want to put it in the Solland thread as I didn't want to clutter it. 

Northern Border Princes, Spring IC 2524.

Luitpold von Jurgen looked down from the rise at the small hamlet. On the edge of the forest, it had obviously been built around a logging camp. Its people could be seen on their daily business and in the distance the mercenary could make out the vast piles of timber stacked ready for shipment.

His cavalry force had been riding for several weeks now, leaving Dom˛ale as soon as spring came to the black mountains. They’d been moving quietly, avoiding contact which would raise suspicion and this would be the first action of the raiding campaign.

Luitpold turned to his second, Béla Kinizi, a young nobleman with a thin, beardless face native to the Border Princes. “I’d say about 40 souls. Same tactic as always. You lead the second group, I’ll take the loggers”. With these brief words, the Captain spurred his horse across the hill towards the distant treeline, knowing the rest of his 50 man raiding force would do their jobs.

The purpose of this first group was to neutralise the fighting men of the settlement, in this case the loggers themselves, Luitpold had no qualms killing anyone that got in his way. Bela’s group was to round up and contain the rest of the people, and start looting the houses. One last group was equipped with pottery jars full of flammable oils and burning torches – they were to burn the timber and drive the trace horses away.
As his men were approaching the tree line, a keen-eyed logger cried out as he saw the heavy lancers charging towards them, their hooves drumming a tattoo on the dusty ground. The camp was in chaos now, men running in every direction to escape the charge of the mercenary force. A few stout loggers hefted their hatchets and prepared to take the charge, these stalwart men were heavily muscled, thick beards growing from their chins yet they were no match for the lancers. Luitpold set his lance in the crook of his arm, aiming it at the chest of a broad logger with a massive, curved axe. In the last few moments before impact Luitpold could see the man’s face twist into a snarl and the captain felt a flicker of respect for this man – it was said the inhabitants were descended from Norsemen, and in this man Luitpold could believe this rumour.

His lance impacted into the giant’s broad chest, spearing through his ribcage and glancing from his spine. Blood spurted from his mouth and sprayed the captain’s arm with the crimson lifeblood.  The logger was lifted from his feet with the impact of the charge, Luitpold’s lance snapping in the centre, the man’s body being crushed under the iron-shod hooves of the lancers.

Luitpold cursed and threw the broken weapon to the ground, drawing his sword. That would be more money he had to spend on a new one. He quickly surveyed the scene, the few men that had held weapons were on the floor, dying with no loss to his riders. The rest of the loggers were now surrounded around the foreman’s hut, their arms up, surrendering to his men.

At this point, the smaller fire group came riding from the storing area, leading scores of trace horses. Dark plumes of smoke was rising from the burning timber, Luitpold knew he had to act fast from now on, getting his men out of here.

The Captain signalled to the majority of his men to guard the prisoners, riding back to the hamlet with five of his riders. Béla greeted him as he rode into the main street, the populace was under guard in the Sigmarite Chapel and the mercenary lancers were busy looting the town of valuables.

“Sergeant, get ready to move out. The fire team are on their way to burn the houses, any casualties?”
“Yes, Hans Gröber was careless, the big blacksmith got him”. Replied the Sergeant, pointing at the body of a burly smith worker lying in a pool of blood against a wall.

“Sling him on a horse, we’ll take Hans with us” ordered Luitpold, not a hint of emotion on his face.
Béla mounted his horse, calling for his men to get ready. His lancers rushing to their horses as the fires started to spread across the hamlet. The column walked their horses out of the settlement leaving devastation in their wake, the fire group joining the rear of the column leading the stolen horses.

The raid had gone perfectly. Mortensholm’s main import was timber and more actions like this would surely weaken the northern town. Yes, Don Matthias will be pleased at this result.

« Last Edit: April 02, 2009, 06:13:07 PM by Inarticulate »
I for one welcome our new flying cat overlords.

Offline Toro_Blanco

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Re: A Preemptive strike. (Linked to the Solland Effort)
« Reply #1 on: April 01, 2009, 04:25:29 PM »
Great little story!  Messaged you in regards to it  :icon_mrgreen:
The first school of thought is that the ragged-assed Stirlanders, not having two coppers to rub together, nicked it when an elven envoy was passing through the area and had hopped off it to take a pee behind a tree

Offline GamesPoet

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Re: A Preemptive strike. (Linked to the Solland Effort)
« Reply #2 on: April 02, 2009, 12:18:55 AM »
Very good story. :icon_cool: :eusa_clap: :::cheers:::

Don't know if you actually played this raid as a small warhammer scenario or not, but there is a scenario used during the Crisis in Marienburg Campaign that could be used for this kind of thing.  I'll actually be using it for some of the activities that my Averland mercenary will be doing, and those involved with the Solland event are also actually playing games, taking the results, and turning them into stories like this as well.  I've already got one such game down a few weeks back, one lined up for the weekend, and other's planned.  Uryens and Padre will very likely even be playing at least one if not more against each other, which will very likely make it to here as one of Padre's picture stories.

By the way, there is quite a bit still moving forward behind the scenes of what you see on the Ex-Solland thread at the moment, but stay tuned, because we will be getting some more stuff up on that thread, and we might include you and your character(s) on one of the lists as well.

