
Author Topic: Border Princes IC 2524 (Linked to the Solland Effort)  (Read 139435 times)

Offline Padre

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Re: Border Princes IC 2524 (Linked to the Solland Effort)
« Reply #500 on: May 29, 2009, 07:40:39 AM »
Mortensholm, Central Border Princes

Mayor Alonso Was dismayed at what had become of his house. It had been thoroughly looted, then for good measure vandalised and wrecked. His fine mullioned windows were all broken, the glass smashed and crunching under foot in every room.

Of course he knew it must have been the Black Company men who did this, or the blasts from their grenadoes, but a niggling little part of him wondered if this damage might not have been so bad if he had not stayed with the alliance army so long and had instead come back here as soon as he came over the mountains. He had political enemies in the town, and they might well take pleasure in adding to his discomfort.

Then again, he was not actually sure his enemies had survived. His own Lord, the Graf, had been stripped of his wits and made into a babbling fool. From what Alonso saw of the town, he was sure that there must be many survivors similarly broken.

There was a clattering outside the room, someone stumbling over the fallen beams and rubble, and Alonso clutched at his dagger's hilt instinctively.

"Mayor Alonso," came an unfamiliar voice, "I was told I could find you here. Is that you?"

The voice's owner appeared in the doorway. He was a soldier, one of
Captain Joost van Rooyen's men by the looks of him, and by his accent. He was wearing his armour, breatsplate and chain, as if about to give battle any moment. But Alonso knew that Joost's men seemed ever ready as if bred for war and unable to dress for anything else.

"Yes, as you can see you have me here in my magnificent home. I would offer you a seat if I had one to offer."

"Your honour, the Captain wishes you to join him at the eastern tower. There are emissaries of the Dawnstriders there."

Alonso sighed.

"I wondered how long it would take for the noble protectors to arrive. No doubt they wish to offer their peculiar brand of 'protection' now that the Black Company is gone and the danger is over. Oh, and of course there will be the matter of the 'contributions' expected of us, now that we have been thoroughly robbed and have nothing of value left."

"Your honour?"

"Nothing. Forget I spoke. Lead on, young fellow. I would advise you go by the main street for the lesser lanes, though shorter, are almost impasable."

Photobucket has now re-destroyed my pictures, so the first half of my collected works thread is no longer working again. To see my website version of the campaign thread, with fully functioning pictures, please go to https://bigsmallworlds.com/

Offline Toro_Blanco

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Re: Border Princes IC 2524 (Linked to the Solland Effort)
« Reply #501 on: May 31, 2009, 02:47:38 PM »

Arathos nodded to the translator.  "We are offering a simple agreement; 10 gold crowns per man and 75 per artillery piece that moves to lay siege to Vidovdan.  If the town falls, your men shall have plundering rights, provided there is no slaving or raping.  The townsfolk themselves are to be unmolested.  I wish to try and convince them to give up the town without a fight as you lay siege.  Regardless of which outcome happens, if we take the town with minimal looting and damage, I shall add another chest of gold on top of your pay as a 'no damage' bonus.  You'll essentially be paid a handsome amount of gold to march around and look menacing.  After Vidovdan is successfully taken, I will give you a map leading you to the leaders of a war effort in the Empire, along with a letter informing the noble in charge that your services will be of use to him.  I am certain they will hire you; he's made it clear to me they need all the help they can muster."