We are already enjoying having you on board with this event. :icon_biggrin:
"Not all who wander are lost ... " Tolkien

"... my old suggestion is forget it, take two aspirins and go paint" steveb

"The beauty of curiosity and creativity is so much more useful than the passion of fear." me

"Until death it is all life." Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra

Offline GamesPoet

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Re: A Preemptive strike. (Linked to the Solland Effort)
« Reply #3 on: April 02, 2009, 12:22:11 AM »
Also ... it might make sense to have all your stories in the one thread where the rest fo your fluff is located.  An admin for this site can move these posts there for you (and might anyway) because this is how these types of things are often conducted on W-E.  (And an Admin can feel free to eliminat this post here, too.) :icon_cool:
"Not all who wander are lost ... " Tolkien

"... my old suggestion is forget it, take two aspirins and go paint" steveb

"The beauty of curiosity and creativity is so much more useful than the passion of fear." me

"Until death it is all life." Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra

Offline Warlord

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Re: A Preemptive strike. (Linked to the Solland Effort)
« Reply #4 on: April 02, 2009, 01:42:16 AM »
Also ... it might make sense to have all your stories in the one thread where the rest fo your fluff is located.  An admin for this site can move these posts there for you (and might anyway) because this is how these types of things are often conducted on W-E.  (And an Admin can feel free to eliminat this post here, too.) :icon_cool:

Thats really up to inarticulate...
Quote from: Gneisenau
I hate people who don't paint their armies, hate them with all my guts. Beats me how they value other things over painting, like eating or brushing teeth.

Offline Karl Voss of Averland

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Re: A Preemptive strike. (Linked to the Solland Effort)
« Reply #5 on: April 02, 2009, 02:06:21 AM »

I sexually violated the cat.  When we have children I will push harder for this time honored and enjoyable tradition

Remembering what Rufas started and endures in us all

Offline GamesPoet

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Re: A Preemptive strike. (Linked to the Solland Effort)
« Reply #6 on: April 02, 2009, 02:33:36 AM »
Also ... it might make sense to have all your stories in the one thread where the rest of your fluff is located.  An admin for this site can move these posts there for you (and might anyway) because this is how these types of things are often conducted on W-E.  (And an Admin can feel free to eliminate this post here, too.) :icon_cool:
Thats really up to inarticulate...
Works for me, thanks. :icon_cool:
"Not all who wander are lost ... " Tolkien

"... my old suggestion is forget it, take two aspirins and go paint" steveb

"The beauty of curiosity and creativity is so much more useful than the passion of fear." me

"Until death it is all life." Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra

Offline Toro_Blanco

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Re: A Preemptive strike. (Linked to the Solland Effort)
« Reply #7 on: April 02, 2009, 04:57:02 AM »
Author's Note: I discussed responding to this story, and interacting with inarticulate's army via this thread, earlier in a PM, and so am posting my army's interactions with his here.  In the event he wants this merged with his other fluff, I trust you'll figure out a suitable way of moving mine with it?

Johann watched the smoke rising from the burning lumber yard, the few hovels and cottages smoldering as the fires worked their way through the easily incinerated wood and hay.  He wasn't sure if the prisoners had been taken with the raiders, or just the horses.  It didn't matter either way; he had been safe in his hiding spot in the boughs of a tree just at the edge of the treeline, and hopped to the ground once he was quite certain the raiders were gone and not coming back any time soon.  He made his way further into the forest, and found his horse, riding east as fast as the light mount could carry him.