Mayor Alonso made his way alongside the soldier to the Eastern Tower.  As they got within sight of it, the Mayor saw a crowd had formed around the Dawnstrider soldiers.  This was not in and of itself surprising; the people were likely curious about this latest band of soldier.  When he got closer and had to make his way through the crowd, he saw the true reason.  The soldiers were handing out food, water, and what clothing and blankets they had to spare to the people.  They explained to the Mayor they were ordered to give everything they could spare to the people when they arrived.  The Mayor was led inside, where a man in purple and black and an elf in a teal dress were waiting.  Both bowed to greet him as he entered the room, Captain van Rooyen already there and waiting.  The she-elf spoke to him first.
     "Greetings, Mayor Alonso.  I am Zaubermeister Maialen, of the Dawnstrider Legion.  I thank you for taking the time to meet with us.  The General sends his condolences about the state of your town; we've just pushed the Black Company out of Moslac and it is a terrible sight there as well.  We've come to offer your town a place in the Protectorate, so that the current garrison can return to aid the Solland effort and your own people can begin rebuilding in earnest."  Mayor Alonso seemed suspicious as he listened, but Maialen smiled and went on.  "I have sent word to Moslac to send food, surgeons, and new blankets and clothes, regardless of what you decide here.  Would you like to hear the terms, Mayor?"
The first school of thought is that the ragged-assed Stirlanders, not having two coppers to rub together, nicked it when an elven envoy was passing through the area and had hopped off it to take a pee behind a tree

Offline Padre

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Re: Border Princes IC 2524 (Linked to the Solland Effort)
« Reply #502 on: May 31, 2009, 03:24:02 PM »
None of this was what the Mayor had expected. Not only was he surprised that a she-elf was present, never mind that she would do the talking, but the offer she made was generous, even kind.

He wracked his brains to work out what trickery there could be here. He could recall stories from his childhood that told of the elves' wily cunning, of bewildering feats of ledgerdemain and acrobatics, of a persuasiveness born from an unnatural charm, an almost magical glamour. Yet here he felt none of that. The elf looked entirely mortal, quite earnest, and spoke in a very plain manner. Perhaps this is what the elves of the Dawnstrider legion were like, having mixed so long with men and dwarfs? Or perhaps this in itself was part of the trick?

He needed time to think. He looked at the captain to ascertain his reaction but the soldier stood there as if on parade, entirely inscrutable.

"Well," he said, "Zaubermeister, your offer is very kind and it would be cruel of me not to accept all the aid you can give. The people here have indeed been most cruelly treated, roughly manhandled, and robbed thoroughly by the Black Company vermin. Tell me your terms. If they are both fair and just I shall not refuse them."

The she-elf smiled. The Mayor now played his card, the trick that would give Mortensholm a 'get out' if necessary. He wanted it accepted even before he heard the terms, and then no-one could accuse him of being ungrateful after he had heard them.

"But know this," he continued, "my lord and master Graf Edric must surely return to this his realm, and when he does, any agreements made by such as the captain and I, being mere lieutenants, would have to be ratified by him. If he was not pleased, then the terms would not stand."

It was the mayor's turn to smile.

"If you wish to proceed in light of this condition, then speak on."

Photobucket has now re-destroyed my pictures, so the first half of my collected works thread is no longer working again. To see my website version of the campaign thread, with fully functioning pictures, please go to https://bigsmallworlds.com/

Offline Toro_Blanco

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Re: Border Princes IC 2524 (Linked to the Solland Effort)
« Reply #503 on: May 31, 2009, 06:07:47 PM »

Maialen nodded to his conditions.  "Absolutely; I intend to head north after this meeting and secure the approval of the Graf and his lordship the Baron.  There is no need to delay the security and rebuilding of this town, nor the arrival of the good Captain's reinforcements to their homes in Solland.  As for our terms, they are very simple and, I think you will find, more than reasonable.  We expect your town's soldiers and standing garrison be incorporated into the Legion.  You will pay the monthly salary of the troops stationed in your town, along with a small additional tax to the Protectorate as a whole.  In exchange, any time your town must call upon reinforcements we will send any forces needed to drive off the enemy.  We have a strong artillery train, complete with a steam tank and the experimental yet dangerous Helstorm rockets of Nuln, a sizable heavy cavalry force, and excellent scouts and infantry.  In addition to protecting your town, and ensuring you always have access to an army far larger than Mortensholm could ever field on its own, our soldiers are never allowed to be lax in their work.  The General insists that when they are not busy training or defending, they must work on improving the lands and the towns.  They will pave roads, clear forests, build homes and structures, and in general aid your people in their day to day lives.  Our soldiers always earn their keep.  We also ask that you cooperate with the other Mayors and elders within our Protectorate; obviously the more we work together, the more prosperity we enjoy and the better able we are to stand as one when brigands and invaders come for our homes."
The first school of thought is that the ragged-assed Stirlanders, not having two coppers to rub together, nicked it when an elven envoy was passing through the area and had hopped off it to take a pee behind a tree