Arathos and Brimcon met with the scout when he returned, and were a bit surprised by his news.  Something was definately up in the West, and a meeting of the Seven Strangers was called in response to it.  In Arathos' war room, a table with seven chairs around it (three to either side, with one at the head of the table and the opposite end facing the door) were the only furnishings.  The tabletop was an engraved map of the Border Princes, with movable pieces to denote the ever-changing borders and positions of known settlements, armies, and other things that warranted watching.  Arathos sat at the head of the table, with Kelyddon and Maialen to his left and right, respectively.  Next to them sat Brimcon and Feldon, and finally Eathelyn and Erberk.  Johann stood at the foot of the table, opposite Arathos, and recalled the events he had witnessed.  After he finished his story, Arathos mused for a moment.  "You're certain these men are in the employ of Dom˛ale, and Don Matthias?"  Johann nodded soberly.
     "Brimcon sent six of us to watch Dom˛ale when word of their mustering was received.  I personally saw these men ride out from the land, and into this hamlet.  They are men under the employ of the Black Company, I would stake my life upon it."  Arathos nodded, and rose from his seat.
     "Thank you, Johann.  You may go."  The man gave a salute, which Arathos dismissed before he departed.  The general then sighed, and took a seat.  "Well, there we have it.  Don Matthias is on the warpath, and clearly is moving at targets to the north of him.  So, what do we do?"
     "If I may, General," Feldon began, not truly waiting for an answer.  The Seven were very much equals in one anothers' eyes, and deference to the General was more a show of respect than true subordination.  "These lands, to the West, they are outside our borders, are they not?  I don't see why we should concern ourselves overmuch with what happens there."
     "I did not think you would," Eathelyn replied, showing a bit of distaste for his words.  "You are not concerned about the lives of innocents being lost, and their property destroyed?  Don't answer that, Feldon.  I think we know what you would say about it."  Maia shot a disapproving glance at her; the tension between Eathelyn and Feldon often bubbled close to the surface, and she did her best to curb it when she noticed it.
     "I don't show concern for strangers; we have people here who need us, and our protection.  Moreover, we have our obligations to them.  Should we really risk the lives of our soldiers, and harm our ability to protect those in our charge, for people that lay beyond our borders?" he countered.
     "We don't really have borders, as I understand them Uncle," Kelyddon leaned forward to look down the table at Feldon.  "We're not a...well, any sort of feudal realm, or merchant rulers.  We're just enforcers, protectors.  We uphold the law, and protect those who need us.  Isn't this as much our concern as anything?"  There were a few nods, but Erberk coughed and straightened in his chair, a sure sign he had decided to speak next.
     "Ye can nae police the entire world, lad.  We may be out to provide justice where naught's to be found, but we have to stay within our limits.  Do we have the troops to fight both the Black Company, and those Black Spear Orcs if they come back this summer?"  Erberk looked to Arathos for an answer to the last question, though as Marshal of the Infantry Erberk prided himself on already knowing the answer.  Arathos, for his part, did not answer immediately.  He stood up, and walked around the table, looking at the map.  Maialen took advantage of the silence to speak her mind.
     "I think we're all jumping to conclusions," she began, "in assuming this will come to bloodshed.  We all know how dangerous things looked when we dealt with Hallenburg two years ago.  They had a sizable militia and had even put up a wooden palisade around the hamlet, yet we managed to absorb their entire force and work with the village without a single drop of blood being spilled in the process.  There is something going on, but we should find out what, precisely."
     "What if he attacks more villages while we try to talk with him?"  Kelyddon asked.
     "Then he attacks," Arathos answered before Maialen could.  "I agree we must speak with him immediately; I'll go, along with Erberk and Maialen.  We'll speak with this Don Matthias, find out what we can, and see if we can handle this peaceably."
     "That may not be enough, General," Brimcon interjected, speaking for the first time in the conversation.  "My scouts are saying he looks ready to move, in any direction.  He could just as easily be headed our way as north."  The room was quiet a moment, then Arathos reached for some of the pieces on the table that represented troops in the Legion.
     "We'll send the Sentinels to patrol the western edge of our, we'll say protected lands.  The nearest town to Dom˛ale is Marheim, and we can station two units of infantry there, with handgunner detachments, to make sure any attack is at least forced to slow, or even halt for a time.  We don't have a great deal of soldiers to spare, but a show of force and patrols will hopefully convince the Don that, if he is out for war, that easier pickings lay elsewhere.  Any questions?"  The room was silent, and Arathos nodded.  "Very well; you are all dismissed.  We will leave for Dom˛ale tommorow; the rest of you return to your duties."
The first school of thought is that the ragged-assed Stirlanders, not having two coppers to rub together, nicked it when an elven envoy was passing through the area and had hopped off it to take a pee behind a tree

Offline Padre

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Re: A Preemptive strike. (Linked to the Solland Effort)
« Reply #8 on: April 02, 2009, 08:46:12 AM »
I have to say, Inarticulate and Toro-Blanco, this is all excellent fluff/stuff! It's great to see that the Solland effort has encouraged players/writers to explore what's going on in the Border Princes too.

When I get time I will try to pm you guys about Mortensholm and Graf Edric, then maybe I can come up with some stuff that fits yours. I need first to read more closely and properly absorb the background you put up before these two peices, otherwise I could mess things up.
Photobucket has now re-destroyed my pictures, so the first half of my collected works thread is no longer working again. To see my website version of the campaign thread, with fully functioning pictures, please go to https://bigsmallworlds.com/

Offline Uryens de Crux

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Re: A Preemptive strike. (Linked to the Solland Effort)
« Reply #9 on: April 02, 2009, 09:34:05 AM »
 :eusa_clap: :::cheers:::

Good stuff guys, very well written.
We go to gain a little patch of ground that hath in it no profit but the name.
The Free Company of Solland

The Barony of Wusterburg

Offline Inarticulate

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Re: A Preemptive strike. (Linked to the Solland Effort)
« Reply #10 on: April 02, 2009, 11:29:24 AM »
Thanks for the replies, guys and the for the escalation of the story, Toro_Blanco! I'll see if i can do something more before your envoys reach my town.

Also ... it might make sense to have all your stories in the one thread where the rest fo your fluff is located.  An admin for this site can move these posts there for you (and might anyway) because this is how these types of things are often conducted on W-E.  (And an Admin can feel free to eliminat this post here, too.) :icon_cool:

Sorry, I can if you want stick these pieces in the Solland thread, but I didn't want to disrupt the 'planning' flow you have on there, as us in the Borderlands aren't directly influencing in the Solland effort (yet) and are basically a side-story I felt it would be good to put it in a separate thread.

Don't know if you actually played this raid as a small warhammer scenario or not,

Yup 500pt Skirmish between my all cavalry force and a guy's Marauder Warband (I thought it'd be close enough) I can write a Batrep if you want. I changed some of the details to make it fit into the scene i wanted.

We are already enjoying having you on board with this event. :icon_biggrin:

Why thankyou, I'm enjoying the campaign immensely.

I for one welcome our new flying cat overlords.

Offline Inarticulate

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Re: A Preemptive strike. (Linked to the Solland Effort)
« Reply #11 on: April 02, 2009, 12:06:16 PM »
Another short story to represent the early territorial gains my King is making in the central Border Princes

The Town of Moslac, Central Border Princes IC 2524.