Offline Inarticulate

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Re: Border Princes IC 2524 (Linked to the Solland Effort)
« Reply #504 on: May 31, 2009, 10:49:32 PM »
Twenty miles south of Domzale, Border Princes

Las stumbled along the rough track, a man behuind him grabbed his shoulder steadying him. The boy smiled his thanks and walked on. They had been walking for several days now, a column of around eight hundred refugees from the devastated town, led by a Priest of Myrmidia in the hope they could find refuge among the southern towns, away from the war and the monsters.

After the fall, and subsequent massacre of the town, the few remaining refugees had been harassed by Ogres for several miles, then the monsters must have grown bored and returned to the hell-hole that Domzale had become to get their share of the plunder and food.

Las was exhausted, yet he was still frightened of the prospect of leaving his family, the boy was now completely alone and walking among strangers to a town of Bretonnian invaders that could in all probability turn them away and rob them.

Moslac, Border Princes

The Nightman awoke with a cry, he was covered in mud, almost un-recognisable as a human being, he could just as well be a part of the landscape. His clothes were town, his body battered and cut. Amazingly, his repeater bow was in pristine condition and lying on a boulder not two feet from him.

As Alphonse scrambled to a small copse of trees, he could see the thousands of enemy troops settling down in a new camp on the western bank of the river, away from the battlefield. It seemed they were making ready to march on Domzale and the rest of Karoly, Alphonse wondered what the Don was doing about it.

Vidovdan, Border Princes

Matthias, the King of Karoly sat in the headman's house in the small town. His army had arrived there just that morning to the relief of the garrison. Vidovdan had no walls and was situated in a terrible defensive position without a fort or castle. If the enemy were to assault it, the garrison would be overwhelmed almost immediately. Matthias decided that tomorrow, his army, swelled with the garrison of Vidovdan would move on to the pass to the Empire.

Perhaps north, Matthias could extort some villages. Or maybe just loot and kill the inhabitants.

Either way he'd get rich and have his vengeance.

I for one welcome our new flying cat overlords.

Offline Uryens de Crux

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Re: Border Princes IC 2524 (Linked to the Solland Effort)
« Reply #505 on: May 31, 2009, 11:10:51 PM »


sorry, carry on...
We go to gain a little patch of ground that hath in it no profit but the name.
The Free Company of Solland

The Barony of Wusterburg

Offline Toro_Blanco

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Re: Border Princes IC 2524 (Linked to the Solland Effort)
« Reply #506 on: June 01, 2009, 08:30:02 PM »
Dawnbringer Hold, Schwarzbaum

Thomas Vitec was pacing around the courtyard; no word from either the General or his aides in nearly a week, and he was wondering how the war was going, and if his brother had managed to relieve the defenders at Moslac in time.  His time among the Dawnstriders had been well enough, considering he was a prisoner.  He was allowed out of the hold and into the courtyard any time he desired, and allowed a nice guest room rather than a cell.  He had not seen his other brother, Stefan, since their falling out, and he now took his meals in his quarters rather than in the dining room.  A guard approached him, not one of the usual pair assigned to watch him, and Thomas nodded to him.

"Herr Vitec, the General wishes to inform you that we have taken Moslac.  The Grand Army of Solland has forced the King of Karoly from the town of Mortensholm, which we are now in the process of reinforcing.  Domzale has been plundered by ogres, and your eldest brother is missing.  The General has offered you a chance to meet with him in Vidovdan to negotiate the surrender of Karoly; if you refuse, you are welcome to remain here as his guest."
The first school of thought is that the ragged-assed Stirlanders, not having two coppers to rub together, nicked it when an elven envoy was passing through the area and had hopped off it to take a pee behind a tree

Offline Inarticulate

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Re: Border Princes IC 2524 (Linked to the Solland Effort)
« Reply #507 on: June 01, 2009, 09:39:52 PM »
Dawnbringer Hold, Schwarzbaum

Thomas nodded to the soldier, "I'll leave immediately, please. Arrange a horse and suitable attire for me."

The Soldier nodded and strode away. His companion waited with the noble.


Late that night Thomas and an escort of twelve Sentinels rode out of the western gate of Schwarzbaum on the road to Moslac and the war.
I for one welcome our new flying cat overlords.

Offline Toro_Blanco

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Re: Border Princes IC 2524 (Linked to the Solland Effort)
« Reply #508 on: June 01, 2009, 09:56:58 PM »
OOC: Inarticulate, if you don't mind, I'll be adding a unit of Black Company halberdiers to my actual gaming army in honor of what's happened here!  I just need to know a bit from you about how you envision them dressing and such, so I can model them properly.  That and their standard: same as the standard of Karoly, or would they fight under something different?  It's going to modified a bit to represent their new home in Legion, but I want this unit to feel precisely like it is: Karolingian expatriates fighting for their new leader.
The first school of thought is that the ragged-assed Stirlanders, not having two coppers to rub together, nicked it when an elven envoy was passing through the area and had hopped off it to take a pee behind a tree

Offline Inarticulate

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Re: Border Princes IC 2524 (Linked to the Solland Effort)
« Reply #509 on: June 01, 2009, 10:11:19 PM »
OOC: Inarticulate, if you don't mind, I'll be adding a unit of Black Company halberdiers to my actual gaming army in honor of what's happened here!  I just need to know a bit from you about how you envision them dressing and such, so I can model them properly.  That and their standard: same as the standard of Karoly, or would they fight under something different?  It's going to modified a bit to represent their new home in Legion, but I want this unit to feel precisely like it is: Karolingian expatriates fighting for their new leader.

Wow, I am indeed honoured by this! Their armour, in my list is heavy, so they'd need to have slightly more armour than usual (sadly imperial halbs don't get heavy armour). The standard can be whatever you want it to be, the Karolingian standard is Red and black stripes. Maybe use that with the dawnstrider emblem, or a shield on it with the dawnstrider colours?

I for one welcome our new flying cat overlords.

Offline Fog Of Waagh

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Re: Border Princes IC 2524 (Linked to the Solland Effort)
« Reply #510 on: June 02, 2009, 01:04:05 AM »
   Ricardo spoke to the translator, the conversation was quick and to the point. The translator spoke how how Ricardo found the deal strange, but worth it, over all the night went on without incident from the Estalians. Ricardo's last words were: "We await your orders then, as well as your gold."
Scream WAAAGH and let slip the Boars of war!

Offline Toro_Blanco

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Re: Border Princes IC 2524 (Linked to the Solland Effort)
« Reply #511 on: June 02, 2009, 01:30:05 AM »
Moslac, Central Border Princes

The city was alive with activity the following morning; the Black Halberdiers went with most of the artillery, cavalry, and the swordsmen to Domzale.  The remaining swordsmen and handgunners and artillery were going to remain behind in Moslac to garrison the city.  The Estalians were given a notice from Arathos that morning along with their initial pay, telling them to move out with the greatswords and spearmen to Vidovdan.  The rest of the cavalry raced to Mortensholm with a regiment of spearmen in tow, situated on the backs of their horses, along with all the surgeons they could spare and a few wagons of food and other relief supplies.  Frederick was placed in charge of the garrison, and given a stern lecture by Erberk to keep the town secure and in one piece.  Vidovdan was not far, and Arathos hoped to be in the town square before Thomas Vitec arrived (assuming he planned to meet at all).
The first school of thought is that the ragged-assed Stirlanders, not having two coppers to rub together, nicked it when an elven envoy was passing through the area and had hopped off it to take a pee behind a tree