Thomas Viteč, brother to the Don, dropped down from the stagecoach door, his long legs swiftly walking the few short steps to the door of the meeting house. It was a simple design, like much in this town, one storey and covered in white plaster, terracotta tiles on the roof. Behind him, two servants struggled with a heavy chest.

As Thomas approached the door, it opened, an old militiaman beckoning them inside. The smell of woodsmoke assailed the Captain as he entered the dingy atmosphere. He walked towards the waiting Elders of the town, one he knew as Ladislaus, a politicking fool. He shall be easily swayed, thought Thomas.

“What are you to do here foreigner?” spoke out Ladislaus.

“I come with the compliments of my lord, good Elders. And a gift of gratitude.” The servants carried the chest forward, placing it on the ground before the assembled town leaders. The lid snapped open revealing a small fortune in gold and silver.

At this sight, many of the old men sat up straighter in their seats, greed in their eyes. Thomas chuckled at this, stomping down on the chest with one large foot, closing off the view of the money.

“Of course, we want something in return...” said Thomas silkily.

“That would be?” enquired Ladislaus, his eyes still on the box.

“My Lord has bestowed the opportunity for your town to be under his protection. Who knows what perils are out there?”

“Pah, you seek to steal the town from under our noses?” replied a man from the far right side.

Thomas turned to this man; he was younger than the rest and fiery. “Steal? My good man, nothing but! I am merely suggesting that your citizens enjoy being safe from marauding bands of Greenskins and your petty neighbours who do not have the morals like my Lord.”

The man made to rebuke, but Ladislaus put up his hand, silencing his fellow. “And if we refuse your... kind offer?”

“Then the Don will be forced to take your town by force. He has one thousand men across the river, ready to move.” Replied Thomas, staring Ladislaus down. The Moslacan looked away.

“I will have to speak to my companions, to discuss this offer.”

“Very well, you have three hours.” With that Thomas turned his back on the assembled elders, his servants picking up the chest once more ad they made their way to the door. Thomas had no doubt Ladislaus would cave, the fool had no stomach for fighting. A smile spread across his features as he thought of the seventy-five men he had brought with him, camped across the river.

I for one welcome our new flying cat overlords.

Offline GamesPoet

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Re: A Preemptive strike. (Linked to the Solland Effort)
« Reply #12 on: April 02, 2009, 05:35:04 PM »
Thanks for the replies, guys and the for the escalation of the story, Toro_Blanco! I'll see if i can do something more before your envoys reach my town.
Yes, I echo Padre's enthusiasm over how the Solland Effort is serving as a catalyst for more folks to expand into the Border Princes with such games and stories! :::cheers:::

We can all thank Capt. Gerntass for having included the Border Princes in some of initial Solland fluff, and from this it is only natural that events in one part of the world could trigger other events in other locations. :icon_cool: :eusa_clap:

Also ... it might make sense to have all your stories in the one thread where the rest fo your fluff is located.  An admin for this site can move these posts there for you (and might anyway) because this is how these types of things are often conducted on W-E.  (And an Admin can feel free to eliminat this post here, too.) :icon_cool:
Sorry, I can if you want stick these pieces in the Solland thread, but I didn't want to disrupt the 'planning' flow you have on there, as us in the Borderlands aren't directly influencing in the Solland effort (yet) and are basically a side-story I felt it would be good to put it in a separate thread.
Actually, I could see it go either way.  The mountains are certainly enough of a barrier to keep the threads seperate.  My only suggestion at the moment would be to change the title of the thread so that it is more encompassing and we don't end up with multiple Border Prince threads.  Perhaps something more along the lines of "The Border Princes, 2425 (Linked to the Solland Effort)".  Then folks can have their own individual fluff threads, but everyone can write stories in here about what is happening in the Border Prince region as well. :icon_cool:

Also, if we keep all the Border Prince stories in one thread it will be easier for everyone involved to keep track of what's happening here, while at the same time we are running what's happening in the Ex-Solland thread.  But having too many threads could make things difficult for us to stay up with and potentially risk losing some focus.

By the way, I've been using some minor characters in other campaigns that are associated with Matorea, and I might at some point even contribute something here, too. :icon_wink:

Don't know if you actually played this raid as a small warhammer scenario or not,
Yup 500pt Skirmish between my all cavalry force and a guy's Marauder Warband (I thought it'd be close enough) I can write a Batrep if you want. I changed some of the details to make it fit into the scene i wanted.
Sounds super!  From my view, this hobby is about gaming, modeling, and story telling, and the Solland Effort is designed to do more of what we love doing, and have all three aspects work together in contributing to the over all enjoyment.  And without some of the time pressure associated with the shorter, yet also fun, internet campaign games.  :::cheers:::
« Last Edit: April 02, 2009, 06:12:50 PM by GamesPoet »
"Not all who wander are lost ... " Tolkien

"... my old suggestion is forget it, take two aspirins and go paint" steveb

"The beauty of curiosity and creativity is so much more useful than the passion of fear." me

"Until death it is all life." Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra

Offline Captain Gerntass

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Re: A Preemptive strike. (Linked to the Solland Effort)
« Reply #13 on: April 02, 2009, 06:05:50 PM »

We can all thank Capt. Gerntass for having included the Border Princes in some of initial Solland fluff, and from this it is only natural that events in one part of the world could trigger other events in other locations. :icon_cool: :eusa_clap:

  :-)well thank ye all, I take my hat off to ye.
But I couldn't take all the praise, I only started the solland thread, the actual campaign belongs to the brainchilds GamesPoet and Uryens de Crux, they are the heart and brain of it all.
So a special thanks to you two, and to all the others that have taken an interest and expanded to give it new life to go with the old.


Long live the Crown of Solland

Offline Toro_Blanco

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Re: A Preemptive strike. (Linked to the Solland Effort)
« Reply #14 on: April 02, 2009, 06:12:38 PM »
The Town Of Marheim, Central Border Princes, IC 2524

The small town was not, by any stretch, a potent and defensible spot, but it would hold well against most attacks.  The Dawnstriders had aided the villagers in raising a wooden palisade around the town's perimeter, guarding the houses and town hall.  The fields and pastures were outside the walls, meaning that in the even of an attack or a raid, the crops and livestock were likely to be destroyed.  This did not concern Oberst Karl Haufman, who was in charge of the town's guard (a group of about 20 soldiers stationed in the town at all times).  Their duty was to lock the palisade's gate, arm the villagers, and hold out until the greater body of the Dawnstrider Legion could arrive to break the seige.  He was therefore very surprised to begin his usual walk around the palisade (checking the timbers for signs of rotting or weakness) and spot the banner of the General himself cresting the horizon, along with two entire units of infantry and handgunners following behind them.  Spearheads glittered in the sunlight, and the tramp of boots was audible in the quiet morning air.  He rushed over to the general on horseback, and offered a quick salute.  "General, sir!  What's going on?"  The general halted, but the infantry moved on towards the town.
     "We've got trouble coming, Oberst.  I've dispatched these men to handle the defense of your town, for the time being.  I'll be needing a coach, if you have one; a pair of good horses stocked with supplies if you don't."  The Oberst nodded, and went off to handle the demands, a bit worried that so much was happening this early in the year.  Within a few hours, both units had turned his humble town into a makeshift fortress, looking for extra wood to cobble together into crude catapults and expanding the palisade into a true defensive wall, complete with battlements.  Later that day, as sunset approached, a band of heavily armored knights arrived in the town.  A portion of the Border Sentinels had arrived to begin patrols of the nearby land, and in a pinch would be able to commit to the defense of Marheim.
     Marheim was on the extreme western end of the Dawnstrider Legion's protected territory, and would certainly be the first target, Arathos reasoned.  A coach was found in the town, a bit plain compared to most, but it served the town's elder well when he traveled to discuss trade with nearby villages.  Arathos, the elf Maialen, and the gruff dwarf Erberk climbed aboard, and rode off with a pair of soldiers handling the task of driving the horses.  Even though sunset and the night was upon them, Arathos was eager to arrive at Castello Viteč as soon as possible.  On the way, he relaxed in the coach, his arm around a sleeping Maialen's waist as Erberk sat across from them smoking his pipe.  "You think we'll be able to handle an all out war with the Black Company, Erberk?"
     "Mmm...tough to say, lad.  We did nae fight in that chaos mess up north, and he did.  Brought back a fair bit of gold and soldiers, I hear.  Of course, we've got our own ways of recruiting, and we've got a right fair sized force; been a long time since we faced an army and lost, so we're doing well for ourselves."
     "Perhaps," Arathos looked out the window, pondering.  "But then again, we've mostly been fighting orcs and small groups of bandits, or livestock raiders.  This would be the first time in a long while since we fought a foe that could truly be considered dangerous."  Arathos sighed, trying to settle into a sleep as the coach moved quickly through the night.  Erberk continue puffing away contentedly, and Arathos' last thoughts were wondering if dwarfs ever slept.
The first school of thought is that the ragged-assed Stirlanders, not having two coppers to rub together, nicked it when an elven envoy was passing through the area and had hopped off it to take a pee behind a tree

Offline Inarticulate

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Re: Border Princes IC 2524 (Linked to the Solland Effort)
« Reply #15 on: April 02, 2009, 06:28:06 PM »
Thomas was indeed right about the town elders caving to Castello Viteč. His men marched into the town late that afternoon and fortified the town and river crossing – a strategic point as it was the only place an army could cross this far north. The town was also good in that it was on a major crossroads on the Khyprian road and the old Solland road leading north. The first stage of Matthias’ plan for the east was over, and now Thomas rode quickly to his Army's camp in the Trebleca Hills, north of the town.

I've lined up a battle this saturday with an Empire player who has taken interest in the campaign from what I've explained to him and has agreed to help me out with a game or two. He says he's going to take a fluffy choice for a border princedom, so I'm expecting militia!

« Last Edit: April 02, 2009, 06:32:46 PM by Inarticulate »
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Re: Border Princes IC 2524 (Linked to the Solland Effort)
« Reply #16 on: April 02, 2009, 09:51:48 PM »
Looking good so far :eusa_clap:
Also, this seams to be a good spot for me to start going into more detailed fluff/story for the Hellenic league and the Dukedom of Arnorlas, they are allied now with Mortensholm, I'll leave everything happening within the Empire in the Solland thread, here I can do some more seperate characters that will cover the repercutions/story in the BorderLands.

If thats alright with every body.
Long live the Crown of Solland

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Re: Border Princes IC 2524 (Linked to the Solland Effort)
« Reply #17 on: April 02, 2009, 10:33:23 PM »
No worries,

It's not looking good for Don Matthias, he'll need to find allies fast if my primary target is allied with Arnalos and Myrmidons. (Looks like I might be forced to ally with those damned Wissenlanders?) Not to mention the Dawnstrider Legion.