Offline Fog Of Waagh

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Re: Border Princes IC 2524 (Linked to the Solland Effort)
« Reply #512 on: June 02, 2009, 01:33:11 AM »
    The Estalians grumbled as they all were rudely awaken by their overseers, the seargents and officers cracked their whips and got the army up and moving. Ricardo, having had a good sleep and a morning wash, was already at the head of the newly forming column, ready to lead his posh gaggle of officers and army towards the town of Vidovdan,
Scream WAAAGH and let slip the Boars of war!

Offline Toro_Blanco

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Re: Border Princes IC 2524 (Linked to the Solland Effort)
« Reply #513 on: June 04, 2009, 01:39:04 PM »
Vidovdan, Central Border Princes

The army of the Dawnstriders, along with their Estalian mercenaries, formed up outside the city, taking care to ensure the locals saw the artillery being moved into position to shell the city.  A group of soldiers went forward under a white flag, and called out to the people of Vidovdan to meet with them, and parlay.

Domzale, Central Border Princes

Rheinhardt and his men could tell they were getting close to Domzale.  Forward scouts had been sent out, and were calling out messages to let the ogres know, if they were still present, that an army of men were coming to meet with them and discuss paying them for the town.  Rheinhardt was not sure if they still were squatting in the ruined city, but he and his men were to do all they could to relieve the people of the danger of an occupying ogre force.  If that meant attacking the ogre army, so be it.  He hoped they could simply shove the ogres onto someone else's lands, and begin rebuilding the town.
The first school of thought is that the ragged-assed Stirlanders, not having two coppers to rub together, nicked it when an elven envoy was passing through the area and had hopped off it to take a pee behind a tree

Offline Padre

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Re: Border Princes IC 2524 (Linked to the Solland Effort)
« Reply #514 on: June 04, 2009, 03:31:47 PM »
Domzale, Central Border Princes

The Bull came running across the square towards Agrabog and Jublig. Not a sight Agrabog saw that often, and vaguely comical. He chuckled. In his army, if there was running to do then gnoblars were usually sent to do it.

This Bull was a young warrior, with few scars about his person. Maybe his youth was why he was in so much of a rush? Or, thought Agrabog suddenly, maybe something bad was happening?

Realising that the drink was probably slowing down his thinking a bit, he leaned over and prodded Jublig.

“Wake up, fool! Something’s up.”

Jublig opened one eye, then started to yawn. When it turned into belch, the surprise opened his other eye.

“What?” he said.

By now the Bull was standing before the pair of them. He assumed Jublig’s enquiry was directed at him, so he spoke.

“Great Lord and Master, begging your pardon, but there’s something I have to tell you and I’d like to be doing that now for it’s something that can’t wait.”

Agrabog scowled at him. The Bull simply stood there.

“What?” shouted Agrabog. It was loud enough to make Jublig sit up straight and shake off the last vestiges of sleep.

“Oh, aye!” said the Bull. “There are soldiers outside, coming ahead of an army, and they’re telling us lads that they want to buy the town off us.”

Agrabog grinned widely. He’d been wondering if anyone would pay for the town, but there didn’t until now seem to be anyone to demand a ransom from. Everyone who had been in the town had either run away or been killed.

“How much?” asked Jublig.

The Bull looked confused, as he shifted his look to Jublig to Agrabog and then back again.

“I said, ‘How much?’” repeated Jublig. “How much will they pay.”

Agrabog grabbed the board in front of him with one huge hand and flipped it right over, scattering the contents (mostly drinking vessels and bones) across the courtyard. He stood up at the same time.