Yeah GP thought that'd be a good idea too to put all Border Prince efforts in this thread and the Imperial stuff in the Ex-Solland thread.
I for one welcome our new flying cat overlords.

Offline Toro_Blanco

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Re: Border Princes IC 2524 (Linked to the Solland Effort)
« Reply #18 on: April 03, 2009, 05:56:15 PM »
The Gates to the City of Dom˛ale, IC 2524

The coach slowed as the fortress city came into view, making its way along the road that meandered through Dom˛ale's outlying fields and orchards.  The two Dawnstrider soldiers driving the coach checked to make sure their rifles were loaded and ready as they approached the gates.  Uncertain if the gates would be open during the day, and even if they would be welcome to enter if so, the coach came to a halt just outside the city, and the soldiers aboard the coach informed the guards of Dom˛ale that General Arathos the Dawnbringer, General of the Dawnstrider Legion, had come to speak with the leaders of Dom˛ale and the Black Company.
The first school of thought is that the ragged-assed Stirlanders, not having two coppers to rub together, nicked it when an elven envoy was passing through the area and had hopped off it to take a pee behind a tree

Offline Padre

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Re: Border Princes IC 2524 (Linked to the Solland Effort)
« Reply #19 on: April 03, 2009, 06:19:45 PM »
Yetsin Valley, Hvargir Forest, Northen Border Princes, IC 2524, Spring

“I think that’s the last of them, my lord Edric,” said Captain Vincent. “Or should I say, if there are any more camps then they can hold nothing more than a mere handful of goblins. The scouts can find nothing of any significance either to the east or the west. If any Greenskins went south, then they will no doubt have been dealt with by the Dawnstriders.”

Graf Edric scanned around the smouldering remains of the settlement, his eyes picking over the corpses to estimate their size, while his warhorse snorted as if in disgust at the smell.

“Aye, I think this is the last. This lot were little more than a goblin band themselves – there’s hardly any here that would merit the name of orc. And you are not wrong about the fate of any foolish enough to have gone south. I reckon, Vincent, our work here could well be done. Call the captains, I will speak with them.”

Vincent turned his own horse away and cantered over to the little raised knoll nearby. Once atop it, he took the horn that hung from the pommel of his saddle and blew a long clear note.

Every head turned to look at him, but then most (the common soldiery) went back about the gory business of dispatching any goblins that still lived, and the no less bloody work of tending their own wounded men. Only the officers left what they were doing and began to make their way over towards him.

Young Josef Schaap, commander the Graf’s Pistoliers, arrived first. He too was mounted, and upon a sprightly steed.

“Ho, Vincent,” he cried, cheerfully as ever. “Hot work, eh? Though these runts are not worth our powder. I told the boys to use their swords instead. Less fun, harder work, but cheap, eh?”

Vincent grinned. “Now that’s a shame. I know how much you and your boys like to make a noise. Maybe you can ….

Vincent’s imminent attempt at humour was cut short, for the Graf had ridden to his and interrupted, speaking in a more sombre tone,

“Be glad you have your powder, captain. You might need all of it yet. This goblin hunting is just the start of our troubles this season. Almost sport, I should say, compared to what we might well face. Remember that there are plenty of rulers jealous of our little realm, not least Don Matthias.”

By now the other captains had gathered, most on foot for they commanded swordsmen and halberdiers and has jointly chosen to march with their men and thus share their hardships. Nearly all were old mercenaries or men raised from the ranks of the militia, and as such they had few allusions to gentleness or grandeur. They were hard men for a hard land.

The Graf raised his hand and they all halted to listen to him.

“You have done well and you have my gratitude. It gladdens me to know that Mortensholm has such fine warriors to defend it. But you do not need me to flatter you, for you all know what we have done this past winter. More of us died from the cold snows than from goblin arrows, but the very fact that we all persevered, until the work was done, proves that you are deserving of flattery.
“I will speak plain, for there is little time. I am aware that some of you thought my decision to continue the campaign was reckless, seen in light of the Ogres who arrived at Mortensholm. I understood your concerns, but I also knew that I could trust Don Alonso to find a way to deal with the brutes. He did. He fed them, kept them suitably entertained, and thus cleverly obtained a force to guard Mortensholm through the winter. I doubt the Ogres knew it, but they kept Mortensholm safe through the coldest months. Well, now they have gone north, lured away by the promise of gold and ale over the mountains. This is no bad thing – we could not risk them staying longer, not with the trade routes opening and the herds to be sent out grazing once more. It does mean, however, that we just now return to Mortensholm, and do so quickly.

“There is trouble brewing. I do not trust Don Matthias, he is an Empire builder, and a greedy man. He may well have gone north to fight for the old land and the Emperor, but he will have gained from doing so. Mark my word – he is not the sort to sacrifice himself. He will have returned stronger than ever.

“Don Alonso’s garrison is entirely sufficient to withstand a siege of weeks, if not months. And if they have to, the population of Mortensholm can withdraw into the fortress for protection. Knowing this, I am convinced that Mortensholm could not yet be lost. But we should return, and hastily, for I would not have my subjects, your family and friends, suffer needlessly.

“So, prepare your men for the march. Our foray here has ended.”