Sounding exasperated he shouted even louder at Jublig,

“Well, let’s go and find out!”
Photobucket has now re-destroyed my pictures, so the first half of my collected works thread is no longer working again. To see my website version of the campaign thread, with fully functioning pictures, please go to https://bigsmallworlds.com/

Offline Toro_Blanco

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Re: Border Princes IC 2524 (Linked to the Solland Effort)
« Reply #515 on: June 04, 2009, 03:52:39 PM »
Domzale, Central Border Princes

Rheinhardt looked about him with disgust.  There was no sign of survivors, and the gates of the city were smashed open, revealing the ruin and devastation filling the town within.  He directed his horse a bit closer to the gates, his standard bearer following him.
     "Grandmaster, sir, are we to fight these brutes?"
     "I would prefer not to, but we only have so much gold.  Perhaps we can pay them off with the beer and food supplies."
     "Then what will we eat, sir?"
     "That's not your problem to worry about, soldier.  Now, keep quiet.  They're coming.  Let's keep this fast, I hear ogres get hungry during long meetings, and we all know they're not picky about what to put on their plates."  The two lumbering brutes coming towards him were likely the tyrant and his chosen champion.  Rheinhardt held up his hand to them, palm outward.  He wasn't sure if this would mean anything to them, but it was worth a try.  "Hail, ogre lords!  We have come to discuss the terms of purchasing this town from you."  The larger of the two glowered at him a moment.
     "How much?"
     "I have a chest of gold, and a wagon of beer, liquor, and food."  He waited as the ogre tyrant pondered the offer.
The first school of thought is that the ragged-assed Stirlanders, not having two coppers to rub together, nicked it when an elven envoy was passing through the area and had hopped off it to take a pee behind a tree

Offline Inarticulate

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Re: Border Princes IC 2524 (Linked to the Solland Effort)
« Reply #516 on: June 05, 2009, 10:50:11 AM »
The Pass of Karak Gantuk, North of Vidovdan, Border Princes IC 2524

Matthias looked upon the small dwarf army assembled before him. He was confident his experienced army would have no trouble against them, they were such a small force and he had double the numbers of men.

The march through the pass had gone well so far, they had sacked the dwarf town of Khazid Svargunkor with minimal losses and had gained many chests of gold and wagons of food. They had then marched further down the pass toward the dwarf hold, always watched by dwarf rangers from the mountainsides. His men had even spied a dwarf mechanical monster in the sky screaming at his men. Some of his crossbowmen had loosed bolts at the contraption and it had fled from range.

Then, while approaching the hold, his army had come across the host of the lesser hold. He had to break through the line of steel to reach the Empire itself.

Vidovdan, Border Princes

Mjork, council elder of Vidovdan, and previous first advisor to the deceased Graf walked out to the parley of Dawnstriders, telling the soldiers that the evil black Company had gone from here, north toward the Empire.

I for one welcome our new flying cat overlords.

Offline Padre

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Re: Border Princes IC 2524 (Linked to the Solland Effort)
« Reply #517 on: June 05, 2009, 01:01:18 PM »
Domzale, Central Border Princes

Agrabog smiled, showing his massive, sharp teeth in all their hideous glory.

“That’s your offer, eh? Well I’ve done this more times than Jublig here has sat on a gnoblie, and I know all about haggling.”

Jublig was turning on the spot to see if there was a gnoblar behind him. Agrabog ignored him and continued…

“How about, for a town as pretty as this one, you make that two chests of gold, two wagons of beer, and more food?”

Jublig had got back to where he started and growled,

“He said liquor too, don’t forget the liquor.”

“Oh aye,” said Agrabog, “and the liquor.”

Suddenly there was a huge thunderous roar, startling several of the Dawnstrider men so that they jolted. Rheinhardt did not flinch, but frowned and looked at the town walls.