Vincent blew once more upon his horn, and unfurled the blue and white standard. All the soldiers knew that they must reform their bodies, and all rushed to do so. There was not loot here to distract them, not in goblin camp, and so they obeyed happily and instantly. They knew they must surely be going home.
Photobucket has now re-destroyed my pictures, so the first half of my collected works thread is no longer working again. To see my website version of the campaign thread, with fully functioning pictures, please go to https://bigsmallworlds.com/

Offline Inarticulate

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Re: Border Princes IC 2524 (Linked to the Solland Effort)
« Reply #20 on: April 04, 2009, 06:52:04 PM »
The City of Dom˛ale, Central Border Princes, IC 2524

Salvatore, head servant of the House Viteč, rushed along the narrow corridor, herding serving girls and waiters burdened with silver trays of wines and sweetmeats. Nobody would think of the Don uncivilised on his watch.
The strangers had arrived earlier in the day riding in a small carriage, three of them, one of them a dwarf, Salvatore noted, with distaste, such an unclean race the dwarfs. The guests were in the oak room, the other side of the palace from the kitchens and it was severely frustrating setting up a civilized dinner.

Stefan, brother to the Don lounged in the chair, his fat gut filling its recesses completely. He looked to the strangers, notably this 'Arathos' character, a man that radiated power, interesting fellow, thought Stefan.

"So glad to recieve such honoured guests, it has been long since we've had to use the reception room. Forgive me for being discourteous but, what warrants such a splendid visit?" The fat man smiled, showing a gold tooth, his many chins wobbling.

Padre - Matthias and Luitpold are with the army atm, crossing the Upper Tona Dante river - iIve got the narrative, but it's on another computer.
Fought a battle today, 1.5k empire vs me representing Thomas Viteč's attack on the town of Vidovdan. Got a narrative batrep on the way.
I for one welcome our new flying cat overlords.

Offline Toro_Blanco

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Re: Border Princes IC 2524 (Linked to the Solland Effort)
« Reply #21 on: April 05, 2009, 05:05:40 PM »
Arathos found the large man in front of him a bit disconcerting.  He had no idea that Don Matthias' brother was so enormously fat, and was astonished that a man of such a phenomenal military reputation could have such a...well, "unique" brother to be polite about his evaluation of this Stefan Matthias.  Maialen sat next to him, quietly enjoying the wine that had been brought to them while Erberk sniffed the mug of ale they had supplied.  While his staff knew enough of dwarfs to bring beer, and quickly, they did not know enough to realize how picky dwarfs are about their drink. Erberk sighed and pushed the mug away, reaching for his pipe.  The wine was better quality than the beer, Arathos decided as he had a taste.  He was rather impressed by the size of the Don's personal estate, and thought how best to proceed with this discussion.
     "Well, it would seem rude to ignore a neighbor when they arrive, and the increase in size of your family's holdings has, effectively, made us neighbors.  Not literally, for if my memory serves me there are still a number of small villages and fields between the edges of your lands, and the lands under my stewardship, but much closer than we were in the past.  I've come to discuss how we may best coexist, and survive in these extraordinarily harsh lands."
The first school of thought is that the ragged-assed Stirlanders, not having two coppers to rub together, nicked it when an elven envoy was passing through the area and had hopped off it to take a pee behind a tree

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Re: Border Princes IC 2524 (Linked to the Solland Effort)
« Reply #22 on: April 05, 2009, 06:29:25 PM »
Stefan sniffed and wiped his mouth of the wine, though much of it stained his small beard.
"Ah, but we've been here for ten years. Only now have you graced us with your presence! So let us not dally with these formalities. What are you really here for, unannounced and with no fanfare."
I for one welcome our new flying cat overlords.

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Re: Border Princes IC 2524 (Linked to the Solland Effort)
« Reply #23 on: April 05, 2009, 06:32:33 PM »
The Trebleca Hills, South of Vidovdan, Border Princes IC 2524

Thomas Viteč stood silently with his men, surveying the field of battle. The enemy, under the young Duke of Vidovdan had brought out more men than he thought and he knew his small force would be hard-pressed to win this fight. His brother, Matthias, had given him but two hundred men to take the towns of Moslac and Vidovdan, and then to secure the trebleca river and hold the crossings. Thomas was sceptical from the start.

His army stood in their battle line, waiting for the Vidovdans to array their full force. Forty pikemen, assembled in two units stood in the centre, a wall of steel. Duellists, their swords gleaming, their clothes dashing and their beards trimmed flanked the pike blocks, protecting their vulnerable sides. Two units of Crossbowmen stood behind the infantry, their powerful bows well oiled and ready to fire. Between the crossbows, the faintly comical sight of Halflings with their short bows made ready, flexing their little arms and hurling insults at the crossbowmen. To the left, a small cannon made ready, the crewmen setting up their ammunition and chatting to the wizard, Pietro Pizatti, a strange Tilean with a flowing dark beard. On the right a unit of Lancers, stood with their horses, showing off in their armour - much to the distaste of the lightly-armed scout cavalry next to them.

The enemy army had now fully lined up in front of them, units of spearmen – pale imitations of Imperial State Troops made up the majority of the force. Militiamen, crossbows and archers made up the rest of the force, a mercenary cavalry unit stood on the flank, facing Thomas’ own cavalry.

Thomas looked up at the sun, the time was upon them. He raised his arm to his captain, Laszlo Besovic, and then marched his pikemen forward, trumpets blaring in the bright sun, dust being kicked up from the marching men. A flurry of crossbow bolts flew over his head, slamming into the enemy, punching men from their feet, causing a small unit to flee the field. The cannon suddenly boomed, smashing into the ground in front of the largest unit of spearmen, burying itself a few feet from the front rank. The enemy troops had started moving forward now too, marching directly at his pike blocks. They also let loose their own missiles, arrows raining down on his men, mostly clattering off armour but a few found weak spots and un-armoured body parts.
Thomas’ cavalry moved forwards, seeking to hit the flank of the enemy infantry but keeping a close watch on the mercenary knights of the Vidovdans. Arrows were starting to take its toll on booth sides now, but the Black Companies’ were much more effective, making another small unit fleeing away and greatly diminishing the other enemy units. The cannon missed again a slight wind causing the ball to go vastly wide. His men kept on marching towards the enemy spearmen, the men confident in their ability to take the poorly trained troops. There was suddenly a great crash as the enemy cavalry slammed into his own lancers, causing a horseman to fall from his horse.

Then there was a counterattack by the light cavalry and a unit of duellists, surrounding the knights, unhorsing two, making them rout and be cut down by the vengeful lancers. Well, thought Thomas that was that problem out of the way. The two infantry forces were getting closer now, and he could make out individual faces. He halted his pikes, his sergeant calling out orders to get his men ready to receive the charge. The crossbows let fly with another flurry of bolts, crashing into the enemy again, sending down their front rank. As the enemy were getting ready to charge, Thomas felt and heard a massive explosion, the cannon had misfired, exploding and sending bits of metal flying in every direction. Thomas turned to see the Wizard, Pizatti, stagger from the smoke, looking rather surprised, his beard singed badly. He couldn’t see the cannon crew.

Then the enemy infantry hit into his line, they had superior numbers but the pikes had the advantage of greater reach, killing scores of the enemy to little loss to his own men. Thomas himself had to fend off several blows from the enemy desperate to make a name of themselves by killing a captain. In a brief respite from the fighting, Thomas looked across to see his cavalry running down some archers and crossbowmen, destroying their missile troops. The spearmen and pikemen were still fighting furiously, the enemy standing their ground. Then the duellists leapt into the rear of the enemy, their twin swords and daggers slashing into spearmen and militia, cutting down droves.

The enemy were fighting desperately now, and losses were mounting on both sides, the pikes and spears punching men from their feet, the duellist swords disembowelling and slashing men. Yet the duellists were starting to take losses, their un-armoured bodies easy prey for a good thrust. The tension was mounting, the balance wavering. Thomas caught a glimpse of a large man in the enemy troops carrying an elaborate standard and calling out to his troops, stiffening their resolve. Thomas slashed this way and that, making his way to the banner bearer, calling out a challenge to the man. He hefted his longsword, steadying his shield arm and leapt at the man, slashing at his throat. The enemy captain parrying his blow with a battlehammer and slamming into Thomas’ shield. They fought like this for some time, men falling around them. Both of the combatants were tiring, their heavy armour weighing them down until Thomas managed to slam his sword deep into the enemy’s side, tearing into the man’s vital organs, killing him outright.

Thomas hefted the enemies’ standard, waving it for all to see before throwing it to the churned up mud. At this, most of the enemy infantry broke and ran, led by the poorly trained militia. The light cavalry and duellists harrying them into the hills. They had done it, outnumbered; the Black Company had prevailed once again.

Matthias will be pleased, the towns of Moslac and Vidovdan were vital crossings on the river Trebleca, and Vidovdan commanded the southern entry to a pass through to the empire. All that was left would be to dig in and recruit more men. There were rumours about a well armed professional army holding sway over many eastern towns, Thomas was worried they might try to cross the river.

Thomas was indeed right about the town elders caving to Castello Viteč. His men marched into the town late that afternoon and fortified the town and river crossing – a strategic point as it was the only place an army could cross.

A win for me, though he didn't exactly have a strong list - we wanted to go for a narrative battle, and not disrupt the campaign.

I for one welcome our new flying cat overlords.

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Re: Border Princes IC 2524 (Linked to the Solland Effort)
« Reply #24 on: April 06, 2009, 07:39:08 PM »
Looks good. :icon_cool:

I've been writing a story over the weekend from the Matorean perspective of things, and combining some of the fluff from the madalfred website with what has been happpening on this thread, along with alittle creativity as well.  I need to revise it a bit, and then I'll post it.  Not sure how much I'll be able to follow it up because of what else needs to be done with The Solland Effort, but we'll see.

Also, I've associated Matorea with the CiM and A3 campaigns by incorporating ships and their captains being based out of its port.  I envision it being a town that has had various different rulers with different backgrounds over the course of its history, but with a sea based economy remaining through out.  The madalfred site has them currently under Bretonnian rule, and since the Bretonnian army book alludes to possible future Errantry Wars, I've assumed that this is what has happened between 2522 and 2524, along with the rest of the locations listed on that site as being under Bretonnian rulers.  However, I've included the local Matorean military based on Imperial organizational principles, although this doesn't mean the current Bretonnian land lord doesn't have their own force, and I'm planning on creating some for such use as well, hopefully over the upcoming summer.  I could see the Matorean's perhaps at some point even being irritated enough by the Brets, where by they switch sides during the conflict if an opportunity to reclaim their land occurs.
« Last Edit: April 06, 2009, 07:56:30 PM by GamesPoet »
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