“Oh, and powder too,” said Agrabog, “because those idiots keep wasting theirs. I want black powder too, three budge barrels - big ones.”
Photobucket has now re-destroyed my pictures, so the first half of my collected works thread is no longer working again. To see my website version of the campaign thread, with fully functioning pictures, please go to https://bigsmallworlds.com/

Offline Toro_Blanco

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Re: Border Princes IC 2524 (Linked to the Solland Effort)
« Reply #518 on: June 06, 2009, 01:23:35 AM »
Vidovdan, Central Border Princes

Arathos nodded to the council elder.  "Then I shall speak with you in the morning.  We wish to discuss Vidovdan's joining the Dawnstrider Protectorate; I am pleased we did not have to drive the Black Company out of here beforehand.  In the meanwhile, return to your people, and assure them we have not come for butchery and conquest.  If you join, it will be peacefully and freely."  With that he left to go to his command tent, dispatching orders to pay the Estalians their bonus for the city being intact, and to draft a letter for Ricardo to take with him to meet Baron de Crux.  A messenger arrived that night to hand the sealed scroll to Ricardo along with a map outlining the speediest route for them to arrive in Solland.  There, Ricardo was told, the Baron Uyrens de Crux would almost certainly have work for them.

Later that night, the cavalry escort arrived from Schwarzbaum.  Thomas Vitec was escorted into Arathos' command tent to speak with the General.  Arathos nodded to him as he entered.  "A pleasure, Herr Vitec.  Have a seat, and we shall discuss this as gentlemen."

Domzale, Central Border Princes

Rheinhardt sighed.  The General would not be pleased with these terms, but he had no intention of wasting more manpower fighting ogres.  The city would need to be reconstructed, and the refugees rounded up and returned.  "Your terms are acceptable.  Oberst, head to the wagons and arrange for the supplies they demand to be brought up at once."
     "But sir-!"  Rheinhardt cut him off with a nasty glare.  The standard bearer nodded and rode off to the supply train.  Rheinhardt looked back to the ogre tyrant.
     "Do you happen to know where any of the residents are, ogre lord?  Have they all fled or," here Rheinhardt paused.  He didn't want to offend the ogre by suggesting they'd eaten most of the residents, but then again he wasn't sure if they'd find that offensive.  "Or met an unpleasant end?"
« Last Edit: June 07, 2009, 04:21:39 PM by Toro_Blanco »
The first school of thought is that the ragged-assed Stirlanders, not having two coppers to rub together, nicked it when an elven envoy was passing through the area and had hopped off it to take a pee behind a tree

Offline Fog Of Waagh

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Re: Border Princes IC 2524 (Linked to the Solland Effort)
« Reply #519 on: June 07, 2009, 01:46:34 PM »
Ricardo, after seeing the chest of gold slide heavily into his tent, could not help but grin. He had just arrived and he had not lost a single man, but already his coffers had grown. Turning to his circle of officers and Nobles, he began to inform them of their new mission, their new orders. Displaying the map, Ricardo spoke of supply lines and of tactics to use on the march, the idea of tactics and most military associated talks bored most of the Nobles, causing Ricardo to cut his speech short and find a quick end to it.

When Ricardo finished, the whole room nearly erupted with. "What, by Myrmidia's grace, is Solland?!"

That night, the Estalian camp once more began to pack itself up, there was no haste in their actions, after all they did have their gold finally.
Scream WAAAGH and let slip the Boars of war!

Offline Inarticulate

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Re: Border Princes IC 2524 (Linked to the Solland Effort)
« Reply #520 on: June 07, 2009, 06:13:38 PM »
Vidovdan, Central Border Princes

Thomas Vitec dismounted from his horse and followed the guard into the General's tent.

Arathos nodded to him as he entered.  "A pleasure, Herr Vitec.  Have a seat, and we shall discuss this as gentlemen."

Thomas nodded back and took the camp chair offered, reversing it and sitting down. "What do you want of me, Don Arathos? I was quite happy as a captive."
I for one welcome our new flying cat overlords.

Offline Toro_Blanco

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Re: Border Princes IC 2524 (Linked to the Solland Effort)
« Reply #521 on: June 07, 2009, 08:01:39 PM »
Vidovdan, Central Border Princes

"Look, Herr Vitec, this is a pointless conflict.  Your hometown is plundered by ogres, and your conquests are now freed and taken by us.  Your brother took what remained of the garrison here, and left for the Empire.  Now, I'd like this formally settled and ended so we can go about rebuilding your homes, repopulating these cities, and strengthening my garrisons so their safe.  I'd prefer to have you on my side through this, for the sake of the people."
The first school of thought is that the ragged-assed Stirlanders, not having two coppers to rub together, nicked it when an elven envoy was passing through the area and had hopped off it to take a pee behind a tree

Offline Inarticulate

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Re: Border Princes IC 2524 (Linked to the Solland Effort)
« Reply #522 on: June 08, 2009, 06:28:58 PM »
Vidovdan, Border Princes

Thomas was surprised at the gruffness of the General's statement. "Don Arathos, I agree with you, this war has been costly for both sides. I can help you, surely? By blood right, I should have governorship over the lands ruled by my brother." he took a deep breath. "I hear you say that Ogres have pillaged fair Domzale, If your men can defeat and drive these monstrous heathens from the Voivodeship, then your soldiers will be needed to round up the people that have fled, and help the of the  rebuilding the city. If you do this, Domzale shall join the Protectorate completely  and will definitely be the jewel of your realm." The Vitec looked into the general's eyes, looking for any sign of insinuated insult. "If I help you with this, I would need something in return, the execution of my witless brother and the promise of help if Matthias decides to return."

Can't believe how big this thread has gotten! Also, played a small battle with a dwarf army at the weekend, will write up a narrative battle report... sadly no pictures, i'm not that hi-tech ;)
I for one welcome our new flying cat overlords.

Offline Toro_Blanco

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Re: Border Princes IC 2524 (Linked to the Solland Effort)
« Reply #523 on: June 08, 2009, 06:37:24 PM »
Vidovdan, Border Princes

"Very well, Herr Vitec.  I will have you made lord of Domzale; you can depart as soon as we finish here, my soldiers under Rheinhardt should already be in command of Domzale.  I sincerely hope that together we can put aside the misgivings and distrust this war has created, and unite to create a stronger, grander realm.  The Bretonnians look hungrily to Moslac and beyond, viewing your lands and mine with an eye for conquest; orcs, goblins, trolls, skaven, and worse are all around us, and will sweep away the unprepared.  I am trusting you, Herr Vitec, not to betray me once you are back in power.  Make no mistake, I need your help as much as you need mine.  Individually we will struggle and may falter against our enemies, but together we can find a way to live."  Arathos had begun drafting the orders to give to Rheinhardt, informing him that Thomas was to be placed in charge of the city as governor.  "I will explain to you the nature of the Protectorate, and how it works before you leave.  But first, I have two questions:  Firstly, why do you wish Stefan executed?  And what promise of help do you want if Matthias should return?"
« Last Edit: June 08, 2009, 06:44:24 PM by Toro_Blanco »
The first school of thought is that the ragged-assed Stirlanders, not having two coppers to rub together, nicked it when an elven envoy was passing through the area and had hopped off it to take a pee behind a tree

Offline Inarticulate

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Re: Border Princes IC 2524 (Linked to the Solland Effort)
« Reply #524 on: June 08, 2009, 06:48:23 PM »
Thomas was well pleased with this result. "General, you did not have to grow up with Stefan. He is a meddler and of no use to me. If you have no wish to execute him, you can dispose of him as you wish. And If Matthias returns I will need full military support. The Black Company, as you know are a determined and well-trained force, with them, Matthias conquered almost a quarter of the border princes within a few weeks. It took an army from the Empire, plus your armies on two fronts to force him to retreat, and he still has a formidable force. I will need your full military support if he returns." Thomas looked to the general as he spoke. "On to the tribute of Domzale, If I can repopulate the city fairly quickly, we will be able to save the harvest, it will probably be one of your biggest cities so far, and therefore will bring a lot of revenue."
I for one welcome our new flying cat overlords.